Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1354 I am the Elf King

In order to select the true Elf King, the chief of the Earth Tribe convened a meeting of the five tribes.

The last time the meeting of the five tribes was held was when the Elf King was still alive.

When the Elf King was alive, the five tribes were united and became allies.

In order to fight against the alien demons, they fought a life-and-death battle together. But since the death of the Elf King, the five tribes have been separated, rarely contacting each other, and even causing wars with each other.

However, this time it is related to the future of the world, and the Earth Tribe, the Fire Tribe, and the Wood Tribe have agreed to open the alliance meeting.

Then the remaining Gold Tribe and the Water Tribe will naturally not refuse.

Sure enough, a few days later, the Gold Tribe and the Water Tribe also came to the Wood Tribe at the same time.

The chiefs of the five tribes finally sat at the same negotiating table again.

When the chief of the Gold Tribe saw Zhuo Bufan, he took the initiative to greet him. ”

“Why did the chief of the Fire Tribe leave without saying goodbye?”

“The noble young master is still waiting for you to return to our Gold Tribe! "

Zhuo Bufan thought of Chi Yan who stayed in the Jin Clan.

Since he left without saying goodbye with the holy sword, the Jin Clan would definitely not let Chi Yan go.

Sure enough, Chi Yan has not left the Jin Clan and returned to the Huo Clan yet.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and said.

"You didn't make things difficult for him, did you?"

Zhuo Bufan still cared about Chi Yan's safety, after all, Chi Yan helped him.

Chi Yan was considered Zhuo Bufan's good friend in this world.

After hearing this, the Jin Clan leader hurriedly explained.

"Don't dare, don't dare! He is now my Jin Clan's son-in-law! How could we make things difficult for him?"

"He is doing very well in my Jin Clan now, and is cultivating feelings with my beloved daughter."

"We are waiting for the Huo Clan leader to return and preside over the wedding for the two of them!"

The Jin Clan leader laughed.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"That's good, don't worry, after things here are over, I will give you Jin Clan an explanation. "

Zhuo Bufan knew that the chief of the Gold Clan said that he would not embarrass Chi Yan.

But he would definitely not let Chi Yan return to the Fire Clan.

That is to say, Chi Yan is now under house arrest by the Gold Clan.

If Zhuo Bufan wants to save Chi Yan, he must give an explanation for the matter of the Holy Sword.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the chief of the Gold Clan also had some expectations in his heart.

"Okay, Chief of the Earth Clan, it was you who called the Alliance Conference!"

"Tell me, what is the matter of calling our four major tribes to this Alliance Conference?"

The chief of the Gold Clan questioned the chief of the Earth Clan on the spot.

After hearing this, the chief of the Earth Clan hummed.

"The reason and purpose of inviting you all here today are very simple."

"The reason is that the seal of the Holy Stone is about to be broken, and the demon that once brought destructive disasters to this world will appear again."

When the Tu Clan said this, the chiefs and tribesmen of the Gold Clan and the Water Clan present were all shocked.

"The seal of the Holy Stone is about to be broken? ”

“Doesn’t that mean that the alien demons are going to invade?”

“Alien demons? Are those terrifying monsters in the legend going to descend on this land again?”

“What a joke! How could the seal of the holy stone be broken?”

The elf elders who came with the team leaders looked at each other and expressed their concerns.

It is normal for them to have some concerns, after all, the alien demons are the most terrifying existence in the legend.

One alien demon can kill countless elves.

These alien demons are very terrifying, and the elves have no chance against them.

The last time, the elves were able to win the final victory and seal the alien demons into their world.

It was mainly because of the existence of the Elf King.

The Elf King single-handedly saved the elf world in the midst of life and death.

They used to have the Elf King, but what about now?

Now that the world has no Elf King, how should it face the invasion of the alien demons?

“Chief of the Tu tribe, are you kidding? This matter is not a joke. "

The chief of the Water Tribe asked solemnly.

The chief of the Earth Tribe nodded after hearing this.

"Do I need to joke with you?"

"The seal of the Holy Stone has indeed loosened, and it is now in danger and may be opened at any time."

"On this point, the Saint of the Wood Tribe may be able to give you a perfect explanation."

The chiefs of the Gold Tribe and the Water Tribe looked at the Saint of the Wood Tribe.

The Saint of the Wood Tribe replied after hearing this.

