Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1327 Death Design [Subscription Request]

The big black dog died, and died in front of the old woman's grave.

Perhaps if Zhuo Bufan hadn't possessed the big black dog, the big black dog would have drank the old woman's poison in the end!

Because it knows that after the old woman dies, it will never live alone.

If we want to die, we must die together.

Although Zhuo Bufan completed his mission, he still failed to save the big black dog in the end.

"Hey, what a loyal dog!"

Feelings are feelings, regrets are just regrets.

Zhuo Bufan could not choose to move on just because of his inner pain.

Yes, he still needs to keep going and continue to complete his mission.

"I didn't expect the first mission to be so difficult. Look at the second mission!"

Zhuo Bufan opened Yin Gongce and then looked at the second task.

"Create an accident, kill a villain, and do justice for heaven."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the second task with some distress.

"Walking for heaven? What kind of way do you want to do?"

"How can a brat like me kill evil people?"

Zhuo Bufan was helpless, he was just a little ghost now.

The most he can do is to possess some small animals.

He doesn't even have the ability to transform, let alone control real things.

Therefore, it is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to kill someone with his own hands.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan needs to find another way.

Of course, the premise of this task is that he must find a villain.

It is not difficult to find the villain, but it is not easy to find the damn villain.

Zhuo Bufan cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately in order to complete his mission.

So he had to find a heinous villain.

In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan continued to wander around the city.

We have encountered many villains, such as robbers who rob in broad daylight, thieves who steal in the middle of the night shift, wealthy young men who bully others, and bullies who bully men and women.

Although these people are all evil people, their crimes are not worthy of death. At least Zhuo Bufan feels that he has no right to take their lives.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan has never found his goal.

It was not until three days later that Zhuo Bufan witnessed a tragic genocide.

Outside the old hospital in the city, I don’t know who I offended.

On a dark night, three masked killers entered the house and killed the entire family, leaving no one behind.

After they killed the man, they also set fire to the foreigner's house.

In the end, the entire Yuanwai Mansion became ashes.

This incident caused a sensation in the entire town.

The government sent people to investigate, but found nothing.

The three killers moved cleanly and without leaving any traces.

In the entire town, only Zhuo Bufan, a kid floating in the air, witnessed everything.

He was sure that those three killers were the damned villains.

After waiting for so long, he finally got his mission goal.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan followed the three killers to a small courtyard.

The three killers thought they were clean and did not leave any clues.

But they never expected that there would be a kid following them secretly.

After the three assassins returned to the courtyard, they took off their masks.

All three of them looked like gangsters with ferocious faces.

They are still complacent, thinking that they have done a perfect job.

"Eldest brother, second brother, and third brother think that after finishing this job, we three brothers will be glorious and rich in the future. We can't imagine it."

"Yes, the official gave us three hundred thousand taels of silver for this vote. With this money, why do we three brothers continue to be killers who lick blood from the edge of a knife?"

"Three hundred thousand taels of silver, and each of our three brothers will get one hundred thousand. I plan to settle down in this small town and open a gambling house. What are the plans for the second and third brothers?"

"The eldest brother opens a gambling house, and the second brother I will open a brothel, hahahaha. Wouldn't it be great for us two brothers to join forces again?"

"Hey, why did the two brothers forget about me? The eldest brother opens a gambling house, and the second brother opens a brothel, so I will open a tavern. From then on, the three of us brothers gave up fighting and went into business, and joined forces again to conquer the business world."

Zhuo Bufan listened to the three killers chatting while drinking and learned about their origins.

It turns out that they are the famous killer Meihua Sanji in the world.

They would only kill people at three quarters in the evening. Therefore, the killer organization of Three Quarters of Plum Blossoms is quite famous in the world.

However, the three killers have been working for too long and are a little tired of this killer life.

So the three decided this was their last mission.

The employer gave a lot of commissions for this mission. With these commissions, they can settle down for the rest of their lives.

