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Chapter 1277 The Mystery of Gray Star [Subscribe]

Chapter 1277: The Mystery of Gray Star [Subscribe]

When Zhuo Bufan asked the third question, the Lord of Gray Star suddenly became furious.

He obviously sensed something, so he shouted angrily, which shocked Zhuo Bufan.

"Are you really a Void Merchant of the Void Chamber of Commerce?"

The Lord of Gray Star looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan answered after hearing this.

Does the Lord of Gray Star think I am deceiving you?

"I don't know whether it is deceiving or not, but the questions you asked make people doubt your identity."

Zhuo Bufan sneered and answered after hearing this.

"Does the Lord of Gray Star think that anyone in this void dares to pretend to be a Void Merchant?"

"Can any random chicken and pottery dog ​​pretend to be a Void Merchant of my Void Chamber of Commerce?"

Zhuo Bufan became ruthless and even scolded himself.

The chicken and pottery dog ​​he mentioned is not himself?

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the Lord of Gray Star just sneered.

"What a country bumpkin, from what you said, you are undoubtedly a void merchant."

"However, why did the void merchant inquire about the war in the Eternal Star Domain?"

"Why did you specifically ask me about the relationship between the Gray Body Star and the Original Body Star?"

"To be honest, these things should have no effect on your Void Chamber of Commerce!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan sneered.

"Whether it is useful or not is our business."

"If our Void Chamber of Commerce thinks it is valuable, then it means that it has this value."

"If the star master doubts my identity, then there is nothing to say, and our transaction ends here."

Zhuo Bufan was actually hanging in his heart and a little scared at this moment.

After all, the Lord of the Gray Star has already doubted his identity.

If the Lord of the Key Gray Star continues to doubt, it will be difficult for Zhuo Bufan to guarantee that he will not reveal his feet.

Once the feet are revealed, Zhuo Bufan will be in danger!

Zhuo Bufan is now dancing on the edge of a knife.

If you are not careful, I am afraid your life will be in danger!

The matter was too serious to allow him to continue to show off, so for the sake of safety, Zhuo Bufan did not intend to ask more questions.

However, when the Lord of Gray Star heard that the transaction was to be cancelled, he immediately became anxious.

"Don't worry, sir. I was just joking with you!"

"You also understand that this is a time of trouble and the war in the Eternal Star Domain is urgent."

"I am not targeting you, but now on the battlefield, even allies may have second thoughts."

"The battle between the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun has harmed the people of the world."

"My Gray Body Star was actually forced to join this war."

"We can barely be considered allies of the Primitive Star!"

"When the Shepherd God intended to rule the Eternal Star Domain, he personally came to me."

"In the end, I was against it. I opposed the Shepherd God's ambition."

"The Eternal Star Domain does not belong to anyone."

"After that, Yuan Zun found me and said that he wanted to unite us to jointly resist Yuan Zun's atrocities!"

"So I joined Yuan Zun's alliance and became the enemy of the Shepherd Star."

The Lord of Gray Star told Zhuo Bufan the whole story.

Zhuo Bufan nodded silently after listening.

He didn't expect that the Lord of Gray Star would really keep his promise and tell him the third secret.

Of course, this third secret is actually irrelevant.

Who doesn't know that the Gray Body is Yuan Zun's most powerful ally?

"Do you still want to continue the transaction?"

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and asked.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star smiled.

"Why not?"

"Your Excellency has brought so many Purple Chaos Stones and traveled thousands of miles to the Eternal Star Domain. If you don't sell these Purple Chaos Stones, it will also damage your reputation!"

The Lord of Gray Star is very smart. He has taken a fancy to the Purple Chaos Stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand, so he can't let Zhuo Bufan go.

Ten thousand Purple Chaos Stones are enough for him to arm a powerful army.

People are greedy, or to be more precise, all living things are greedy.

The Lord of Gray Star is also greedy.

In this chaotic era, if a person does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth.

Although the Lord of Gray Star cooperates with Yuan Zun on the surface, he does not want his Gray Star to be attached to Yuan Zun forever.

So in this battle, the Lord of Gray Star is actually fighting for himself and for his people.

Since it was for the sake of his clansmen, he had to get the Purple Chaos Stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"Sir, it's time to ask you the fourth question!"

"Don't worry, I will tell you everything I know next."

