Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1283: Defending Gray Star [Subscribe please]

Chapter 1283: Defending Gray Star [Subscribe]

The battle has developed to this point, and the result is obvious. No party has gained.

As the main attackers, the Brain Demon Clan and the Orfa Clan, even if they used the strategy of luring the tiger away from the mountain, successfully transferred the Lord of Gray Star.

But they still failed to capture Gray Star.

As the defender, Gray Star obviously suffered heavy losses.

They were almost destroyed by the Nine Stars Collision.

Fortunately, the Lord of Gray Star rushed back in time, cut off all the stars, and saved Gray Star.

But even so, the Lord of Gray Star was also severely injured.

As powerful as he was, he had to choose to defend.

He led the entire tribe, huddled up, and hid under the fog of Gray Star.

"What is this? Are you scared?"

The three-headed head grew back, and looking at the Gray Star completely shrouded in gray fog, his eyes were full of anger.

His head was just cut off by the Lord of Gray Star.

The hatred of beheading is irreconcilable.

Just when he was about to fight back, he found that the Lord of Gray Star had actually hidden himself.

Orlon of the Orfa tribe tried to bombard Gray Star with his god-level secret, but found that all the energy he blasted out was absorbed by the gray fog.

This feeling was like throwing a bomb into the water, which had no effect on the water.

Sanshou also released several soul bombs into the gray fog.

Still no movement.

"This bastard, he has completely defended Gray Star, how can we fight?"

Sanshou and Orlon looked at each other.

"Let's report the situation to the Dou Shi first!"

"We have tried our best!"

"We are already very impressive to force the gray body to hide."

"That's right, report it to the Dou Shi truthfully, and let the Dou Shi decide whether Gray Star lives or dies."

Then, Sanshou and Orlon began to report the situation to the Dou Shi.


"You two trash, haven't you shot down Gray Star for me yet?"

As soon as the communication was connected, the Dou Shi cursed.

The two star masters had to swallow their anger in the face of Dou Shi's abuse.

After all, the other party was Dou Shi, but he was one of the holy envoys under the seat of the Shepherd God.

"To reply to Dou Shi, the Lord of Gray Star is really powerful."

"He holds a thousand-mile long sword and kills the nine stars. I am afraid that even if the two of us join forces, we may not be his opponent."

"Now it is not easy to force him to fall into his own trap."

"Please send another powerful person to come, and we will join forces to wipe him out."

The Dou Shi snorted coldly when he heard it.

"Useless trash!"

"If it weren't for the urgent situation on the front line, it would be a good time to use people. With your little ability, are you still qualified to help Lord Shepherd God?"

"Forget it, just guard Gray Star for me!"

"As long as the gray body doesn't join the battlefield, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"After the battle on my side is over, I will go to Gray Star in person and completely destroy it."

This Dou Shi has a bad temper, and his words are full of contempt and dissatisfaction with others.

Of course, as the strongest of the nine holy envoys under the seat of the Shepherd God, he naturally has the confidence to speak.

This guy's arrogance comes from his strength.

Even ordinary star masters are not his opponents.

Everyone in the world is afraid of the Lord of Gray Star, but he, the Dou Shi, is not afraid.

For him, challenging the strong is his wish.

Facing such a powerful Dou Shi, the two star masters had to agree weakly.

"I understand, Lord Dou Shi, don't worry, we will definitely defend Gray Star to the death and will never let a gray body escape."

For the Shepherd Law Alliance, as long as they can control the gray body, it is enough.

As long as the gray body does not join the battlefield, the Shepherd Law Alliance will lose a powerful opponent.

Next, the Shepherd Law Alliance will launch an all-out attack and sweep across the entire star field.

And Sanshou and Aolong and others only need to guard Gray Star.

"Bomb it!"

"Don't let them catch their breath, keep bombing!"

Aolon summoned his tribesmen and began to use arcane magic, bombarding Gray Star in 360 degrees, day and night, indiscriminately.

Only in this way can Gray Star be unable to take care of itself.

For a while, Gray Star could only choose to defend.

After all, the previous Nine Stars Collision was too powerful and almost destroyed them.

Now the Lord of Gray Star has consumed too much and has to shrink back.

Of course, the reason why the Lord of Gray Star shrinks back is that the power given to him by the Gray Lotus, the Heart of Chaos, is constantly weakening.

