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Chapter 1323 Devouring the Four Sea Kings [Subscribe]

Chapter 1323: Devouring the Four Sea Kings

In order to kill the Red Sea Dragon Ao, Zhuo Bufan came to an underground volcano group in Zhonghai.

This volcano group was a mysterious place that Zhuo Bufan discovered when he was hunting a group of fifth-level flame fish.

The energy of nature is extremely terrifying.

Of course, this group of volcanoes is currently a dormant dead volcano.

Zhuo Bufan must find a way to activate this dead volcano.

Of course, after activating the volcano, the premise is that Zhuo Bufan can also safely leave this place of trouble.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan plans to sacrifice his clone.

He used his clone fish to lead the Red Sea Dragon Ao and his subordinates to the dormant volcano group.

Then, he let his clone continue to bombard the seabed.

In the end, he even used the means of self-destruction.

After the self-destruction, powerful energy poured into the entire seabed.

Then, the seabed began to tremble, and the terrifying energy hidden in the seabed began to revive.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

With waves of terrifying roars, terrifying earthquakes began to occur on the seabed.

Then, a series of terrifying gullies tore the seabed apart.

From the gullies, a series of terrifying flames shot up into the sky, instantly covering the entire sea level.

And the life above the sea surface was also wiped out in an instant.

Even the Red Sea Dragon Turtle and Zhuo Bufan's clone fish were submerged by countless lava in this earth-shaking catastrophe.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan found the remains of the Red Sea Dragon Turtle in a piece of lava debris.

Zhuo Bufan swallowed it without hesitation.

So far, the second evolution of the sea king level was swallowed by Zhuo Bufan.

After swallowing the Red Sea Dragon Turtle, Zhuo Bufan's physique was once again evolved and sublimated.

At the same time, he also grew dragon whiskers.

Dragon whiskers have powerful attack power and insight.

Now, Zhuo Bufan, the big fish, has dragon teeth, dragon scales, dragon horns, dragon whiskers, and dragon tendons.

He is becoming more and more like a dragon, and the day of turning into a dragon is getting closer and closer.

After killing the Red Sea Dragon Claw, Zhuo Bufan set his sights on the next two sea kings.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that as long as he swallowed and absorbed all the four sea kings, he could successfully evolve to the ninth level.

"Next, only the Dead Sea Demon Whale and the Azure Sea Dragon Eel are left!"

"This Azure Sea Dragon Eel is called the North Sea Thunder God. Its terrifying electric charge is feared by even the overlord-level existence."

"Fortunately, the mucus I secrete has extremely strong insulation, so I should have an advantage against this Azure Sea Dragon Eel."

"And after swallowing the dragon claw, my dragon teeth have also evolved powerfully."

"It seems that I can fight this Azure Sea Dragon Eel one-on-one."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't think of something that the Azure Sea Dragon Eel feared for a while, so he could only fight it head-on.

So, he let his clone lead the Azure Sea Dragon Eel to an empty sea area.

Then he prepared for a great battle.

Of course, the battlefield does not need the intervention of small fish and shrimps.

So Zhuo Bufan let his clone choose to self-destruct, and killed all the subordinates of the Azure Sea Dragon Eel.

The power of the self-destruction was enough to eliminate all the small characters.

However, for the Azure Sea Dragon Eel, Zhuo Bufan's combo did not cause much damage and effect.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan's clone replaced all the small fish.

In the entire sea area, only Zhuo Bufan, the big fish, and the giant Azure Sea Dragon Eel were left.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the Azure Sea Dragon Eel in front of him, he didn't say anything nonsense and started fighting directly!

Zhuo Bufan fired an air cannonball as soon as he met it.

It directly shocked the sea area within a radius of 100 miles, but the Azure Sea Dragon Eel was protected by thunder. Facing Zhuo Bufan's bombardment, the Azure Sea Dragon Eel did not suffer too much trauma.

Instead, it spit out a terrifying ball of lightning at Zhuo Bufan.

That was the largest ball of lightning Zhuo Bufan had ever seen.

A huge lightning ball with a diameter of 100 meters blasted towards the sea where Zhuo Bufan was, instantly electrocuting all the creatures in the ocean.

However, Zhuo Bufan, the big fish in the center of the lightning explosion, was unharmed.

Because Zhuo Bufan can secrete anti-electric mucus, which can help Zhuo Bufan resist the explosion of the dragon eel.

Chi chi chi chi!

Above the sea, thunder and lightning were intertwined, and the remaining power was fierce.

The green sea dragon eel looked at the countless corpses floating on the sea and guessed that Zhuo Bufan should have been killed by him.