"Of course, I hope you can keep your promise and hand over all the Purple Chaos Stones in your hand to me after asking ten questions."

The Purple Chaos Stone is what the Lord of Gray Star wants most.

For these 10,000 Purple Chaos Stones, he would betray Yuan Zun.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that his Purple Chaos Stone would be so attractive to the Lord of Gray Star.

The Lord of Gray Star was willing to reveal all his secrets for the Purple Chaos Stone.

In that case!

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said.

"Well, the fifth question, did you really join Yuan Zun's alliance just to fight against the Shepherd God?"

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star answered without hesitation this time.

"Of course not!"

"To me, Yuan Zun and Mu Shen are both ambitious people."

"None of them are good friends!"

"No matter which one you follow, there will be no good outcome."

"They are just using us. Once they achieve their goals, you can imagine the consequences for us."

"That's why I need your Purple Chaos Stone. Once you become stronger, you won't be afraid of others."

The Lord of Gray Star told Zhuo Bufan his true thoughts.

This made Zhuo Bufan think that maybe the Lord of Gray Star could be used.

"The reason why I joined Yuan Zun's Primarch Alliance is just because Mu Shen's Mu Mage Alliance is too powerful."

"I have to balance the strengths of both sides."

"The Shepherd is too strong, then this battle will be without any suspense."

The Lord of Gray Star's words made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"So, you actually want to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

When the Lord of Gray Star heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then he smiled.

"This is the fifth question."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded in response.

"Okay, even if it's my fifth question."

The Lord of Gray Star is more interesting than Zhuo Bufan, and he is obviously not sincere about the Primarch Alliance.

At this time, the Lord of Gray Star replied.

"You can understand that!"

"Originally, I only belonged to the neutral faction. I just wanted to watch the Shepherd and Yuan Zun kill each other. It's just that the power of the Shepherd is too powerful. If I don't stand up to balance the strength of both sides, I'm afraid that the Shepherd has already ruled the entire Eternal Star Territory. "

After listening to the Lord of Gray Star's words, Zhuo Bufan finally understood.

The Lord of Gray Star has ulterior motives for Yuan Zun.

For the first five questions, Zhuo Bufan didn't gain much.

So for the next five questions, he must hit the Lord of Comet hard and try to get the answers he wants.

"Okay, now let me ask the sixth question."

Zhuo Bufan said suddenly.

"Your Excellency, feel free to ask. I have already told you that I will tell you everything I know." The Lord of Gray Star has obviously come to his senses.

"Question 6: After I entered the Gray Star, I felt a mysterious energy that suppressed my cultivation. What kind of energy is this, so powerful?"

Zhuo Bufan finally asked a useful question.

This question is of great significance to the next attack by the Brain Demon Clan on the Gray Body Star.

If this problem cannot be solved, it may be even more difficult for them to attack Gray Star.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Zhuo Bufan.

After a while, he grinned and said.

"That's gray fog!!"

"Grey mist?"

"Yes, but it's not ordinary gray mist, but the energy emitted by the core of the gray star."

"The gray mist is the energy substance specifically released by the Gray Star Core to protect itself."

"Because of the existence of this gray mist, no one can attack our Gray Star."

"The gray fog will self-identify as an enemy. Once it is recognized as an enemy, the gray fog will obliterate it."

"Even if he encounters strong men like Yuan Zun and Mu Shen, Gray Mist has the power to protect himself."

"It will take our entire planet and disappear into the eternal star field."

"So, our Gray Star is known as the most indestructible star in the Eternal Star Territory, because no one can destroy the Gray Star."

The Lord of Gray Star's words undoubtedly shocked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was just wondering whether he could find a flaw in the gray mist from the secrets of the Lord of Gray Star.

However, after hearing the words of the Lord of Gray Star, Zhuo Bufan understood.

This gray mist is probably impossible to destroy.

And if they want to attack Gray Star, it may not be as easy as imagined.

"It seems that this strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain may not work."

"I have to find another way!"

"The core of this gray star is really mysterious. Does it have self-awareness?"

"The gray mist it releases actually has such perverted abilities."

Zhuo Bufan said silently in his heart.

At the same time, he was becoming more and more interested in the gray star core.

"Then question six! Is there any flaw in this gray mist?"

Although Zhuo Bufan knew that this question was redundant.

