Just when Mo Chichi and Li Mei were desperately waiting for death.

Suddenly a strange light struck, and then Mo Chichi and Li Mei disappeared.

Seeing Mo Chichi and Li Mei disappear, instead of being angry, the jealous man laughed.

"That's right!"

"Run away, run away a little further, and let me experience the joy of chasing you."

In fact, Jealousy had already felt the strange light coming from him.

He deliberately let the other party kidnap Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

Because Jealousy just wants to experience the fun of the pursuer.

After all, Mo Chichi and Li Mei are the last two heavenly clones.

Today's jealousy only feels unprecedented excitement and excitement.

Having inherited the boundless arrogance of Tyrant Ao Zhitian, Jealousy Zhitian's heart is obviously completely swollen.

He did not catch up with Mo ChiChi and the others immediately, but waited for Mo ChiChi and Li Mei to continue running away.

The further away you can escape, the better. Then you have to chase and kill them, which is the fun.

On the other side, Mo Chichi and Li Mei came to their senses after being rescued again.

They immediately looked at their rescuer.

When Li Mei saw the person coming, she couldn't help covering her mouth and nose, and almost cried with excitement.

"Qiankun, why are you here?"

That's right, the person who suddenly came and saved Mo Chichi and Li Mei was not Zhuo Bufan, but Qiankun.

Qiankun is here, of course he is here for Limei.

So when Li Mei saw Qian Kun, she didn't say much and hugged him desperately.

Faced with Li Mei's sudden embrace, Qiankun was stunned for a moment.

Then he slowly stretched out his hand and hugged Li Mei.

The two of them didn't say anything, but at this moment, silence was better than sound, and their mutual feelings were already conveyed to each other when they were close to each other.

Mo Chichi on the side saw this scene and smiled sincerely.

Such silent feelings are her innermost pursuit.

At this moment, Mo Chichi found that she was a little envious of Li Mei.

Although Li Mei always thought that she was a person who was very indifferent to feelings, her feelings completely exploded after she met Qian Kun.

After the two hugged each other, Li Mei suddenly thought of something and pushed Qiankun away.

"Go, go quickly."

Li Mei suddenly panicked and wanted to push Qiankun away.

Qiankun was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand why Li Mei did this.

Li Mei looked at the dumbfounded Qiankun and said quickly.

"Go quickly! Please, go quickly."

At that moment, Li Mei finally understood again why Mo Chi Chi was unwilling to look for Zhuo Bufan.

Because they don't want to hurt their loved ones.

Qiankun seemed to understand something. He suddenly grabbed Li Mei's hand, then frowned deeply and said.

"I won't leave. This time, I won't leave again. Even if I die, I will die with you."

Qiankun's words penetrated the last line of defense deep in Li Mei's heart.

She almost fainted.

"Are you stupid? Please, can you leave quickly?"

"He's catching up. We can't escape, but you can escape. You don't need to go through this muddy water."

Li Mei knew very well that Qiankun was definitely no match for Jealousy.

To be precise, if the three of them join forces, they will not be Jealousy's opponents.

However, Qiankun had no intention of escaping.

He stretched out his hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of Li Mei's eyes, and said.

"I'm not leaving! When I decided to come to you, I was already prepared to die."

"It's enough to die with you."

Qiankun's words even moved Mo Chichi beside him to tears.

If someone could say these words to her, then Mo Chichi would have no regrets even if he died.

But Li Mei doesn't want Qian Kun to die. Li Mei loves Qian Kun deeply, so why is she willing to let Qian Kun die with her?

"No, absolutely not."

"Do you understand that I'm not worthy? You can't die with me. Don't forget your people, they need you."

Li Mei knew that behind Qian Kun, he shouldered the important task of reviving the entire Ronin clan. He has already harmed the Ronin tribe once, and he cannot harm the Ronin tribe again.

But Qiankun still insisted.

"Don't worry, now that the tribe has Shun and Keira, they don't need me anymore."

"Now, I just want to be with you."

This is Qiankun's official confession.

No woman could withstand the attack of these words, and Li Mei was captured instantly.

She didn't want to say anything at the moment, she just hugged Qiankun tightly and cried bitterly while holding him.

Seeing this scene, Mo Chichi was deeply moved.

She stood up and said to Li Mei and Qiankun.

