Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1237 The Final Battle (2)

Above the void, the flames of war blazed!

The proud sky Batu, the angry sky Xukuang, the hateful sky Aolai!

The three incarnations of the heavenly way, at any time, have the power to shock the world and make ghosts weep.

All the matter in the entire void was smashed into slag and burned!

Facing a powerful enemy, the leader of the Ronin Star, Qiankun, joined hands with the crazy sky Mo Chichi and the fallen sky Li Mei, and fought hard.

Qiankun fought against Batu, Mo Chichi fought against Xukuang, and Li Mei fought against Aolai.

The only neutral greedy sky Hun Dun, didn't know what to do.

"Don't fight, we are all brothers and sisters, don't fight!"

Hun Dun begged bitterly.

He didn't know which side to help.

In terms of emotion, he should help Mo Chichi and Li Mei, because Mo Chichi treated him the best.

Only Mo Chichi was willing to call him brother, instead of Batu and the others calling him a big fool.

Hun Dun is a little mentally retarded, but he is not completely stupid, nor is he emotionless.

He knows who treats him well and who treats him badly.

So he usually listens to Mo Chichi the most and regards Mo Chichi as the most important person to him.

Now seeing his sister Chichi being bullied, he naturally wants to help.

But in terms of reason, he should help Tyranny and destroy Ronin Star.

Because the Ronin tribe is the land of Heavenly Dao, and Tan Zhitian Hun Dun, as the first clone of Daluo Heavenly Dao, is also the most loyal to Daluo Heavenly Dao.

His loyalty tells him that the Ronin tribe should be destroyed.

To eliminate the worries for Heavenly Dao.

So, now Hun Dun simply chooses to be neutral, and he doesn't help anyone.

In this way, a three-on-three situation is formed.

Three-on-three seems fair, but the strength of Qian Kun and his side is almost inferior to the other side.

Although Qian Kun has obtained the power of other members of the Ronin tribe, he has far surpassed the peak.

However, compared with Tyranny, he is still a long way behind.

Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu, as the strongest incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, is definitely not a false reputation.

Whether in terms of speed or strength, he is far superior to Qian Kun. It can be said that Qian Kun is completely in a passive state of being beaten.

"Little beast, do you think you can stop me with just you?"

"Finger-snapping to cover the sky!"

Ao Zhitian flicked his finger at Qian Kun, and a force that directly hit the soul penetrated Qian Kun's chest.

Qian Kun couldn't bear it for a while, and suddenly felt that his soul was torn by countless claws.

The unspeakable pain made him scream.

On his chest, he even opened a huge wound.

Endless soul power leaked from the wound.

"This is the gap between you and me, do you understand? Ant!"

Ao Zhitian looked at Qian Kun, with a very proud and indifferent expression on his face.

To him, Qian Kun was just an insignificant pawn.

This Ba Tu's finger-snapping to cover the sky is obviously not simple, because this move can make people lose the will to fight.

Not only that, the soul will also begin to leak power continuously until the soul is completely covered.

And the person who is hit by this technique will lose his fighting power, and the whole person will fall into a state of soul imprisonment and cannot move.

Qiankun's strength is naturally unquestionable, but the Tyrant is even more powerful.

As a last resort, Qiankun must use the power of the Chaos Beast.

He has a Canglong Seat in his left hand, a Scorpion Tiger Seat in his right hand, and a Sword God Seat on his chest.

The three Chaos Beasts burst out together and roared towards Ao Zhitian.

Seeing this, Tyrant's eyes condensed.

"The Chaos Beast in the middle position is really not simple!"

"It's a pity that you met me!"

"Exile from another world!"

Tyrant raised his hand and slashed in front of him. The next second, an extremely powerful space crack was directly opened in front of him.

Qiankun had not reacted yet, and the whole person and the three Chaos Beasts were all swallowed up.


On the other side, the battle situation between Mo Chichi and Li Mei was also not optimistic.

Mo Chichi's opponent is Xu Kuang, the Heaven of Anger.

Chen Zhitian, the second incarnation of Daluo Tiandao.

His strength ranks third among the seven incarnations.

He is below Tyranny and Chaos, just ahead of Mo Chichi.

It can be said that Xu Kuang's strength is stronger than Mo Chichi.

Although Xu Kuang is a person who is easily angry, his cultivation is really strong.

Of course, among the seven incarnations of Tiandao, Xu Kuang is not as arrogant as Tyranny.

After all, he is the second one, so he still respects Mo Chichi.

Xu Kuang folded his hands, blocked in front of Mo Chichi, and then said.

"Chichi, now that things have come to this, you'd better not get involved in this mess."

