Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1386: The Ultimate Self-Destruction

Judge Tian Ni Cang Qiong fought against Zhuo Bufan who had mastered the power of reincarnation, but he was not Zhuo Bufan's opponent after all.

After the two sides fought for several months, Zhuo Bufan had been in peak condition for a long time.

But Jealous Tian could not continue. Many of his clone cells were destroyed by Zhuo Bufan, and now there were not many left.

In this regard, Jealous Tian also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"If this continues, we will lose!"

Judge Tian said secretly in his heart.

Indeed, according to the current state, he can't hold on for long. Zhuo Bufan's ability will always remain at its peak.

"We can only retreat first, then find a way to crack it, and then deal with this guy."

Judge Tian weighed the pros and cons and finally decided to retreat.

After all, it was meaningless to continue fighting.

Although Jealous Tian was extremely capable of Zhuo Bufan, he was not a fool.

Knowing that he was not Zhuo Bufan's opponent, he dared to go up and collide, which was obviously seeking death.

Therefore, the best choice at the moment was to escape.

However, his opponent Zhuo Bufan did not intend to let Jealousy Heaven go.

"Want to run? Too late!"

Seeing that Jealousy Heaven wanted to escape, Zhuo Bufan immediately released a powerful law of devouring, covering the entire void.

This is the devouring domain released by Zhuo Bufan.

The entire devouring domain is in the shape of a huge earth.

And the entire spherical barrier is covered by the devouring power.

Once Jealousy Heaven escapes and touches the barrier, he will be instantly teleported back to the center of the sphere.

And the center of the sphere of the domain is exactly where Zhuo Bufan is.

So, no matter how Ni Cangqiong escapes, he will eventually return to Zhuo Bufan.

"Want to run? Ni Cangqiong, you are scared."

Zhuo Bufan chuckled and looked at Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong snorted after hearing this.

"A good man will not suffer a loss in front of him. I will not fight with you in vain."

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"Coward, I thought you were qualified to be my opponent, but now it seems that you are just so-so."

"Besides bullying, what else can you do?"

"In my eyes, you are just a waste."

Zhuo Bufan said these words deliberately to anger Ni Cangqiong.

At the same time, he was constantly wearing away Ni Cangqiong's cell clones.

After hearing these words from Zhuo Bufan, Ni Cangqiong was not upset, nor was he provoked by Zhuo Bufan.

He suddenly remained silent, and then began to desperately want to escape from Zhuo Bufan's swallowing domain.

It must be said that Ni Cangqiong still has extremely strong combat power until now.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's domain blockade, he was able to continue to attack.

And Ni Cangqiong's offensive means are really shocking.

He used the power of Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu, the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, to forcibly destroy Zhuo Bufan's law domain.

The power of Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu is space.

Although Zhuo Bufan's swallowing ability is stronger than Ao Zhi Tian's spatial power.

But the power that Ni Cang Qiong burst out with his determination to fight to the death was still shocking.

At least at that moment, his Devouring Domain was really torn open by Jealousy Heaven.

Not only that, Ni Cang Qiong also used Mo Chichi's separation knife to cut off Zhuo Bufan's connection with his Devouring Domain Barrier.

"This guy really wants to escape."

Zhuo Bufan immediately saw that Jealousy Heaven really wanted to escape.

The power he burst out when he was running away was even stronger and crazier than when he was fighting.

It can be said that Jealousy Heaven was completely thinking about escaping.

Seeing this scene, even Zhuo Bufan himself was shocked.

Jealousy Heaven was really scared.

So much so that when he ran away, he actually burst out his own potential. It was quite ridiculous to say.

However, even so, Zhuo Bufan could not let Jealousy Heaven go.

Ni Cang Qiong must pay the price for what he did.

This was the only condition that the other Zhuo Bufan put forward before merging with him.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan had to make a conclusion with Zhuo Bufan at this moment.

"Zhuo Bufan, don't try to stop me!"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan trying to stop him, Jealous Heaven's peerless sword burst out with unprecedented divine power.

He split Zhuo Bufan's space blockade with one sword. For a moment, Zhuo Bufan's domain space was like a balloon with a hole poked from the inside, and began to deflate.

