Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1243 Fusion of the Sword of Compassion [Subscription Request]

Zhuo Bufan found a barren star.

There is no life on this stardust.

For him now, it is the best place to practice.

He has made a decision and is ready to use his body as a medium to fuse the Minsheng Sword and the Devouring Star Core.

According to the speculation of the void merchant Yi Tianxing, once the Minsheng Sword and the Devouring Star Core are fused.

Then the Minsheng Sword will become the most powerful weapon in this chaotic void.

It will have the power to devour everything, and its power will have no upper limit.

Zhuo Bufan knows that this is the only way for him to become stronger now.

He has no other ideas, he just wants to create the sword that Yi Tianxing mentioned!

The void merchant Yi Tianxing is knowledgeable. If he says that the Minsheng Sword can be fused with the Devouring Star Core, then it must be possible.

Zhuo Bufan has no way out now, and he must make such a difficult choice.

Zhuo Bufan also has to find the Lord of Time, and the future journey may be even more dangerous.

Being chased by people blindly, he has no time to calm down and find the Lord of Time.

Moreover, he did not want to live this kind of life of hiding and running around.

Zhuo Bufan found that he had never been so frustrated since he started practicing.

So this time, he needed to force himself.

He needed to take a bright road that belonged to him, Zhuo Bufan.

"Minsheng Sword, come out!"

Zhuo Bufan first summoned the Minsheng Sword.

Minsheng Sword, a black as ink divine sword.

However, it did not shine as brightly as other divine weapons.

On the contrary, the body of the Minsheng Sword was black, and even the light could not be reflected.

It looked so ordinary, so ordinary.

This may be the only weapon that Zhuo Bufan can show off at present.

But as a weapon, and as a famous sword.

The Minsheng Sword does not have a strong killing power.

After all, what the Minsheng Sword is proud of is its power that is not afraid of the heavenly tribulation.

But in this chaotic void, Zhuo Bufan's enemy is not Daluotian.

He can hardly use the power of the Minsheng Sword on weekdays.

It can be said that the Minsheng Sword is really useless.

However, Zhuo Bufan believed what Yi Tianxing said. He believed that once the Minsheng Sword merged with the Devouring Star Core, it would gain unimaginable power.

For this reason, Zhuo Bufan even gave up his other artifact, the Heaven Seal.

Holding the Minsheng Sword in his hand, Zhuo Bufan felt the plain and simple energy on the sword.

The Minsheng Sword was created by Luo Tian in his first life.

When Luo Tian created the Minsheng Sword, he felt pity for it.

And this is the origin of the Minsheng Sword.

The Minsheng Sword represents Luo Tian's wish to save the people and have mercy on the world.

This sword does not kill, but saves and protects the people.

It's a pity that until Luo Tian entered the reincarnation, the Minsheng Sword could not save the people of the world.

Now the Minsheng Sword is held in Zhuo Bufan's hand, and Zhuo Bufan is thinking about what to do next.

"Yi Tianxing said that the reason why the Minsheng Sword is so powerful is because it has unparalleled inclusiveness."

"This Minsheng Sword is the eternal wood born from the destruction of the Creation Wood countless times."

"This eternal wood can be integrated with everything, not just the Purple Chaos Stone, but even the Sand of Time, Space Crystal, Water of Nothingness and other materials can be easily integrated."

"The eternal wood that can integrate all the power under the sky, combined with the Devouring Star Core that can devour all the power under the sky."

"I want to create the strongest existence in history."

Zhuo Bufan's ambition made him eager to try.

However, it is not easy to combine the Minsheng Sword with the Devouring Star Core.

Both of them are extremely rare materials in the void.

Ordinary power is difficult to refine them together.

And what's more terrifying is that the power of the Devouring Star Core is very terrifying.

Once released, the Devouring Star Core may instantly devour a galaxy.

To combine the two, Zhuo Bufan needs a powerful medium.

So, Zhuo Bufan thought of a way.

That is to use his body as a furnace to melt the Devouring Star Core and the Minsheng Sword.

Looking at the Minsheng Sword in front of him, Zhuo Bufan exhaled lightly.


Zhuo Bufan didn't know what would happen next.

Since it was an adventure, there might be consequences of death.

So, he decided to save a file first, just in case.

"Let's absorb this Minsheng Sword first!"

The save was over, covering the first save door.

Then Zhuo Bufan looked at the Minsheng Sword in front of him.

