Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1318 Reappearance of the Angry Soul Tower

Jun Zhitian held Yi Tianbi, the Heavenly Artifact of Doubtful Heavenly King Ce, and directly modified the rules of Mo Chichi's Moon Blade.

The Moon Blade is also called the Separation Blade, which has the ability to separate everything, even the soul.

Originally, the Moon Blade was a BUG-level Heavenly Artifact, and Mo Chichi could even use the Moon Blade to fight against Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu.

However, now, the rules of the Moon Blade have been tampered with by Yi Tianbi.

For a moment, the Moon Blade in Mo Chichi's hand suddenly turned around and chopped her hands.

Mo Chichi had no time to dodge, and her right arm was directly cut off.

The Moon Blade was also thrown out.

The thrown Moon Blade was obtained by Jun Zhitian.

Jun Zhitian grabbed Mo Chichi's Moon Blade and couldn't help laughing.

"Very good, in this way, the Moon Blade is mine."

Jun Zhitian held the Moon Blade in his hand and looked at Mo Chichi and Li Mei in front of him.

He chopped it out with a backhand knife, and a split light flashed towards Li Mei and the others.


In an instant, the God Whip in Li Mei's hand was cut in half.

And the Hammer of Disaster in Hun Dun was also cut in half.

Although these two items are not their Heavenly Dao artifacts, they are both their natal artifacts that they usually use.

Unexpectedly, now, they are both broken into two halves, and they cannot be restored.

Mo Chichi's separation knife is absolutely well-deserved.

This effect surprised even Jealous Heaven.

"It's really amazing! Can anything be cut in half?"

Jealous Heaven looked at the separation knife in his hand and was very proud.

Mo Chichi saw this and immediately transformed into a demon.

"Everyone be careful, don't be hurt by the separation knife."

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, Li Mei and Hun Dun immediately fled away.

Then Li Mei said.

"Wang Ce's Yi Tian Pen's effect on the Heavenly Dao artifact will not last long, Chichi, you can seize the opportunity to counterattack."

Li Mei has fought with Wang Ce, so she has a certain understanding of Wang Ce's Yi Tian Pen.

Although the Yi Tian Pen has the ability to grant and tamper with rules.

But the duration is limited.

Especially for the artifact of the Heavenly Dao, it may only be used once or twice.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi immediately concentrated his soul power on his Moon Sword.

"It disappeared!"

Mo Chichi sensed that the tampered rules on the Moon Sword disappeared, and she immediately issued an order to the Moon Sword.

For a moment, the Moon Sword spun in the air and then cut off Jealousy's hand.

At the same time, the Moon Sword flew back to Mo Chichi's hand.

Then Mo Chichi used the power of the Moon Sword to restore his severed arm.

After a while, Mo Chichi's Moon Sword still hurt Jealousy in the end.

"Damn it!"

Jealousy's attempt to steal a chicken ended in failure. He thought he could use the power of the Yitian Pen to subdue Mo Chichi and the others.

However, the power of the Yitian Pen is limited, and more importantly, the Yitian Pen is not Jealousy's artifact after all.

Even if Jealousy was in his hand, it would not be possible to fully play its role.

"It seems that Wang Ce is not only useless, but his weapon is also useless."

Jun Zhitian looked at the Yi Tian Pen in his hand and took it back into his palm.

Afterwards, a tower-shaped artifact slowly emerged in his palm.

When Mo Chichi and the others saw the tower-shaped artifact, they were stunned.

"Wrathful Soul Tower?"

"It's the Wrathful Soul Tower of Xu Kuang, what should we do now?"

"Be careful, don't be taken into the Wrathful Soul Tower."

Mo Chichi had entered the Wrathful Soul Tower before.

Once you enter the Wrathful Soul Tower, no matter how strong you are, you will be sealed in it and unable to escape.

Mo Chichi was deeply harmed by it, so he still has lingering fears about the Wrathful Soul Tower.

After all, the Wrathful Soul Tower is known as the strongest sealing artifact.

Mo Chichi didn't know that there was also a Zhuo Bufan imprisoned in the Wrathful Soul Tower.

Even Zhuo Bufan, who dared to fight the Eternal Heavenly Dao, couldn't escape from the Wrathful Soul Tower, so it's even more impossible for them now.

"The Wrathful Soul Tower absorbs the souls of others, which requires a certain opportunity and method."

"As for what the method is, I'm afraid only he knows."

"In short, we must all be careful."

After Mo Chichi finished his explanation, he looked at Jealousy Tian in front of him.

