Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1279: Digging out the Heart and Abandoning the Dao [Subscribe please]

Back then, Luo Tian chose to dig out his heart and abandon his Taoism in order to enter the cycle of reincarnation.

The heart he abandoned is now the Chaos Lotus.

Zhuo Bufan probably understood the cause and effect of the matter.

And now, the Chaos Lotus has found him again.

He hopes that Zhuo Bufan can take it and continue to move forward.

The road ahead is long and difficult. If he can really get the help of the Chaos Lotus, it may not be a bad thing for Zhuo Bufan.

"I don't resent your behavior of digging out your heart and abandoning Taoism."

"Because only in this way can you enter the cycle of reincarnation."

"You said that after reincarnation, you will come back to find your former heart."

"So, I have been waiting for you to return."

The words of the Chaos Lotus made Zhuo Bufan feel deeply indebted.

Of course, it was not Zhuo Bufan who owed him, but Luo Tian.

Speaking of which, Zhuo Bufan knew very little about Luo Tian so far.

What kind of person is Luo Tian?

As his first life, Luo Tian's life is a legend.

He went from the Yin-Yang world to Daluotian and then to the Chaos Void.

Zhuo Bufan has witnessed Luo Tian's legend almost all the way to the present.

Now, Luo Tian's heart can actually create a kind of life, and even seems to have evolved into the will of heaven.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but sigh at Luo Tian's strength.

"You step back, I have something to say to him."

At this moment, the Chaos Lotus suddenly released a gray mist and sprayed the Lord of the Gray Star out.

Then, the Lord of the Gray Star suddenly disappeared in this dark world.

In this way, in this chaos, only Zhuo Bufan and the Chaos Lotus were left.

"Luo Tian, ​​tell me, on the road of reincarnation, can you find the Lord of Time?"

Chaos Lotus suddenly asked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

"Lord of Time?"

"What do you mean? Did I also look for the Lord of Time in my first life?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

He always thought that it was the Lord of Time who found his first life.

After hearing this, Chaos Lotus said.

"I almost forgot that you must have found the Lord of Time, otherwise how could you enter the cycle of reincarnation?"

"Look at you now, you no longer have the spirit you had back then."

"Do you regret losing your true self?"

Chaos Lotus obviously wanted to complain!

After being abandoned by Luo Tian, ​​he inevitably felt some resentment in his heart.

Zhuo Bufan said with a bit of a smile.

"Although I'm a little embarrassed, I still want to remind you that I'm no longer Luo Tian."

"And, I'm not Luo Tian's reincarnation, I'm already his third reincarnation."

"The person who reincarnated Luo Tian is called Ji Xuanhao, and Ji Xuanhao is my previous life."

"After Ji Xuanhao, it's me now, Zhuo Bufan."

"So you asked me if I regretted it, to be honest I don't have too many feelings."

"But I believe that Luo Tian himself should regret it!"

"Otherwise he wouldn't enter the cycle of reincarnation again!"

Zhuo Bufan said this just to comfort Chaos Lotus.

How could he know whether Luo Tian would regret it later? Perhaps Luo Tian never regretted his choice that day.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Chaos Lotus said excitedly.

"I knew he would regret it."

"You just said that you are his third reincarnation? Did Luo Tian die again?"

Chaos Lotus was obviously confused.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"It seems so. His second reincarnation is called Ji Xuanhao, and he is also a great man."

"I am Luo Tian's third life now."

"Please tell me, are you really Luo Tian's heart?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that he might be able to get the information he wanted from this Chaos Lotus.

Chaos Lotus hummed after hearing this.

"Nonsense, of course I am Luo Tian's heart."

"Luo Tian's heart is a gray lotus?"

Zhuo Bufan said puzzledly.

"What do you know! Luo Tian practiced the Chaos Creation Technique and turned his entire body into a body of chaos."

"My original heart naturally became a Chaos Lotus!"

Zhuo Bufan was surprised after hearing this.

"So that's it. Luo Tian practiced such a powerful body of chaos?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that this physique must be extremely powerful just by hearing the name.

Just a heart can evolve into the prototype of the Heavenly Dao.

