With a clang, the holy sword that had been inserted into the diamond star for a thousand years was finally pulled out.

When Zhuo Bufan raised the holy sword high, the elves of the entire Golden Clan were excited.

"It's pulled out, my God, it's pulled out! The holy sword has been pulled out."

"The holy sword of the Golden Clan has finally been pulled out."

"Is the chief of the Fire Clan the reincarnation of the Elf King? How did he do it?"

"It's incredible. I didn't expect that I would be able to see the day when the holy sword was pulled out in my lifetime."

"But from now on, does the holy sword belong to the Fire Clan?"

Seeing the holy sword being pulled out, there are joy and sorrow!

The happy elves all believe that if the holy sword is pulled out, it means that the Golden Clan will rise.

However, it was not any elf of the Golden Clan who pulled out the holy sword, but the chief of the Fire Clan.

It is more or less ironic that the chief of the Fire Clan pulled out the holy sword.

After all, the Fire Clan is the nemesis of the Golden Clan. It was too surprising that the nemesis pulled out the holy sword.

Of course, it was useless for the Jin Clan to regret now.

Because the Jin Clan leader had already promised Zhuo Bufan to give the holy sword as a dowry.

Zhuo Bufan pulled out the holy sword and laughed.

"Hahahaha, thank you for the sword, Jin Clan leader!"

"Jin Clan leader, you can rest assured that the holy sword will be handed over to my Fire Clan for safekeeping from now on."

"I will definitely take good care of such a holy object."

Zhuo Bufan did not hide his excitement at the moment.

After all, the holy sword is of great significance to them.

With the holy sword, Zhuo Bufan can become the Elf King.

For Zhuo Bufan, completing the reincarnation mission of this world is his mission.

The Jin Clan leader and a group of ministers were very dissatisfied when they saw Zhuo Bufan holding the holy sword.

That was obviously the holy sword of their Jin Clan, why did it become the Fire Clan's now.

The reason why the ministers agreed to let the princess use the holy sword as a dowry was because they knew that no one could pull out the holy sword.

But now, the holy sword has been pulled out, and they regret it.

"Chief, this is absolutely unacceptable! The holy sword belongs to our Jin clan."

"Without the holy sword, where is our Jin clan!"

"Chief, as long as the holy sword is there, the Jin clan is there."

"Please take back the holy sword. Please take back the holy sword."

For a moment, everyone present asked the chief of the Jin clan to take back the holy sword from Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, even Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Take back the holy sword? Are you kidding me?"

"Before, you promised to use the holy sword as a dowry, and now you want to take it back."

"What do you mean? The holy sword that I pulled out is given to you?"

"Don't you have a rule in your Jin clan that whoever pulls out the holy sword is the chief of the Jin clan."

"Now that I have pulled out the holy sword, it is enough that you don't serve me as your master, but you actually want to take my holy sword."

"Very good, very good, you are very good!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised the holy sword in his hand high.

At the same time, he condensed the power of the eternal fire and the holy water of the holy grail onto the holy sword.

For a moment, the three sacred powers of gold, water, and fire condensed together to form an extremely powerful energy.

When that energy gathered together, the entire Jin clan Goshan began to slowly decompose and melt.

The ministers and clan leaders of the Jin clan who saw this scene exclaimed.

"Chief of the Fire Clan, stop it quickly, please show mercy!"

The chief of the Jin clan shouted, he could feel that if this continued, then their Jin clan would definitely be finished.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan must not be provoked.

Because he was almost invincible holding the holy sword.

"Chief of the Fire Clan, take the holy sword, take the holy sword!"

"Please retract your magical powers and spare my Jin clan."

At the request of the chief of the Jin clan, Zhuo Bufan slowly retracted his power.

Then, the collapse of Goshan also began to stop.

Zhuo Bufan held the holy sword in his hand, looked at the chief of the Jin tribe and all the ministers of the Jin tribe present, and snorted coldly.

"That's more like it!"

"Do you know what it means to keep your word? Honesty can last long. Those who don't keep their word will die young."

Zhuo Bufan didn't actually intend to destroy the entire Jin tribe, he just wanted to give the Jin tribe a head start.

Sometimes, deterrence is the most useful.

Only under hegemony can there be a voice.