Jealous Heaven took advantage of the situation and fled.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

It was indeed a bit shocking that Ni Cangqiong could break his devouring domain.

However, this did not mean that Zhuo Bufan would let Ni Cangqiong go.

"Want to run, can you run away?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted, and his devouring domain immediately began to spread rapidly in the direction of Ni Cangqiong's escape.

Soon, Ni Cangqiong was swallowed by the devouring domain again.

The next second, he returned to Zhuo Bufan again.

"Want to escape? Ni Cangqiong, are you so stubborn?"

"Today I will make sure you have nowhere to escape."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Ni Cangqiong.

For a moment, Ni Cangqiong was wrapped in a black swallowing light ball, and then his body began to be torn into pieces in the swallowing light ball.

Of course, this is just one of Ni Cangqiong's thousands of clones, so it doesn't matter even if it is shattered.

The cells of Ni Cang Qiong began to grow his clone again.

At one time, millions of clones appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Then these clones began to flee quickly in all directions.

As long as one of these countless clones can escape, it is victory for Ni Qiangqiong.

Ni Qiangqiong had no intention of joining the fight and just ran away. Even Zhuo Bufan was a little angry.

"Coward, why are you running?"

Zhuo Bufan once again sealed the universe and took control of the entire void.

Countless clones began to slowly disappear under Zhuo Bufan's control.

It has to be said that Zhuo Bufan is really a being with extremely terrifying combat power.

The entire void began to collapse under his control.

This void can obviously no longer withstand Zhuo Bufan's ravages. After all, Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Law is so powerful that the entire void is now beyond recognition.

The long battle shattered even space and time in this void.

Now this void is completely in a state of true chaos.

Some situations are even beyond the control of Zhuo Bufan himself.

"We must fight quickly, otherwise this void will completely collapse and cause a huge disaster."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to fight, so in a rage, he released all the power he had.

"Destroy it for me."

Astonishingly, the space within light years quickly shrank towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan used himself as the base of devouring, swallowing everything within light years.

It must be said that this is a unique move. As soon as this move is used, everything within light years will be instantly reduced to nothing.

This move, along with all space and time, is destroyed, which means that the cell clones of Ni Cang Qiong will also return to nothingness under this move.

Zhuo Bufan should have used this move somewhere, but he always had a way to see if the opponent Ni Qiangqiong still had the trump card to suppress the bottom of the box.

Now Ni Qiong is running away blindly and has no intention of fighting.

Obviously, he has no more means, so Zhuo Bufan can fight him freely.

"Die to me!"

As Zhuo Bufan's Devouring God Domain continued to expand, countless clone cells died in Zhuo Bufan's domain.

Ni Qianqiong was finally forced to have no place to hide, and at first he was swimming against the flow of Zhuo Bufan's devouring domain.

"Zhuo Bufan, don't go too far."

"If you push me too hard, the worst possible outcome will be a dead end."

Ni Cangqiong said such words at this time, obviously wanting to threaten Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan was not threatened. Instead, he sneered.

"Are you begging for mercy?"

After hearing this, Ni Qiangqiong became anxious.

"Would I beg for mercy from you? Are you dreaming? You bastard!"

"Since you are shameless, let's die together."

As soon as Ni Qianqiong finished speaking, all the cell clones in the void suddenly began to expand rapidly.

"Zhuo Bufan, do you know how Mo Chichi died?"

Ni Cangqiong looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile and said.

His smile was full of treachery.

Zhuo Bufan took a look and felt very unhappy.

At this time, Ni Qingqiong continued.

"That self-righteous woman knew she couldn't beat me, so she chose the stupidest way to blow herself up!"

"Just like that, with a bang, Mo Chichi died without even a scrap left."

After hearing these nonsense, Zhuo Bufan suddenly became furious.

"If you don't want to die an ugly death, just shut up."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to know how Mo ChiChi died. He only knew that he must kill the bastard in front of him and avenge Mo ChiChi.

At this time, Ni Cangqiong smiled and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Idiot, it seems you don't understand the power of the incarnation of Heaven."

"The self-destruction of the incarnation of Heaven is terrifying."

"One Mo Chichi self-destruction is enough to return a void to chaos. Do you think if so many of my clones self-destruct at the same time, will it destroy half of the void world?"

