Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1303: Fighting the Jealous Heaven

Zhuo Bufan's first clone is now undergoing trials in the Samsara Tower.

He turned into a tree without consciousness.

Zhuo Bufan's second clone is now outside the Eternal Star Domain, looking for an opportunity to enter the Eternal Star Domain.

The second clone believes that only by finding Mo Chichi can the fusion of the two clones be resolved.

So he must find Mo Chichi.

However, Mo Chichi entered the Eternal Star Domain.

Now the Eternal Heavenly Dao of the Eternal Star Domain is hunting Zhuo Bufan, so he must not enter the Eternal Star Domain now, because for him, it is tantamount to throwing himself into a trap.

Therefore, the only thing the second clone can do now is to wait.

He can only wait for Mo Chichi to come out.

He believes that Mo Chichi will come out, it's just a matter of time.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan was waiting for Mo Chichi.

He sensed that outside the void, a strong man was rushing towards the Eternal Star Domain quickly.

The second clone felt a familiar power on the other party.

"Yi Zhitian, Wang Ce?"

Zhuo Bufan had fought with Yi Zhitian Wang Ce before, so he was familiar with Wang Ce's power.

And just now, he actually felt Yi Zhitian's breath.

After feeling Yi Zhitian's arrival, the second clone did not escape this time, but decided to fight with him.

Zhuo Bufan now is no longer the Zhuo Bufan who only knew to run away when he saw the enemy.

Now, even if he faces the Heavenly Dao, he can escape unscathed.

So, the second clone intends to take this opportunity to have a good time with Yi Zhitian.

It can also be regarded as revenge for the fact that Yi Zhitian chased him.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan felt the other party at the same time.

In fact, the other party also felt Zhuo Bufan's existence.

The guy who was coming was not Yi Zhitian Wang Ce.

But the eighth clone of the Heavenly Dao, Jealousy Tian.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know the existence of Jealousy Tian yet, so facing this unknown enemy, he obviously didn't know what crisis was waiting for him.

But Jealousy Heaven knew Zhuo Bufan, and he not only knew Zhuo Bufan, but also knew that Zhuo Bufan was the one he had to kill.

Soon, Jealousy Heaven came to the second clone of Zhuo Bufan.

When the second clone saw the guy in gray armor in front of him, he was stunned at first.

"Isn't it Wang Ce?"

Zhuo Bufan had seen Wang Ce before, and he remembered that he was an old man.

But the mysterious person who suddenly appeared in front of him obviously had nothing to do with Wang Ce.

However, Zhuo Bufan could clearly feel that the other person had the breath of Wang Ce.

"Who are you?"

The second clone looked at Jealousy Heaven and said coldly.

At the same time, Jealousy Heaven also saw Zhuo Bufan.

"It's you, Zhuo Bufan?"

Jealousy Heaven shouted almost immediately.

Of course, he didn't know that the Zhuo Bufan in front of him was not the complete Zhuo Bufan, but just the second clone of Zhuo Bufan.

However, Jealousy Heaven received the task of Tiandao. In addition to destroying all the incarnations of Tiandao, the most important task was to get rid of Zhuo Bufan.

In other words, killing Zhuo Bufan was also his mission.

So, when Jealous Heaven saw Zhuo Bufan, a terrible murderous aura suddenly burned on his body.

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know why the other party knew him so well.

What he could be sure of was that the other party could not be Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce.

And the one who answered him was Jealous Heaven's Zero Blade.

Jealous Heaven suddenly pulled out the Zero Blade and rushed towards the second clone.

Perhaps sensing the other party's murderous aura, the second clone also released the Chaos Aura at the first time and then protected himself.

Chaos Aura has both offensive and defensive capabilities, and can attack and defend. The attacker will be invincible, and the defender will be indestructible.

Facing Jealous Heaven's sneak attack, the Chaos Aura around Zhuo Bufan turned into a black ball of light that wrapped him up.


Jealous Heaven's Zero Blade heavily chopped Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Aura.

As a result, it was easily blocked by the shield formed by Zhuo Bufan's chaotic energy.

Seeing this scene, Jealousy Heaven's eyes immediately condensed.

"Impossible, how could the Zero Blade be blocked?"

Jealousy Heaven has fought countless times with the Zero Blade, and never failed.