Seeing the chief of the Jin tribe hand over the holy sword, many ministers cried out in grief.

"Alas! Can my Jin tribe only be enslaved by the Fire Tribe in the future and make compromises?"

"It's over, everything is over. My Jin tribe has no protection from the holy weapon, and time is running out."

"Every tribe has the protection of the holy weapon, but my Jin tribe will be without the holy weapon."

"It's hard to pull out the holy sword, but in the end it was given to others, what a pity!"

The ministers had no hope for the future.

However, after seeing this scene, Chi Yan stood up and said.

"Everyone of the Jin Clan, you don't have to be so pessimistic."

"The princess married me, and from now on the Jin Clan will be the closest companions of my Fire Clan."

"My Fire Clan will always keep the Jin Clan safe."

"So, everyone of the Jin Clan, please don't be too pessimistic. I promise you here."

"From now on, the Fire Clan and the Jin Clan will have a bond stronger than gold and will never kill each other."

Chi Yan's sudden words made the ministers silent.

Even Zhuo Bufan was shocked to see Chi Yan.

He didn't expect that Chi Yan was serious.

It was just a play, a play to get the holy sword.

He didn't expect that Chi Yan would turn the fake play into reality and really want to marry the princess of the Jin clan.

"This guy, is he serious?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't understand Chi Yan's operation.


At night, Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan were alone.

The two fire elves began to talk about the next plan.

"Are you serious about what you said today?"

"You, you really like the princess of the Jin clan, right?"

Facing Zhuo Bufan's inquiry, Chi Yan agreed without hesitation.

"To be honest, yes!"

"I like the princess of the Jin clan, and I believe the princess of the Jin clan likes me too."

"So, liking is such a feeling."

"I suddenly don't want to be the Elf King anymore."

When Zhuo Bufan heard Chi Yan's words, he was stunned.

"What? You don't want to be the Elf King? Are you serious?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Chi Yan would give up his wish now.

In order to become the Elf King, he dared to venture into dangerous places.

But now, he was defeated in the Golden Tribe's Goshan.

"Yes, if I were to choose between the Elf King and the Golden Tribe Princess, I would choose the Princess."

"My original purpose of becoming the Elf King was to unify the five major elf tribes and bring peace back to this land."

"Now, I want to use another method to unify the five major elf tribes and bring peace back to the land."

"Today's alliance between the Fire Tribe and the Golden Tribe is the first step to peace."

"The Fire Tribe and the Golden Tribe are obviously mortal enemies. But now they can form an alliance. This is the future!"

After listening to Chi Yan's words, Zhuo Bufan had a sudden realization.

He felt that Chi Yan suddenly had a high level of awareness, which he did not even have.

"To unify the five tribes, you don't have to become the Elf King."

"And Brother Lieyan, I have actually been deceiving you!"

"There can only be one Elf King. I lied to you that we can all become Elf Kings, but that was just an excuse for me to trick you into helping me collect the Holy Weapons."

When Chi Yan spoke the truth, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"You guys have been using me?"

"Then why are you telling me this now?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly couldn't understand Chi Yan's operation.

After hearing this, Chi Yan replied.

"In fact, today when I saw you pull out the Holy Sword on the Diamond Star."

"I knew that you were the only choice for the Elf King!"

"Only you can become the Elf King, not me."

"So, I voluntarily give up."

It turned out that the reason why Chi Yan decided to tell Zhuo Bufan the truth was because he had figured it out.

When he saw Zhuo Bufan pull out the Holy Sword in the Diamond Star by himself, he knew that Zhuo Bufan was the Elf who could become the Elf King.

I am just a salted fish who is only worthy of following Zhuo Bufan and calling him daddy.

And the previous baptism of eternal fire.

I tried my best to complete only 80% of the baptism.

However, Zhuo Bufan can easily complete the complete baptism of eternal fire.

In fact, all this made Chi Yan see the gap between him and Zhuo Bufan.

This gap made him understand that he was no longer worthy of competing with Zhuo Bufan for the position of Elf King.

So, Chi Yan was scared and decided to give up.

After listening to everything Chi Yan said, Zhuo Bufan understood Chi Yan's thoughts.

"Haha, you guy, I understand."

"Since you want to do your thing, then you can do it boldly!"

"Elf King, I won't let you."