That's right, now that things have happened, Ni Qianqiong really looks like he's being forced to jump over the wall.

He actually wanted all his clones to explode collectively.

When Mo Chichi blew himself up alone, he almost wiped out Ni Qiangqiong.

Now if so many clones self-destruct together, the power will be unimaginable.

It was obvious that this guy was not joking, he was serious.

Now, he was forced into desperation by Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing that he was about to die in Zhuo Bufan's hands, Ni Qingqiong couldn't hold him back that much.

He planned to die together and die together with Zhuo Bufan.

This is Ni Qiong's final trump card and the ability he is most proud of.

Ni Cangqiong believed that as long as he told the secret, Zhuo Bufan would not dare to mess with it.

After all, if so many clones self-destruct at the same time, no matter how extraordinary Zhuo Bufan is, they will be blown up to pieces on the spot.

Therefore, this jealous person was determined that Zhuo Bufan did not dare to act rashly.

It can be said that he correctly calculated Zhuo Bufan's concerns.

However, after hearing what the other party said, Zhuo Bufan sneered.

"Is this what you rely on?"

"Ni Qianqiong, I have to admit that you do come to fight me with a death wish. From this point of view, I do agree with you."

"But you are so stupid. Do you think that with your little tricks, I will be afraid? That's ridiculous!"

"If you have the guts, just blow yourself up and try it. If Mr. Zhuo blinks his eyebrows, then I will consider you defeated."

Zhuo Bufan has always been a ruthless person.

The enemy is ruthless, he is more ruthless than the enemy.

This is Zhuo Bufan's principle of life.

He is never afraid of the strength of his enemies. To him, no matter how powerful his enemies are, they are nothing but chickens and dogs in the end.

A truly strong person will not be afraid of these self-righteous guys.

In this situation where two armies are confronting each other, whoever is cowardly will be weak.

Zhuo Bufan is not a person who is afraid of death. From the moment he stepped into this world, he has never been afraid.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, he will fight to the death.

This is Zhuo Bufan's consistent attitude.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's unafraid expression, the other party was a little surprised.

"Are you really not afraid?"

Ni Cangqiong looked at Zhuo Bufan, a little shocked.

He did not expect that Zhuo Bufan would remain indifferent to his threat.

"Zhuo Bufan, since you are looking for death, let's die together!"

Ni Qiangqiong was obviously forced to panic. At that moment, he released all his power.

Suddenly, all the black meat balls in the air began to expand violently.

Inside those meat balls, endless energy began to fuse.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

Although he said it with disdain, Zhuo Bufan still had to be prepared to deal with Ni Qianqiong's self-destruction.

Because he was not sure how powerful the self-destruction of Ni Qiong was.

If the power is too great and kills him in an instant, then even Zhuo Bufan, who possesses the Sky-Mending Technique, the Law of Reincarnation, and the Archive Door, may not be able to help.

Because all space power in the entire void has been removed, Zhuo Bufan at this moment cannot even escape to other spaces to avoid the coming catastrophe.

But no matter what, Zhuo Bufan did not flinch or be afraid.

"Go to hell you!"

Ni Qingqiong, this lunatic, indeed chose to self-destruct in the end.

All of a sudden, all the clone cells were bombarded.

Zhuo Bufan did not sit still and wait for death, but gathered all his devouring power to swallow up all the power of the explosion.

Zhuo Bufan wants to use Ni Cangqiong's self-destructive power to hit a more powerful realm.

This is the fearless Zhuo Bufan, the most powerful man in the universe.

This explosion directly shattered all matter within hundreds of light years.

Not to mention the stars, even the dust completely disappeared.

This crazy self-destruction power of Ni Qiong is really terrifying.

This self-destruction power that combines the power of the seven heavenly incarnations will not only destroy the body, but also the soul will be wiped out in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan, who was at the center of the explosion, imposed the Devouring Law on himself one after another.

Until the end, his body could no longer absorb the power of the explosion, and there was a faint tendency to self-destruct.

But at the last moment, he used the Law of Reincarnation again and again to reset his state to its peak again and again.

It was under this cycle of self-reincarnation that Zhuo Bufan was finally able to gain a glimmer of hope from Ni Qiong's endless self-destruction.

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