The Wrathful Soul Tower in his hand slowly emerged, and mysterious golden lights began to float outside the Wrathful Soul Tower.

Then, Jealousy Tian chanted a strange spell.

The next second, countless golden rays flew out of the golden light.

These golden rays flew rapidly towards Mo Chichi and the others, and each ray was like a small hand, grabbing towards Mo Chichi and the others.

"Be careful, don't be touched by the golden rays."

As soon as Mo Chichi finished speaking, the golden rays in the sky instantly covered the entire void.

All within a light year were covered.

Mo Chichi and Li Mei were lucky, they were agile and easily avoided the pursuit of those golden rays.

But Hun Dun had no time to escape. After revealing its true form, it was huge and instantly wrapped in a golden light cocoon, which directly surrounded him into a light cocoon.

"Brother, turn back time quickly."

Mo Chichi shouted at Hun Dun, hoping that Hun Dun could use his own time to turn back time and escape.

However, Hun Dun, who was wrapped in the golden light of the Wrathful Soul Tower, could not even use its time to turn back time.

The whole body disappeared into the void in the next second.

Before Hun Chaos could react, he was taken into the Raging Soul Tower by Jealousy Heaven.

This time, the original three-on-one situation instantly turned into a two-on-one situation.

"Without this troublesome guy like Hun Chao, you two women will just wait for death!"

After Jealousy Zhitian took Chaos into the Raging Soul Tower, he became extremely excited.

Because chaos is the most difficult thing for her.

After all, chaotic time travel can be said to be the most powerful means of control.

If any situation goes against him, he can turn back time and start over.

If Chaos is not dealt with first, it will be impossible for Jealousy to defeat the three of them.

Now that Chaos has been conquered, there will no longer be any trouble for Jealousy.

Seeing Chaos being taken into the Raging Soul Tower by Jealousy, Mo Chichi and Li Mei instantly became worried.

"Chichi, what should we do now?"

After Li Mei fought against Jealousy Zhitian again, she realized how difficult this guy was to deal with.

Now that they are riding a tiger, they have no choice but to fight to the bitter end with the enemy in front of them.

When Mo Chichi saw this, he frowned.

"My brother must be rescued first."

"How can we rescue him? He was captured by Xu Kuang's Raging Soul Tower."

"No one can let them escape from the Raging Soul Tower except the caster himself."

After Mo Chichi listened, he frowned.

"No, it's not that there are no other possibilities."

"As long as the Raging Soul Tower is destroyed, he can be released."

When Li Mei heard this, she was shocked.

"Destroy the Raging Soul Tower, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"How to destroy the Raging Soul Tower? It is the most powerful sealing artifact.

Mo Chichi listened and replied.

"It's just the most powerful sealing artifact, not the most powerful defensive artifact."

"If the Moon Sword is the strongest, it might be able to cut it off."

Mo Chichi looked at the separation knife in his hand.

Now they can only place their hopes on this separation knife.

After hearing this, Li Mei said.

"Is it really possible? If you want to destroy the Raging Soul Tower, I'm afraid your moon knife will also be in danger."

"After all, they are both heavenly artifacts. When they collide, there is only one result, and that is to die together."

Li Mei reminded Mo Chi Chi.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi frowned deeply.

"If this is the only way to save my brother, then I am willing to give it a try!"

Seeing Mo Chichi's determined look, Li Mei frowned deeply.

For some reason, she found that Mo Chichi had changed and became a little strange.

I don't know if it's my imagination, but Mo Chi Chi no longer looks like Mo Chi Chi.


After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he no longer continued to discuss with Li Mei, but took the initiative to attack the jealous sky.

Mo ChiChi was very fast, and the moment he fought with Jealousy, the sky was filled with lightning and flint.

As they came and went, they could only see two rays of light intertwining in the void, and then colliding with each other.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Every collision is an earth-shattering explosion.

Soon, there was no matter left in the entire void, only endless destruction.

Mo Chichi, who transformed into Demon Chi, once again became the devil who only knows how to fight.

She became ruthless and indifferent, and no longer showed any mercy or kindness.

Mo Chichi once again fought on a par with Jealousy.

You must know that Jealousy Zhitian possesses the three great divine powers of heaven. It can be said that Mo Chichi's current strength has surpassed his previous peak. However, even so, Mo Chichi can only barely keep up with Jealousy Zhitian's rhythm.

Jealousy Zhitian was indeed a little surprised and surprised by the sudden killing of Mo Chichi.

However, after being surprised, Jealousy Zhitian sneered.