Although Zhuo Bufan felt a little indebted, it was time for him to take the lead.

If there can only be one Elf King, then it must be him.

Everything Zhuo Bufan did was for reincarnation.

In order to complete the trial task assigned to him by the Reincarnation Tower, Zhuo Bufan would naturally take the lead.

"Then I'm afraid I can't continue to accompany you to the Wood Tribe."

Chi Yan has decided to give up the fight for the Elf King.

So, he will no longer follow Zhuo Bufan to collect the holy artifacts.

Three of the five holy artifacts have been collected now.

Holy water, holy fire, holy sword!

Now we are still short of the holy tree and the holy stone. Zhuo Bufan will need to find these two things alone.

"I'll give this to you. This is the plan I made for collecting holy artifacts!"

Chi Yan handed Zhuo Bufan the notes he had made in advance.

Zhuo Bufan was very surprised when he looked at what Chi Yan gave him.

All the plans were recorded in detail on the notes.

From stealing holy water, to the trial of holy fire, to the marriage plan of the holy sword, everything was there.

"Next, you need to go to the Wood Tribe, chop down the Holy Tree with the Holy Sword, and obtain the Heart of the Holy Tree."

"The Heart of the Holy Tree can grant you the power of immortality. This is the eternal and immortal power that the Elf King must possess."

"It is also the power filled with the most powerful life force."

"Only with such a powerful life force can you go to the Earth Tribe and look for the Holy Stone!"

"The holy stone is not something that ordinary elves can touch. It absorbs all energy, including vitality. If you don't have the strong vitality of the holy tree, once you get close to the holy stone, you will definitely die."

"So you must not get the order wrong. You must first get the power of the holy tree, and then look for the holy stone."

"When you collect all the five holy artifacts, you will become the elf king."

"When you become the elf king, I will definitely go to congratulate you."

Chi Yan obviously really regarded Zhuo Bufan as a brother.

He told Zhuo Bufan all his plans without any satisfaction.

He actually wanted Zhuo Bufan to become the elf king.

That's why he explained Zhuo Bufan so earnestly.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the notes given by Chi Yan and was very moved.

If it weren't for Chi Yan, Zhuo Bufan didn't know how many detours he would have to take.

With Chi Yan's help, Zhuo Bufan was able to get to this point so quickly.

"Thank you!"

Zhuo Bufan rarely thanked others, but he didn't expect to say thank you to a little elf now.

After hearing this, Chi Yan laughed.

"What are you thanking me for? I've already said that we are brothers."

"Brother, I believe in you. You will definitely become the Elf King."

Chi Yan actually wanted Zhuo Bufan to become the Elf King. After all, only the real Elf King can bring peace to this land.

"Don't worry, when I become the Elf King, I will definitely bring peace to this world."

Zhuo Bufan also assured Chi Yan that this was a promise between brothers.

"Then next, you take the Holy Sword and leave Geshan overnight!"

Chi Yan said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm fine. What can the Jin Clan do to me now?"

"After all, I'm the prince of the Fire Clan. The Holy Sword is not on me. What can they do to me?"

"I think the chief of the Jin Clan is a smart chief. He will make the right choice."

"After you leave Geshan, head north. The Wood Clan is in the Eternal Forest in the north."

"I think with your current strength, it's no problem to go to the Eternal Forest alone, so it's up to you next."

Chi Yan believed in Zhuo Bufan's ability.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"No problem, I'll leave then."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that his cooperation with Chi Yan would end here.

He was very grateful for Chi Yan's help.

It can be said that it was Chi Yan who helped him step by step to where he is now.

Without Chi Yan, Zhuo Bufan might still be going around in circles in the Water Clan.

"Let's go! The ministers of the Jin Clan are all moody guys."

"If they regret it later, it will be troublesome."

Zhuo Bufan also knew that although he had the Holy Sword in his hand, he was still not safe.

So he followed Chi Yan's advice and immediately took the Holy Sword and went down the Jin Clan's Geshan.

Then, he took the Holy Sword and headed north towards the Eternal Forest where the Wood Clan was.

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan turned around and took a look at the Geshan.

"Little thing, see you again if we are lucky!"

After saying that, Zhuo Bufan took the Holy Sword and quickly disappeared from this land.

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