Kunpeng killed the sacred beast Suzaku in one bite.

The huge sacred beast instantly turned into a ball of fire and crashed into the South China Sea.

Countless beasts died tragically in this catastrophe.

Kunpeng shocked the whole audience as soon as he appeared.

Even sacred beasts such as Azure Dragon and White Tiger were deeply terrified.

Killing Suzaku in one second, what a powerful strength.

Azure Dragon and White Tiger thought they were very powerful, but they didn't have the ability to kill Suzaku in one second.

In other words, Kunpeng's strength was far stronger than the other sacred beasts present.

Azure Dragon stared blankly at the huge head in the sky, and was very frightened in his heart.

"So strong, is Kunpeng so strong?"

White Tiger on the side questioned Xuanwu on the side and shouted.

"Damn Xuanwu, didn't you say that Kunpeng was just so-so?"

"Are you really on par with him?"

Xuanwu said before that he was on par with Kunpeng, but he just defeated Kunpeng with one move.

Now it seems that Xuanwu is full of nonsense, not a single word of truth.

Facing the questioning of other divine beasts, Xuanwu looked innocent.

"This, this I don't know either!"

"When I fought him, he was not so powerful!"

"And he was not so big either."

"This is too weird!"

Xuanwu did not admit that he was talking nonsense, but now the facts are in front of him, and he can't quibble.

"You still want to quibble, this Kunpeng fought with you a year ago! Do you mean to say that this Kunpeng has become so powerful in just one year?"

"It's ridiculous! Xuanwu, you killed Zhuque."

All the divine beasts agreed that it was Xuanwu who harmed Zhuque.

If Xuanwu hadn't talked nonsense, Zhuque would not have died.

Xuanwu felt very wronged, but now the facts were in front of him, he had to admit that Kunpeng was too powerful, and Zhuque was not his opponent at all, not to mention himself.

Who would have thought that Zhuque, the former god of the winged tribe, was killed instantly.

Poor Suzaku underestimated Kunpeng's strength. But this is a world where the strong prey on the weak, and its death will soon be forgotten.

What everyone remembers is only the glory of the victor.

Just when all the beasts thought that the matter was over, Kunpeng in the sky suddenly made a deafening sound.

"The eight great beasts must have come to the South China Sea today. Since everyone is here, I will announce it today."

"I, Kunpeng, will become the god of all beasts!"

When Kunpeng said that he would become the god of all beasts, billions of creatures were silent.

"God of all beasts? Oh my god, Kunpeng is no longer content to be the God of the Winged Tribe. Is he going to be the God of all beasts?"

"The God of all beasts must be recognized by all beasts in the world before he can achieve his godhood."

"Even the most powerful divine beast, Azure Dragon, cannot be recognized by all beasts. So far, there is no God of Beasts in this world."

"Kunpeng killed Suzaku in seconds, and he does have the strength to become the God of Beasts. But this does not mean that he can conquer all beasts in the world."

The onlookers were silent. They did not express any opinions about Kunpeng's desire to become the God of Beasts.

Because they knew that if Kunpeng wanted to become the God of Beasts, the eight divine beasts would definitely stand up and oppose it.

As expected, when Kunpeng finished speaking, Azure Dragon and White Tiger were the first to rush out.

"Hmph, arrogant! Do you think that you are qualified to become the God of All Beasts after defeating Zhuque?"

"If you want to become the God of Beasts, you must be blessed and recognized by all the beasts. Who do you think you are?"

Baihu resolutely opposed and vetoed. He would not agree to Zhuo Bufan becoming the God of Beasts.

Because once this world has the God of Beasts, the status of these divine beasts will be lost.

Originally, the eight divine beasts each governed the eight races. They all had their own power and status.

But if the God of Beasts was elected, their status and power would disappear.

Because everything will obey the will of the God of Beasts, the appearance of the God of Beasts means the unification of this world.

This is why there has been no God of Beasts in this world for so many years.

The God of Beasts needs to be recognized by all the beasts. Even if one race does not recognize it, the God of Beasts cannot be born.

So it is very difficult for Zhuo Bufan to become the God of Beasts.

But he must become the God of Beasts.

Because only by becoming the God of Beasts can Zhuo Bufan pass the test of reincarnation.