Then Zhuo Bufan injected his power into the Minsheng Sword and began to activate the sword body of the Minsheng Sword.

For a while, the Minsheng Sword released a faint black light.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan stabbed the Minsheng Sword into his body little by little!

As the Minsheng Sword was slowly stabbed into Zhuo Bufan's body, Zhuo Bufan felt that his body was burning.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan opened fire at full power.

Concentrate all his strength on the sword body that pierced into his body.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's body was like a furnace.

As the Minsheng Sword stabbed into Zhuo Bufan's body, it was also melting little by little.

That’s right, Zhuo Bufan’s furnace-like body was melting the power of the Minsheng Sword.

The Minsheng Sword was originally composed of a pile of ashes.

Now, under the melting of Zhuo Bufan's body, it turned into ashes again.

Then these ashes turned into substances finer than cells and began to spread all over Zhuo Bufan's body.

This is Zhuo Bufan's plan.

From the beginning, Zhuo Bufan planned to refine his body into a new Minsheng Sword.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan wanted to turn himself into the Minsheng Sword and then merge with the Devouring Star Core.

It must be said that this idea is very bold, even crazy.

Because you know, if the refining fails, then Zhuo Bufan will definitely die.

And maybe this time he won't even have the chance to reload the game.

But Zhuo Bufan, who has made up his mind, can't care so much.

At this moment, the Minsheng Sword is constantly merging with the body according to Zhuo Bufan's expectations.

Zhuo Bufan can feel that the power of the Minsheng Sword is constantly merging into his body.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt like a seed buried deep in the soil.

Then after a thunderstorm, it broke out of the ground and began to grow upward vigorously.

He surpassed the surrounding weeds, the surrounding trees, and even in the end, it surpassed the mountains and became the tallest tree in the world.

But he had not given up growing, he was still climbing up.

He kept growing, getting taller, and constantly touching the sky.

Until one day, his crazy growth attracted the anger of God.

So, God vented his anger on the tree.

In God's eyes, the tree's heart was higher than the sky, and its wishful thinking angered its majesty.

So, God punished it and sent endless thunder tribulations.


Along with that thunder tribulation, the tree in Zhuo Bufan's imagination broke.

In reality, his body trembled for a moment.

His soul also became turbulent.

But soon, Zhuo Bufan found that the tree in his heart did not fall down, but began to grow tenaciously.

This time, it grew faster.

It soon reached the point of touching the sky again.

However, what greeted it was still the ruthless killing of God.

That crazy lightning fell from the sky, and with a bang, it hit the tree.

This time, the tree was broken by the thunder again.

But not long after, it began to grow again, and its momentum became more fierce each time.

In this way, the tree in Zhuo Bufan's heart was killed by the heavenly tribulation again and again.

Then it grew again and again.

It never gave up, and its momentum was higher than the sky.

After accepting the heavenly tribulation ten thousand times, it finally angered the way of heaven.

This time, the heaven was no longer sending down an ordinary heavenly tribulation, but a world-destroying divine tribulation that was enough to destroy all living things in the world.

This world-destroying divine tribulation was specifically used to kill the tree in Zhuo Bufan's heart.

The tree in Zhuo Bufan's heart finally began to be destroyed under this world-destroying thunder tribulation.

Finally, it turned into a pile of ashes.

God looked at the ashes and shed tears of satisfaction.

That day, a heavy rain fell, and it was the proud tears that God shed for this stubborn tree.

This was also the first time that God was moved by a living being and felt pity.

Then, a handsome young man met this pile of ashes.

He squatted down, feeling the past of the ashes, and he also shed a tear.

This young man was the human Luo Tian.

This pile of ashes received both the tears of the Heavenly Dao and the tears of Luo Tian.

And the host of the Heavenly Dao was the virtual Luo Tian.

In other words, he received a complete tear of Luo Tian.

It was because of this tear that it was given the power that God could never kill again.

Afterwards, it became the Sword of Compassion, the Sword of Compassion that had pity on all living beings and was also pitied by all living beings.

"Is this your past? Sword of Compassion!"

Zhuo Bufan slowly opened his eyes.

His soul just experienced the life of the Sword of Compassion.

When he opened his eyes again, he even shed a tear unconsciously.

The Minsheng Sword received a complete tear from his first life.

Now it received another tear from Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, the Minsheng Sword was content with his life.

It had no regrets in its life of struggle.

It willingly merged with Zhuo Bufan.