But just when he was careless, suddenly an air cannon blasted in front of him.


The air cannon exploded directly in front of the green sea dragon eel.

The green sea dragon eel was dizzy by this sudden cannon.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not give him time to react at all. The next second, two strong energies suddenly flashed in front of the green sea dragon eel.

An X-shaped energy cut the space and then cut the dragon eel's body into four halves.


The Jade Sea Dragon Eel was already in the dragon transformation stage, so his screams carried some dragon roars.

It was obvious that the Jade Sea Dragon Eel had suffered unimaginable damage.

Zhuo Bufan's sudden attack played a key role.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan jumped up and used a move of the dragon's tail to severely whip the severely injured Jade Sea Dragon Eel.

The Jade Sea Dragon Eel was knocked unconscious on the spot.

By the time the Azure Sea Dragon Eel reacted, Zhuo Bufan had already opened his gluttonous mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

In this way, the third Sea King under the seat of the Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile, the overlord of the North Sea, was also easily killed by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan spent half a day to make fun of the Azure Sea Dragon Eel and gained the ability of Dragon Thunder.

The dragon has the power to swallow clouds and control thunder.

After Zhuo Bufan possessed the power of thunder and lightning, he was one step closer to the ninth level.

Now, there is only one Sea King left.

"Dead Sea Demon Whale!"

"This Dead Sea Demon Whale has a devouring power that exceeds mine. Like me, it has evolved through devouring to reach this point."

"In addition to the amazing devouring power, he also has a terrible dragon sound!"

"Its sound is like thunder, pouring straight into the soul, it is the roar of the dragon sound!"

"He is good at sonic attacks, and he is the most difficult for me."

Zhuo Bufan has his own means to kill the first three Sea Kings.

But he was not very sure about the fourth Dead Sea Demon Whale.

This Dead Sea Demon Whale itself was only one step away from the ninth level. It can be said that in the entire North Sea, except for the Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile, only this Dead Sea Demon Whale was the most terrifying.

Zhuo Bufan had even suffered a loss at its hands before, and was almost swallowed by a small breath of this Dead Sea Demon Whale.

So Zhuo Bufan still has a fear of this Dead Sea Demon Whale.

However, Zhuo Bufan is now only one step away from the ninth level.

Especially after swallowing the three sea kings, he has the ability that is not inferior to the Dead Sea Demon Whale.

So, facing this Dead Sea Demon Whale, Zhuo Bufan may have the strength to fight.

"This Dead Sea Demon Whale has a weakness, that is, it likes to sleep after eating."

"Maybe I can use this weakness to kill it."

Zhuo Bufan now has only one goal, that is, the Dead Sea Demon Whale.

For this reason, he is more cautious.

After all, at this point, it is very likely that one careless move will lead to a complete loss.

The more critical the moment, the calmer Zhuo Bufan is.

This is the real terrifying thing about Zhuo Bufan.

"Now, there is only one clone left, which is also the clone pursued by the Dead Sea Demon Whale."

"Maybe, I can use this clone to do something."

Zhuo Bufan began to think about the plan to kill the Sea Demon Whale.

The Dead Sea Demon Whale is different from the other three sea kings. It does not have its own sea clan.

Because this Dead Sea Demon Whale is too gluttonous, it will eat all the life within its sight.

He also had many subordinates, but these subordinates were finally eaten by him.

So now this Dead Sea Demon Whale, only it is left.

But it is enough.

Just one Dead Sea Demon Whale is enough to make Zhuo Bufan feel terrified.


On this side, Zhuo Bufan seems to have thought of a way.

He took advantage of the fact that the Dead Sea Demon Whale is very gluttonous, and then set a trap in a nearby sea area.

"Summoning the school of fish!"

Zhuo Bufan used the innate skills of the big fish to start summoning the school of fish.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan could feel that this Dead Sea Demon Whale was of the same type as him.

Because Zhuo Bufan also liked to eat, and he also evolved by swallowing.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan knew himself, and naturally he also knew his opponent.

He began to summon all the fish within a radius of 100 miles, and then gathered towards him.

Soon, there were more and more fish around him.

In the end, the entire sea was full of dark fish.

In the past, Zhuo Bufan might have swallowed these fish in front of him.

However, it was not possible today. Today he wanted to use these fish as bait to attract the Dead Sea Demon Whale to take the bait.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan relied on his own ability to gather tens of millions of fish in this sea area.

This was definitely a full meal for the Dead Sea Demon Whale.

After completing the arrangement of the bait, Zhuo Bufan began to call his clone.

Then he used the ability of the clone to attract the Dead Sea Demon Whale to his trap.