In order to achieve a perfect fusion with Zhuo Bufan, Gray Lotus began to take back all the power it had sent out.

The power of the Lord of Gray Star came from Gray Lotus.

So, when Gray Lotus took back its power, the power of the Lord of Gray Star weakened.

He no longer had enough power to control Gray Lotus, let alone protect Gray Star.

The situation escalated and it was a matter of life and death, so he could only shrink back.

Fortunately, Gray Star has always been prepared for danger in times of peace.

Now that the Chaos Aura is protecting the entire Gray Star, I believe that the enemies outside will not be able to attack in a short time.

Gray Star, in the Gray Castle Hall.

Several legion commanders knelt in front of the Lord of Gray Star.

“Lord Star Lord, what should we do next?”

“Yes, now those bastards outside are constantly bombing our Gray Star. If this continues, I am afraid that no matter how much gray fog there is, we will not be able to withstand it.”

"Master Star Lord, why don't we fight our way out and fight these bastards!"

"Yes, fight them, at worst we will die together."

"I agree, fight!"

The legion commanders were arguing with each other, making the Lord of Gray Star upset.

"Enough, stop making noise!"

"Guard it well for me, don't act rashly!"

"I'm free to consider this matter! As long as the gray fog is still there, they won't dare to attack."

The Lord of Gray Star is now willing but unable, he can only choose to defend.

The legion commanders don't understand the situation, but since the Star Lord has made the decision, they can't say much.

"We understand!"

"Please rest assured, Star Lord, we will not let you down and will defend Gray Star to the death."

The legion commanders made bold statements.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star looked down silently.

He didn't know what happened to Gray Lotus.

From the beginning to now, he has never sensed the breath of Gray Lotus again.

"Lord Gray Lotus, have you abandoned us?"

The Lord of Gray Star is now afraid that Gray Lotus will abandon them.

They were created by Gray Lotus. If Gray Lotus is gone, then their Gray Body will no longer exist.

No matter what, the Lord of Gray Star now just wants to protect Gray Star well.

Wait for the power of Gray Lotus to arrive.

On the other side, Sanshou and Oron attacked Gray Star frantically without stopping.

For a while, Gray Star was bombed to pieces.

"Bomb it, don't stop."

"Don't give Gray Fog a chance to recover."

Sanshou found that the Gray Fog on Gray Star was very violent.

The Gray Fog has a strong recovery power. Facing its ruthless bombardment, the Gray Fog can recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sanshou thought that he was already perverted enough to bombard Gray Star.

But the Gray Fog on Gray Star recovered too quickly.

On the other side, the Dou Envoy was also urging.

The Dou Envoy asked Sanshou to hold his ground and stop the Gray Body.

So, facing the orders from their superiors.

The three heads dared not disobey, so they had to bombard Gray Star continuously, not giving Gray Star any chance.

Gray Body also began to push back step by step under their siege.

Fortunately, Gray Star was protected by Gray Mist.

Chaos Mist, as the strongest gray mist, was obviously not so easy to break.

Gray Star was in a stalemate with the armies of the Pastoral Alliance.

This stalemate process was obviously a difficult process.

Whether it was for Gray Star or for the Pastoral Alliance.

On this side, Gray Star was experiencing an unprecedented war.

On the other side, the war in the Eternal Star Domain had ignited the entire starry sky.

The battle between the Pastoral Alliance and the Primitive Alliance had reached the point of life and death.

The leader of the Ronin, Qiankun, came to the Eternal Star Domain with the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, the Fallen Heaven Li Mei.

Unexpectedly, they were also forced to be involved in this war.

However, they obviously did not belong to any force, but in the face of unprovoked provocation, they did not mind showing their powerful strength.

Interestingly, after Qiankun showed his powerful strength, he actually attracted the attention of the Pastoral Alliance and the Primarch Alliance.

Now Qiankun can be said to be no weaker than the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

Qiankun plus Li Mei, even if the single Pastoral God and Yuan Zun are not necessarily his opponents.

So whether it is the Primarch Alliance or the Pastoral Alliance.

They all have the idea of ​​winning over Qiankun and Li Mei.

The first to contact Qiankun was the Primarch Alliance.

However, the legion commander who contacted Qiankun was an extremely arrogant and conceited guy.

The other party's tone made Qiankun very unhappy.

"Hey, join our Primarch Alliance, our Yuan Zun agreed, and can give you a legion commander position."