Zhuo Bufan finally understood why Luo Tian was qualified to be the host of the Daluotian Heavenly Dao.

"What a powerful man! No wonder he can be recognized by the heaven."

Zhuo Bufan still remembered what Wahuang said to him.

As soon as Luo Tian ascended, he was recognized as the new host by the Heavenly Dao.

Luo Tian had no choice but to separate his body and soul.

Became the human Luo Tian and the virtual Luo Tian.

It is precisely because of this that the chaotic situation of Daluotian is now in place.

"Then tell me, what is the Daluotian world like now?"

The Chaos Lotus continued to ask.

Obviously, the affairs of Daluotian are what he wants to care about.

He is the heart of Luotian, so he naturally needs to care about the world of Daluotian.

"At the beginning, Luotian left that world and came to this chaotic void to find the Lord of Time."

"I just want to go back to the past and change the fate controlled by the way of heaven."

"I don't know if he succeeded. Is Daluotian still on the verge of collapse?"

Lotus of Chaos told Zhuo Bufan the reason why Luo Tian left in the first place.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"So that's it. When Luo Tian was looking for the Lord of Time, he wanted to go back to the past and change history!"

“Yet history has happened and it cannot be changed.”

"In fact, Luo Tian failed. He did not change his fate of being controlled by heaven. He just entered reincarnation."

"The world of Daluotian is currently at peace under the control of the Three Emperors."

"It's just that the three emperors can't control it for long. I also followed the order of Emperor Wa to come to find the Lord of Time."

"I want to rely on the power of the Lord of Time to reunite my three-life body."

"That's why I came to this chaotic world."

"But I have been wandering in this chaotic void for several years, but there is still no whereabouts of the Lord of Time."

"You just said that Luo Tian sacrificed his life in order to find the Lord of Time. What do you mean?"

"Does it mean that as long as you dig out your heart and abandon the path, you can see the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

He asked the Lotus of Chaos. Zhuo Bufan now wants to find the Lord of Time.

Now that he was desperate, he encountered the Lotus of Chaos.

I learned from the Lotus of Chaos that Luo Tian abandoned his path and abandoned him in order to find the Lord of Time.

It later turned out that Luo Tian had found the Lord of Time.

In other words, you can really find the Lord of Time by digging your heart out and abandoning the path.

So Zhuo Bufan wanted to know this method.

After hearing this, the Lotus of Chaos was stunned.

"What did you say? You want to dig out your heart and give up?"

"Do you want to emulate the Time Lord?"

"I just wanted to ask how to find the Lord of Time."

"Tell me, how did Luo Tian find the Lord of Time in the first place?"

"This is very important to me."

Zhuo Bufan was extremely excited.

This was the only way he could find the Time Lord now.

But after hearing this, Lotus of Chaos refused to answer.

"Are you crazy? Do you want to be like Luo Tian and abandon your path?"

"This is an evil path, an evil path that is impossible to follow."

"If you really follow Luo Tian's example, you will only end up dead."

The soul abandoned by Luo Tian in the Lotus World of Chaos.

Now that he finally saw Luo Tian's reincarnation, how could he watch him make wrong choices again?

"I don't know if this is a dead end, but I have no choice now."

"The Three Emperors can't hold on much longer. If we can't find the Lord of Time, then what will happen if the law of heaven gets out of control. I think you should know better than me."

"Since you are Luo Tian's heart, you should understand Luo Tian's determination to save Daluo Tiandao."

"You have to believe in Luo Tian, ​​and you have to believe in me."

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and said to Lotus of Chaos.

He was communicating with the Lotus of Chaos.

This feeling is like communicating with Luo Tian in the first life.

One's third life communicates with one's first life.

Zhuo Bufan's words silenced Lotus of Chaos.

His silence means that he knows how to find the Lord of Time.

It's just that this way, it won't say it out loud.

Because he couldn't just watch Zhuo Bufan die again.

"If there is no way to go, it is impossible to meet the Lord of Time if you abandon the path."

"How can a person who is heartless, heartless, and unrighteous be favored by the Lord of Time?"

"I advise you to give up!"

Lotus of Chaos advised.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan slowly shook his head and said.

"But I have no choice. If I don't find the Lord of Time, the whole world will end."

