Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 874: Innocent and Indecent

Zhuo Bufan slapped Yu Nian's head, shocking the whole audience.

Yu Nian was the chief of the Deyi Palace, but Zhuo Bufan slapped his head off.

Although he would not die if his head was slapped off at this level, this kind of humiliation was definitely more painful than killing Yu Nian.

"How is it possible? Senior Brother Yu Nian!"

Everyone ran to Yu Nian.

Yu Nian was destroyed, and his rules disappeared.

However, Zhuo Bufan killed Yu Nian when the rules existed.

This was simply shocking.

Looking at Zhuo Bufan again, he was holding a black magic sword in his hand. It was that sword that cut off Yu Nian's rules.

This magic sword was really his infinite sword.

The elimination ability of the infinite sword was the absolute rule of the big world, which was superior to the small rules comprehended by all cultivators.

Therefore, Yu Nian's trillion gun executions were directly wiped out by the power of the infinite sword.

Next, Zhuo Bufan only needed to give him a little color to see.

Yu Nian was slapped by Zhuo Bufan, and his head flew off.

For a time, it caused a great sensation.

Even if Yu Nian didn't die, he was seriously injured and unable to resist.


"Shaohan, go and take a look! If you don't go, Yu Nian will be beaten to death by him."

Someone found Jiang Shaohan and asked Jiang Shaohan to punish Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Jiang Shaohan rushed to the square.

"It's the chief brother!"

"Brother, make a decision with Yu Nian!"

"Brother, you are finally here, you must make the decision."

Seeing Jiang Shaohan's arrival, everyone was excited.

Jiang Shaohan saw Yu Nian with his head slapped off, and treated Yu Nian immediately.

After treating his head, Jiang Shaohan stood up and looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him.

"You are too arrogant. You actually did such a vicious thing. Do you know that it is not easy to cultivate the body?"

"Haha, Jiang Shaohan, is this how you talk to this Saint? Are there any rules in Deyi Palace?"

Zhuo Bufan doesn't care about the other party's identity.

That Yu Nian offended him, and it was a light punishment to cut off his head.

Zhuo Bufan's current cultivation is no longer the young man who was at the mercy of others.

He is the Saint of Deyi Palace, and he needs to have his own majesty.

"How do you talk to the eldest brother? The eldest brother is the first disciple of the master, and he is also the adopted son of the master."

"That's right, you are just the champion of the recruitment meeting. Don't you think too much of him?"

Someone stood up to defend Jiang Shaohan.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly swept the whole audience, and everyone shut up for a while.

"Then have you forgotten that I am the Saint of Deyi Palace! Jiang Shaohan, you don't salute me when you see me, and you dare to question me?"

Zhuo Bufan wants to establish his authority today.

He wanted to let people know that Zhuo Bufan's status in Deyi Palace was such that no one dared to gossip about him behind his back.

Zhuo Bufan's words shocked Jiang Shaohan's soul like a thunderbolt.

After hearing this, Jiang Shaohan quickly stretched out his hand and bowed.

"Disciple Jiang Shaohan, meet the Holy Throne Bufan."

Jiang Shaohan is the eldest brother of Deyi Palace and the head of the sect. He must abide by the rules of Deyi Palace.

If even he doesn't abide by the rules, then who will?

So after listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Jiang Shaohan showed weakness at the first time and then bowed.

"Holy Throne Bufan, although you are the Holy Throne, you still don't have the power to do whatever you want in Deyi Palace."

"As the Holy Throne of our sect, you seriously injured Junior Brother Yu Nian, which is a bit unreasonable!"

"I will report this matter to the head of the sect and let him make the decision."

Jiang Shaohan wanted to use the head of the sect to pressure Zhuo Bufan, but he didn't know that Zhuo Bufan didn't care about him at all.

"Hehe, Jiang Shaohan, are you really the master's disciple?"

