Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1288: The gathering of the incarnations of Heaven {Subscribe please}

The fusion between Zhuo Bufan and Gray Lotus is still going on.

No one knows when this process will end.

But right now, Gray Star must face a difficult battle.

Because Mu Shen and Yuan Zun all rushed to the battlefield, and Gray Star could only barely resist under the protection of the gray fog.

At present, Gray Star is in a very dangerous situation.

The Lord of Gray Star has not recovered yet.

And the gray fog has begun to dissipate under the continuous bombardment of the Brain Demon Clan and the Orfa Clan.

The most important thing is that because of the fusion of Gray Lotus and Zhuo Bufan, the fog on Gray Star has obviously begun to dissipate.

If this continues, Gray Star will be destroyed soon.

In the Gray Star Hall, all the bigwigs of Gray Star looked at the Lord of Gray Star on the stage with serious faces.

Ever since the Lord of Gray Star broke through the Nine Stars, his power has been in a state of emptiness.

In this state, it can be said that he has no fighting ability.

So he had to shrink in this Gray Star.

For him, this is a great shame.

But now he had to endure, he had to ensure the safety of Gray Lotus.

"Hula, you lead people to fight out of the siege immediately and find Yuanzun for help."

"Laihe, you lead all the tribesmen now and start planting gray trees. Now we need the power of gray fog."

"Mengya, you lead people to prepare for a counterattack now, and you must give those guys from the sky a head-on blow."

The Lord of Gray Star began to issue tasks. In order to defend Gray Star, they must take action.

After hearing this, the three legion leaders took their tasks and started to act.

The Lord of Gray Star began to restore his strength as soon as possible.

The next battle will definitely be more difficult, and he must go all out to have a chance of survival.

On the other side, facing the endless bombing of the Brain Demon Clan and the Orfa Clan, Gray Star finally began to resist.

Gray bodies are warlike races, so once the war starts, it will be a fight to the death.

For a time, the flames of war burned the entire starry sky in the Gray Star region.

Faced with the sudden counterattack of the Gray Body, the people of the Brain Demon Clan were also stunned.

Many warriors of the Brain Demon Clan were injured by the gray fog when they invaded Gray Star.

They have not fully recovered yet.

The Brain Demon Clan is the most effective race against the gray bodies.

Now that the Brain Demon Clan has no fighting power, the gray bodies will be even more unscrupulous.

The Ou Fa Clan also has only a few soul mysteries that can attack these gray bodies.

For a time, the battle to defend Gray Star was indecisive.

Everyone was fighting for survival.

At this moment, at the other end of the starry sky, two groups of people were rushing towards Zhuo Bufan and his team.

The first group was the Shepherd God of the Shepherd Alliance.

Shepherd God brought Qiankun, Mo Chichi, Li Mei and others to Gray Star.

Their goal was to kill the Lord of Gray Star. Shepherd God even made it clear that only by killing the Lord of Gray Star could Mo Chichi see Zhuo Bufan.

Mo Chichi naturally agreed without hesitation.

So they are now going all out to Gray Star. As long as they reach Gray Star, a life-and-death battle will surely break out. On the other side, Yuan Zun and his team also quickly rushed to Gray Star.

They are certainly not here to support, their target is Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is the natural enemy of Daluotian, and all the incarnations of Heaven are hunting him down together.

As long as Zhuo Bufan is found, the mission of the incarnation of Heaven will be completed.

So for Yuan Zun and his team, finding Zhuo Bufan is the first task.

Zhuo Bufan must be found at all costs.

The two teams, for their respective goals, rushed to Gray Star at the same time.

And they all arrived at Gray Star at the same time half a month later.

When both sides arrived at Gray Star, they were obviously a little surprised.

Above the void, the warships of both sides appeared in a starry sky at the same time.

Before both sides reported their origins, they used their souls to sense each other at the first time.

“Yuan Zun?”

As the old rival of the Shepherd God, he naturally felt Yuan Zun’s breath at the first time.

The Shepherd God was obviously a little surprised. He never expected that Yuan Zun would appear here.

Facing Yuan Zun, there is bound to be a great battle.

However, when the Shepherd God felt Yuan Zun, he also felt several very powerful forces!

