Kayla and the children were finally relieved after being rescued by Long Zhan.

However, Ling Xiao was captured by the Mile tribe and his life or death is still unknown.

Soon, the scouts sent by Long Zhan also made some gains.

Their undercover in the Mile tribe sent back news that the Mile tribe had recently captured a Ronin.

Long Zhan, who learned the news, told Kaila as soon as possible.

After hearing this, Kaila frowned deeply.

"The Mile tribe, is this tribe very powerful?"

Long Zhan replied.

"A small human tribe that relies on puppet manipulation. They attacked our Dragon tribe before, relying on their so-called secret weapons, and caused us a lot of damage."

"The devastation you see in our tribe now is the work of those bastards."

"Next, I am preparing to gather my tribe members to fight a counterattack."

"It's a good opportunity to rescue your brother."

Long Zhan wanted to take this opportunity to show his kindness to Kaila.

He thought that as long as he rescued Keira's brother Ling Xiao, Keira would definitely look at him with new eyes.

When he expressed his feelings, he would definitely be appreciated and agreed by Keira.

In short, Long Zhan had a beautiful idea. In this way, he could naturally walk with Keira.

But at this moment, Keira didn't have that idea at all.

At this moment, Keira's mind was full of how to rescue Ling Xiao.

In her heart, there was no love affair for her daughter.

After all, Keira had been deeply hurt by Qiankun before.

When Qiankun finally didn't choose her, her heart was dead.

"Thank you, Chief Long Zhan. If you need any help, just tell me."

At this moment, rescuing Ling Xiao was the most important thing.

Keira also understood that Long Zhan was the only one she could rely on and depend on now.

After hearing this, Long Zhan smiled and replied.

"Miss, don't worry. What you need to do now is to stay in this palace and recover from your injuries."

"I will go to Mile Star and help you rescue your brother."

"Let's solve the new and old grudges together."

Long Zhan was very proud, because next was the time for him to show off in front of Kaila.

But Kaila was still a little worried, she continued.

"I'd better go with you!"

"Although I'm not as brave as you, Chief Long Zhan, I should still be able to play a role."

"Now my tribe has declined, and as the former female chief, I can't lose any of them."

"So, I must go and rescue Ling Xiao myself."

Long Zhan saw Kaila's firm attitude, and finally he said.

"Well, then! Since Miss Kaila insists so much, then go with me to Mile Star!"

"But the girl must promise me that you must not act casually. Leave it to me to deal with Mile Star. I have more experience than you."

Long Zhan insisted.

For this point, Kaila did not make too many demands, just replied.

"Okay, everything will be arranged by Chief Long Zhan."

Long Zhan continued after hearing this.

"I have another request."

"Please speak, Chief!"

"Don't call me Chief Long Zhan anymore, just call me Long Zhan."

Long Zhan looked at Kaila with a smile and said.

After hearing this, Kaila couldn't say it out loud, so she just said.

"I'll still call you Brother Long Zhan!"

"Brother Long Zhan?" After hearing this, Long Zhan was stunned at first, then he smiled and said, "Okay, then call me Brother Long Zhan!"

"Then sister, you get ready, and when I, your brother, have organized the army, I will take you to Mile Star together."

"When the time comes, I, your brother, will definitely rescue your brother myself."

After saying this, Long Zhan left Kaila's room.

Keila was left, watching Long Zhan's back as he left, lost in thought.

Keila was not stupid, she could certainly see that Long Zhan had a different feeling for her.

But now she didn't have the heart to have a romantic relationship.

Next, as long as Ling Xiao is rescued, he will naturally take Ling Xiao and all the tribesmen away from here.

On this side, Long Zhan began to prepare for the next counterattack against the Mile tribe with a proud face.

Everything is developing according to his plan.

If everything goes well, perhaps as long as the battle is over, he can successfully confess his feelings.

At that time, he will not only win the battle, but also win the beauty.

This is indeed the most perfect ending for Long Zhan.

On the other side, Ronin Shun has already left the mermaid tribe of Blue Water Star and rushed to Longyuan Star.

It can be said that the Mile tribe does not know what kind of crisis they are facing now.

Of course, the chief of the Mile tribe, Lyle, is stepping up his research.

At present, his research has made some progress.