"As the disciple of the master of Deyi Palace, Jiang Taiyi, you dare to blame the Holy See without knowing the truth or the reason? You are so brave!"

Zhuo Bufan's words stunned everyone in the audience.

No one expected that Zhuo Bufan would be so strong and didn't care about Jiang Shaohan's face at all.

And Master Jiang Shaohan was suddenly awakened by Zhuo Bufan's words.

It was like a wake-up call, which made him focus his eyes.

He did not ask about the truth, but directly questioned Zhuo Bufan.

When he reacted, it was too late to return the money.

"What's going on?"

Jiang Shaohan ordered the junior brother beside him.

After hearing this, the junior brother was so scared that he shook his head quickly.

"No, I don't know!"

"Who knows what happened?"

Jiang Shaohan looked around, and everyone retreated, and no one dared to tell the truth.

These people were afraid of being affected, so they all pretended to be stupid.

If it doesn't concern you, just stay out of it and watch the fun.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, laughed.

"Hahahaha, these are the people that Deyi Palace carefully selected?"

"I'm not saying, you are worse than dog shit!"

"Are you afraid of offending the powerful, so you don't even dare to tell the truth?"

"It seems that I need to suggest to the head of the sect to clean up Deyi Palace again and get rid of you borers."

Zhuo Bufan was not joking, but was warning seriously.

The people recruited by Deyi Palace were indeed geniuses, but these geniuses had no backbone.

These people clearly knew what had just happened, but no one dared to tell the truth.

At this time, Gao He, who ranked eighth among the freshmen, stood up and said.

"Big Brother, I know what happened!"

Jiang Shaohan glanced at him and asked, "Tell me, what happened!"

After Gao He finished speaking, he glanced at Jiang Shaohan, then at Zhuo Bufan, and finally said.

"Reporting to Big Brother, Senior Brother Yu Nian just spoke rudely to the Holy See, so he was taught a lesson by the Holy See."

"Rude? Even if he spoke rudely, he couldn't be so cruel. What did he say?"

After hearing this, Gao He was silent for a moment.

Obviously, he didn't dare to say what he said next.

However, facing Zhuo Bufan and Jiang Shaohan, he was obviously in a dilemma.

"Tell me, what did Yu Nian say?"

Jiang Shaohan shouted.

After hearing this, Gao He hurriedly said.

"Brother Yu Nian said that the reason why he could become the Holy Seat was because he was the illegitimate son of the Sect Leader."


When Jiang Shaohan heard this, he was stunned.

He turned around and looked at Yu Nian who had just woken up, and then his eyes were fierce.

"Yu Nian, you are so brave! You insulted the Sect Leader, you deserve to die!"

Just now Jiang Shaohan was still defending him, but after hearing this, Jiang Shaohan was furious.

The Sect Leader is not only his master, but also his adoptive father, and also the person he respects most in his heart.

He does not allow anyone to insult his master.

So, Yu Nian's words obviously touched Jiang Shaohan's reverse scale.

"Brother, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong."

Yu Nian lay in the arms of a junior brother, and then begged Jiang Shaohan bitterly.

But Jiang Shaohan ignored him at all.

"You'd better save your words and explain to the headmaster and your master!"

"Come on, pass on the Dharma bell and open the Dharma hall!"

Everyone present was stunned when these words came out.

"Big Brother, no, you can't open the Dharma hall. Brother Yu Nian knows he's wrong."

"Big Brother, once the Dharma hall is opened, Brother Yu Nian will be finished."

A disciple pleaded with Jiang Shaohan.

However, Jiang Shaohan was not moved at all.

"You won't pass it on, right? Then I will come and pass it on myself."

Jiang Shaohan made a move out of thin air, and a flying sword flew to the top of Tiandao Peak.

The next second!

"Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong..."

A deafening sound came from the top of the mountain.

The sound directly alarmed the area within a hundred miles!

The Dharma bell rang, and all the saints gathered! Open the Dharma hall and break the Dharma!


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