Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1273 The Eighth Heavenly Dao Clone [Subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan, as the great military advisor of Mufa Star,

With Sanshou, the leader of the Brain Demon Clan, and Auron, the leader of the Arcane Clan,

Heading towards the Gray Body Star, one of the most powerful forces in the Primarch Alliance.

According to Zhuo Bufan's plan, he will work with Auron to attract the large army of Gray Body Star to the starry sky battlefield on the other side.

The head of the Brain Demon Clan, Sanshou, took this opportunity to lead his large army into the Gray Body Planet.

Then find a way to destroy the gray body star core.

It is precisely because of the mysterious star core of the gray body star that mysterious life like gray body was born on this planet.

Once the star core is destroyed, it is equivalent to cutting off the foundation and source of power of the gray body.

This plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain is obviously a bit sinister.

After all, it is a matter of digging up people's ancestral graves, which is harmful to one's moral character.

Zhuo Bufan actually came up with such a sinister plan after seeing what happened to Ronin Xing.

Zhuo Bufan, who has always regarded himself as a decent person, can now be said to have become a complete villain.

Of course, this is all because Zhuo Bufan's heart has been completely brainwashed by the Shepherd.

It can be said that everything Zhuo Bufan is doing now is not his true inner thoughts.

Of course, evil is evil. Since Zhuo Bufan has taken the path of evil, it is destined that he will never be able to live a clean life.

"Grand Military Advisor, we are about to reach the galaxy where the Gray Body Star is located!"

"If we go further, we may enter the alert range of the gray body star."

"Should we launch a sneak attack next?"

Sanshou and Auron were obviously ready for battle.

They have already made their respective tribesmen gear up and prepare for a big fight.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and calmed down.

"No rush, we must first determine the situation of the gray body star."

"Let's do this. I'll disguise myself and enter the Gray Body Planet to inquire about it. Then you just follow my instructions."

Zhuo Bufan plans to go to the Gray Body Star alone first.

After hearing this, Sanshou and Auron objected.

"No, great military advisor, don't you know that these gray-body aliens are very warlike, and they are not friendly to foreigners."

"You are the great military advisor personally appointed by the Shepherd God. You must not go into danger alone."

"Otherwise, if something happens to you, Master Shepherd will definitely not let us go."

Sanshou and Aolong obviously disagreed with Zhuo Bufan's approach.

But Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle. This battle is the first large-scale war in our Animal Husbandry Alliance. It must be started."

"Otherwise we will live up to the expectations of Lord Shepherd."

"Don't worry, I pretend to be a void merchant wandering in the starry sky. They won't do anything to the void merchant."

"Once there is a situation, I will get out as soon as possible."

"Star Master Auron, you must be on standby at any time and be prepared to sway the tiger away from the mountain."

"Three-headed Star Lord, you must also be prepared to invade the gray body at any time. I will meet you in the gray body star."

"In this battle, we can only succeed, not fail. Whether we can succeed or not depends on you two."

Zhuo Bufan already had plans and plans in his heart.

He was obviously full of confidence in this battle.

After listening to those three songs and Auron, they finally no longer objected. After all, Zhuo Bufan is the great military advisor. They are ordered to follow the great military advisor's orders and must not disobey Zhuo Bufan's orders.

"Well, you two, let's start the plan!"

"I'm going!"

Zhuo Bufan stopped talking nonsense and headed towards the Gray Body Star alone with a starry sky boat.

The other side, beyond the void.

After the mysterious man killed Wang Ce of the Sky of Doubt, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he stayed in the void and began to refine Wang Ce's soul.

The original power of the incarnation of heaven is their respective souls.

The mysterious man absorbed Wang Ce's soul, obviously because he wanted to absorb the power of heaven he possessed.

The whole process lasted for a long time.

The man showed great pain in the process of absorbing Wang Ce's soul.

Obviously, Wang Ce's soul is not easy to absorb.

Even after Wang Ce died, he still resisted.

After all, he is the incarnation of heaven. Even if Wang Ce is dead, his soul cannot be absorbed by ordinary people.

Of course, this mysterious man is definitely not an ordinary person.

After all, he was the one who killed Wang Ce.

His soul was like a furnace, refining Wang Ce's soul fragments one by one.

Even Wang Ce's heavenly weapon, the Abandoned Heaven Staff, became a part of his body.

Finally, three days later, the man suddenly opened his eyes.

A divine light burst out from him.