Before the upcoming crisis, no one knows what kind of surprise the chief of the Mile tribe will give them.

Two days later, the Dragon People finally prepared the revenge army and began to head towards the Mile tribe.

The majestic battleship wall began to approach Mile Star.

There was a purple warship among them, which was the last purple warship of the Ronin Clan.

Kaila really decided to go to the battlefield in person, she wanted to rescue Ling Xiao in person.

At the same time, Ronin Shun and his men had already entered this starry sky and began to head towards Longyuan Star.

However, they were a step late, because Long Zhan and his army had left three days ago.

Ronin Shun is the Shura God of War of the Primarch Alliance, so he has a very important identity in the Primarch Alliance.

When Ronin suddenly revealed his identity, the ministers stationed at Long Yuan Star did not dare to neglect him.

They truthfully told Ronin Shun the news about the Ronin clan.

And Ronin Shun also learned the whereabouts of the Ronin clan from their mouths.

When she learned that the Ronin tribe was still alive, he was extremely excited.

"Sure enough, everyone is still alive?"

"Just stay alive, just stay alive!"

Ronin Shun was always afraid, afraid that all his clan members would die.

That's why he was so desperate to find the whereabouts of his clan members.

Now that he knew that everyone was still alive, he was of course extremely excited.

Therefore, he couldn't wait to start looking for his tribe.

At this time, on Mile Star.

Mile Star Lord Lyle, after this period of hard research and experiments, finally made a breakthrough.

On this day, Lyle came out of his laboratory laughing like a thunderbolt.

"I succeeded, I succeeded!"

Lyle's laughter resounded throughout Mile Star, attracting everyone's attention.

The elders went to the main hall of the main god one after another to welcome Delaire who came out of the pass.

"Congratulations, Star Master, congratulations, Star Master!"

"Star Lord is so happy, he must have gained something!"

When Star Lord Lyle heard this, he laughed loudly.

"Knowledgeable, yes, this star master is indeed a peerless genius that is rarely seen in Mile Star for thousands of years."

"I made it, I made it."

That Lyle was like crazy and kept shouting that he was successful.

What exactly did he succeed at? But not a word was revealed.

Because before he could say anything, another elder shouted from the side.

"Star Lord, something bad is going to happen!"

Star Lord Lyle frowned after hearing this.

"What's going on in such a panic?"

The elder continued.

"It's the dragon people. The dragon people turned around and attacked us?"

After hearing this, Star Lord Lair of the Millai Tribe frowned slightly and snorted coldly.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"I spared their lives but didn't know how to cherish them. Now you dare to come back and die?"

The elders on the side listened and said.

"Perhaps the dragon people thought we didn't have a secret weapon, so they wanted to take the opportunity to attack."

After hearing this, Lyle replied.

"It's so ridiculous, how dare these idiots come to beat me?"

"Do you really think that my Milei tribe only has one secret weapon?"

"Then give them a chance, pass on the order, and prepare to fight. This time I will personally destroy them."

The leader of the Milei clan, Lyle, can be said to be confident and ambitious.

Of course, all his confidence is based on successfully analyzing the secrets of the Ronin clan.

Yes, the reason why Lyle is so excited is precisely because he has revealed the secret of the Ronin tribe.

Lyle found the reason why the Ronin clan was able to form a contract with the Chaos Beast.

Not only that, Lyle also created an ultimate weapon that was more powerful than the previous ultimate puppet.

"Let's go, get ready to fight!"

While talking, Lyle personally led the army and prepared to fight.

Above the starry sky, countless battleships appeared around Mile Star at some unknown time.

These warships took the form of two-winged flying dragons and made a soul-shaking roar in the air.

Obviously, this is the dragon tribe's army pressing down on the border.

This time, Dragon King Long Zhan obviously came with revenge in mind.

Because it was a sneak attack before, the dragon tribe was defeated and defeated.

Coupled with the fact that the Milai tribe had a secret weapon, the Dragon tribe was almost wiped out.

Long Zhan, the leader of the Dragon Tribe who had recovered, obviously believed that if they fought head-on, their Dragon Tribe would definitely win.

"Sister Keira, just watch from the sidelines, I will destroy the Milei tribe and rescue your brother."