The energy levels of those three even surpassed him.

One of them even surpassed everyone present.

"No way? Did Yuan Zun find a helper?"

The Shepherd God secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

He didn't expect that there were three masters on Yuan Zun's side.

Moreover, the strength of the three people on Yuan Zun's side seemed to be above his side.

This made the Shepherd God feel a sense of crisis.

Of course, Qiankun and the others also felt the three people on Yuan Zun's side.

"Is it them?"

Qiankun gritted his teeth and a nameless fire rushed to his head as soon as he sensed the other party.

And Mo Chichi and Li Mei, not to mention, they almost found Tyranny and the others at the first time.

"It's Tyranny, why are they here?"

Meeting Tyranny again, they met again after having parted ways.

But this time, Li Mei and Mo Chichi were not so hostile to Tyranny.

"Chichi, do you want to tell them the situation?"

"Tell them what?"

Mo Chichi frowned.

She naturally knew what Li Mei meant.

"Chichi, it's time now, we should put aside our past grudges!"

"Although those guys from Tyranny are really bastards, you also said that this time the opponent is different from the past."

"Even you are not the opponent of Jealousy. Among us, I am afraid that only you and Tyranny are his opponents."

Li Mei could see the situation in front of her very clearly.

Since staying with Qiankun, Li Mei seems to have matured a lot.

So Li Mei planned to face Tyranny and the others.

Mo ChiChi might not get used to it for a while.

But now is the most important moment for their incarnation of heaven, and there is no room for her to have any dissatisfaction.

If they can't join forces with Tyranny and the others, then Jealous Sky will definitely defeat them one by one.

So now, it is time for the incarnation of Heaven to cooperate.

Li Mei's words made Mo Chichi realize that now was not the time for her to complain.

She really should tell others about jealousy.

On this side, they felt the presence of Tyranny and others.

On the other side, Tyranny and Yuan Zun also felt the presence of Shepherd and the others.

"Is it a faun?"

After Yuan Zun sensed the Shepherd God, he immediately felt angry.

"What is this hypocrite doing on Gray Star?"

"Is he going to attack Gray Star himself?"

Yuan Zun did not expect that Mu Shen and the others would come in person.

Similarly, Yuan Zun also sensed that there were many powerful people on Mu Shen's side.

"We even brought experts with us! It looks like the person who came here is evil!"

"Haha, a mob! How dare two traitors, Mo Chichi and Li Mei, stand in the way of our great cause?"

Tyranny and the others had obviously sensed Li Mei and Mo Chi Chi.

They all felt that Li Mei and Mo Chichi must also be here for Zhuo Bufan.

They were here to protect Zhuo Bufan, but they were here to hunt Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, another battle of life and death is about to break out here, a battle like the one on Ronin.

"Hunchao, please don't show mercy this time. Kill the two traitors Li Mei and Mo Chichi for me."

Tyranny shouted angrily.

Ao Lai on the side listened and said.

"Tyranny, later you go deal with that woman Mo Chichi, and Li Mei will be dealt with by me. As for Chaos, don't you want to fight with your two good sisters? Then that remnant of the Ronin clan, give it to you."

Ao Lai arranged it clearly!

Tyranny heard this and nodded.

"This arrangement is good. Among the three of them, Mo Chichi is the only one who is difficult to deal with!"

"The other two are nothing to be afraid of!"

"Let's go meet those two traitors!"

As he spoke, Tyranny took Ao Lai and Hun Chao and flew out of Yuan Zun's starship.

On the other side, the Shepherd God and the others also came outside the void.

For a moment, the four people on both sides stood looking at each other.

"Yuanzun, you boy is really lucky! I didn't kill you last time, and I will definitely not let you go this time."

"Shepherd, where do you get your confidence? You were almost crushed to death by me last time. If I were you, I would have run away with my tail between my legs. If you meet me again, it will be just your misfortune."

As soon as Mu Shen and Yuan Zun met, they started to fight with each other.

The fire of battle is burning.

On the other side, Qiankun hated Tyranny and the others in front of them.

"Chaos, finally let me see you again!"

"I want to avenge my people!"

Qiankun was ready to rush out and start a fight with Tyranny without saying a word.

However, at this moment, Li Mei suddenly stood in front of him.