"Since I am the only hope, then I should move forward bravely and shine with my own light."

"Go forward bravely and bloom your own light?"

"You really dare to say that!"

"Are you trying to redeem your original mistake?"

"That's what you said before."

"You said that if Heaven had not chosen you, the whole world would not be in chaos."

"Tiandao is ruthless, but because of your existence, he developed feelings that shouldn't exist."

"That's why you risk everything to find the Lord of Time and send you back to before your ascension."

"You said that if you could choose again, you would never choose to ascend."

"You are exactly the same as you were back then."

Lotus of Chaos looked at Zhuo Bufan, as if seeing the former Luo Tian.

Once upon a time, because of the word "responsibility", Luo Tian did not hesitate to abandon his path.

Now that Zhuo Bufan has achieved success, for the sake of hope, he also wants to walk the path forward again.

"Since you are Luo Tianzhi, you should understand how I feel now."

"Tell me everything you know!"

"Don't worry, I will weigh myself and will never make a stupid decision."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know why Luo Tian would choose to dig out his heart and abandon his path.

But if this road really doesn't work, Zhuo Bufan won't take the risk.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's determination, the Lotus of Chaos fell silent again.

This time, both sides were silent for a long time.

Both sides are thinking and making the final decision.

Finally, the Lotus of Chaos suddenly transmitted a message.

"It is rumored that the Lord of Time will collect lost souls and then refine them into the Sands of Time!"

"Then that idiot Luo Tian thought that as long as he turned into the Sands of Time, he would be able to see the Lord of Time."

"The so-called lost souls are people who are heartless and godless."

"It is equivalent to giving up oneself, giving up relatives, giving up friends, and giving up all feelings."

"So Luo Tian made a cruel decision and abandoned his path."

"He dug out his heart, gave up his god, and finally his soul became a lost soul in the void of chaos."

"I don't know if the rumors are true or false."

"I don't know that he was not refined into the Sands of Time by the Lord of Time later."

"But Luo Tian lost everything because of this. In my opinion, he is stupid."

"Do you want to be as stupid as him and become a lost soul?"

Lotus of Chaos questioned Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after hearing this.

He didn't expect that the so-called betrayal of one's heart could be so cruel.

This is so cruel, he actually wants to make himself a lost soul, a grain of sand of time for the Lord of Time!

"What kind of determination does Luo Tian have to be so decisive?"

Zhuo Bufan was really shocked.

Although he is the reincarnation of Luo Tian.

But let him dig out his heart and give up everything now and become a grain of sand.

Zhuo Bufan does not have this kind of awareness.

Because he still has concerns in his heart!

His family, his children, his friends, everything Zhuo Bufan couldn't let go of.

However, Luo Tian did this.

He gave up everything, cut off everything, even abandoned himself.

In order to see the Lord of Time, he would rather become a grain of sand of time.

It was this realization that allowed Luo Tian to get his wish and really see the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what happened next.

I don't know if Luo Tian has become a grain of sand of time for the Lord of Time.

He only knows that if it were him now, he really wouldn't have such an awareness.

Perhaps, this is the difference between Zhuo Bufan and Luo Tian.

"Is there really no other way?"

Zhuo Bufan felt extremely unwilling in his heart.

Now he knew how to find the Time Lord.

But he didn't dare to move forward.

He is not Luo Tian, ​​and he does not have Luo Tian's awareness.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan express such emotion, Chaos Lotus breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't have to worry about it."

"Because your decision is smart, Luo Tian is just a fool who thinks he is right."

"When he made the choice, he didn't follow his heart. He followed his ridiculous intuition."

"His heart, which is me, is instinctively against it."

Lotus of Chaos comforted Zhuo Bufan.

Strangely enough, this Lotus of Chaos is actually Luo Tian's Heart.

Now that Luo Tianzhi is strongly opposed, it is obvious that Luo Tian himself was also very conflicted at the beginning.

Although in the end he trusted his instincts and chose to abandon the path.

But in his heart, he regretted it beyond measure.

Is it really worth losing everything?

Zhuo Bufan fell into deep thought.

What would he do if this was his only chance to meet the Time Lord?

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