"Lord Holy Tree said that he felt the power of the alien demon! It is only a matter of time for the alien demon to return."

"He can also feel that the shackles that seal the alien demon have actually loosened a long time ago."

"I believe that the seal will be completely unlocked soon. Once the seal is completely unlocked, the consequences can be imagined."

"Everyone, there is no need to joke with you about this matter. The legendary terrifying alien demon may really come again."

"There are actually two purposes for convening the Five Tribes Alliance Conference this time. "

The chief of the Wood tribe said, and at this time the other chiefs also listened to each other's words obediently.

"The first goal is to form our five tribes' alliance army."

"The elf world needs us to protect it ourselves."

"When the Elf King led the ancestors of our five tribes to fight against the foreign demons, it was so tragic and powerful."

"So, I hope that this time, our five tribes can join forces again and do our best for our own world.

"I also hope that you can be mentally prepared. This battle is a matter of life and death. I also hope that everyone can put aside their past grudges."

The main purpose of the Wood Clan Saint is to hope that the five major tribes can form an alliance.

After all, now, only the alliance of the five races can possibly defeat the invasion of foreign demons from the outside.

After hearing the words of a saint from the Wood tribe, the leader of the Jin tribe made his own statement.

he said.

"I think the reality is like this. If we don't cooperate, then in the end we will only be eliminated by the strange monsters bit by bit.

Therefore, I agree with the words of the Holy Maiden of the Wood Clan, let’s cooperate! "

"If we don't cooperate now, there is only a dead end."

The leader of the Jin clan saw it clearly.

Of course, more importantly, the Jin tribe now does not have the holy sword, and they can only seek protection from other tribes.

Then alliance is obviously the best way out.

If the Jin clan cannot rely on another force now, then the Jin clan may have no choice but to seek their own blessings.

The leader of the Shui Tribe on the other side did not express much opposition to this proposal, he just said.

"Alliance is okay. After all, disaster is approaching, and only cooperation can create miracles."

"But who should be the leader of the alliance?"

The leader of the Shui Tribe raised a very controversial topic, that is, who will be the leader of the alliance.

Being the leader of the alliance has the highest power, so everyone wants to be the leader, including the leader of the Water Tribe.

At this time, suddenly the Saint of the Wood Clan said.

"It's very simple. Now let me talk about the second purpose of this alliance conference."

"The second purpose is to elect our new Elf King."

"As for the leader of the Alliance Army, it is natural for the new Elf King to be in charge."

When the goddess of the Wood tribe said these words, all the elves present started talking.

"Elf King? Did I hear correctly? You want to elect the Elf King?"

"When did the Elf King have to be elected?"

"The leader is not the Elf King! The real Elf King can turn the world upside down and cover the sky."

Facing the discussion, the Tu clan leader sitting at the top suddenly shouted.


"Please be quiet! The situation is obvious now. Choose the right person, as the Elf King, to lead all the elves to fight against the coming strange demons."

"I am determined to be the first to compete for the position of leader."

The leader of the Tu tribe suddenly appeared and wanted to compete for the position of the Elf King.

Obviously, he had made it clear to Zhuo Bufan and the others before that he wanted to become the Elf King.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say much about this.

Because Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the Elf King was not chosen.

The Elf King needs to be snatched by his own ability.

As soon as the Tu clan leader finished speaking, the Jin clan leader beside him couldn't help laughing.

"If this is the case, then I also want to participate in this battle for the Elf King."

"After all, this is the position of Elf King, and I want to fight for it."

The leader of the Jin clan suddenly intervened in the battle for alliance leader.

Of course, he might just want to give it a try.

After all, the Jin clan no longer has the holy sword, and he needs a more powerful title to protect the Jin clan.

However, the Tu clan leader mocked at this time.

"You Jin clan can't even hold a holy sword, so you still want to compete for the position of Elf King?"

After the Tu clan leader finished speaking, he looked at Zhuo Bufan who was standing aside.

Zhuo Bufan took away the Jin clan's holy sword, which in his opinion was a shame.

Of course, the Tu clan leader also took the opportunity to humiliate the Jin clan.

But the leader of the Jin clan is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Okay, how can you, the leader of the Tu tribe, be so virtuous and capable? Do you dare to run for the position of the Mongolian tribe?"

"Just because you have a holy stone?"

"But don't forget, the alien demon is about to come. Can your Tu tribe be able to withstand the invasion of the alien demon?"