The light shot straight into the stars, reflecting countless skulls and heads in the void.

All the skeleton heads were howling, wailing, and screaming with cracks in their hearts.

The man's eyes turned red for an instant, and then he shouted angrily.

"Shut up, everyone!"

That thunderous sound really wiped out all the skulls in the void.

Finally, all the skulls were smelted into a golden bead, and then fell on the man's head.

At this point, the man breathed a sigh of relief.

"The sky of doubt, the doubt of the way of heaven! Suspicion is killing, and all the lamentations are the unjust souls who died due to the doubt of the way of heaven."

"This is the power of the Sky of Doubt."

"From now on, this power is mine."

The mysterious man opened his hands and laughed wildly with excitement.

No one could have imagined that he would actually absorb the energy of the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

Where did this man come from, and who was he?

This man was too mysterious, and he seemed to be coming specifically for the incarnation of Heaven.

After absorbing Wang Ce's power, the man turned his palm and a purple compass appeared in his hand.

This purple compass is different from the Wheel of Life and the Wheel of Soul.

It only has seven red dots.

The man looked at the seven red dots on the compass, and his eyes condensed slightly.

"There are only seven incarnations of Heaven, why are there still seven red dots after I killed Wang Ce?"

It seems that it can be heard from the man's mouth that this purple compass is specially used to search for the incarnation of Heaven.

There are seven red dots on it, which just corresponds to the seven incarnations of Heaven.

But Wang Ce is obviously dead, so there should be only six incarnations of Heaven.

Why are there still seven?

Of course, the reason why there are seven is that Xu Kuang, the angry sky, was cut into two halves by Mo Chichi's Moon Knife.

So, Xu Kuang alone occupied two red dots.

The man naturally didn't know this.

But he didn't care about it at all. No matter if there are six, seven or eight.

The mysterious man will kill all the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

This is his mission and his task.

"Then the next one is you!"

The mysterious man looked at the red dot closest to him, and then rushed towards the direction of the target.

The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao corresponding to this red dot is Mo Chichi, who has completely lost his way in the void.


Mo Chichi obviously doesn't know that she has been hunted down by the mysterious Heavenly Dao Destroyer.

At this moment, Mo Chichi is looking for the way to the Eternal Star Domain in this busy and chaotic void.

Mo Chichi has a kind of idiocy called road idiocy. She has a poor sense of direction. After getting lost in the chaotic void, she doesn't know the directions of east, south, west and north.

She has been wandering in the chaotic void for several months, but she has not encountered any life.

Not to mention asking other people about the direction of the Eternal Star Domain.

But Mo Chichi did not give up. She has not forgotten the agreement between her and Meng Chanyi.

So Mo Chichi has been trying every means to find the Eternal Star Domain.

"It seems that I have been sent to a desolate place. I can only cross the space-time crack again."

Mo Chichi has been around for a long time, but still has no clue.

As a last resort, she made a decision, that is, to find another space-time crack to cross.

Perhaps if she crosses again, she can enter the Eternal Star Domain.

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, she began to look for nearby space-time cracks.

Space-time cracks have a strong devouring power, so relying on the sense of devouring power, she can quickly find the space-time crack.

"Found it."

Mo Chichi quickly sensed the direction of a devouring power.

So she rushed in that direction quickly.

However, at this moment, Mo Chichi suddenly sensed that there was an inexplicable sense of crisis coming towards him quickly.

"Such a strong murderous aura."

Mo Chichi frowned slightly.

She sensed the murderous aura of the other party, and she knew that the other party was coming for her.

"Here, so fast!"

Almost at the first moment of sensing the other party, Mo Chichi found that the other party had appeared behind her.

The sense of crisis made Mo Chichi transform into a demonic form at the first moment.

Mo Chichi used a moon knife to slash the starry sky behind him with a force that was almost invisible to the naked eye.


Thousands of miles behind him, a star was directly cut in half by Mo Chichi.

"Did you dodge?"

After Mo Chichi transformed into a demonic form, she became extremely powerful in a black magic suit.

Even Tyranny did not dare to take Mo Chichi in the demonic form lightly.

"Chi Zhitian, moon knife!"

"I didn't expect it to be you."

At this moment, countless brilliant lights condensed into a human figure in the void and appeared in front of Mo Chichi.

From the golden light, a mysterious man who was also wearing black armor walked out.

The mysterious man who was chasing Mo Chichi finally came.

Mo Chichi looked at the mysterious man who suddenly appeared and couldn't help but frown.

