Donghuang Qin was very scared. She was afraid that Gao Yangxu would kill his own sister Gao Yangyinyin!

The curse of the Samsara Clan was to kill their loved ones at all costs.

Gao Yangxu hid Donghuang Qin and her son, but he did not have time to send his sister away.

In this case, Gao Yangxu would definitely hunt down Gao Yangyinyin.

Even if Gao Yangxu did not look for Gao Yangyinyin, Gao Yangyinyin would find Gao Yangxu because of the curse.

In other words, the two brothers and sisters were destined to kill each other.

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after hearing this.

He learned the seriousness of the matter from Donghuang Qin.

If Gao Yangxu really killed his own sister, then after the curse ended, if Gao Yangxu regained his self-awareness, he would definitely not live.

Zhuo Bufan knew Gao Yangxu and knew what kind of personality Gao Yangxu had.

So Zhuo Bufan had to prevent such a thing from happening.

"Miss Mo, you stay here first and see if my brother and sister-in-law need any help."

"I'll go out for a while!"

Zhuo Bufan must find Gao Yangxu as soon as possible.

He can't let Gao Yangxu do something that he will regret for the rest of his life.

Mo Chichi also understood that Zhuo Bufan had more important things to do at this time, so she agreed to Zhuo Bufan.

"You go, it's enough for me and Li Mei to be here."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at his brother and sister-in-law Donghuangqin, and then said to Donghuangqin.

"Brother and sister-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely stop this disaster."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he disappeared into the underground palace.

After coming to the ground, Zhuo Bufan's first thing was to release his soul and then scan the entire Samsara Star.

He had to look for Gao Yangxu one by one.

"No, no!"

"I checked the entire Samsara Star. There are a total of 728,500 monsters, but I didn't find my brother."

Zhuo Bufan searched carefully, and finally he was sure that there was no Gao Yangxu on the Samsara Star.

So Zhuo Bufan enlarged the search range, and he covered the surrounding stars with his soul power.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan found two monsters fighting on a star light-years away from the Samsara Star.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan rushed to the direction of the target star as soon as possible.

When he arrived at the battlefield, he suddenly found that there were two monsters fighting a life-and-death battle on that star.

When Zhuo Bufan saw their faces, he was shocked.

And at this moment, he suddenly saw one of the monsters sending a fatal blow to the other monster.

"No, brother, stop."

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately released a strong pressure on the other party.

Zhuo Bufan obviously recognized one of the monsters.

So he rushed to the other party as soon as possible.

Zhuo Bufan's strength was far higher than the other party, so under his control, he stopped a fight at the critical moment.

When Zhuo Bufan landed on the star, he looked at the monster with Gao Yangxu's face.

Obviously, the monster was Gao Yangxu.

His whole face looked extremely scary.

Only the whites of his eyes were left, and under his eyes, there were two lines of blood and tears.

He looked like a grudge ghost, which made people feel extremely heavy.


Zhuo Bufan looked at the monster that he had fixed in place, and felt a little sad.

The Gao Yangxu he knew was a proud man.

But now he looked so pitiful.

Then, he looked at the monster opposite Gao Yangxu.

There was also a face on the chest of the monster, and it was a beautiful face.

It was a pity that the face was pale now, and there was no life at all.

Obviously, she was Gao Yangxu's sister, Gao Yangyinyin.

Zhuo Bufan's second clone did not know Gao Yangyinyin.

So they met for the first time.

Since Gao Yangyinyin was Gao Yangxu's sister, she was naturally his sister, Zhuo Bufan.

So Zhuo Bufan would never allow Gao Yangxu to kill his sister with his own hands.

"What a vicious curse, it turns everyone into monsters and makes loved ones kill each other."

"Lord of Time, why do you do this?"

Zhuo Bufan felt deeply sympathetic for the fate of the Samsara Clan.

However, he was powerless to do anything about this curse.

"It seems that the only way is to take you back to Samsara Star first."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Gao Yangxu and Gao Yangyin back to Samsara Star.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not take them to the underground palace.