"Although I don't like the way Tyrant behaves, he did nothing wrong this time."

"As the enemy of Heaven, the Ronin should be eliminated."

"Don't forget, we are all Heaven's clones, and it was our father who gave us birth into this world."

Xu Kuang stood in front of Mo Chichi.

Mo Chichi frowned when she saw this.

She knew very well that Xu Kuang only looked easy to talk to now.

But once Xu Kuang got angry, his fighting power would be extremely terrifying.

"Second brother, I don't want to fight with you. But if you insist on stopping me, I will never fight back."

"If you still feel sorry for Chichi, don't do it again."

Mo Chichi knew that if she fought with Xu Kuang, it would be a life-and-death battle.

So she simply played the emotional card.

However, Xu Kuang was not stupid, he knew better that Mo Chi Chi was an extremely smart woman.

Being careless in front of Mo Chichi is definitely tantamount to committing suicide.

Therefore, when he heard what Mo Chichi said, he did not hesitate to pull out a pagoda in his palm.

Then he took Mo Chichi in directly.

"Chichi, second brother is offended."

Xu Kuang was not beguiled by Mo Chi Chi at all, so he used his artifact, the Raging Soul Tower, to take Mo Chi Chi inside.

"Chichi, if you can break this tower, my brother will never make things difficult for you."

Xu Kuang was very confident that his Raging Soul Tower could trap Mo Chi Chi.

After all, even he himself couldn't break through this angry soul tower.

Mo Chichi was weaker than him, and it was obvious that there was nothing he could do about the Raging Soul Tower.

After Mo Chichi was taken into the Raging Soul Tower, he found that his soul was invaded by a terrible emotion.

This kind of power made her whole body restless.

"Raging Soul Tower! You actually used it against me, how cruel!"

Mo Chichi naturally knows what this Raging Soul Tower is. It is Xu Kuang’s divine weapon of heaven.

Each of the seven heavenly incarnations has its own heavenly artifact.

On weekdays, they generally do not use Tiandao artifacts to fight, because once the Tiandao artifacts are damaged, it will have an irreparable impact on their bodies.

But Xu Kuang's Heavenly Dao artifact, the Raging Soul Tower, is different.

This Raging Soul Tower is known as the strongest defensive artifact, and it represents the defense of heaven.

Unless you have the power to break the defense of heaven, it is impossible to destroy it.

Therefore, the Raging Soul Tower is perfect as a defensive artifact to trap others.

Even if it is the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, it is impossible to escape from the Raging Soul Tower.

Because in this angry soul tower, there is an almost impossible difficulty to pass - the angry soul!

As Mo Chichi became more and more anxious, she began to hold her head and howl in pain.

At this time, I saw only a burst of energy starting to separate from Mo Chichi's body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Mo Chichi separated a soul exactly like his in the midst of bursts of painful wails.

That soul seemed to have gone crazy and began to roar and hiss.

Mo Chichi looked at herself with messy hair in front of her, and couldn't help frowning.

"Is this my angry soul?"

"The rules of heaven in the Raging Soul Tower are that only those who defeat the Raging Soul can leave this Raging Soul Tower."

Mo Chichi obviously knew the rules of heaven in the Raging Soul Tower.

The rules of the Raging Soul Tower are not ordinary rules, but the rules of heaven, which are a force of rules that cannot be violated.

Even if she is the Dao of Heaven, she cannot violate this rule.

If she wants to leave this angry soul tower, there is only one way, and that is to defeat the angry soul in front of her.

However, this angry soul is definitely not an ordinary soul. She has exactly the same power as Mo Chichi.

Not only that, as Mo Chichi's emotions fluctuate, it will become more powerful.

Any negative emotions in Mo Chichi will make this angry soul stronger, so powerful that it completely surpasses the original figure.

Originally, the Raging Soul Tower was a heavenly artifact specially used for cultivation, but no one who had ever entered the Raging Soul Tower had ever come out on their own initiative.

So this angry soul tower slowly turned into an artifact specially used for sealing.

The angry sky used this method to trap Mo ChiChi. It can be said that Mo ChiChi is completely helpless now.

Qiankun was captured, Chichi was trapped, and in the end only Limei was left.

Li Mei's opponent is Tian Aolai of Hatred!

Ao Lai is a giant dragon with an extremely huge body and is the ancestor of all dragons.

The people of Daluotian are called Dragon Lords!

It is the incarnation of the hatred of heaven and the aggregate of the hatred of all people in the world.

Therefore, Ao Lai should be the most difficult to provoke among the seven incarnations of heaven.

Because this guy is like gunpowder, it will explode at a moment's notice!