Therefore, in order to become the God of Beasts, Zhuo Bufan has actually been planning secretly.

His plan has been slowly formed since the battle with Zhuque.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan had been establishing his glorious image among the beasts long before the battle with Zhuque.

He helped the weak and helped the weak, and he had a high reputation and status among the major beast tribes.

After the battle with Zhuque, Zhuo Bufan realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity for him to become famous.

If you want to become the God of Beasts, you must at least let all the beast tribes in the world know you, this is the premise.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan wanted to use this battle to make him the most watched existence in the world.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan chose to kill Zhuque in seconds was also for this reason.

Because killing Zhuque in seconds will definitely make him the most watched existence.

Being able to kill Zhuque in seconds, his strength is naturally extraordinary, which attracts the respect of the people.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan's goal was achieved.

After he killed Zhuque in seconds, all the beasts began to have awe of him.

The beasts have always been in awe of the strong, which is why Zhuo Bufan chose this plan.

Of course, killing Zhuque in seconds is not enough, it is not enough for all the beasts in the world to recognize him and recognize him as the beast god.

Zhuo Bufan has to do something earth-shattering.

"I know you are all unconvinced, so in this case, you seven beasts, come together!"

"Today, I will destroy the prestige of you seven beasts."

Zhuo Bufan declared war on the other seven beasts in the sky.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan plans to fight the seven beasts alone.

When the beasts present heard Zhuo Bufan's words, they all exclaimed.

"Oh my god, is this great god Kunpeng going to fight seven alone?"

"Those are the seven great beasts! The powerful gods like Azure Dragon and White Tiger join forces. This is a battle scene that has never been seen before."

"What an arrogant Kunpeng, does this Kunpeng really think he is invincible?"

All the beasts expressed doubts. They thought Zhuo Bufan must be crazy.

Even if it could kill Zhuque in seconds, Zhuque was attacked by surprise when it didn't know it.

And Zhuque was not completely disappointed. Zhuque would be reborn from the ashes.

In the eyes of many beasts, Kunpeng's killing of Zhuque in seconds was related to a certain amount of luck.

In their opinion, Kunpeng must have been inflated because he killed Zhuque in seconds, which made him think he could fight all the other beasts.

But he didn't know how powerful these beasts were.

"It seems that we are underestimated!"

The Azure Dragon stood up first.

Although he was shocked by the scene of Kunpeng killing Zhuque in seconds, when he came to his senses, he found that Kunpeng might not be as powerful as he imagined.

Kunpeng used the method of surprise attack to kill Zhuque unexpectedly.

If this method is used, he can also kill Zhuque in seconds. After all, surprise attack is a risky move.

The method of throwing a big move at the opponent when the opponent is not paying attention is indeed very effective.

But if the opponent reacts and blocks the surprise attack, then he will fall into a passive position.

Therefore, in general, masters rarely use surprise attacks in battles.

In Qinglong's opinion, Zhuo Bufan must want to shock all the beasts present, so he uses surprise attacks.

After careful analysis, Qinglong is obviously no longer afraid of Kunpeng, the incarnation of Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, Baihu on the side also stood up and said.

"Although Zhuque is always self-righteous, he is after all for one of the four most primitive sacred beasts."

"You actually beat him to death, so we can't just stand by and watch, we must avenge him."

After Baihu finished speaking, he obviously decided to join the team fighting Kunpeng.

At this time, Xuanwu Qilin also stood up.

"We can't let this guy underestimate our sacred beasts!"

"It seems that we have to fight. If you want to become a beast god, it depends on whether you have the ability."

"I don't believe it, you can challenge our seven sacred beasts?"

At this time, the three sacred beasts of Earth Elephant, Sea Dragon, and Insect Ancestor also stood up.

For a while, the seven sacred beasts all appeared.

They all faced Kunpeng in the sky, and it seemed that a big battle was about to break out.

Zhuo Bufan, who turned into Kunpeng, sneered after seeing this scene.

"Very good, very good!"

"In that case, then you all come together! Today is the day when I become a god."

Zhuo Bufan was actually very excited because everything was going according to his plan.

He deliberately angered the seven beasts and then provoked them to challenge him.

In this way, if he could defeat the seven beasts at once, it would certainly shock all the beasts.