Even when facing an enemy like Mo Chichi, he suppressed Mo Chichi and severely injured him.

But he didn't expect that he would be blocked by Zhuo Bufan.

"You are looking for death!"

Jealousy Heaven suddenly became furious.

The Zero Blade in his hand changed into thousands of them, and then madly slashed towards Zhuo Bufan.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's second clone had no intention of taking action.

After all, the other party was not Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce.

But the other party kept pestering him and was cruel to him.

The second clone finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The chaotic energy around him suddenly turned into a black armor that wrapped him up.

Then, he stretched out his hand and grasped it in the air, and a black long sword appeared in his hand.

That was a divine sword that was completely condensed from the energy of chaos.

When the sword slashed down, an infinite sword energy directly penetrated the entire void.


Then, a crisp sound was heard.

Jealous Sky looked closely and was shocked to find that his Zero Blade was actually cut off.


Jealousy became angry, and as his anger continued to surge, his strength increased exponentially.

Obviously, Jealousy obtained the power of Anger.

Anger would make him even stronger.

"Angry Soul Tower, take him in for me!"

Jealousy suddenly summoned a black pagoda.

Zhuo Bufan had no time to react, and was sucked into the black pagoda.

Seeing this, Jealousy laughed wildly.


"Zhuo Bufan, you're dead!"

Jealousy was ecstatic, because Anger obtained the Angry Soul Tower, which had the strongest sealing power and could easily seal the target into the tower.

There was only one way to get out of the tower, and that was to defeat his mirror image in the Angry Soul Tower.


After entering the Angry Soul Tower, the second clone found himself standing in a bright world.

And at this moment, suddenly in front of him, a person who looked exactly like him appeared.


The second clone frowned slightly, and he thought it was another clone.

But suddenly, the mirror image on the opposite side actually used the energy of chaos.

Seeing the other party release the energy of chaos, the second clone immediately understood.

The other party was not the first clone, but another clone of himself.

Although it was not clear what was going on.

But at this point, the second clone had no choice, he had to fight.

"Come on!"

He just shouted.

The sword of chaos in his hand slashed at the mirror image on the opposite side.

At the same time, the mirror image on the opposite side also raised the sword of chaos in his hand and killed Zhuo Bufan.

Whether it was cultivation, strength, power, or moves, both sides were exactly the same.

The second clone felt like he was fighting with the person in the mirror.

Bang bang bang bang!

Every time they collided, both sides made exactly the same movements.

The other party seemed to know exactly what he wanted to do.

It must be said that the Angry Soul Tower is indeed very powerful.

At the beginning, Mo Chichi was unable to break the Angry Soul Tower.

In the end, it was still Chen Zhitian Xu Kuang who was soft-hearted and let her out.

It can be said that no one who was imprisoned in the Angry Soul Tower has ever come out on his own.

The Angry Soul Tower itself is not a powerful artifact of the heavenly way.

It just has the most powerful sealing power.

To put it more simply, the Angry Soul Tower only creates a battlefield, a battlefield to fight with itself.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, after entering the Angry Soul Tower, only by defeating your own mirror image can you escape from it.

The stronger the person, the more difficult it is.

Because the stronger you are, the stronger your mirror image will be.

They all say that they are the most difficult to defeat, so even Zhuo Bufan, who has mastered the energy of chaos, wants to escape from the Angry Soul Tower. It is not easy.

The battle continues, and the second clone and his mirror image fight in the Angry Soul Tower, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to split.

However, no matter how cruel they are, they can't destroy the Angry Soul Tower.

Because there is a law power in this Angry Soul Tower.

The law of the Angry Soul Tower is that it must not be destroyed from the inside.

In other words, no matter how powerful the destructive power is, it is impossible to destroy the Angry Soul Tower from the inside.

Therefore, Jealous Heaven was very proud of Zhuo Bufan who was taken into the Angry Soul Tower.

"Hehe, Zhuo Bufan, you will have such a day too."

"From now on, you stay in there honestly."

"Although the Heavenly Dao said that he had to kill you. But it is the same to catch you back."

"I was planning to kill you after killing all the Heavenly Dao clones."

"I didn't expect you to fall into the trap. It's really hard to find you."

Jealous Heaven was very proud. He thought he was sure of victory.

