The sky is clear and the wind is gentle.

In Tianyi City, ten major stadiums opened at the same time.

Sky battlefield, bitter sea battlefield, volcano battlefield, ice field battlefield, thunder pond battlefield, forest battlefield, desert battlefield, grassland battlefield, storm battlefield, and chaos battlefield.

The ten major battlefields were specially opened by Deyi Palace for this war.

On the day when the competition started, ten teleportation formations appeared in the sky, leading to the ten major battlefields.

The three hundred people who passed the preliminary round gathered in the square.

"You are all geniuses who have passed the task of finding a needle in a haystack. And you are exactly the talents I want to find even if I have to find a needle in a haystack."

"Originally, according to the regulations of previous years, only ten people were selected. This year, we will make an exception. The First Palace has decided to recruit a hundred people."

"However, there are three hundred people who passed the preliminary round. This means that of these three hundred people, another two hundred will be eliminated."

"So, the next stage is also a qualifying competition. The top 100 people in the ranking will get the first palace recruitment quota."

"Next, I will release a standings. Each of you, according to the order of the preliminary round, will receive raw points from one to three hundred."

"Sun Yiru, who is ranked first, has three hundred points. And Gao Ziyu, who is ranked last, has one point."

"According to the rules, you can choose any opponent to fight. Fighting requires chips, which are the points you have."

"For example, Gao Ziyu, who is ranked at the bottom, has one point, which means his chip is only 1. Sun Yiru, who is ranked first, has 300 points and has the most chips. The more points, the more chips. The higher the ranking.”

"The points arena qualifying competition lasts for three days. Among them, those with high points cannot refuse the challenge of those with low points."

"Also, the competition in the arena is over. If you kill the opponent, the winner will not get points."

"Once the points reach zero, they will be eliminated directly."

"The top ten battlefields are up to you to choose. So, next, the game begins."

When the deputy leader Beiming Xuanji announced the rules of the second competition, everyone present started talking.

"It's a really interesting game. This way, it's all about strength."

"That's right. With my ability, how can I be ranked more than 280?"

"People with high points cannot refuse the challenge of people with low points. This means that those guys at the top are definitely finished."

As soon as the competition started, some people were happy and some were worried.

The happy ones are those at the end.

Their points are low, but their strength is not weak.

The ones who are worried are those at the front.

They have super high points and will accept challenges from all kinds of people.

What's even more worrying is the old drunkard.

"Deputy leader, why did you change the rules of the game? What nonsense points ranking competition? You gave my daughter three hundred points, do you want to kill her?" The old drunkard was angry.

The rules of this competition were temporarily changed by the deputy leader.

Now, his daughter has become the target of public criticism, and everyone is coveting her points.

Three hundred points, and she seems to be easy to bully.

"Elder Sun, please be patient. You also have to believe in your daughter, right?"

"If you really can't beat me, you can admit defeat! There's no shame in it."

"And I specifically stated in the rules that you should not hurt anyone's life until the point is reached. So Elder Sun, you can rest assured about your daughter's safety."

It's normal for an old drunkard to worry about his daughter's safety.

There is no problem with the deputy leader's rules of the game.

It's just that Sun Yiru's luck was a little worse.

"Let's go find the girl ranked number one."

"Hahaha, that girl has three hundred points, and I only have fifty. If I fight her, I will have one hundred points."

For a time, many people with lower points were eyeing the little broom.

However, when they found the little broom, Zhuo Bufan beat them to it.

"Zhuo Bufan, fight against Sun Yiru. Battlefield of the Sea of ​​Bitterness!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard the rules of the competition, he immediately thought of the little broom.

It was with his help that the little broom was the first to complete the task of finding the needle in the haystack.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan has an obligation to help Little Broomstick solve this problem.

Since everyone is from the Fuji Martial Arts School, they should look after each other.

So Zhuo Bufan immediately found Little Broom and wanted to have a fight with her, and then accumulate Little Broom's points to him.

"Damn, I got beat by the guy in ninth place."

"Who is this ninth guy?"

"No matter who it is, there must be a winner among them, and the winner will become the target of public criticism."

Although Zhuo Bufan took the lead, everyone was not in a hurry. Instead, they just sat back and watched the show.

Because no matter who wins, he will have the most points and will become the target for others to challenge.

On the battlefield of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, Zhuo Bufan and Little Broomstick faced each other in the void.

In the sky above Tianyi City, there is a projection of the Bitter Sea battlefield, and you can see the two of them fighting.

"Give me your points! Otherwise, you will become everyone's target."

Zhuo Bufan said straight to the point with Little Broom.

After hearing this, Little Broom frowned.

"Leave it to you, can you protect it?"

"No problem, if you can't even guard me, do you think you can do it?"

"Give me the points first, and I will compete with you again at the last minute of the third day, and then lose to you."

Zhuo Bufan's plan is to transfer most of Xiao Saozhuo's points to him.

Finally, he will return a part to Xiao Saozhuo so that she can enter the first palace smoothly.

Xiao Saozhuo thought about it and felt that this was the best way.

She had seen Zhuo Bufan's strength, and it was better for Zhuo Bufan to protect these points than him.

"But in this way, you will become the target of public criticism."

Xiao Saozhuo felt a little reluctant to put the blame on Zhuo Bufan.

But Zhuo Bufan answered without hesitation.

"Don't worry, just rely on these shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

"Well, the bet of our battle is 280 points!"

"You still have 20 left, so only 19 people are qualified to challenge you."

"In these three days, ensure your points. Then you will have the capital to challenge me, understand?"

Zhuo Bufan is teaching Xiao Saozhuo.

"I understand."

"Well, let's start! Referee, declare war."

After Zhuo Bufan and Xiao Saozhuo had discussed it.

The referee marked the bet points of the two of them on the screen in the sky.

"280? Such a big bet?"

"My goodness, if you lose, you will lose everything!"

"The winner will have more than 500 points, and he is the worthy first."

When everyone saw the bet points of Xiao Saozhuo and Zhuo Bufan, they all exclaimed.

Soon, the battle started.

Although she said she would lose to Zhuo Bufan, Xiao Saozhuo didn't intend to let her go.

She wanted to fight seriously and see Zhuo Bufan's strength.

Zhuo Bufan also felt that Xiao Saozhuo really wanted to fight him.

Zhuo Bufan didn't take it seriously because of the old drunkard's face.

After he and Xiao Saozhuo exchanged ten-level moves, Zhuo Bufan suddenly appeared behind Xiao Saozhuo and gave her a palm, ending this boring battle.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan got 280 points, plus his original 291 points, a total of 571.

Zhuo Bufan jumped to the top of the list.

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