Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1229 Abdication [Subscription Request]

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and there were no less than ten thousand people kneeling outside the palace.

For ten days, these people did not yell or make any rebellious moves.

They just knelt in front of the palace gate without saying a word, without eating or drinking.

There were also people who continued to take poison and commit suicide.

One group fell, and another group came.

These people went forward one after another, not afraid of death at all, and not afraid of death.

They had only one goal, which was to make Qiankun give up the idea of ​​marrying Meng Chanyi.

I don’t know who came up with this vicious method, which was to make Qiankun choose between his tribe members and women.

Qiankun was respected as the patriarch of the Ronin tribe, and his mission was to protect his people.

However, now, his people are going to die one after another.

This is undoubtedly a torture for Qiankun.

In the palace hall, a group of elders gave advice.

"Chief, if this continues, something bad will happen."

"Yes, Chief, the Witch God Temple is now overcrowded, and Li Po can't save them."

"Although no one has died so far. But if this continues, it will be a matter of time before someone dies."

"Chief, you must make a decision. They are all your people, right? Do you want to watch them die?"

The elders are obviously adding fuel to the fire at this time.

Qiankun, sitting on the throne, is already overwhelmed.

Qiankun has only now discovered that there are obviously too many problems in the tribe.

Everything is not as simple as he thought.

This collective hunger strike to force the palace is obviously instigated by someone in secret.

And this person is in the hall.

Now this person can use his people to force the palace, who knows what means he will use to threaten himself to do other things in the future?

Qiankun, the chief of the tribe, is becoming more and more helpless.

Although he holds great power, he is ultimately just a pawn of others.

The law does not punish everyone, Qiankun cannot deal with everyone at once.

The other party pushed his people in front of him, and he could not kill them all with one sword.

Now, Qiankun has only one choice.

Either choose Meng Chanyi or choose his people.

He finally reached a dilemma.

Qiankun held his forehead and sighed slowly.

"Huh, okay, it's time to make a decision."

Qiankun said, stood up from the throne, and walked out of the hall.

Li Mei on the side hurriedly followed, and the other elders were secretly happy.

"This leader finally figured it out."

"Yes, after all, he still loves his people."

"The leader finally couldn't bear it, and it's time to end this farce."

All the elders thought Qiankun had figured it out.

They followed Qiankun and came to the city wall outside the hall.

Qiankun looked around and saw that the square under the scorching sun was full of his people kneeling.

"Look, the leader has come out. The leader has finally come out."

"Leader, Lord Leader, you can't abandon us?"

"Leader, please, don't be deceived by the foreign witch. You are the hero who will lead us back to our homeland."

An old woman fell to the foot of the city wall and kowtowed to Qiankun repeatedly.

Seeing this scene, Qiankun closed his eyes silently.

At this time, the elder on the side stepped forward and said.

"Everyone be quiet, now the leader has come out, he will give everyone an explanation."

"Our leader will always love his people."

After the elder finished speaking, the people kneeling in the square sat up straight and quieted down.

For a moment, everyone looked at Qiankun, they expected Qiankun to announce the cancellation of the wedding with Meng Chanyi.

However, Qiankun opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to the front.

A golden light flashed, and then a purple gold divine seal appeared in Qiankun's hand.

That purple-gold divine seal is the inheritance token of the Ronin tribe leader.

It was passed down to Qiankun by the previous leader Tianjiang.

Now Qiankun took out the purple-gold divine seal again, reflecting the entire starry sky.

"Where is Lingxiao?"

Qiankun shouted loudly, and the sound spread throughout the Ronin Star.

The next second, a white light suddenly appeared in the sky, and it fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up dust all over the ground.

From the dust, a handsome young man in a white windbreaker walked out.

This young man is the most outstanding figure of the younger generation of the Ronin tribe, Lingxiao.

He is hailed as the next Qiankun, and is also Qiankun's most proud apprentice.

"Disciple Lingxiao, meet the master."

Lingxiao walked in front of Qiankun, and knelt down without saying a word.

