Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1362 The Curse of the Samsara Clan

After waiting for twenty years, Zhuo Bufan, who was reincarnated as Jiang Meng, finally ushered in his most critical moment, giving birth.

God knows how complicated Zhuo Bufan's heart is at this moment.

But no matter how complicated it is, she is now about to give birth, and there is no chance to regret.

On the day when Jiang Meng gave birth, the entire palace was on high alert.

Several midwives were waiting by the bed early.

When the amniotic fluid broke, Zhuo Bufan finally felt the pain of giving birth.


Zhuo Bufan, who has always been tough and strong, is now lying on the bed, screaming heartbreakingly.

She doesn't care about any shame, she just wants to howl, just want to howl out.

Jiang Meng's miserable cry can be heard throughout the palace hall.


"Princess, work hard, work hard! The baby is coming out soon."

"You must work hard!"

"Come on, come on, come on!"

The encouragement of the midwives kept coming to my ears, and even the maids shouted in unison beside them to come on, come on.

Jiang Meng screamed and felt like dying.

This pain was no less than the pain of repeated life and death that Zhuo Bufan had endured when he was practicing the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

At this moment, he realized how great his mother was.

Giving birth to a child, just three simple words, but it carries so much pain that you can't imagine.

However, this pain is also a happy pain.

Because it means that a new life is about to come to this world.

"Meng'er, you can do it, you must hold on, you can do it."

Jiang Yun squatted at the head of the bed, holding Jiang Meng's hand and encouraging her.

Jiang Meng looked at Jiang Yun and thought that her mother must have suffered such pain when she gave birth to her.

When she thought of this, Jiang Meng gritted her teeth and stopped howling.

"Princess, it's out, the head is out. You must hold on."

The midwife screamed excitedly when she saw the child's head coming out.

After hearing this, Jiang Meng tried harder and more tenaciously to give birth to the child.

For a moment, Jiang Meng actually had an illusion.

She wanted to be a mother and wanted to raise her own child.


Jiang Meng screamed again, and then only heard a clear cry that echoed throughout the palace.

Wow, wow, wow...

The crying of the child made the entire palace seem much quieter.

"It's born, it's born!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, the princess, the little princess is born."

The midwives knelt on the ground and congratulated one after another.

Seeing this, Queen Jiang Yun on the side actually cried.

Everyone in the entire hall and even the palace began to cheer excitedly.

And at this moment, perhaps the calmest, is Jiang Meng.

Jiang Meng lay on the bed, staring blankly at the dome of the hall.

At that moment, she felt relieved.

But at the same time, she had an unprecedented maternal love.

Especially when she heard the child's cry, two tears slid down her eyes.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan, as Jiang Meng, understood what reincarnation and rebirth were.

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and landed on Jiang Meng.

When Jiang Meng saw this scene, he was stunned.

"Guiding Holy Light, my Guiding Holy Light."

"Sure enough, my reincarnation mission in this world is to give birth to a child?"

As Jiang Meng, Zhuo Bufan immediately understood that he had completed the reincarnation mission of this world.

So, his Guiding Holy Light came.

He was about to leave this world.

When he thought of this, he suddenly became panicked.

"Child, let me see my child."

Jiang Meng suddenly came to his senses, and then hurriedly shouted to the mother queen Jiang Yun beside him.

Jiang Yun held the child next to Jiang Meng.

Jiang Meng looked at the child, and suddenly couldn't hold back tears anymore, and began to burst into tears.

"My child, the child I gave birth to!"

At this moment, Jiang Meng was already in tears.

She probably never dreamed that one day she would cry because of having a child.

This was the first time that Zhuo Bufan didn't want to leave this world.

Because he had concerns in this world.

In the past, Zhuo Bufan would be eager to leave that world once he completed his reincarnation mission.

But now, he hesitated, and he even began to resist.

He didn't want to leave, because this world had her mother, her friends, and now her child.

However, Zhuo Bufan had to leave!

