The evil bone god asked Zhuo Bufan for his organs, and then Zhuo Bufan used the method he used to deal with Wuji to deal with the evil bone god again.

The evil bone god could only roll on the ground and scream.

"I advise you to be honest, otherwise if I use a little more force, you may die without a burial place."

Zhuo Bufan held the white bone and threatened the evil bone solemnly.

After hearing this, the evil bone wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only compromise.

It was obviously the stupidest decision to turn against Zhuo Bufan now.

After all, his organs were already in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

Of course, not only his organs, but also the organs of Wuji God were in his hands.

In less than half a day, Zhuo Bufan actually obtained the organs of the two major temple gods in the North.

In addition to the organs of the four major temple gods in the South, he had them.

Zhuo Bufan has already controlled six temple gods.

What is this concept? If Zhuo Bufan himself is not counted, there are a total of eighteen temple gods in this world.

And now, Zhuo Bufan controls one-third of their power.

"Juejian, can you give me back my organs?"

"As long as you give them back to me, I will obey you in the future."

Wujishen didn't care about his face anymore. At this point, face was not as important as his life.

"Xiegu, come and beg Juejian with me to give us back our organs!"

The Wujishen didn't forget to pull Xiegu to beg Zhuo Bufan together.

However, Xiegu saw this and kicked Wuji away.

"Asshole, you are the one who hurt me. I'm going to kill you."

Xiegu was obviously more courageous than Wujishen.

But he vented his resentment on Wujishen.


Just when the two were about to fight, Zhuo Bufan shouted angrily.

He strangled the organs of the two at the same time, causing both sides to pause.

"We are all colleagues, why bother to fight and kill each other."

"I still say the same thing, don't worry, I Zhuo Bufan will definitely take good care of your organs."

"As long as I am here, they will be here."

Zhuo Bufan's implication is that you two guys should protect me well.

If something happens to me, both of you will be finished.

After Zhuo Bufan's mediation, Xie Gu and Wu Ji Shen calmed down.

However, the resentment of both sides has not disappeared.

"My fish, won't it be hooked?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around, with a mysterious smile on his face.

At this moment, a cough suddenly came from behind.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

"Jue Jian, how about I bet with you! I wonder if your bet still counts?"

When Zhuo Bu Fuan heard this, he grinned.

He then turned around and his expression became serious again.

"God of the Gossip Palace, do you want to bet with me?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he made some small movements with his hands.

He quietly covered his chest, making himself look like he was still seriously injured.

And this scene was obviously seen by everyone.

"Feiyu, enough. Haven't you had enough of today's farce?"

At this moment, Tiancan suddenly came out and wanted to mediate the matter.

Obviously, he also saw that Zhuo Bufan was seriously injured.

"I didn't expect this tyrant to care about me."

Zhuo Bufan smiled in his heart.

Tiancan spoke for Zhuo Bufan at this time, which still touched Zhuo Bufan.

However, Feiyu and others didn't think so.

"What? You don't dare to compete now?"

"This is my organ. If you beat me, it will be yours."

This Feiyu was more positive than Zhuo Bufan imagined.

He showed his organ directly.

"Feiyu, Feiyu, I knew you wouldn't abandon me."

"Help me, defeat him, and get my organ back."

When Wujishen saw Feiyu standing up, his eyes lit up instantly, as if he saw hope.

Everyone present could see that Zhuo Bufan was seriously injured.

And this was undoubtedly the best opportunity to fight Zhuo Bufan.

Feiyu glanced at Wujishen on the side and ignored him, but continued to ask aggressively.

"Then let's do a vote! Those who agree that I will fight him, please raise your hands."

As soon as Feiyu finished speaking, almost everyone present raised their hands.

Except Tiancan and the mysterious Tiantong.

And Wuji was obviously the most active one.

"Juejian, you said before that anyone can challenge you. Now facing Feiyu's challenge, do you dare not accept it?"

"Juejian, if you don't accept it, I'm afraid you can't leave today."

"You set up the stage yourself, so you can't tear it down yourself."

Feiyu questioned Zhuo Bufan again and again.

Zhuo Bufan was forced to retreat step by step.

He looked very uncomfortable, and it seemed that his injury was getting worse.

Of course, he was just pretending. Zhuo Bufan was such a good actor that almost everyone thought he was seriously injured in the battle with Xie Gu.

This was why Feiyu dared to take advantage of the situation at this time.

"Boy, if you don't dare to fight him, how about fighting me, an old man?"

At this time, Jinjiao obviously saw through Feiyu's little trick and wanted to intercept him halfway.

"Old turtle, don't try to do it at this time."

Seeing that Jinjiao wanted to intercept him, Feiyu's eyes were fierce and even murderous.

"Tuberculosis ghost, others don't want to fight with you, don't you see?"

"Don't fight with me? That won't work, I'm challenging him now."

Watching the tuberculosis ghost and the old turtle fighting for the right to duel with him.

Zhuo Bufan was ecstatic.

Finally, he raised his hand, pointed at the tuberculosis ghost Feiyu, and said.

"Okay, I'll fight with you."

"Go up in the sky, please!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he flew into the sky without saying much.

Seeing this, Feiyu smiled coldly.

In his opinion, the organs in Zhuo Bufan's hand were all his.

Seeing this, Jinjiao sighed.

"Alas, this kid got the advantage."

Obviously, Jinjiao also wanted to bet with Zhuo Bufan, and in that case, the organs in Zhuo Bufan's hand would be his.

What a pity!


At this moment, above the sky, Zhuo Bufan and Feiyu were facing each other in the air.

The rumor did not forget to remind Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, let me remind you. If you lose, you have to give up all your organs."

Feiyu was determined to get Zhuo Bufan's organs.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

"What if you lose?"

Feiyu was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"I lose? Do you think you can beat me in your current situation?"

"What a joke, I can't lose this battle."

"Really? It seems you are very confident."

"This is not confidence, it is a fact."

"Boy, these are my organs, come and take them if you dare!"

After saying this, the rumor showed his organs again.

However, the next second, a white light flashed before his eyes.

His head floated up from his neck.

The head in the air saw Zhuo Bufan's hand and had already grabbed the organs in his hand.

And Zhuo Bufan showed a smug smile on his face.

"If that's the case, I'll accept it with pleasure."

Zhuo Bufan killed the rumors in an instant...

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