All three of them had the intention to abandon military service and pursue business.

It is said that if you put down your butcher's knife, you will become a Buddha immediately.

But in Zhuo Bufan's view, the three of them are unforgivable and deserve to die.

Even if they put down the butcher knife, it would be difficult for them to clean the blood on their hands.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan decided that it was these three people. He wanted to kill these three guys and avenge the blood of that family.

After deciding on the target he wanted to kill, Zhuo Bufan's next step was to think about how to kill the three of them.

Killing them is no simple matter.

At least Zhuo Bufan couldn't kill them directly with the kid's abilities.

So how to kill them is a question.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about how to kill these three heinous villains.

The three villains started talking again.

"Brother, do you think this little city lord has such a deep grudge against that person outside the courtyard that he actually wants the three of us to destroy his whole family? Not even leaving any chickens or dogs behind?"

"I heard that someone outside the hospital seemed to have obtained evidence that the city lord withheld disaster funds. I heard that the city lord had been in office for many years and made countless money."

"But that guy's methods were clean and he left almost no evidence."

"But the officer knew what he had done, and through some method, he obtained the basic account books."

"If those account books are passed to the imperial court, then the city lord will definitely not be able to be saved."

"That's why the city lord found our three brothers and killed them to silence them."

Through the narrations of these three drunkards, Zhuo Bufan understood who the mastermind behind the book was.

It turned out that the mastermind behind all this was the city lord.

"It seems that the city lord is the one who deserves to die the most."

Zhuo Bufan also hated the city lord deeply in his heart.

So he decided to do justice for heaven.

In addition to these three guys, he also wants to kill the city lord.

Soon, the three guys got drunk and lay on the table.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of a way to kill them.

"I remember that the old lady still has some poison left, maybe it can be used."

Zhuo Bufan thought of the old woman's poison.

The old woman wanted to use poison to kill the big black dog possessed by Zhuo Bufan, but fortunately Zhuo Bufan was clever and escaped.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan noticed that the old woman still had some leftover poison.

So he planned to use the old woman's poison to kill these three heinous killers who had killed countless people.

While the three guys were sound asleep, Zhuo Bufan immediately flew back to the old lady's house.

Then he found the bag of poison.

The question now is how to take away the poison.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was in a ghost state now, so it was impossible for him to just grab the bag of poison and leave.

His hands could not touch the packet of poison.

So let alone poisoning those three guys, he couldn't even take away the bag of poison.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was distressed, he suddenly saw the magpie on the branch outside the yard.

"That's right, possessed!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly possessed the magpie.

Immediately afterwards, the magpie fell from the branch.

After a while, the magpie opened its eyes again.

Zhuo Bufan successfully possessed the little bird.

Next, Zhuo Bufan held the bag of poison in his mouth and flew back to the small courtyard.

The three killers were so drunk that they were not sober at all.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan sprinkled poison into the wine bowl in front of them.

After completing all this, Zhuo Bufan flew to the branch and waited for the three of them to wake up.

Soon, the night passed and the sun rose.

The three killers slowly woke up one after another.

"Second brother, third brother, get up! We should go to the city lord to ask for payment."

Under the call of the boss, the second and third children woke up.

When they heard that they were going to get their reward, they all became excited.

"Come here, two brothers, drink this wine and let's start a new life."

The boss has not forgotten his promise last night.

This is their last vote. From now on, they will wash their hands and never commit murder or arson again.

So this bowl of wine can be regarded as a bowl of wine for them to change their minds.

However, they had no idea that this night of drinking would also be the last bowl of wine in their lives.

The magpie possessed on the branch was extraordinary, and he watched the three killers drink the poisonous wine with his own eyes.

After drinking it, not long after, the three of them grabbed their chests.

"what happened?"

"Oh, this, this wine is poisonous!"

Only then did they realize that what they drank was actually poisonous wine.