"Qiankun, don't be impulsive!"

"You are definitely no match for the three of them now."

"Stop being reckless! Don't forget that you still have your tribe waiting for you to go back."

Li Mei's words made Qian Kun, who was originally furious, actually calm down.

Obviously, the current Qiankun is no longer the Roaring Emperor who only knows how to roar when things happen.

Qiankun can endure in order to take revenge.

The situation at hand is not favorable to them.

So Qiankun calmed down after listening to Li Mei's words.

At this time, Tyranny on the opposite side looked at Li Mei and laughed.

"Li Mei, you traitor! Do you think saying these words can make us forgive your betrayal?"

"Even if we are willing to forgive you, Father will never forgive you."

Tyranny and the others obviously didn't know about Jealousy's affairs.

At this time, Fallen Heaven Limei said calmly.

"Tyranny, when will you get rid of your arrogance?"

"Now Chichi and I want to negotiate with you!"

"We know very well that father will not forgive us. But do you think father can forgive you?"

"In his eyes, all of us Heavenly Dao clones are just traitors."

"Have you forgotten what Wang Ce said before he died?"

When Li Mei said these words, Tyranny and the others present suddenly became calm.

Ao Lai and Hun Chao behind them also felt something was wrong.

They immediately remembered the "Heavenly Ruthless" that Wang Ce, the suspicious king, said before disappearing.

They also conducted research at that time, but in the end they did not produce any results.

But now, I'm afraid things are not as simple as they thought.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Heaven is merciless, what do you want to say?"

Ao Lai was the first to ask.

Li Mei snorted and laughed after hearing this.

"Ao Lai, aren't you always smart?"

"Don't you understand the meaning of the four words 'Heaven is merciless'?"

Facing Li Mei's ridicule, Ao Lai suddenly flew into a rage.

"Stinky woman, you're looking for death!"

Ao Lai was furious and was about to rush up to fight Li Mei.

However, Tyranny stretched out his hand and stopped him.

"Don't worry, let her finish her words!"

Batu looked at Li Mei, he knew that Li Mei and the others must know something.

The four words 'Heaven is merciless' were indeed very clear.

However, there were some things that they dared not guess or say.

So of course they hoped that others could tell them the correct answer.

And the only one who knew the correct answer was probably Mo Chichi.

It was at this time that Mo Chichi stood up.

When Mo Chichi came out, Tyranny felt something was wrong at the first time.

Not only Tyranny, but even Hun Dun behind it noticed something.

"Chichi sister, what's wrong with you? How can your Heavenly Dao will be so weak?"

"Chichi sister, has something happened?"

Hun Dun felt the most distressed for his own Chichi sister.

Although he had fought with Mo Chichi before, he had no choice.

He was actually the one who was most reluctant to hurt Mo Chichi.

When Mo Chichi saw her brother, her heart softened and she said.

"Brother, father has given up on us!"

When Mo Chichi said this, the other Heavenly Dao clones present were all stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"Heavenly Dao is ruthless! Father has sent assassins to hunt us down."

"Assassins? Haha, ridiculous! What assassins can kill us?"

Tyranny was very confident.

They were the incarnations of Heavenly Dao, and their life spans were as long as the sky. It was not easy to kill them.

However, Mo Chichi said.

"Do you really think it's an ordinary killer?"

"It's Jealous Heaven, the latest clone of my father!"

"He has combined the abilities of all our clones, and will become stronger and stronger!"

"Even if I'm in the state of Demon Crazy, I can only escape from him by luck!"

"How do you think Wang Ce was killed?"

"Even Wang Ce was killed, what do we have to be proud of?"

"So now, are you still so proud?"

When Mo Chichi mentioned the dead Wang Ce, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became solemn.

At this time, Tyranny continued to ask.

"Tell me everything you know, and I will consider letting you go!"

After hearing this, Mo Chichi said indifferently.

"Put down your arrogance, I only tell you because I pity you."

"If you really don't want to die at the hands of Jealous Heaven, don't underestimate his strength."

"Jealous Heaven, surpasses all of our incarnations of Heaven!"

Mo Chichi gave Jealous Heaven a high evaluation, after all, she herself suffered at the hands of Jealous Heaven.


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