At that time, these beasts would have no choice but to admit that he was the god of beasts.

So, Zhuo Bufan actually had a plan in his heart.

And facing the extremely arrogant Zhuo Bufan, the seven beasts were obviously annoyed.

"You ignorant fellow, let's go!"

As soon as the white tiger finished speaking, it was the first to follow Zhuo Bufan.

It ran on the thunder and lightning, carrying terrifying thunder and lightning sparks all the way, and crashed into Kunpeng's head in the sky.

Facing the white tiger's sudden attack, Kunpeng opened his mouth and let out a terrifying roar.

Roar, roar, roar!

The earth-shaking roar instantly frightened the white tiger, which was just very violent, into a little white cat.

The lightning on his body also disappeared in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan's Kunpeng's anger was obviously not an ordinary roar, but a roar that could shake the soul.

The life frightened by Zhuo Bufan's surprise was instantly shattered.

What's more, the white tiger, who was so close to him, was almost half scared in an instant.


Just when the white tiger lost consciousness, a thunder whip swung from the sky.

It was Kunpeng's tentacles, carrying the power of destructive thunder and lightning, which instantly whipped the white tiger away and blasted it into the deep sea.

On the other side, Xuanwu and Qinglong joined forces to surprise Kunpeng and severely injure Kunpeng.

I saw Xuanwu using his absolute defense and standing in front.

The Azure Dragon behind him opened his huge mouth and condensed the light of destruction.

Seeing Xuanwu and Azure Dragon coming together, Kunpeng in the sky snorted coldly.


Then, Kunpeng sneezed, and there was a violent storm, thunder and lightning.

A terrible energy bombarded Xuanwu's back.

The back of Xuanwu, which was said to be absolutely defensive, collapsed in an instant and was destroyed.

The next second, it directly penetrated Xuanwu's body and penetrated Azure Dragon's destructive light.


Xuanwu and Azure Dragon exploded directly in the air and suffered heavy damage.

Seeing this scene, the four great beasts, Qilin, Earth Elephant, Sea Dragon, and Insect Ancestor, did not dare to advance.

"Attack from a distance, don't get close."

The Qilin reminded the other beasts.

After hearing this, the other beasts followed the Qilin's order and launched an attack from a distance.

The Qilin spit out seven energy halos and bombarded Kunpeng.

The earth elephant roared with a hurricane and attacked Kunpeng.

The sea dragon summoned the endless flood of the South China Sea, which surged to the sky.

The insect ancestor summoned countless insect swarms and wrapped Kunpeng up.

The four great beasts each used a unique trick to kill Kunpeng in one fell swoop.

However, at this moment, Kunpeng suddenly opened his mouth and began to take a deep breath.

This breath directly sucked the big moves of the four great beasts into his body.

Before the four great beasts could react, Kunpeng in the sky spit out the seven great tricks again.

The power of each trick was strengthened, and then it was counterattacked to the four great beasts.

The four great beasts were defeated in an instant, and fell from the sky one by one.

On the earth, countless beasts saw this scene and were shocked.

They did not expect that the seven great beasts joined forces, but they were not the opponent of the great god Kunpeng.

"Oh my God! Great God Kunpeng, it's really Great God Kunpeng!"

"He succeeded, he actually killed the seven great beasts, no, eight great beasts."

"This is impossible, they are beasts! Aren't they the most powerful beings in the world?"

The beastmen were all shocked by the tragic defeat of the seven great beasts.

At this time, Kunpeng's voice came again from the sky.

"I want to be the god of all beasts, who else is not convinced?"

When he shouted this sentence, the beastmen on the earth knelt down towards Kunpeng in the sky, and then prostrated themselves.

At this moment, they were both respectful and afraid of Kunpeng.

For a moment, countless lights flew out from their heads, and then gathered towards Kunpeng in the air.

This is the coronation of all beasts. After being recognized by all beasts, the crown of the god of all beasts will be worn on Kunpeng's head.

And Kunpeng began to condense his own godhood under this coronation halo.

He could feel the blessings and admiration of countless beastmen.

Until finally, a huge halo gathered above Kunpeng's head.

After countless hardships, Zhuo Bufan finally became the god of all beasts.

At the same time, he also had to complete the reincarnation test of this world.

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