"The Elf King is not just playing house. Do you know how to become the Elf King?"

"Legend has it that only elves recognized by the Five Sacred Artifacts are qualified to become the Elf King! Do you think you can be recognized by the Five Sacred Artifacts?"

After hearing what the Jin clan leader said, the Tu clan leader said quickly.

"Okay, then according to what you said, our five tribes will each take out the sacred weapons they protect, and let the five major sacred weapons choose at the same time. Let's see who the five major sacred weapons choose as the Elf King?"

The leader of the Tu tribe proposed to let the five holy weapons choose the Elf King.

This is indeed a fairer approach.

For Zhuo Bufan, that was also great news.

Because Zhuo Bufan has now been recognized by the four holy weapons, all he needs is the last holy stone.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan simply used the trick. He opened his mouth, spit out a stream of white flames, and said.

"Okay, I'll go first!"

"This is the sacred fire of my Fire Tribe. If any of you can accept its baptism, then you will be recognized by it!"

Zhuo Bufan took out the eternal fire.

This eternal fire is so powerful that it can easily burn anything to the ground.

If he were not an Elf of the Fire Tribe, he would definitely die after experiencing the baptism of eternal fire.

And even the elves of the Fire Tribe would not dare to accept the baptism of eternal fire casually.

So far, only Zhuo Bufan has passed the baptism of the Holy Fire.

After hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, the Tu clan leader was eager to give it a try.

"In that case, I will also take out the sacred stone that I protect."

When the Tu tribe leader decided to hand over the holy stone, Zhuo Bufan was very excited.

Because he has been waiting for the Tu tribe's holy stone.

At this time, the Tu clan leader released a ball of light.

Then in the ball of light, it slowly opened and bloomed.

Finally, a golden key-shaped stone appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

On the key surface, there are a lot of cipher text engraved on it, which are sealing pictures and texts specially used for sealing.

It can be seen that a lot of the seal pictures and texts have disappeared, and in some places, black magic energy has even begun to leak.

When the elves and clan leaders present saw the holy stone, they all trembled inwardly.

"Is this the Holy Stone? I've only heard of legends."

"It's good that the sacred stone looks like a key, but I didn't expect it to be so."

"This holy tree does look like it is about to explode."

"Once the passage to another world is completely opened, then this world may really be over."

The elves are afraid of the invasion of strange demons.

Now that I have seen the state of the holy stone, I am even more certain that the seal is about to be broken and strange demons are about to invade.

"Will strange demons really come?"

"This holy stone is a sealing stone. Now it seems that this sealing stone is about to break."

"So, the seal is indeed about to be broken."

After the Tu tribe leader took out the sacred stone, it quickly aroused a lot of controversy.

However, Zhuo Bufan himself obviously has more ulterior motives for paying attention to the Holy Stone.

"Now as long as you get the power of the Holy Stone, you can become the Elf King!"

“But, how can one become the Elf King?

The book Chi Yan gave to Zhuo Bufan did not contain detailed records on how to use the holy stone.

Next, Zhuo Bufan can only rely on himself to explore.

Seeing the leader of the Fire Tribe take out the Eternal Fire, the leader of the Tu Tribe took out the Sacred Stone.

After that, the Wood tribe took out a branch of the Tree of Eternity, the Water tribe took out the Holy Grail, and Zhuo Bufan also took out the Holy Sword.

For a moment, the five sacred weapons gathered together.

They began to connect with each other, and all the elves who saw it were dumbfounded.

Energy began to connect between the five sacred vessels.

Immediately afterwards, they merged into one, and then formed a day of extremely pure energy.

When they saw that ball of energy, all the elves present, including the team leaders, began to become enthusiastic.

All the elves had a look of great longing in their eyes.

They all want to get that ball of energy.

Especially the leader of the Tu tribe, he even directly tried to rush forward and grab it head-on.

However, at this moment, the light suddenly penetrated directly into Zhuo Bufan's body.

Obviously, the Five Sacred Artifacts finally chose Zhuo Bufan.

For a moment, all the elves present were stunned.

The leader of the Tu tribe almost broke out and broke out!

"Damn, why him? Why not me? I don't accept it!"

The leader of the Tu tribe looked at the ball of light entering Zhuo Bufan's body, and knew that he would never become the Elf King.

There is only one true Elf King, and that is Zhuo Bufan.

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