In order to complete this reincarnation mission, Zhuo Bufan had to lower his status.

As long as he could complete the mission, Zhuo Bufan would do anything.

After all, in Zhuo Bufan's view, the existence of this world was irrelevant.

It only existed to allow him to complete the reincarnation mission.

After the discussion of all the righteous sect leaders, they finally agreed to let Tianzun Lanying participate in the Wulin Alliance Leader Conference.

This was undoubtedly a sensation for everyone present.

After all, Lanying was the world's number one master, and competing with the world's number one master for the Wulin Alliance Leader Conference was simply wishful thinking.

So many people were afraid to retreat.

At this time, Xia Qinggui suddenly stood on the stage, and then looked at everyone present and spoke.

"I know what you are worried about! After all, Tianzun is very powerful. If he participates in the Wulin Alliance Leader Conference, who will stand out?"

"But I think everyone can rest assured. What I want to explain is that the result of the ring battle is not the final result."

"And no matter who becomes the leader of this Wulin Conference, he will represent my righteous path and fight against the evil path!"

"Tianzun Mountain is no longer the Tianzun Mountain of the past, but the Tianzun Mountain that has turned from evil to good."

"Tianzun is no longer the former Tianmo, but the current Tianzun."

"So everyone, I think even if Lord Tianzun becomes the leader in the end, it will be a blessing for my righteous path."

"As the leader, he will lead our righteous path to wipe out all evil demons."

That Xia Qinggui spoke freely on the stage.

But every word he said was a trap.

Zhuo Bufan obviously saw the intention of this guy.

"So that's it, you want to use me to wipe out the demon sect?"

"These guys put such a hat on me first. If I really become the leader of the righteous sect, then I will lead them to attack other demon sects."

"Does this depend on my determination to turn from evil to good?"

"That's good, then I will play along with them."

Zhuo Bufan knew that Xia Qinggui was playing tricks and scheming.

So Zhuo Bufan himself was wary of Xia Qinggui.

After Xia Qinggui finished speaking, he looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of everyone present.

"Lord Tianzun, I think all the sects present have some concerns. How about you come up and say a few words?"

The other party is now constantly flattering Zhuo Bufan, just to make Zhuo Bufan unable to get off the tiger.

It must be said that Xia Qinggui is very courageous.

You must know that no one can calculate the demon, after all, the demon is the best in the world, and he is also a big demon. If he is unhappy, he will wipe out others at will.

Others would be terrified just by hearing the name of the demon.

But this guy, not only is he not afraid of the demon, but he also dares to plot against him.

If Zhuo Bufan had not taken over this body in reincarnation, this guy would have been beaten to death by the demon long ago.

After all, Zhuo Bufan now has his own goals and ideas.

Zhuo Bufan has to complete his reincarnation mission, so he won't bother with these people.

Even if he knows that this is the other party's scheme, Zhuo Bufan is willing to be counted in.

After all, Zhuo Bufan can use this scheme to successfully whitewash the demon's birth.

After hearing what Xia Qinggui said, the other people present looked at each other in disbelief. Sure enough, at this time, Zhuo Bufan still needs to go on stage and say something.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan, he slowly walked onto the stage.

He first glanced at Xia Qinggui, and then smiled indifferently.

"Perhaps you will question me, and why I did this!"

"I was once an unforgivable demon in your eyes, and my sect is the world's number one demon sect."

"Everyone is terrified and afraid."

"But all this is in the past."

"I was inspired by the guidance of the Heavenly Dao a few days ago, and decided to turn from evil to good and let the Heavenly Demon Sect go on the right path!"

"So this time, I am representing the righteous to attend the Alliance Leader Conference!"

"Since this Sect Leader Xia just said that if I become the Alliance Leader, I will lead the righteous to eliminate all the demon sects."

"Maybe you will think this is a joke!"

"But now, I will tell you again!"

"If I am elected as the Alliance Leader, I will personally lead Tianzun Mountain to eliminate all the demon sects in the world!"

"This is my determination!"