"You should know that you should be lucky to accept our Yuan Zun's invitation!"

The other party's tone was very arrogant, and he said a lot of similar words.

After a negotiation, Qiankun just smiled coldly.

Originally, Qiankun had no intention of joining any party.

As a result, this guy now ran over with such a proud and arrogant expression.

This naturally made Qiankun very dissatisfied.

So, Qiankun rejected the legion commander without hesitation.

And slapped him to the sky with a slap.

Not long after the Primitive Alliance came into contact with Qiankun, the Envoy, one of the nine holy envoys of the Pastoral Alliance, appeared in front of Qiankun!

Originally, Qiankun was going to slap the Envoy again.

But you can't hit a smiling person, and the Envoy looked at Qiankun with a smile as soon as he came up.

Seeing this, Qiankun naturally couldn't do anything to him.

Then, the Envoy behaved very respectfully.

He treated Qiankun as a guest of honor, invited him to his banquet, set up a feast, and entertained Qiankun.

And this Envoy didn't know where he got the news from.

He knew that Qiankun and his people were looking for their people.

So this Envoy directly agreed to help Qiankun find their Ronin people.

And he didn't invite Qiankun to join his Pastoral Alliance.

He just hoped that Qiankun would not unite with the Primitive Star to deal with their Pastoral Alliance.

This condition couldn't be simpler, so Qian Kun naturally agreed.

Of course, Qian Kun had no idea that he had already boarded a pirate ship.

Although the messenger did not explicitly express his intention to pull Qiankun into his pastoral alliance.

But his words were enough to make Qiankun help the pastoral alliance at a critical moment.

This was enough for the pastoral alliance.

As long as Qiankun joined the pastoral alliance, they would have an invincible teammate in future battles.

And you have to know that it was not just Qiankun.

Qiankun also had the incarnation of the way of heaven, Li Mei, the fallen sky.

Li Mei plus Qiankun, these two were enough to make the pastoral god tremble.

I thought that the balance would tilt towards the pastoral alliance.

However, there seemed to be a terrible law in this eternal star field.

The law that could balance everything.

Since it gave the pastoral alliance a powerful ally, it would naturally give the Primarch Alliance a powerful ally.

Qiankun joined the pastoral alliance with Li Mei.

But he never expected that Tyranny would bring Greedy Heaven Chaos and Hateful Heaven Ao Lai to join the Primarch Alliance together.

Of course, they did not join the Primarch Alliance.

They were just trading.

The Primarch Alliance is willing to find Zhuo Bufan at all costs.

In return, Batu can help the Primarch Alliance to kill the Pastoral Alliance.

It can be said that this is a very evil deal.

This deal may bring disaster to the entire Eternal Star Domain.

Batu and his team are the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao of Daluotian.

How powerful they are is naturally self-evident.

For a time, the Pastoral Alliance and the Primarch Alliance each dug up shocking allies.

And Qiankun and Batu will soon meet on the battlefield.

The two sides are mortal enemies who will never stop fighting, so this battle will probably be earth-shattering.

At the same time, Mu Shen and Yuan Zun seem to have signs of coming out of retreat at the same time.

This battle in the Eternal Star Domain was originally a shocking battle between Mu Shen and Yuan Zun.

After the two guys fought again, they made the Eternal Star Domain riddled with holes.

And triggered the current war.

But they moved on their own and closed themselves off, waiting to emerge again.

Now, the two strongest have finally recovered at the same time.

Next, they will once again join this battle that has not yet been settled.

It is undeniable that the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun are very strong.

Even if it is the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, I am afraid that they are not the opponents of the Shepherd God or Yuan Zun alone in the territory of the Eternal Star Domain.

After all, they can borrow the luck of heaven and earth, and in some aspects, they are stronger than the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

In short, the battle has changed rapidly since then.

I am afraid no one knows who will win the final victory in this battle.

The current situation is very chaotic, but the more chaotic the situation is, perhaps it means that a new era is coming.

The shocking battle between the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun will bring unprecedented changes to the Eternal Star Domain.


At this moment, on the distant Gray Body Star.

Zhuo Bufan is quietly accepting the inheritance of the Chaos Lotus.

The inheritance has gradually entered the late stage. I am afraid that in a short time, Zhuo Bufan will be able to emerge and become the most important person to change the situation of this war.

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