He couldn't resist the power of the Holy Light.

The Holy Light would not have any mercy. It shone on Jiang Meng and began to tear Jiang Meng's soul.

"No, I don't want to leave now, let me stay for a while!"

Jiang Meng shouted to the sky.

But the Holy Light would not give her a chance.

Watching her soul being slowly pulled away bit by bit.

Jiang Meng began to cry.

She hugged her child tightly, and then cried and said.

"Child, I'm sorry, I can't fulfill my duties as a mother!"

"Then, she looked at her mother Jiang Yun and said."

"Queen, I'm leaving! Take good care of the child for me."

"I thought of a name for the child, Jiang Xuan!"

"I hope you and Xuan'er can be safe and sound."

"Mother Queen, thank you, thank you for your care and love for the past twenty years."

"With you, I feel the motherly love I have never felt before."

"I will never forget you."

Jiang Meng began to explain everything to Jiang Yun in a hurry, as if she was explaining her last wishes.

After hearing this, Jiang Yun was completely stunned. She didn't understand what Jiang Meng meant.

"Meng'er, what's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly saying these words?"

"Aren't you fine? Mother and daughter are safe, mother and daughter are safe!"

Jiang Yun grabbed Jiang Meng's hand and said.

After hearing this, Jiang Meng closed her eyes silently.

She wanted to say something, but found that she couldn't speak anymore.

Zhuo Bufan's soul had been pulled away from Jiang Meng's body.

He could only watch Jiang Yun holding Jiang Xuan and shaking Jiang Meng's body.

Until the last tear fell from the corner of Jiang Meng's eyes.

Accompanied by a dazzling light. ,

The next moment, Zhuo Bufan's soul was pulled back from the maternal world to the Samsara Tower.

Zhuo Bufan, who returned to the Samsara Tower, sat on the ground with a sense of loss, staring at the Samsara Pillar in front of him like a wooden chicken.

He finally changed from Jiang Meng to Zhuo Bufan again.

From a woman to a man again.

However, Zhuo Bufan now felt extremely empty inside.

It was as if someone had dug out his heart, soul, and all his thoughts.

He could not recover from that blow for a long time.

He sat on the ground in confusion, recalling every bit of his time in the maternal world.

He even couldn't help but reach out and touch his belly.

Because this was an action he would constantly do when he was Jiang Meng and was pregnant.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan has completely put himself into Jiang Meng's spiritual world for a long time.

He completely regarded himself as a woman.

This reincarnation should be the shortest time of all the reincarnation worlds that Zhuo Bufan has entered.

It was only a short twenty years.

But for Zhuo Bufan, it was the most unforgettable one.

Before this, he never dreamed that he would reincarnate into a woman and complete the reincarnation task of getting pregnant and having a child, which he dared not even think about.

Now he has successfully completed the task, but his heart has become extremely empty.

If possible, Zhuo Bufan hopes that he can stay in that world for a little longer.

He wants to watch his child grow up with his own eyes.

However, this idea is futile and ridiculous after all.

This time, Zhuo Bufan did not enter the next reincarnation world as soon as possible.

Instead, he sat in the reincarnation tower blankly.

He needs some time to slow down.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has completed the reincarnation of fifteen worlds.

Now there are only three reincarnation worlds left to be tested.

After completing the tests of fifteen reincarnation worlds in a row, to be honest, Zhuo Bufan is indeed a little tired in his heart.

But he also knows that no matter how tired he is, he must complete this task.

But this time, Zhuo Bufan really wants to take a good rest for a while.

He needs to recover his condition.

If he still carries Jiang Meng's feelings into the next world, it might bring trouble to Zhuo Bufan.


On this side, Zhuo Bufan's first clone has just completed the test of the fifteenth reincarnation world.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan's second clone, with Mo Chichi and Li Mei, finally arrived at the reincarnation star field.

When they arrived at the reincarnation star field, Zhuo Bufan opened the passage to the reincarnation star field with his own power of chaos creation.