The Dead Sea Demon Whale has been chasing Zhuo Bufan's clone fish relentlessly.

It obviously didn't realize that there was a trap waiting for it.

As it chased, the Dead Sea Demon Whale found itself in a sea area with a lot of fish.

Looking at the big meal in front of it, the Dead Sea Demon Whale didn't hesitate at all.

It opened its terrifying big mouth and started to devour it directly.

Soon, thousands of fish were swallowed into its body by the Dead Sea Demon Whale.

However, this was not over yet.

Because the food in front of it was too rich, the Dead Sea Demon Whale simply couldn't control its gluttony.

So, it even gave up the pursuit of the Hell Zhuo Bufan's clone, and then began to devour all the clouds in the sea fiercely.

The devouring power of this Dead Sea Demon Whale is simply terrifying.

It feels like it wants to devour the entire sea.

The so-called whale swallowing the sea may be like this.

This Dead Sea Demon Whale swallowed hundreds of thousands of fish in one bite.

He was like a wolf rushing into a sheepfold. The sea in front of him was simply a paradise for him.

He began to devour without scruples, eating his food crazily.

Soon, the belly of the Dead Sea Demon Whale became larger and larger, and more and more terrifying.

In the end, the belly of the Dead Sea Demon Whale was so swollen that it completely turned into a ball.

Now, it is not only slow in movement, but even its mental power is not very focused.

Because it is too full, it begins to feel sleepy. This is a fatal weakness of the Dead Sea Demon Whale.

After eating, it will definitely sleep.

The fuller it is, the deeper it will sleep.

The current Dead Sea Demon Whale does not care about the orders of the North Sea Overlord Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile.

It just wants to find a place to have a good sleep.

So, after eating and drinking, the Dead Sea Demon Whale simply dived into the seabed and wanted to have a good sleep on the seabed.

However, just when the Dead Sea Demon Whale was sleeping soundly and dreaming about its sweet dreams, Zhuo Bufan came.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but smile when he saw the behemoth lying on the seabed.

"It's really a pig! I think you should not be called the Dead Sea Demon Whale, but the Dead Sea Demon Pig."

"Since you like to sleep so much, then have a good sleep!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he spit out a huge bubble towards the Dead Sea Demon Whale in front of him.

Soon, the head of the Dead Sea Demon Whale was wrapped by the bubble paradise.

The bubble paradise can let the Dead Sea Demon Whale dream his sweet dreams to his heart's content.

Zhuo Bufan took the opportunity to find an opportunity to start cleaning up the Dead Sea Demon Whale.

He arranged various bubble bombs around the Dead Sea Demon Whale, which were powerful enough to blow the Dead Sea Demon Whale up to the sky.

This bubble bomb was the ability Zhuo Bufan gained after swallowing the Azure Sea Dragon Eel.

It can store spherical lightning in its own bubbles to form a powerful energy bomb.

To be precise, this should not be called a bubble bomb, but a bubble spherical lightning.

As long as the Dead Sea Demon Whale has any violent actions, these bubble bombs will be detonated, and then it will be blown to pieces.

After Zhuo Bufan arranged these bubble bombs that exploded at the touch of a button, he fled a hundred miles away.

After all, if Zhuo Bufan did not hide farther away, these bubble bombs would definitely blow him up.

So he needed to hide farther away to detonate the trap he had carefully arranged.

After hiding a hundred miles away, Zhuo Bufan began to summon the thunderclouds in the sky, and then released a lightning bolt.


Above the sky, an extremely terrifying lightning bolt fell from the sky and hit the Dead Sea Demon Whale heavily.

The Dead Sea Demon Whale was completely immersed in its own sleep.

It didn't even come back to its senses.

The next second, there was an earth-shattering explosion on the seabed where it was.


The explosion blew up the water within a hundred miles.

And the Dead Sea Demon Whale was directly blown into countless pieces of meat.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the countless pieces of meat falling from the sky and began to devour them frantically.

This is the meat of the Dead Sea Demon Whale. Every piece of meat contains the power of the dragon, so it can't be wasted.

"It's done!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that everything went as he thought, very smoothly.

He successfully killed the four sea kings and successfully devoured all their energy.

Now, Zhuo Bufan feels that he should be on the verge of a breakthrough.

He needs to digest it well and then be ready to evolve at any time.

"It seems that I must find a place to rest for a while and then prepare to evolve."

Zhuo Bufan felt that he was on the verge of a breakthrough.

Before evolving, he needed to prepare well.

So, Zhuo Bufan temporarily gave up the plan to harass the four ocean overlords, and hid himself to prepare for the ninth stage of evolution.


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