Because Zhuo Bufan did not want to provoke Donghuang Qin.

Zhuo Bufan believed that his brother Gao Yangxu would not want his beloved to see him like this.

Zhuo Bufan took Gao Yangxu and Gao Yangyin to the palace square.

Then he used his divine power to imprison the entire Samsara Star.

In this way, all the monsters in the entire Samsara Star were fixed in place by him.

After that, Zhuo Bufan returned to the underground palace.


When Zhuo Bufan returned to the underground palace, Mo Chichi and Dong Huangqin surrounded him.

"Brother Zhuo, have you found it? Have you found your brother?"

Dong Huangqin asked immediately.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"I found it!"

"Fortunately, I arrived in time and stopped the brother and sister from killing each other."

"Now I have placed their brother and sister on the ground!"

"Brother and sister-in-law, please rest assured that they are safe now."

Zhuo Bufan said to Donghuangqin.

After hearing this, Donghuangqin was very grateful.

"Thank you, thank you Zhuo Di for your help."

"Without you, the brothers and sisters might really not be able to pass this level."

Donghuangqin was very grateful to Zhuo Bufan, but at the same time, she was also very heartbroken.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"Brother and sister-in-law don't have to be like this, this is what I should do."

"Don't worry, I have controlled the entire Samsara Star. They will not be able to move until the curse ends."

"This can be considered as helping them to survive this curse!"

"I'll go see the child again."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he walked towards the cage in the underground palace.

When he came to the edge of the cage, suddenly the little monster in the cage rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.


He bared his teeth and howled at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan could see that on the little monster's chest, there was a confused face that didn't even open its eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan felt extremely uncomfortable.


He slammed it to the ground in a circle. He hated this curse deeply.

"Damn it!"

"I must break this curse and free the reincarnation tribe from their tragic fate."

Zhuo Bufan said every word through gritted teeth.

The child is innocent, but the curse of the Lord of Time has turned such a newborn baby into a monster.

This made Zhuo Bufan filled with anger and wanted to kill someone to vent his anger.

After hearing this, Donghuang Qin helplessly shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, maybe this is our destiny!"

"Xu originally thought that since I am a foreigner, the children born to me would not inherit the curse."

"However, this curse has already flowed into the child's body along with his blood."

"The reincarnation race will live miserable lives bearing this curse for generations to come."

Donghuangqin's eyes were filled with tears.

Mo Chichi on the side asked at this time.

"Then do you regret it?"

Mo Chichi asked very straightforwardly, and Donghuang Qin was stunned for a moment.

Fortunately, Donghuangqin answered solemnly after hearing this.

"No regrets!"

"I won't regret being able to be with Xu!"

"He told me everything before we got together. He also explained the curse to me."

"This is my own choice. I am willing to accompany him and fight against this curse of fate."

Donghuangqin's infatuation made Mo ChiChi's already dim infatuation suddenly shine and shine again.

"As long as we survive this disaster, we can be together for another hundred years. If you think about it, I am still very lucky."

"So we have been fighting against the curse tenaciously, never slacking off, never regretting or shrinking back."

After listening to Donghuangqin's words, Mo Chichi was deeply moved.

She looked at Zhuo Bufan beside her, and her eyes once again radiated the long-lost light.

"Brother Zhuo, what are your plans next?"

"Is the trial of the Tower of Reincarnation over? Are you leaving?"

Donghuangqin looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

She thought that the Zhuo Bufan in front of her was the Zhuo Bufan who entered the Samsara Tower trial.

So she had no idea that she had unintentionally exposed the location of another Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan, who was here, couldn't help but feel startled after hearing this.

"Reincarnation Tower, so my other clone is in the Reincarnation Tower?"

Faced with Donghuangqin's inquiry, Zhuo Bufan quickly responded.

"Actually, my memory about the Tower of Reincarnation is not that clear."

"I've told you before that due to the trial in the Tower of Reincarnation, my soul was confused and my memory collapsed."