Soon, they came to the location of the reincarnation star.

From a distance, they saw the reincarnation star, and felt a strong vitality on the reincarnation star.

"We are almost there! This should be the reincarnation world."

"My brother Gao Yangxu seems to be in this world."

"We should be able to see another clone soon."

Zhuo Bufan's second clone said to Mo Chichi and Li Mei on the side.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi frowned slightly.

"Are you ready?"

"What are you going to do after you find him?"

"Fight him again? Let's see who wins?"

Mo Chichi's words calmed Zhuo Bufan's second clone down.

Indeed, what should we do now that we have found the first clone?

It seems that the only solution is to fight again.

But after the last battle, Zhuo Bufan, as the second clone, was a little worried.

Because the first clone was very powerful, it could be said to be extremely powerful.

Even if she had the power of Luo Tian's Heart, she could do nothing about Zhuo Bufan's first clone.

The previous battle seemed to be evenly matched.

But Zhuo Bufan's second clone knew it very well.

If the first clone had not stopped in time, she might have been defeated by the opponent.

So now, Zhuo Bufan's second clone did not have much confidence in the next battle.

What's more, she could feel that the first clone was stepping up his training.

If the two sides were to fight again, Zhuo Bufan's second clone believed that he might not be a match for the first clone.

Then if I look for him now, wouldn't that mean I'm going to die?

"So have you really made up your mind?"

"This time, only one of you two is destined to stay."

Mo Chichi explained to Zhuo Bufan in the most familiar and easy-to-understand words.

Zhuo Bufan actually didn't need anyone to tell him, he knew the key to what was going to happen next.

If he didn't handle it well, he might disappear.

So for the two clones of Zhuo Bufan, this meeting would once again bring about a bloody storm.

"Since I came here with sincerity this time, if possible, I still want to negotiate with the other party first."

"Sometimes, force can't solve the problem."

"Sooner or later, he and I will meet again."

After Zhuo Bufan's second clone finished speaking, he took Mo Chichi and Li Mei and flew towards the Samsara Star.

When they flew to the Samsara Star.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan found that something was wrong with the Samsara Star.

The life on the Samsara Star was not human, but a group of terrifying monsters with long arms and legs.

These monsters have huge heads, ferocious mouths, and limbs that are almost dragging on the ground.

They are agile and powerful.

When they saw Zhuo Bufan, Mo Chichi and the other two coming, they rushed towards Zhuo Bufan like crazy.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

Then he released the chaotic energy at the first time and trapped all the monsters.

Zhuo Bufan did not kill these monsters.

Because he felt that these monsters were probably not as simple as monsters.

Because there were still some residual human breath on these monsters, and even some broken human clothes?

"What's going on? Why is there no human on this star?"

"Only this weird monster."

"Where do these monsters come from? Why do they exist?"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

"Is there no human on this stardust?"

Li Mei asked on the side.

At this time, Mo Chichi shook his head and said.

"No, there must be people on this star."

"Look at these buildings, these city-states, they are completely derived from human civilization."

"The Samsara Clan is a very noble race. In the entire Samsara world, only the Samsara Clan can build such a civilization."

"So I believe that this must be the star where the Samsara Clan is."

After hearing this, Li Mei asked in surprise.

"Then where are they?"

After hearing this, Mo Chichi looked at the monsters trapped by Zhuo Bufan in front of him, and then said.

"Is it possible that these monsters are humans from the Samsara Clan?"

When Mo Chichi said this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Are these monsters the Samsara Clan?"

"What's going on? Isn't the Samsara Clan the noblest race in the entire Chaos Void?"

"The so-called noble race looks like this?"

At this time, Mo Chichi continued.

"No, they are not born like this."

"I have heard some information from the Void Merchant before, saying that the Samsara Clan is born cursed."

"I think they must be cursed to become like this."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at the dozens of monsters in front of him, and he frowned slightly.



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