"Who are you? How do you know..."

"Could it be that you killed Wang Ce?"

Mo Chichi reacted almost immediately.

She remembered the warning Wang Ce gave to all the incarnations of Heaven before he died.

"Who are you?"

Mo Chichi looked at the man in front of him and said.

The other party replied coldly after hearing this.

"You don't need to know who I am, just die honestly."

As soon as the other party finished speaking, he suddenly launched an attack.

Almost at the same time, Mo Chichi raised the Moon Blade and killed the other party.

Bang bang bang bang!

For a while, in the entire void, only two rays of light could be seen colliding with each other.

Every collision shook the void space into pieces.

Bang bang bang bang!

Another earth-shattering confrontation, the two sides were completely evenly matched.

You know, Mo Chichi is now in the state of demon madness.

In the state of demon madness, she can compete with Meng Chanyi.

And now, facing the mysterious enemy in front of her, Mo Chichi actually felt unprecedented pressure.

The two sides came and went, not giving up much, almost no one was better.

Mo Chichi was obviously much stronger than Wang Ce.

The mysterious man was also secretly surprised.

He thought that after absorbing Wang Ce's power, he could easily kill Mo Chichi.

However, he obviously underestimated Mo Chichi's power.

Mo Chichi's current power is stronger than the three Wang Ce's.

His original power plus Wang Ce's power can only fight Mo Chichi on par.

Moreover, Mo Chichi in the state of demon madness is getting stronger and stronger.

He is almost unable to keep up with Mo Chichi's rhythm.

As a last resort, the mysterious man can no longer retain his strength.


In the last collision, the mysterious man suddenly pulled out the mysterious dagger, and then collided with Mo Chichi's moon knife.

At the moment of the collision, Mo Chichi found that most of the power he burst out was absorbed.

So after this confrontation, Mo Chichi immediately distanced himself from the opponent and stopped the crazy attack.

Then, she calmed down and looked at the mysterious man.

"Is the artifact of the Heavenly Dao in your hand?"

Mo Chichi was stunned.

Her words surprised the mysterious man on the opposite side.

After hearing this, the mysterious man replied.

"I didn't expect it to be exposed so soon."

"You are worthy of being the smartest Chi Zhitian among the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao."

Mo Chi Chi was stunned when she heard this.

"Who are you? How could you possibly possess the Heavenly Dao artifact?"

Mo Chi Chi was a little panicked. As expected, she guessed correctly that the dagger in the other party's hand was actually the Heavenly Dao artifact.

The Heavenly Dao artifact was the natal artifact given to the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao by God.

Only the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao possessed the Heavenly Dao artifact.

In other words -

"You, you are the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao?"

Mo Chi Chi said something that even she herself could not believe.

After she finished speaking, she immediately denied it.

"Impossible, how could you be the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao. And how could the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao attack us? It is even more impossible to kill Wang Ce."

Even as smart as Mo Chi Chi, she couldn't figure out the other party's identity.

At the moment when Mo Chi Chi lost consciousness, the other party suddenly turned into a cold light and rushed towards her.


The opponent was so fast that Mo Chichi barely had time to react before the dagger cut a wound on her shoulder.

Then, Mo Chichi found that her power was leaking out of the wound quickly.

It was like a balloon was pierced with a hole and began to leak air crazily.

The mysterious man who had completed the attack suddenly stopped.

Then, under the mask, he began to sneer.

"If you are cut by my annihilation knife, you will slowly go to extinction."

"All the power of the Heavenly Dao you have will be completely lost and then returned."

"Now, I can answer your question."

"You guessed it right, I am the eighth Heavenly Dao clone of Daluotian, Jealous Heaven!"

The mysterious man suddenly revealed his true identity to Mo Chichi.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi was stunned.

"What, the eighth clone of Heavenly Dao, Jealous Heaven?"

Mo Chichi did not expect that the person in front of him was actually the eighth clone of Heavenly Dao, Jealous Heaven.

Jealous Heaven is the jealousy of Heavenly Dao.

What is Heaven?

The sky is the supreme being.

It is impossible for the sky to be jealous, because there is nothing in the world that can make him jealous.

However, Daluo Tiandao actually felt jealous.

Who is he jealous of?

Why is he jealous?

He can magnify his jealousy and separate a complete clone.

Most importantly, this jealous sky actually started to hunt down other incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

Why is this?

What happened to Daluo Tiandao?

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