However, he still asked seriously.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star immediately replied.

"I can tell you responsibly that there are no flaws in the gray mist!"

"Not only does it have no flaws, it is probably the most powerful defensive energy in the Eternal Star Territory."

"After entering our gray star and absorbing our gray mist."

"If it weren't for our gray bodies, the stronger the person, the more their power would be weakened."

"Even if the Shepherds and the others come, they will be weakened to a very weak point."

"It can be said that even on the Gray Star, the Shepherd is no match for me."

"The faun himself knows this."

The Lord of Gray Star once again revealed an important secret.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply surprised after hearing this.

"The Shepherd actually knows, then why does he want me to attack Gray Star?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that he had been cheated.

The gray mist in Gray Star can cause the cultivation level of all those who enter Gray Star to plummet.

Here, the Lord of Gray Star is the most powerful.

With the Gray Star Lord and the mysterious Gray Star Core, even if Yuan Zun and Mu Shen come, the Gray Star Lord will not be afraid.

No wonder the Lord of Gray Star is so arrogant.

Zhuo Bufan accidentally learned the most important secret.

"Question 7: Without the gray star core, what will happen to your gray body?"

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star also continued to answer.

"Gray star nuclei are of great significance to our gray bodies."

"Our gray body is created by the gray star nucleus."

"If there were no gray star nuclei, it would undoubtedly be a disaster for our gray bodies."

The seventh question is that the Lord of Gray Star did not provide any useful information.

After all, the Gray Star core has not disappeared since its birth, so the Lord of Gray Star cannot answer this question.

"Question 8: As the Lord of Gray Star, what are your strongest and weakest points?"

Zhuo Bufan is getting bolder and bolder, and now he actually wants to ask the Lord of Gray Star about his weaknesses.

The Lord of Gray Star was initially cautious, but now, he has nothing to fear!

In his opinion, Zhuo Bufan was just collecting information.

So when faced with Zhuo Bufan's eighth question, he answered without hesitation.

"I am the Star Master recognized by the Gray Star Core!"

"The most powerful thing is of course the perfect integration between me and Gray Star."

"As for the weakness, it's also the gray star core."

"The gray star core is both my strength and my weakness."

After hearing what Lord Gray Star said, Zhuo Bufan frowned tightly.

"It seems that if you want to defeat this Gray Star Lord, you can only destroy the Gray Star core."

"But how can we destroy the gray star core?"

"Question 9: What is the weakness of the gray star core?"

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask frantically.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star replied.

"The gray star core has no weaknesses, it is a self-aware being."

"It is the consciousness in the eternal star field, second only to the eternal heaven."

Zhuo Bufan asked nine questions in a row, and to be honest, he got quite a lot of information.

He needs to organize the information he has collected.

Obviously, the gray star core also has self-awareness.

This is the second mysterious consciousness of heaven born in the eternal star field, in addition to the eternal heaven.

You must know that in the entire chaotic void, the only ones who have the self-awareness of Heavenly Dao are Daluo Heavenly Dao and Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Among them, Daluo Tiandao is a product unintentionally created by the Lord of Time.

As for the origin of Eternal Heaven, Zhuo Bufan doesn't know yet.

But now, in addition to the eternal way of heaven, Gray Star actually also has a prototype of the consciousness of heaven.

Once this gray star core grows, I am afraid that Chaos Void will usher in its third will of heaven.

"Your Excellency, you have asked your ninth question. Now there is one last one left."

"If you have anything to ask, just ask!"

In order to obtain the Purple Chaos Stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand, the Lord of Gray Star risked his life.

He told Zhuo Bufan many secrets that he should have kept.

Now, all these secrets are known to Zhuo Bufan.

For Zhuo Bufan, it was actually a loss.

I spent 10,000 Ziji Chaos Stones, but in the end I didn't get any information that was beneficial to me.

So the last question is, no matter what, Zhuo Bufan has to do it for himself.

"Then one last question, or last request."

"I want to see your gray star core!"

When Zhuo Bufan made his last request, the Lord of Gray Star was stunned for a moment.

"What? Tell me again, what do you want to do?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and said again.

"Last request, I want to see your gray star core! Can't you?"

Facing Zhuo Bufan’s last request.

Gray Star Master hesitated for a moment, and finally said with confusion.


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