"For this, I can swear a blood oath to heaven and earth!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he bit the tip of his tongue, forced out a drop of blood, and then used the blood as a guide to swear a blood oath.

Everyone present was stunned by this scene.

Even Xia Qinggui looked at Zhuo Bufan in astonishment.

He didn't expect that this demon was serious.

"Blood oath? Isn't that the oath of the contract with the Heavenly Dao?"

"Yes, no one can break the blood oath, not even the demon."

"Does this mean that the demon is serious? If he is elected as the leader, will he really destroy all the demons?"

"If he really made a blood oath, then it must be true. He can't break the blood oath. He can only fulfill the oath by destroying the demons."

Everyone present looked at Zhuo Bufan in astonishment.

Including all the disciples of Tianzun Mountain where Zhuo Bufan was, the Silver Winged Eagle King opened his mouth wide and watched Zhuo Bufan complete the oath.

"I, Lan Ying, swear to the sky with blood! If I can be elected as the leader, I will definitely wipe out all the evil thieves in the world and restore peace to the world. Otherwise, I will be punished by heaven and earth!"

When Zhuo Bufan made the blood oath, everyone was dumbfounded.

That Xia Qinggui looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief, and then asked.

"No, impossible! Aren't you here to play? Why are you so serious?"

That Xia Qinggui thought that Tianmo Lan Ying was always playing around.

He still had countless plans in his mind that he had not yet implemented.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to become the leader of the alliance.

Then find an opportunity to secretly collude with Tianmo and finally complete his ambition to unify the world.

However, Xia Qinggui never expected that Tianmo Lan Ying really wanted to turn over a new leaf and really wanted to eliminate the demon sects in the world.

In order to make the world believe, he even made a blood oath.

If he could not complete the task, he was willing to be punished by heaven and earth.

Such a vicious oath further confirmed his determination.

This Xia Qinggui obviously underestimated Zhuo Bufan's determination and the thoughts of this demon.

Zhuo Bufan just smiled and glanced at Xia Qinggui. He was just following Xia Qinggui's plan.

Zhuo Bufan originally planned to turn over a new leaf.

But turning over a new leaf is not something Zhuo Bufan can say and the world will believe. If he wants the world to believe that his demon sect will really turn over a new leaf, then Zhuo Bufan must use a big move. Making a blood oath is undoubtedly the best way.

Because only in this way will the world believe that he, the demon, is really determined to change the demon sect.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan making a blood oath, the other leaders were also a little surprised.

"Demon, no, Tianzun! Are you serious?"

"Are you really planning to cut off your connection with the demon path?"

Zi Xiao was also a little unbelievable. After all, the man in front of him was once the most terrifying demon in the world.

Now he has decided to turn over a new leaf in front of the world in this way.

Of course, even if Zhuo Bufan does this, not many people are willing to believe him.

After all, he is a big devil, and it is not so easy for people to believe what a big devil says.

Even if he swore a blood oath.

However, for many people, this may also be an opportunity.

"What do you think? If Tianmo really becomes the leader, will he really destroy the demon sects in the world?"

"It's hard to say. I'm afraid that might be his conspiracy!"

"Conspiracy? Using his own life to plot? And does Tianmo need to plot?"

"Yes, since he has made this oath, he must fulfill it. If he doesn't, he will be punished by heaven and earth."

"Maybe this is an opportunity. Why don't we let him be the leader and see what he will do. If he really destroys the demon sects in the world, it will be a great fortune for us, the righteous, and the world."

"If he refuses to destroy the demon sects in the world, then he will destroy himself!"

"Yes, I agree with this proposal. Whether Tianmo really wants to turn over a new leaf or dig his own grave, we will wait and see."

Many righteous people suddenly want to see what Tianmo will do after becoming the leader.

Although they will not easily believe Tianmo, since Tianmo has made a blood oath, they can give it a try.

Even many leaders thought it was worth a try.

The only angry person was Xia Qinggui.

Because Zhuo Bufan's words completely disrupted his plan.

"What a joke, you are a demon, you are the biggest demon in the world, how can you turn evil back to good?"

