Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 818 Ancient Mythical Beast

After Zhuo Bufan absorbed all his disciples into Meicheng, he turned around and began to support Xuanyuan Hao.

That dragon python was not as easy to deal with as they thought.

Xuanyuan Hao used his special skills and could only suppress it slightly.

"Xuanyuan, let me help you."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Lei Ting took action.

The Donghuang Bell rang the Chaos Bell, shocking the entire audience.

The sound of chaos exploded, knocking the dragon python back.

"Want to run?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan teaming up with Xuanyuan Hao, Long Mang was obviously no match for him and was ready to escape.

However, how could Xuanyuan Hao let it go?

"Donghuang, take it!"

The Donghuang Bell flew to the top of the dragon python's head, then opened the chaotic space and began to absorb the dragon python into it.

However, this dragon python obviously would not let Zhuo Bufan slaughter him.

It waved its giant tail and struck the Donghuang Bell violently, sending the Donghuang Bell flying away.

"Xuanyuan, help me collect it."

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan rushed over, then stretched out his hand and shook it in the air.

The hand of God, which was condensed with divine power, moved toward the dragon python to grasp it.

"When Xuanyuan Hao saw this, he immediately summoned an ancient god and suppressed the dragon python."


Even the Abi beast, which had been invisible, rushed out of the space at this time, blocking the dragon python's last way out.

Then the Abi beast hit the dragon python's abdomen hard, knocking the dragon python out.

On this side, Xuanyuan Hao's Ancient God Qingtian suddenly stepped on the dragon python's seven inches.

And Zhuo Bufan's divine hand firmly grasped the dragon python's head.

Three-party cooperation is achieved in one go.

Zhuo Bufan finally grabbed the dragon python's head and stuffed it into the Donghuang Bell.

Except for Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su, no one can enter or leave the chaotic space within the Donghuang Bell at will.

The first time it was thrown into the mixed space, golden chains flew out of the Donghuang Bell's space, and then sealed the dragon python.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look."

After collecting the dragon python, Zhuo Bufan took Xuanyuan Hao and Abi Beast into the East Emperor Bell.

Inside the Donghuang Bell, two monsters were suppressed.

In addition to the current dragon python, there are also the Yin beasts that were restored in the world of cultivation.

"Is this the inside of the Chaos Clock?"

This was Xuanyuan Hao's first time visiting the inner space of Chaos Clock.

It was obvious that the interior space was larger than he had imagined.

"Yes, this is the chaotic space. If you are locked in here, you can't escape."

"Although I don't know what kind of world this is, this dragon python is worth studying."

Zhuo Bufan's purpose in catching this dragon python was for this magical creature.

"It looks no different from the monsters in our world of cultivation, but the violent wind it just sprayed out can actually destroy people's souls. It's incredible."

Zhuo Bufan said.

"Yes, and its body is stronger than ordinary monsters."

"If we really want to compare, this dragon python can be compared with Qing Emperor's Qing Roar."

Xuanyuan Hao fought with it and discovered how extraordinary this dragon python was.

"I agree with you. We must admit that this dragon python is extraordinary."

"I suddenly had a bold idea. I wonder what it would be like to make this monster into a Yin beast."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Yin Beast who was still suppressing it and said.

Zhuo Bufan used this Yin beast over and over again many times.

Each time, he died with only a trace of strength left, but the centipede did not freeze, and he survived every time.

Under Zhuo Bufan's training, this Yin beast has become an extraordinary Yin beast.

"Old Zhong, release the Yin Beast."

Zhuo Bufan dares to think and do.

He asked Donghuang Bell to release the Yin Beast, wanting to see if the Yin Beast could swallow the dragon python.

After the Yin Beast was released, it immediately rushed towards Zhuo Bufan and the others.

But Zhuo Bufan raised his hand, and the mighty life force rushed towards it.


The Yin beast was slapped away by Zhuo Bufan's vitality palm. Yin beasts are afraid of the power of life, so they are quite afraid of Zhuo Bufan.

