Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 847: Infinite Divine Sword

Zhuo Bufan was brought to the white world by Jian Yuanhun.

This is the world of Jian Yuanhun.

Zhuo Bufan looked around and found nothing special.

"Young man, welcome to my world."

At this moment, a mysterious voice suddenly came to Zhuo Bufan's ears.

It was not human language, but the voice from the soul.

He looked up and saw nothing.

At this moment, suddenly a sword fell from the sky silently.

It was a pure black sword. In this world shrouded in white light, even the reflection on it could not be seen.

The sword body and the hilt were integrated into one, without a hilt. It looked like a black iron rod was smashed directly into a blade.

"Are you talking?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately understood that it was the black sword that was communicating with him.

He quickly used the soul-sensing spell to communicate with it.

"You can really hear me talking."

The black sword was actually testing Zhuo Bufan just now, but he didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to understand the language of their artifacts.

Zhuo Bufan discovered that the black sword actually had the same soul frequency as the Chaos Bell.

"Old Zhong, come out!"

Zhuo Bufan summoned the Chaos Bell, and when the Chaos Bell saw the black sword, it was obviously stunned.

"Boy, what is this?"

"I am not a thing, I am the Wuliang Sword ranked seventh on the Innate Artifact List!"

"What? Wuliang Sword?"

Chaos Bell was surprised.

Zhuo Bufan was even more stunned.

"Ranked seventh?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the Chaos Bell was only ranked fifth on the Innate Artifact List.

Innate artifacts are different from ordinary artifacts. They were born before the sky.

Moreover, the Innate Artifact List of this world is different from the Innate Artifact List of the Cultivation World.

In the Cultivation World, the Chaos Bell is ranked in the top three.

But in this world, the Chaos Bell is clearly ranked fifth.

So far, what Zhuo Bufan knows is that the first place on the Innate Artifact List is the River of Time.

After that is the Chaos Bell ranked fifth.

Now there is another Wuliang Sword ranked seventh.

"Hun Dun, you really have forgotten. You have lost your memory!"

At this time, the Black Sword, Wuliang Sword, suddenly said this to Hun Dun Zhong.

From its tone, it can be heard that he and Hun Dun Zhong know each other.

"Do you know me?"

Hun Dun Zhong was slightly angry because he didn't know Wuliang Sword.

"Haha, of course I know you."

Unexpectedly, Wuliang Sword was not at a disadvantage and cursed back.

"I don't know you."

Hun Dun Zhong was angry.

"I want to crush you now!"

Wuliang Sword snorted coldly.

"Haha, just relying on you, an idiot with amnesia?"

"Ahhh, I can't stand it anymore, I'll kill you!"

Hun Dun Zhong didn't remember Wuliang Sword at all, and faced with Wuliang Sword's repeated provocations, Hun Dun Zhong finally got angry.

He rushed towards Wuliang Sword, but fortunately Zhuo Bufan caught him in time.

"Wait a minute, you two, can we talk calmly?"

"The situation is a bit confusing now, I need to confirm it."

"You are Wuliang Sword, the Wuliang Sword ranked seventh on the Xiantian List, right?"

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan pulled him, otherwise the Chaos Bell might really fight with this Wuliang Sword.

Wuliang Sword replied after hearing this.

"That's right, kid, I didn't expect you to become the new owner of the Chaos Bell."

"It seems that you are not simple!"

"Fortunately, I want to ask now, what is this place?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around and asked quickly.

"This is the artifact space, why, haven't you seen it before?"

"Artifact space?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered the Chaos Space of the Chaos Bell, and the two are indeed somewhat similar.

"Kid, I asked you to come in. I like you."

Wulian Sword obviously chose Zhuo Bufan and put him in his artifact space.

"Ah, Zhuo boy, don't talk nonsense with him."

"I suspect he has bad intentions towards you, let me crush him."

Chaos Bell was still furious.

"Okay, old bell, ask it first, if he really has bad intentions, then crush him."

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask while comforting Chaos Bell.

"Why did you put me into your artifact space? And, where is my sword soul?"

After hearing this, the sword of Wuliang Sword trembled.

"Boy, didn't I just make it clear?"

"I like you, make a contract with me!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Oh my god, boy, this guy really has a conspiracy, it wants to rob me openly!"

Zhuo Bufan has already made a contract with Chaos Bell, but he didn't expect that Wuliang Sword would also want to make a contract with Zhuo Bufan.

If it were before, Zhuo Bufan would definitely agree.

But this time, Zhuo Bufan did not agree immediately.

"Why? Where is your previous master?"

Zhuo Bufan did not know the Wuliang Sword, so he did not dare to make a contract with it easily.

"The previous master died 200,000 years ago. Have you heard of Sword God Nie Fei?"

"Sword God Nie Fei? I haven't heard of it."

Zhuo Bufan had never heard of this name.

"Forget it, Nie Fei was originally an ordinary guy, but he soared into the sky and achieved the position of Sword God. When he became a god, he died!"

"Before he died, he buried me here. This became the current Infinite Sword Domain."

Wuliangjian's words reminded Zhuo Bufan of the Chaos Clock.

The Chaos Bell originally became ownerless because Qing Emperor abandoned him, and finally became attached to Zhuo Bufan.

"I have been waiting for two hundred thousand years, just for someone who is qualified to be my master."

"For two hundred thousand years, countless people have accepted my trial, but no one has passed. Now, there are two roads in front of you."

"One, accept my trial. If you pass the trial, you can make a contract with me and become my master."

"Two, that is to stay here forever, until the end of life, until death of old age."

Wuliangjian gave Zhuo Bufan two choices.

Obviously, there is only one choice between these two options, and that is to accept the trial.

"No problem, I accept your trial."

Zhuo Bufan agreed without hesitation.

"Boy, you can't. This guy has a conspiracy."

The Chaos Clock is still reminding Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't say much.

"I accept the trial, let's begin! I will become your new master."

Zhuo Bufan took a fancy to the infinite sword in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan has always relied on the Chaos Clock to fight.

However, the Chaos Bell itself is not a combat-type artifact, but a functional type.

Zhuo Bufan finally encountered a combat artifact like the Wuliang Sword, how could he not be tempted?

"Boy, you know there's a trap, but you still jump in!"

"Are you stupid?"

"Don't blame me for not warning you, you will definitely fail this guy's cheating test."

The Chaos Clock is still reminding Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan has made up his mind.

Don't be afraid of cheating. Zhuo Bufan is bound to win this infinite sword.


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