The Minsheng Sword had been fighting against the sky all its life, and it did not want to be forgotten by the world as it was trying to be higher than the sky.

It wanted to leave its name in history, so even if it turned into ashes, it would become the world's number one sword.

However, from now on, there would be no Minsheng Sword in the world.

The Minsheng Sword would completely merge with Zhuo Bufan, and the life of this legendary tree would end here with Zhuo Bufan.

No regrets, no disappointment!

The Minsheng Sword chose to merge with Zhuo Bufan.

The Minsheng Sword chose a more meaningful way to end its life.


With a crisp sound, the life of the Minsheng Sword came to an end.

Zhuo Bufan touched his chest and said lightly.

"Don't worry, Minsheng Sword. I won't let your life sink into ruin."

"Your name will be forever engraved on this starry sky."

Zhuo Bufan succeeded.

He successfully merged with the Minsheng Sword.

Now Zhuo Bufan has obtained all the power of the Minsheng Sword.

The power of the Minsheng Sword is very warm, like a vast ocean that can embrace everything in the world.

Zhuo Bufan believes that with the power of the Minsheng Sword, he can smoothly fuse the Devouring Star Core.

Now, Zhuo Bufan has fused the Minsheng Sword with his own body.

Next, it is time to fuse the Devouring Star Core.

However, the Devouring Star Core is not as good as the Minsheng Sword.

The reason why the Minsheng Sword accepted Zhuo Bufan's fusion is because Zhuo Bufan is Luo Tian's reincarnation.

The Minsheng Sword has received a tear from Luo Tian, ​​so for the Minsheng Sword, Zhuo Bufan's existence is of extraordinary significance.

Zhuo Bufan is born with an indescribable sense of closeness to it.

This is derived from a kind of blood power.

The Minsheng Sword recognizes Zhuo Bufan, so it will willingly fuse with Zhuo Bufan.

However, the Devouring Star Core is different. The Devouring Star Core will not have a sense of identity with Zhuo Bufan.

Because the Devouring Star Core is a substance born after the death of the space-time rift.

Throughout its life, it devoured countless substances, and finally condensed all of them into such a small Devouring Star Core.

This star core, which is less than the size of a fist, may have the mass of an entire galaxy.

And now, Zhuo Bufan is going to fuse the mass of this entire galaxy into his body.

Just thinking about it is incredible.

But he must do it, after all, he has now swallowed the Minsheng Sword.

At this point, there is no need to retreat.


Zhuo Bufan saved the file again.

He has successfully fused the Minsheng Sword, but if he fuses the Devouring Star Core next, there may be a huge crisis.

Zhuo Bufan is still very clear about this.

So Zhuo Bufan saved the file immediately.

Then, he took out the Devouring Star Core that was stored in the Void God Stone.

Because the mass of this Devouring Star Core is too large, it is as large as a galaxy.

So for safety reasons, the Void Merchant sealed it in the Void God Stone.

There is an independent space in this Void God Stone that is larger than a galaxy.

If the Void God Stone is placed inside, its mass and gravity will not affect the external matter and life.

But if Zhuo Bufan wants to fuse the Devouring Star Core, he must remove the Void God Stone outside the Devouring Star Core.

Once removed, the powerful mass and gravity of the Devouring Star Core will instantly make a hole in the entire chaotic void.

This hole will go straight through the endless abyss and will swallow Zhuo Bufan whole.

At that time, it will not only be Zhuo Bufan's body.

The most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan's soul will probably be torn apart by an unimaginable gravity.

This is the most difficult step in the whole process.

Zhuo Bufan must endure the pain that his soul cannot bear, take the Devouring Star Core into his body, and fuse it with his body.

Now his body has become the Eternal Wood.

It has the properties of the Eternal Wood to fuse everything.

What is missing is the power of this Devouring Star Core.


Zhuo Bufan took the Devouring Star Core and exhaled heavily.

Even though the Devouring Star Core was wrapped in a layer of Void Divine Stone, Zhuo Bufan could still feel the powerful Devouring.

It was as if his soul was being slowly drawn in.

Zhuo Bufan slowly stretched out his fingers, and then pierced into the Void Divine Stone bit by bit.

As Zhuo Bufan's fingers continued to penetrate into the Void Divine Stone, the power of the Devouring Star Core was released bit by bit.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At the moment when Zhuo Bufan's fingers completely penetrated the interior of the Void Divine Stone, his entire body was swallowed up.

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