There was no way to defeat Zhuo Bufan. The Yin Beast could only find a way to defeat the dragon python in front of him.

It walked around the dragon python. The dragon python looked at the black thing in front of it and felt a crisis.

He began to roar towards the Yin beast.

The Yin Beast was frightened by the roar of the dragon python, especially because the breath of the dragon python carried a powerful corrosive energy.

However, this Yin beast was not afraid.

After testing for a while, it suddenly pounced towards the dragon python.

For a moment, the dragon python was wrapped by the Yin beast and let out bursts of roars.

Soon, the dragon python was swallowed by the Yin beast until its last voice was drowned.

At this time, a ray of gray energy escaped from the dragon python's body.

"What's this?"

The gray energy floated in the air and transformed into a snake.

"Is this, is it the dragon soul recorded in ancient books?"

Xuanyuan Hao's eyes lit up.

"Dragon soul, what is that?"

"Dragon soul is the soul of the descendant of the ancient divine beast True Dragon."

"It is recorded in the ancient books of our ancient temple."

"The three ancient divine beasts are the true dragon, the celestial phoenix, and the unicorn."

"It is said that all the monsters in the world are derived from these three divine beasts."

"You should have heard of the legend that dragons give birth to thousands of beasts!"

Zhuo Bufan nodded, he had indeed heard of it.

Dragons can combine with any living creature to give birth to other creatures.

"It is recorded in ancient books that the dragon and the phoenix first combined to give birth to the unicorn. Then the dragon and the unicorn combined to give birth to the beasts and sea beasts."

"The phoenix and the unicorn combined, and birds were born."

"More and more creatures are born from the fusion of the three."

"For example, the dragon gave birth to nine sons, namely Qi Niu, Yasui, Chaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Bixi, Bifan, negative Xi, and Chiqi."

"Feng gave birth to seven sons, namely Chu Yuan, Qing Luan, Tian Peng, Chi Yuan, Bai Yi, Jing Ming, and Kong Xuan."

"Qilin gave birth to five sons, namely Tengu, Haitun, Shanyou, Diting, and Abi!"

"These creatures are called the second generation of ancient gods. They then combined with each other and continued to multiply, giving birth to all things in the world."

"Wait a minute, Xuanyuan, did you just say, Abi Beast?"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately shouted.

"Xiao Lin, show up!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Abi Beast slowly walked out of the space where it lived.

When it showed its true form, Xuanyuan Hao was also shocked.

"This, this is?"

Xuanyuan Hao didn't notice at all that there was a divine beast following Zhuo Bufan.

"It is the Abi beast, which I brought from hell."

"It has always been with me, and even the King of Hell didn't notice it."

The existence of the Abi Beast has always been a secret. Zhuo Bufan has never told anyone else, including Xuanyuan Hao and the others.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao was extremely shocked.

"Is it the Abimon? This is the first time I've seen it."

"You just said it was the son of Qilin?"

"Yes, it is one of the five sons of Qilin."

Xuanyuan Hao was sure that this was the information recorded in the ancient books of their ancient temple.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"It seems that what the King of Hell got was not the heart of the Abi beast, but the heart of the unicorn."

Only now did Zhuo Bufan understand that the protective beast of the hell world was probably Qilin.

"Go on, what's going on with this dragon soul?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that the world they came to might have some connection with the world of cultivation.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao continued.

"The so-called dragon soul is actually a dragon beast with true dragon blood."

"After they die, the dragon soul will break out of the body. Legend has it that after absorbing the dragon soul, you will gain the power of a true dragon."

"By absorbing the dragon soul, can you gain the power of a true dragon?"

Zhuo Bufan murmured, and then he couldn't help but stretched out his fingers and touched the dragon soul floating in the air.

For a moment, the gray-white dragon-shaped energy penetrated directly into Zhuo Bufan's body.

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