He thought how powerful Mo ChiChi had become, but after fighting against Mo ChiChi, he realized that Mo ChiChi was not as powerful as he thought.

"Mo Chichi, I have always been surprised. What kind of self-confidence do you have to dare to challenge me?"

"Just because of this broken knife in your hand?"

Jealousy Zhitian looked at Mo Chichi, with endless ridicule in his eyes.

Because in his opinion, Mo Chichi was no longer his opponent.

Although Mo ChiChi's speed could barely keep up with him, in terms of strength, Mo ChiChi had no advantage.

But soon, he discovered that Mo Chichi's target didn't seem to be him, but the Raging Soul Tower in his hand.

Almost every stab from Mo Chichi was aimed at his Raging Soul Tower.

The other party's goal is very clear, that is to rescue the people in the Raging Soul Tower.

"court death!"

Seeing Mo ChiChi constantly trying to slash at his Raging Soul Tower, Jealousy got angry and used the Gui Ling Knife again to strike at Mo Chi Chi.


For a moment, the separation knife and the zeroing knife collided together again.

This time, Mo Chichi was shaken to the point of being shaken to the core.

"Much stronger than before."

Mo Chichi felt the stirring of his soul, and the separation knife in his hand seemed to be trembling.

The Separation Knife felt the power of the Gui Ling Knife, and even his own Heavenly Dao artifact began to tremble. One can imagine the opponent's strength.

Li Mei, who was standing by, could no longer sit back and watch.

"Chichi, let me help you!"

Now Li Mei can only try his best to help Mo Chichi, find a way to cut off the angry soul tower in the hands of jealousy, and rescue the people inside.

At this moment, inside the Raging Soul Tower.

Zhuo Bufan's second clone, who was resting, suddenly felt the Angry Soul Tower vibrate.

Then, a huge monster fell from the sky and almost hit him.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan flicked his hand and bounced the monster that fell from the sky away.

When Zhuo Bufan came to his senses, he found that the huge monster that looked like a pig was actually similar to him!

"Have we seen this thing somewhere before?"

Zhuo Bufan had already stopped his behavior in the Angry Soul Tower.

Because he found that he could no longer make a breakthrough.

After all, he had just obtained the power of chaos and had reached his strongest state as a clone.

So now, it is impossible for him to surpass his current state for a while.

If he cannot surpass himself now, then Zhuo Bufan will never be able to leave the Angry Soul Tower.

So, Zhuo Bufan simply stayed in the Angry Soul Tower, thinking about what to do next!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a huge monster suddenly fell from the sky.

When Zhuo Bufan came to his senses, he suddenly found that this huge monster was actually Greedy Heaven Hun Dun.

"Haha, no wonder it looks familiar, it's you!"

"Greedy Heaven Hun Dun, long time no see."

If Zhuo Bufan had seen Greedy Heaven Hun Dun in the past, he would have been scared to death.

But now he has become very calm when he sees Hun Dun.

The reason is very simple, because Zhuo Bufan has become more powerful.

For Zhuo Bufan, the current Greedy Heaven Hun Dun is not his opponent at all.

So it doesn't need to show too much surprise.

On the contrary, Hun Dun was deeply surprised after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

"It's you? Natural enemy? Why are you here?"

Hun Dun didn't expect that he would see his natural enemy Zhuo Bufan in the Angry Soul Tower.

Sometimes fate is so strange.

In response, Zhuo Bufan just smiled coldly.

"What? Didn't you want to kill me the first time you saw me?"

Zhuo Bufan deliberately provoked the other party with words, but Hun Dun was not moved at all, just smiled and shook his head.

"I won't kill you, because if I do, Sister Chichi will definitely be very sad."

"And we have already agreed that we will not be your enemy for the time being before we kill the Heavenly Dao Killer."

Hundun patiently explained to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan cracked his lips and snorted.

"Did I hear it right? You Heavenly Dao clones, you won't kill me?"

"I won't kill you. Sister Chichi said that our mission now is to deal with the Heavenly Dao Killer with all our strength."

"The Heavenly Dao Killer is the guy who took you in?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

He didn't know much about the Heavenly Dao Killer. He only knew that the appearance of this guy made all the Heavenly Dao clones panic.

Obviously, this Heavenly Dao Killer came for these Heavenly Dao clones.

His appearance made Zhuo Bufan's pursuit pause.

"Haha, quite interesting."

"What is the origin of this Heavenly Dao killer?"

"Hey, Fatty! Tell me everything you know, or I'll kill you right now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the chaotic energy around him suddenly pressed towards Hun Dun, shocking him so much that his hair stood on end...

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