Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 822: Seeing Injustice

The world god of hell, the King of Hell!

Just like his expeditionary army, he almost collapsed halfway before he could achieve success.

He cut off his own body and forcibly used the extreme power of the Qilin Heart to take out the Heaven-covering Hand of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor.

The Qilin Heart has a powerful power of space law.

If it weren't for the fact that the Dragon God Power of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor was not good at space power, the King of Hell might have become a corpse now.

This time, the King of Hell directly returned to their base camp, which was the floating islands on the ocean.

Here are the space coordinates he set.

However, when the King of Hell returned to the base camp, he found that there was nothing on the sea, and even a floating island was gone.

"Where is my base camp? My base camp?"

The King of Hell dragged half of his body and looked at the vast sea. He was stunned.

He covered his heart again and it beat suddenly.

Then, he waved his right hand, and the scene that had happened here appeared on the sea in front of him.

In that scene, his base camp was invaded by the mysterious sea tribe, and then, the whole army was wiped out!

Tiancan and Haowan had already fled with the remaining troops.

The King of Hell was completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"What kind of a world is this!"

The King of Hell roared like crazy.

Even his base camp was not spared and was completely destroyed.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The King of Hell had never been so humiliated.

He wanted to kill this world, but now, they were killed instead.

They were invaders, and now they have lost their dignity.

Instead, they became victims.

"Even the gate of the world was destroyed, damn it!"

"This is not the Yang world, this world is too dangerous, I want to go back, I want to go back."

The King of Hell was about to collapse, and he just wanted to throw away his armor and leave this crazy world quickly.

He would rather return to hell to be his local emperor than come to this world to be tortured.

The gate of the world has been destroyed, and he needs to find other gates of the world.

But, is there still an intact gate to the world?

On this side, Zhuo Bufan settled everyone in Meicheng and followed Xuanyuan Hao to the outside world.

They also planned to find out what was going on in this world as soon as possible.

Along the way, they also encountered many powerful monsters.

However, Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao had no problem dealing with these monsters together.

Moreover, the further they went to the outside world, the weaker the monsters they encountered.

Obviously, they were about to leave this primeval forest.

Three days later, they flew out of the jungle full of monsters and came to a wide road.

As a result, as soon as the two came out of the mountain, they encountered a group of people fighting.

"There is a battle ahead, go and see."

Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao rushed to the place where the battle was, and then the two hid aside.

In the valley, there was a group of soldiers wearing black armor, hunting a group of unarmed women and children.

Fortunately, there was a powerful warrior among these women and children.

He was a burly man, wearing silver armor, with amazing strength and immense power.

He could smash the armor of a black-armored soldier with one punch, killing the enemy instantly.

"Shashan, why don't you surrender quickly? Do you think you can protect this group of rebels?"

The silver-armored man was called Shashan, and he alone resisted hundreds of black-armored soldiers.

"Bah! Damn bastard, He Yuan, don't you forget who saved you in Liuhai Pass."

"Who brought you into the mansion and raised you to adulthood?"

"You, a white-eyed wolf, is this how you repay your savior?"

"You keep calling me your foster father, but now you betrayed him. You are simply a scum."

Shashan was covered in wounds, but he still stood firm.

He was cursing the man riding on the dragon horse in front of him.

The man had a treacherous face and an evil appearance. After hearing what Shashan said, he just smiled coldly.

"Shashan, are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?"

"What my godfather is going to do is a heinous crime that will implicate all nine generations of my clan."

"What does he want to do? He wants to overthrow the rule of Emperor Tianlong!"

"I have long advised him that a man who knows the times is a hero. Who is Emperor Tianlong? He is the true emperor who has obtained the power of the Dragon God, the Yongheng Emperor."

"Now, Prince Luo Heng has fallen, and you have no chance. So, please just give up!"

"For the sake of our past friendship, don't worry, I will send you off."

The man named He Yuan told part of the truth.

It is obvious that the family that Shashan protects is the descendant of a famous official.

But this famous official has committed a heinous crime that will implicate all nine generations of his clan.

Now, his family is being hunted down by his adopted son whom he raised.

What an ironic result.

"Bah, you are not allowed to call my father your foster father. You are a scum, a villain."

At this time, a woman in a blue suit pointed a sword at He Yuan.

Seeing this, He Yuan smiled evilly.

"Xiao Ling'er, if you listen well, Brother He Yuan may be able to save you."

"You know, Brother He Yuan likes you. If you become my woman, you don't have to be punished with them."

"You beast, you are committing a sin, a sin!"

When an old lady saw He Yuan teasing Ling'er, she cried sadly.

He Yuan, who saw this scene, laughed even more wantonly.

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

"Catch them all, and kill anyone who dares to resist."

Finally, He Yuan showed a hideous smile, and the group of black-armored soldiers behind him once again swarmed up and killed this group of people who had no power to fight back.

"You go quickly, I'll stop them."

I saw that Shashan shouted loudly, and golden light filled his body, and then a huge mountain giant wrapped him up.

Shashan really turned into a mountain of people.

Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao frowned when they saw this scene.

"Ancient God?" Zhuo Bufan looked at Xuanyuan Hao.

"No, it should be because of his physique."

"The cultivation methods of people in this world are very similar to those in our cultivation world. They all start from the body refining realm."

"And did you feel it? His soul has already reached the realm of wandering."

After Xuanyuan Hao said this, Zhuo Bufan realized that this Shashan had indeed cultivated his soul.

His soul can leave the body, which is the realm of wandering.

"Want to escape? You guys, go and catch them back."

Seeing the others running away, He Yuan immediately asked his men to chase them.

How could these women and children run faster than these black-armored soldiers? After being caught up, they were slaughtered.

Many women and children were killed on the spot.

"Asshole, even children are killed!"

Zhuo Bufan was instantly heartbroken when he saw this scene.

Especially when he saw a little girl, he immediately thought of his daughter Nian Nian.

The little girl accidentally fell while running and was soon caught up by a black-armored soldier.

Just when the black-armored soldier raised the spear in his hand and was about to stab the little girl to death with one shot.

"Xiao Ya!"

The girl named Ling'er cried out when she saw the little girl about to be stabbed to death.


At this critical moment, a thunder arrow flew out from the valley in the distance, piercing through the black-armored soldier's forehead and killing him on the spot.

"No, there's an ambush!"

The other black-armored soldiers who caught up immediately stopped and looked around.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

Five arrows flew out from the valley again, blowing up the heads of the remaining five people on the spot.

They didn't even have a chance to resist.

Zhuo Bufan finally took action.

He came from the sky and picked up the little girl.

There was no way, Zhuo Bufan couldn't watch the little girl die.


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