"Li Mei, from now on, let's split up!"

Li Mei was stunned for a moment after hearing Mo Chichi's words.

"Chichi, what do you mean? Don't you want to be with me?"

Mo Chichi listened and replied.

"No, it's just that I feel that if we run away separately, it won't be that easy for Jealousy to track us down."

"Qiankun, take Li Mei and run away in that direction."

"I ran away in the opposite direction."

"In this case, the jealousy sky will not be able to catch up with us for a while."

Mo Chichi decided.

After hearing this, Li Mei said in confusion.

"Chichi, let's go together. Isn't it better to run away together?"

Mo Chichi shook his head and replied.

"Even if the three of us join forces, we won't be able to defeat that guy in one move. There is no point in running away together."

"Let's decide it!"

"After parting with Li Mei today, maybe we will never see each other again."

"Before parting, I just want to tell you that it's great to know you."

After hearing Mo Chichi's farewell words, Li Mei rushed to Mo Chichi and hugged her.

"Chichi, Chichi!"

Li Mei cried and cried.

This was the first time she cried so sadly.

Because she knew very well that this separation should be the last time they met.

From now on, they may never meet again.

Mo Chichi looked at Li Mei's painful tears, and couldn't help the sourness in her nose, and cried as well.

"Li Mei, if there is an afterlife, if there is reincarnation, we will still be sisters."

Li Mei nodded in response quickly.

"Okay, if there is an afterlife, if there is reincarnation, you are still my sister, and I am still your sister."

Although Li Mei had been unwilling to admit it, at this last moment, she finally admitted that Mo Chichi was her sister.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi was moved to tears and began to flow out like a broken dam.

"Sister, take care~!"

Mo Chichi really couldn't bear to say goodbye.

However, in order to protect Li Mei and to fulfill her, Mo Chichi finally pushed Li Mei away.

Then he looked at Qiankun and said.

"Take her away, the farther the better."

"Take care!"

After saying that, Mo Chichi turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of Mo Chichi and Qiankun.


Li Mei looked at the direction where Mo Chichi left and cried.

Seeing this, Qiankun stepped forward and gently hugged Li Mei, and then said.

"Let's go!"

Then, Qiankun took Li Mei and fled in the opposite direction of Mo Chichi's departure.

Mo Chichi, who escaped, clutched her heart tightly.

"Sister, you must live, you must."

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, she suddenly released her soul power to the limit.

At the same time, Jealousy, who was responsible for chasing Mo Chichi and Li Mei, still stayed where he was and did not move.

He took out the soul wheel and began to search for the escape direction of Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

Soon, he found two red dots on the compass.

The light of one of the red dots was extremely strong, and the light of the other red dot was very weak.

The two red dots fled in two completely opposite directions.

Seeing this scene, Jealousy smiled faintly.

"Escape separately, right?"

"This very bright light spot should be that woman Mo Chichi!"

"Is she deliberately provoking me?"

Jealousy saw at a glance that the dazzling red light spot was Mo Chichi.

Because Li Mei's Heavenly Dao artifact was destroyed by herself, her soul power had been weakened a lot.

So, of the two of them, only Mo Chichi's soul can release such a bright light.

"Run, run as far as you can! The farther the better, Mo Chichi, even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will catch you and eat you."

Jun Zhitian is obviously more interested in Mo Chichi than Li Mei.

In fact, Mo Chichi is deliberately attracting Jun Zhitian to chase her.

Because she wants to give Li Mei more time and opportunities to escape.

Now, Mo Chichi only hopes that Li Mei can successfully escape from Jun Zhitian's pursuit with the help of Qiankun.

So, Mo Chichi has been ready to sacrifice herself from the beginning.

The reason why she amplified her soul power was to attract Jun Zhitian to chase her.

Jun Zhitian looked at Mo Chichi and Li Mei who were running away on the compass.

He finally decided to take action.

"Almost! Mo Chichi, I'm coming."

Jun Zhitian put away the compass, and then opened a space door in the direction of Mo Chichi's escape.

The next second, he chased after her at a high speed.

After Mo Chichi felt that Jealousy was chasing her, she also opened up a space gate at the same time and began to jump through space.

For a moment, Mo Chichi and Jealousy both showed their understanding of the power of space.