Therefore, as Ao Lai's opponent, he is obviously the most troublesome.

But Li Mei had no choice, she could only become an enemy of Ao Lai.

However, compared to Ao Lai, Li Mei was clearly no match.

Even so, it must be fought.

"Li Mei, I don't want to kill you, just step aside!"

Ao Ling thought that since they were born from the same family, he could let Li Mei go this time.

However, it was impossible for Li Mei to retreat, otherwise she wouldn't be standing here in the first place.

Li Mei flicked her right hand, and the Divine Whip in her hand turned into a golden holy dragon.

Although the size of the golden holy dragon is far inferior to that of Dragon Ancestor Ao Lai, very powerful energy is released on top of the golden holy dragon.

"Ao Lai, stop talking nonsense, if you want to fight then fight!"

"You guys all claim to be stronger than me."

"I, Li Mei, should be the strongest."

Li Mei was very unhappy to begin with.

As the seventh clone of Tiandao, she was originally Tiandao's most outstanding work.

If Meng Chanyi hadn't struck that sword, she would have been the strongest clone of Heaven.

But Meng Chanyi's sword caused her to be born prematurely and become the weakest clone.

Although he feels relieved about Meng Chanyi now, Li Mei will not give up just yet.

"Unbelievably stupid."

Seeing the Divine Whip in Li Mei's hand turn into a golden holy dragon, Ao Lai, as the Dragon Ancestor, shouted angrily.

The golden holy dragon in front of him instantly disappeared into ashes and turned into dust.

This is the gap in strength. There is absolutely no way Li Mei can be Aolai's opponent.

However, now that things have happened, Li Mei has no way out.

"Every one of you is forcing me."

"I, the fallen Tianli Mei, swear on my life today that I will never let you three bastards take a step forward."

Li Mei was obviously in a hurry.

I saw her grabbing her spine with her backhand, and then slowly pulling the spine out from behind.


Along with bursts of heart-rending screams, Li Mei's spine was completely pulled out.

Not far away, Qian Kun looked dumbfounded and felt a pang of regret in his heart.

At this moment, Tyranny, Xu Kuang, Ao Lai, and Hun Chaos were even more stunned.

"This woman is going to fight for her life!"

Tyranny frowned slightly as he watched Li Mei pull out his spine.

"Are you going to use the divine weapon of heaven?"

His opponent Ao Lai frowned deeply.


The moment Li Mei pulled out the spine completely, a ray of light struck into the chaotic void.

For a moment, all the surrounding space collapsed and was destroyed.

"Does she still have such power?"

Qiankun was obviously the most shocked because he had never seen Li Mei use this move before.

Of course, Li Mei would not use this move easily, because the divine weapon of heaven is the only weakness of the incarnation of heaven.

As long as Li Mei doesn't take out her divine weapon of heaven, she will live forever and live as long as heaven.

But once he takes out the divine weapon of heaven, it is equivalent to exposing his weak point.

Once this heavenly artifact is destroyed, she will also die.

But now, Li Mei had to use his own divine weapon of heaven.

Because only in this way could she stop Ao Lai in front of her.

"Crazy woman, do you want to die?"

Ao Lai watched Li Mei take out her artifact "Falling Sky", and her tone finally lost its calm tone.

The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao will only use its Heavenly Dao artifact when the fish is dead and the net is broken.

This Li Mei is obviously crazy.

"Xu Kuang, why don't you use your Raging Soul Tower to take this crazy woman in?"

Ao Lai quickly looked at Xu Kuang on the side.

Xu Kuang is trying his best to maintain the sealing state of the Raging Soul Tower, he said.

"Having Mo Chichi in my tower already gives me a headache. Do you think my tower can seal another Fallen Heaven?"

Xu Kuang told the truth, Mo Chichi had already started fighting in the Raging Soul Tower.

And she seems to be very good at dealing with her own angry soul. Xu Kuang can only struggle to support the seal now.

When Ao Lai saw this, he immediately looked at Tyranny who looked very relaxed.

"Tyrant, what are you watching on the sidelines? Why don't you come over and help me?"

"I don't want to accidentally kill this woman."

However, when Tyranny heard this, he snorted coldly.


"To treat traitors so softly is simply useless."

"I have more important things to do, just have fun by yourself!"

After Tyranny finished speaking, he turned into a ray of light and flew towards Ronin Xing who had already escaped.

Tyranny looked very excited, because he was the only one who noticed that there was an extremely familiar aura on the Ronin planet.

That's the scent from natural enemies.

They have gone through so much trouble to hunt down their natural enemy, right on the Ronin planet!

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