"So I basically forgot everything that happened after I entered the Reincarnation Tower."

In order to gain Donghuangqin's trust, Zhuo Bufan naturally began to pretend to be another clone.

Anyway, Donghuangqin has never seen Zhuo Bufan's clone, and he doesn't know that Zhuo Bufan actually has two.

So after hearing this, Donghuangqin had no doubts and just said.

"So that's it. It seems that the trial at the Tower of Reincarnation is really dangerous."

"If even you can't pass, then it's impossible for anyone in our entire reincarnation clan to be able to pass."

"Xu said before that you will definitely succeed."


Donghuangqin thought that Zhuo Bufan's memory was confused because he failed in the trial.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Thank you for your support, brother. I finally failed to live up to his expectations!"

"The Tower of Reincarnation is indeed not an easy place, and I am still a little behind. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will go in and give it a try!"

This Zhuo Bufan has no idea what the hell the Reincarnation Tower is.

However, I learned from Donghuang Qin that the Reincarnation Tower should be a place of trial.

In other words, his other half is stepping up his training at the moment.

Obviously, he has fallen behind, and fallen behind a lot.

"It seems I have to find that guy as soon as possible!"

"If I really wait until he succeeds in the trial, then I will be in trouble!"

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

He was naturally afraid that his other clone would become stronger.

By then, I might be killed by another clone.

So, Zhuo Bufan said quickly.

"In fact, I still want to go to the Samsara Tower. But I have forgotten how to get there."

"Do you know where the Samsara Tower is?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to find out the whereabouts of the Samsara Tower from Donghuang Qin.

Donghuang Qin narrowed her eyes slightly after hearing this, and was a little suspicious.

But she thought of Zhuo Bufan's help to her, so she no longer doubted it, but answered.

"I don't know where the Samsara Tower is exactly, I only know that it is located on a star north of the Samsara Star."

"Only Xu knows how to get to that place."

"I heard from Xu that the Samsara Tower is a spiral tower with black and white intertwined, and I don't know anything else."

Zhuo Bufan was overjoyed after hearing this.

He has found the specific location of the Samsara Tower.

As long as the specific location is known, it will not be difficult to find the Samsara Tower next.

After learning the location of the Samsara Tower, Zhuo Bufan discussed it with Mo Chichi.

"Miss Mo, I'm afraid I have to go to the Samsara Tower now. Do you want to go with me?"

Since Zhuo Bufan promised to protect Mo Chichi and the others, he must keep his promise.

After all, he swore an oath.

If he violated his oath this time, Mo Chichi would never trust him again.

But after listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Mo Chichi said.

"No need, Li Mei and I will stay here!"

"We will be a burden to you if we go."

"If we stay here, we can help your brother and sister-in-law."

The love in Mo Chichi's eyes bloomed again.

It can be seen that Mo Chichi no longer resented Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was naturally very happy about this.

He didn't want to take Mo Chichi and Li Mei to take risks.

"Well, you stay here. I will set up an absolute ban in this underground palace to ensure that no one can detect your breath."

"Wait for me to come back."

Zhuo Bufan said to Mo Chichi, then turned around and disappeared into the underground palace again.

Although the affairs of the Samsara Clan are very important, Zhuo Bufan must now be responsible for his own affairs.

And Zhuo Bufan has temporarily controlled the situation of the Samsara Clan, and now he just needs to wait for the curse time to end.

For Zhuo Bufan, his own affairs are the most important things.

Because it is related to his life and death.

After learning the location of the Samsara Tower, Zhuo Bufan rushed to the Samsara Tower as soon as possible.


"Northern Star, Northern Star!"

Zhuo Bufan began to look for the Northern Star.

Soon, he found the black and white interwoven spiral spire behind a gray star.

The whole tower is made of black and white sands of time interwoven.

It looks like a huge gene chain.

It floats quietly in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw it.

"Is this the Samsara Tower?"

"That guy is now undergoing trials in this Samsara Tower."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Samsara Tower in front of him, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

His significant other is undergoing trials in it, how should he choose?


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