Both sides began to jump through space.

Perhaps Mo Chichi could not beat Jealousy, but if she really wanted to escape, Jealousy would not be able to catch up with her for a while.

For a moment, the two sides started a tug-of-war.

Jealousy, who was in charge of the pursuit, became even more excited.

"Hahahaha! Very good, very good."

"Mo Chichi, run away quickly, run away quickly!"

"The faster you run, the better, I will catch up with you soon." Jealousy began to chase Mo Chichi like crazy.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides in space was getting closer and closer.

Mo Chichi also used the fastest means of escape in his life to start running away.

However, Jealousy was obviously better in understanding space.

After the two sides chased each other for several days, Mo Chichi was finally caught up by Du Tian.

Du Tian arrived in front of Mo Chichi one step ahead of Mo Chichi, and then released the space ban, prohibiting Mo Chichi from traveling through space.

By the time Mo Chichi arrived, it was too late to open up a space channel.

At this point, Mo Chichi had completely given up on running away, and just looked at Jealousy Heaven in front of him and smiled helplessly.

"You won."

Although Mo Chichi was unwilling to admit it, she was indeed no match for Jealousy Heaven.

Facing such a powerful Jealousy Heaven, Mo Chichi could only admit defeat.

At this time, Jealousy Heaven looked at Mo Chichi and laughed.


"Mo Chichi, this is the most comfortable sentence I have ever heard."

"I am very happy to get your personal recognition."

"To be honest, I really can't bear to kill you."

Among the many incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, only Mo Chichi made Jealousy Heaven look at him differently.

Jealousy Heaven admired Mo Chichi very much, and even didn't want to kill Mo Chichi.

However, he must absorb Mo Chichi's Heavenly Dao power, only in this way can he become stronger.

So Jealousy Heaven said after thinking.

"I have decided to keep your soul power."

"When I become the only incarnation of the Heavenly Dao and return to Daluo Heaven, let Daluo Heaven give you new life force."

"So, now you just be obedient and be absorbed by me!"

This Jealous Heaven took a fancy to Mo Chichi and planned to revive Mo Chichi after returning to Daluo Heaven.

Mo Chichi was not moved at all by this.

"Kill me if you want! At this point, I don't need to resist."

Mo Chichi knew very well that she had no ability to resist now.

Being absorbed by Jealous Heaven was a destined fact.

She only hoped that under her delay, Li Mei and Qian Kun could escape the clutches of Jealous Heaven.

Jewish Heaven didn't expect Mo Chichi to be so straightforward, he laughed.

"So happy? Are you convinced or are you cheating me?"

Jewish Heaven looked at Mo Chichi and said.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi smiled coldly and said.

"Why, are you scared?"

"Scared? Do you think I still need to be afraid of you now?"

"Then if you have the ability, just devour all my power!"

As soon as Mo Chichi finished speaking, his body suddenly began to differentiate into tens of thousands of clones.

Then, all the clones suddenly began to condense energy.

Seeing this scene, Jealousy Tian was stunned.

"No, she wants to self-destruct."

Jealousy Tian was stunned. He didn't expect Mo Chichi to be so determined to choose self-destruction.

And she differentiated tens of thousands of clones as the explosion point of self-destruction.

The biggest feature of Mo Chichi is that the power of the clones is the same as that of the original body.

In other words, the self-destruction energy possessed by 10,000 clones is as huge as his original body.

In addition, the entire space is now closed by Jealousy Tian himself.

It takes time to unlock it.

Obviously, Mo Chichi had expected this, so she decisively chose to self-destruct, making Jealousy Tian trapped in his own cocoon.

"No, we need to lift the space ban immediately."

Jian Zhitian wanted to lift the space ban, but it was too late.

Because Mo Chichi was too decisive, so decisive that he didn't even have time to react.


With the explosion of the first clone, the entire space was filled with endless energy of the Heavenly Dao.

Afterwards, one clone after another began to bombard.

Tens of thousands of clones exploded at the same time.

This is Mo Chichi's last "gift" to Jealous Tian!

"Damn it!"

Jian Zhitian couldn't help but exclaimed.

Obviously, facing Mo Chichi's self-explosion, he felt a fatal threat.


The entire chaotic void felt an unprecedented sensation in this explosion.


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