Xia Qinggui knew very well that his position as the leader might not be secure.

The other leaders were not fools, after what the demon said, they all had their own considerations.

At this time, Zixiao also stood up and said on the stage.

"In that case, let's wait and see!"

"God, although you have sworn a blood oath, I still need to explain to you."

"This time, the position of the leader will be decided by the votes of all the thousands of heroes present. And all of our leaders have ten votes each!"

"The leader will be elected by everyone."

"So, no one can say for sure whether you can become the leader."

"If God fails to become the leader, the blood oath will naturally not count, so please don't be angry when the time comes."

This Zi Xiao is afraid that Zhuo Bufan will be angry and kill millions of people if he fails to become the leader.

After all, this leader meeting is in his Wanjian Villa.

If the demon gets angry, then his Wanjian Villa, a century-old foundation, will be destroyed in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

"Master Zixiao, rest assured. Even if I cannot become the leader, I will not vent my anger on anyone."

"But do you really want to give up this opportunity?"

"Give up the opportunity to win over Tianzun Mountain and destroy the world's demon sects?"

"I have made up my mind to destroy the world's demon sects."

Zhuo Bufan's last words made everyone's eyes light up.

It can be said that this sentence is very tempting.

After all, if the Heavenly Demon can stand on the side of the righteous path, the demon sect will be scattered.

After all, the Heavenly Demon is the pillar of the demon sect. If the Heavenly Demon is no longer the leader of the demon sect, then all the demon sects in the world will be scattered.

Nowadays, the demons are rampant in this world, and people are living in misery.

For the sake of the people of the world, then winning over the demons is definitely the best choice.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan's words and this decision moved many people present.

After hearing this, Zi Xiao nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Well, now I declare that the Alliance Leader Conference is officially started!"

"First is the ring competition!"

"Since you are the leader, you need to have the strength of absolute dominance."

"Don't ask for the strongest, but you must be first-class. So, who is willing to be the first to go on stage as the ring master?"

After Zi Xiao finished speaking, all the leaders present looked at each other.

This is a ring competition, to see who can stand longer.

The person who goes on the ring first obviously has no advantage.

So for a while, no one went on the ring.

And at this time, Zhuo Bufan resolutely stood up.

"Since no one wants to be the champion, I will take the responsibility and guard this stage!"

"With me guarding the stage, no one can take it. With me guarding the righteous path, the evil path will be barren!"

Zhuo Bufan began to brainwash everyone present.

In a way, this is actually canvassing for votes.

Zhuo Bufan wants to canvass for himself as much as possible. In his plan, ascending to the position of leader is the final link.

Only by becoming the leader can he make the world slowly change their views and prejudices about their Tianzun Mountain.

So, even if there are villains secretly making trouble, he still believes that the position of leader belongs to him.

When Zhuo Bufan stepped onto the stage, the heads of all the sects couldn't help but stand on end, and dared not breathe.

For a while, no one dared to step onto the stage and challenge Zhuo Bufan.

Just kidding, challenging the demons, they are probably tired of living.

Zhuo Bufan saw this embarrassing situation, so he said quickly.

"It seems that everyone has some concerns. In this case, I will make concessions!"

"I will stand here and tie my hands. If you can make me move even a little bit, I will fail to defend the ring!"

"I will stand still like a mountain, guarding the righteous path and the world."

Zhuo Bufan kept saying "guarding the righteous path and the world", which made many righteous heroes excited.

Some people began to admire this demon.

However, the demon was too strong. Even if he didn't move, I'm afraid no one would dare to go on stage easily.

Just when the scene was in a stalemate, suddenly, only one person stood up.

"Since no one dares to go up, I'll give it a try!"

A green figure jumped onto the ring.

This person is the head of the Qingshan Sect, Xia Qinggui!

This Xia Qinggui obviously won't let go of the position of leader easily. He can't let Zhuo Bufan break his ambition to unify the world.

Of course, this challenge is not just a simple challenge. This guy is not the kind of person who would do something he is not sure of.

Obviously, he has a conspiracy!

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