The battle between the dragons was not only for revenge, but also to please Keira.

So he bore the brunt and rushed out first.

As the leader of the clan, he would charge into the battle and rescue Kayla's brother himself.

call out!

I saw a flash of gold flashing across the starry sky.

The next second, a huge golden dragon shadow appeared in the sky above Mile Star.

"Lyle, I'm here! Come out and die!"

Just hearing that Long Zhan drank in the air, the starry sky suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, I saw golden dragon shadows flashing in the air.

They are divided into two, two into four, four into eight...

Then it is divided into thousands.

Countless golden dragon shadows enveloped the entire Mile Star.

Then, all the golden dragon shadows opened their mouths and let out a shocking roar.

Suddenly, rays of golden divine light bombarded towards Mile Star.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

For a time, there were bursts of earth-shaking explosions over the entire Mile Star.

Long Zhan, the leader of the Dragon Tribe, uses his ultimate move every time he makes a move.

He tried his best to show his pride as the strongest dragon tribe in front of Keira, hoping to gain Keira's appreciation.

In fact, this is also the case when the dragon tribe seeks a mate.

Try your best to express yourself and show your strong side.

It has to be said that once Long Zhan takes action, it will shatter the sky and shatter the earth.

Ordinary stars would have been smashed into pieces by his Ten Thousand Dragons Roar.

However, Long Zhan's opponent was also an extremely conceited and powerful being.

Lyle, the chief of the Mile tribe, was a star master himself and had considerable strength.

So in the face of Long Zhan's Ten Thousand Dragons Roar, he released the Star Protection Array to protect the entire Mile Star.

And Long Zhan's Ten Thousand Dragons Roar did not cause any damage to Mile Star.

"Long Zhan, you are really looking for death!"

"I let you Dragon People go before, but you didn't know how to cherish it, and you dared to attack Mile Star."

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill your wish."

"All tribes listen to my order, and destroy the Dragon People for me."

As soon as Lyle finished speaking, countless Mile Star warriors flew out from behind him.

These warriors all flew out a spiritual line like an antenna from their heads.

These spiritual lines can drill into the puppet mechanism or other life souls, thereby making the target into their own puppets.

The Mile tribe relied on this natural puppetry to dominate the area.

The war started again, and the Mile tribe and the Dragon tribe started a life-and-death battle.

However, it turned out that the well-prepared Dragon tribe was simply invincible.

The Dragon warriors were like chicken blood.

Facing the spiritual line released by the powerful Mile tribe, they were completely out of control.

Soon, the Mile tribe could no longer resist the invasion of the Dragon tribe.

Long Zhan, who saw this scene, seemed very proud.

"Sister Kaila, did you see it? Once these Mile villains meet our Dragon tribe, they will have no chance of winning."

"You wait, I will be able to rescue your brother soon."

Looking at his brave and fearless soldiers, the Mile people were defeated.

This Long Zhan seemed particularly proud.

Everything was developing according to his plan. I believe that it won't be long before they can successfully attack the Mile tribe.

At that time, not only will we win, but we will also be able to get the beauty back.

What a perfect plan and imagination!

However, at this moment, news suddenly came from the rear of the Dragon Clan.

"It's not good, Chief. Our rear has been attacked by a strong force."

Long Zhan frowned after hearing this.

"Is it the reinforcements of the Mile Clan?"

"I don't know, but the other side seems to be very strong, and our rear has been severely damaged."

The rear of the Dragon Clan army was suddenly hit, and this sudden change caught Long Zhan off guard.

"Sister Kaila, everything is under control. You stay here first, I'll go and see first."

At this moment, Long Zhan still did not forget to comfort Kaila.

But he was actually panicking in his heart.

Because this sudden change is likely to cause a huge change in this war.

Originally, he was sure of victory. But now the rear of the large army was attacked, which made him a little worried.

When he arrived at the rear of the main force, he found that a large number of warships were wreaking havoc behind them.

Long Zhan focused his eyes and found that there was a huge word "Mu" written on the enemy's warship!

"Oh no, the reinforcements from Mu Fa Star are coming!"

The first time Long Zhan saw the word "Mu", he immediately thought of the enemy's origin.

It was the main ally of the Mu Fa Alliance, the Mu Fa Army.


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