Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 844: Sweeping All Enemies

Chapter 845 Sweeping All Enemies

The little saints have already realized the small way. With a wave of his hand, they can already make small rules in the world.

Although Zhuo Bufan has great combat power, he is still a little tricky when facing these little saints who can make small rules.

In particular, the eight little saints have completely different abilities. The small rule abilities of two of them are even more troublesome.

There is a fat Taoist whose rules are very strange. In his domain, no weapons are allowed to be used.

This small rule directly prevents Zhuo Bufan from using the Donghuang Bell as a defense. There is also a man in white, who is born white and clean. His rules are the most difficult to deal with.

His small rule is that in his domain, everyone will hurt themselves when casting spells. The more and stronger the spells are cast, the greater the damage to oneself. This results in Zhuo Bufan not being able to use the mysterious power of life and death to fight.

And the divine power is a powerful fusion force, but if it is used, the power is greatly reduced.

However, what surprised Zhuo Bufan was that his slave seal power played an unimaginable role at this time.

The slave seal power is not the power of this world. Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and thunder, six kinds of power each with divine power. What's more, Zhuo Bufan is also the temple god of the hell world. Moreover, Zhuo Bufan is not alone.

He also has an invisible little partner - Xiaolin, the Avici beast!

Zhuo Bufan activated the power of the slave seal between his eyebrows, opened his mouth and sprayed it, and it was a raging fire, rushing towards the people in front of him like a tsunami. In the domain rules of the white-faced man, no one dared to use magic easily.

But facing Zhuo Bufan's raging fire, they had to use magic to resist. As a result, they blocked Zhuo Bufan's flames, but they suffered eight hundred self-injuries, and they were deeply backlashed, vomiting blood and hurting their minds.

"Damn, this guy actually dared to use such a powerful magic, isn't he afraid of death?" The white-faced man saw Zhuo Bufan using such a powerful magic, thinking that Zhuo Bufan wanted to fight to the death.

However, Zhuo Bufan used the power of the slave seal and was not worried about backlash at all. This time, Zhuo Bufan pointed to the sky, and the wind and clouds changed suddenly, and thunder was overwhelming.

He was summoning the power of the Thunder Seal.

"Don't panic, this guy is courting his own death."

"He uses magic in my little world, which will only make him die faster. As long as we can withstand this move, he will definitely die." The white-faced man thought that Zhuo Bufan was at the end of his rope.

Seeing the thunder and lightning above the sky. All the little saints present began to retreat.

However, all of them wanted to get Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell. When they thought of the divine bell, they were willing to take a risk.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Thunder shook the eight wildernesses, and electric snakes surged and shuttled in the thunderclouds. Zhuo Bufan's body was flashing with lightning, and he felt like a thunder man. Everyone who saw this scene trembled.

They could feel the divine power above the sky. They must withstand it! Everyone thought so. Facing Zhuo Bufan's thunder, no one was sure that they could resist it with their physical body, and they could only use magic to offset each other's defense.

So, everyone had no time to think and used their most powerful defense.

Crack! Boom! With a tremor that shook the sky, the world was in turmoil.

Nine huge electric dragons blasted down from the sky. Hiss, hiss, hiss... The sea of ​​thunder instantly spread across the entire earth, and the nine electric dragons shook the earth.

All the little saints used their strongest defense to resist this thunderous blow.

In an instant, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and everyone's defense began to gradually break under the bite of the thunder dragon.

They had to constantly use spiritual arts to resist. In this way, under the rules of the white-faced man, they suffered more and more damage.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Everyone screamed heartbreakingly. Many little saints had begun to spit blood, their spiritual energy was draining, and their souls were trembling.

Then, they fell to the ground one by one with blood flowing from their seven orifices. Until the thunder passed, the whole scene was dead silent. Only two of the eight little saints were still standing.

The white-faced man and the fat Taoist. The two looked miserable and shaky. Especially the white-faced man, his face was covered with blood and his skin was torn, looking extremely miserable.

"You, how are you okay?" He pointed at Zhuo Bufan and said. Zhuo Bufan obviously used such a powerful magic, and the backlash should be even stronger, but Zhuo Bufan did not suffer any backlash at all, and it seemed as if nothing had happened. Looking at Zhuo Bufan who was safe and sound, the white-faced man was stunned.

Even he himself could not escape the influence of his own rules, but Zhuo Bufan actually broke his rules.

"Are you really Tongxuan?"

Bang! The man in white said, and fell to the ground with a bang. Looking at the fat Taoist, he finally couldn't bear it and untied his own small rules. In the end, he also fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan retracted his magical powers and called out the Zhuge brothers and sisters. When the Zhuge brothers and sisters came out of Meicheng and saw the little saints lying on the ground, they were all dumbfounded.

"This, so many little saints, all of them..." Zhuge Lan looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief.

It was hard to imagine that Zhuo Bufan killed all eight little saints by himself. You have to know that Zhuo Bufan was only in the Tongxuan realm, and the little saints were one realm higher than him. Now eight people who were one realm higher than him besieged him, but they were killed one by one. Zhuo Bufan's strength has exceeded the cognition of him, a genius disciple of the Taichu Sword School.

"They just brought it upon themselves, I didn't do anything." Zhuo Bufan did not explain too much, but continued moving forward with the two brothers and sisters. In the realm of Tongxuan, he could kill so many little saints instantly. The Zhuge brothers and sisters admired Zhuo Bufan more and more.

After that, they passed through the Sword Palace and then came to the Sword Garden that Zhuge Lan said. The Sword Garden is a huge garden.

In the garden, there are all kinds of creatures growing.

"This is the Sword Garden, and there must be sword-shaped grass in it!" Zhuge Lan wants to help his sister Zhuge Jin find sword-shaped grass to unlock the sword soul. However, the creatures in the Sword Garden are not simple. They are all condensed from sword energy.

A flower, a leaf, or even a particle of dust may be sword energy. Moreover, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the sword energy in the sword garden was obviously not simple, and was more powerful than the sword energy outside.

With a slight touch, a spiritual sword energy came to kill them, as if a devil swordsman crawled out of hell and wanted to kill them with one sword.

"Brother, look, sword-shaped grass!" At this moment, sister Zhuge Jin saw a sword-shaped grass. Zhuo Bufan glanced around and saw a purple blade of grass growing like a sharp sword on a cliff.

"Sure enough, it looks like a sharp sword. The sword-shaped grass is named after it?" Zhuo Bufan looked at the sword-shaped grass and said leisurely.

"Yes, it is rumored that the sword-shaped grass is the natal artifact of the ancient sword god. It grows one point every year and only one meter in a thousand years."

"Oh? The sword-shaped grass in front of you is probably one meter long!" Zhuo Bufan said, looking at the sword-shaped grass on the cliff.

"It should be that this kind of sword-shaped grass is hard to come by. They are erratic, living and dying in the secret realm, making it difficult to track. They may grow here today, but they may grow in another place tomorrow."

"Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you go pull the weeds?" Zhuo Bufan said quickly. Upon hearing this, Zhuge Lan nodded quickly. "I understand, I'll go right away."

Zhuge Lan pulled out a blue sword and flew towards the cliff.

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