Zhuo Bufan had been captured by him. Next, he only needed to kill the other Heavenly Dao clones, and then he could return to Daluo Heaven and report to the Heavenly Dao.

"The star disk indicates that the woman Mo Chichi is in this starry sky."

"Mo Chichi was able to escape death. I want to see how she did it."

Jealous Heaven insisted on hunting down Mo Chichi because he wanted to know how Mo Chichi escaped the zeroing power of the Zeroing Knife.

So, Jealous Heaven brought the captured Zhuo Bufan's second clone and entered the Eternal Star Domain again.

The second clone never dreamed that he would enter the Eternal Star Domain again in this way.


At this moment, in the center of the Eternal Star Domain, a blue star was shuttling through the void.

There were seven satellites around that star. It looked very strange.

This strange star was Blue Water Star, the hometown of the mermaids, the star that Ronin Shun and Yu Ji were looking for.

Ronin Shun brought Yu Ji and finally caught up with Blue Water Star.

The elders of the mermaids were particularly excited when they saw Ronin Shun bringing their star master back.

"He's back, the star master and the others are back."

After the mermaid princess returned to Blue Water Star, the control left in her mind by the shepherd god also disappeared.

When she saw the completely transformed star in front of her, she was extremely shocked.

"Blue Water Star, how did it become like this?"

After hearing this, the elders quickly answered.

"The star master is Ronin Shun. He helped our Blue Mercury create a wandering star."

"Now our blue Mercury is no longer affected by other stars and can survive independently."

The seven-star array of the Ronin tribe is very magical. It can make a planet not affected by the stars, wander in the void, and survive independently.

The Ronin tribe also relies on this kind of technology to survive in this chaotic void.

If it hadn't been for that disaster, perhaps the Ronin tribe would have wandered like this forever.

"Star Lord, this way we, the mermaid clan, no longer have to be controlled by the Mufa Star."

"We no longer need to join in the battle between the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun."

"We made an agreement with Shun before that as long as we wait for you to come back, we will leave the Eternal Star Territory."

Now the mermaid tribe can leave the Eternal Star Territory with Blue Mercury and live freely anywhere in the Chaotic Void.

After hearing this, Yu Ji nodded and said.

"Okay, then from now on, we will stay away from right and wrong and no longer get involved in these troubles."

"Great Elder, set off at full speed, we are leaving the Eternal Star Territory."

The battle between Yuan Zun and Mu Shen is not over yet, and the flames of war in the Eternal Star Territory will burn throughout the starry sky sooner or later.

So Yu Ji has made a decision to take the mermaid tribe and Blue Mercury to leave the Eternal Star Territory.

However, before leaving, Ronin Shun obviously still had requirements.

"Shun, thank you."

"Would you like to leave with us?"

Yuji's feelings for Shunde have not changed, and she still loves this ronin in her heart.

And Shun said after listening to Yu Ji's words.

"No, I must find my people!"

"How can I leave alone if their life or death is uncertain now?"

Ronin Shun is a compassionate and righteous person.

He did not forget his surviving tribesmen.

That is the last hope of the Ronin tribe, so no matter what, I have to find them.

After listening to Ronin Shun's words, Yu Ji suddenly said.

"I'll help you!"

"you help me?"

"Yes, I will help you find your tribe!"

Yu Ji unreservedly planned to help Ronin Shun. After hearing this, Ronin Shun was deeply moved.

"Thank you, thank you Yu Ji!"

"You're welcome, you helped me, I was just doing what I should."

"After you find your tribe, you can take them to live with our mermaid tribe on this Blue Mercury."

"Of course, if you don't mind!"

Ronin heard this and said quickly.

"Really? We, the Ronin clan, can also survive here?"

Ronin didn't expect that Yu Ji would decide to take in the surviving Ronin clan members.

This is undoubtedly great news for Ronin Shun.

Since the Ronin tribe lost the Ronin planet, they have lost their home.

If Blue Mercury can accommodate the Ronin tribe, then the Ronin tribe will have a place to survive in the future.

"Okay, I'm going to look for my tribe now."

"I will definitely be able to find them."

Ronin Shun said excitedly.

He didn't know yet that Qiankun and Limei were already rushing towards their Blue Mercury.

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