"How is it possible? Who did it?"

"Come out, who is it?"

They clutched their chests and started wailing.

However, the murderer, Zhuo Bufan, was right above their heads, watching them die indifferently.

Soon, the three of them were frothing at the mouth, fell on the table, and died.

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this scene.

Then he flew out of the magpie's body.

Then he summoned his own Yin Gong strategy.

He found that the second task had disappeared from the list.

As long as the mission disappears, it means their mission was successful.

Zhuo Bufan relied on the old woman's poison to successfully kill the three killers and avenge the Yuanwai family.

Originally, his mission had been completed, but Zhuo Bufan felt that the matter was not over yet.

Although the killer is dead, the real mastermind is still alive.

Naturally, Zhuo Bufan wouldn't think it was over like this.

So he still had to kill the real mastermind, the lord of this small town.

It was the city lord who hired murderers and killed Yuan Wai's family.

Since Zhuo Bufan has decided to do justice for heaven, he must put an end to this matter completely.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan came to the city lord's mansion and found the city lord.

The city lord was fat and harmless on the outside, but he was extremely dark inside.

Moreover, he is also an extremely cautious person. He always has several bodyguards when he goes out, and people test poison when he eats or drinks.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Zhuo Bufan to poison him with poison.

However, Zhuo Bufan would not give up the idea of ​​killing him.

This fat guy must be buried with more than 30 people in the family of Yuanwai.

So next, Zhuo Bufan kept looking for ways to kill the city lord.

For example, he took advantage of the city lord going out hunting, deliberately possessed the horse he was riding, and then threw this guy off the horse's back.

However, this fat guy was thick-skinned and could not be thrown to death.

Poor horse, in the end, the fat guy killed it in anger.

Later, Zhuo Bufan possessed a tiger, and then wanted to bite this guy to death while he was hunting.

As a result, who knew that this fat guy had been protected by someone in secret.

When he turned into a tiger and pounced on the fat guy, an arrow moth was pulled out from the dark, and the tiger he possessed was shot to death on the spot.

So this time, Zhuo Bufan's assassination plan failed again.

However, Zhuo Bufan would not give up because this fat guy deserved to die, and he had to enforce justice.

But then, it was even harder for Zhuo Bufan to kill him.

The fat guy found that he almost died tragically again and again, and he was immediately shocked.

He thought he had encountered something unclean.

So he invited a wizard to perform a ritual to exorcise the ghost, and hid in his secret treasure house.

In this way, it was even more impossible for Zhuo Bufan to kill him.

Fortunately, the wizard invited by this guy was just a charlatan, with no real skills.

So the wizard was not a big threat to Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan had to find a way to kill the fat city lord.

The fat guy hid in his small treasury, not to mention animals, even a mosquito could not get in.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan finally thought of a way.

First, he possessed a mouse, and then asked the mouse to dig a hole from the outside. After much effort, he finally dug into the fat man's vault.

Then Zhuo Bufan possessed a poisonous snake.

At midnight, Zhuo Bufan went through the hole dug by the mouse and got into the fat man's hiding place.

At this moment, the fat man had fallen asleep. Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate at all, and the poisonous snake bit the fat man.

On the spot, the fat man screamed.

Then the next day, the news came that the city lord was bitten to death by a poisonous snake.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan had truly completed this task.

After completing this task, Zhuo Bufan returned to the charred Yuanwai Mansion.

Looking at the Yuanwai Mansion covered with charcoal, Zhuo Bufan was very emotional.

He saw the death of the old woman and the death of the Yuanwai Mansion family, and he realized that he was so powerless.

Now, he is a little ghost, and he is seeing all kinds of life from the perspective of a little ghost.

Death is reincarnation, and perhaps death is not as painful and regretful as I see it.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the next task!"

Zhuo Bufan no longer sighed, and then he began to frantically complete the tasks on the Yin Gong Ce, just to leave this ghost world faster.

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