Seeing this, Qiankun also didn't say anything nonsense, raised the purple-gold divine seal in his hand, and slapped Lingxiao's forehead with one palm.


This palm strike caused a powerful energy fluctuation that shocked the entire Ronin Star.

A crazy red glow condensed on Ling Xiao's forehead.

The elders present were stunned when they saw this.

Ling Xiao himself widened his eyes.

"Master? What are you doing? You can't pass your bloodline power to your disciples!"

Ling Xiao could deeply feel that the bloodline power of Master Qiankun was madly pouring into his brows.

"Chief, what are you going to do? No!"

The elders on the side were also shocked by Qiankun's sudden action.

None of them expected that the leader Qiankun would suddenly pass on the power of his bloodline to his heir.

"Qiankun, are you crazy? What are you doing?"

The great elder was also frightened by Qiankun's actions.

However, Qiankun ignored these people's attempts to stop him. He roared and sent everyone around him flying.

At the same time, he put up a protective shield and continued to inherit his bloodline.

The tens of thousands of people present all saw the power from Qiankun being transferred to Ling Xiao bit by bit.

Even Li Mei on the side was shocked by Qiankun's approach.

As someone who has been conquered by Qiankun, she can definitely feel that the conquering power of Qiankun is slowly losing its effectiveness.

She herself also began to slowly break away from the oppression of Qiankun's spiritual power, and gradually began to be liberated.

But at this time, Li Mei did not escape, nor did he take the opportunity to attack Qiankun.

Instead, she was once again moved by Qiankun's behavior.

"This man really worked hard to be with that woman."

Unknowingly, Li Mei found that her heart had been captured by the universe.

And just like that, Qiankun passed on his bloodline power to his disciple Ling Xiao under the watchful eyes.

After the transfer of power was over, Qiankun silently raised his head, his black hair turning as white as snow.

After completing all this, Qiankun slowly spoke.

"I declare that from now on, Ling Xiao will take over as the leader of our Ronin clan."

"My Qiankun, I'm tired!"

After Qiankun finished speaking, he closed his eyes silently.

Because of the power transfer, almost half of his cultivation was lost.

Nowadays, let alone being unable to suppress Li Mei, he is not even Li Mei's opponent.

Between the people and Meng Chanyi, Qiankun finally chose Meng Chanyi.

He gave up his position as leader and gave up being kidnapped by the morality of these people.

Now he just wants to stay with Meng Chanyi peacefully.

Be a carefree couple of gods and goddesses.

"Li Mei, I know you are not bad at heart. I just hope you don't embarrass my people."

"You go, you're free."

After Qiankun finished all this, he finally looked at Li Mei.

However, Li Mei slowly shook his head and said.

"No, Qiankun, my dear, I suddenly want to see what your end will be."

Li Mei did not choose to leave because she found an interesting goal for her life.

She just wanted to see what the final outcome of this world would be.

Because she knew very well that Meng Chanyi could never be with him.

Now maybe Meng Chanyi has lost all her memory and has become dull and crazy.

But once Meng Chanyi recovers, what awaits Qiankun will be a rock-bottom blow.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to your tribe. During the time I spent with you, I found that the Ronin tribe is actually quite interesting."

Li Mei has no intention of destroying Ronin Star. She just wants to be a witness and witness the ending of Qiankun.

It was only then that the people below the city tower reacted.

Their leader Qian Kun has resigned.

"No, not this result, not this result."

"Chief, you cannot resign. You are in your prime. You cannot abandon us!"

"Chief, why are you resigning? Why?"

"Why abandon us, chief, chief."

Qiankun's resignation was followed by mourning.

Because no one expected that Qiankun would step down from his position.

In the hearts of these people, they actually respect and love the universe.

Qiankun has done a lot for Roninxing. Roninxing has encountered several disasters, but Qiankun saved them all by himself.

It can be said that without Qiankun, the Ronin clan would have been destroyed long ago.

Qiankun is the hope of the Ronin people and their hero.

However, now their hero has been forced away by them

"I, Qiankun, admit that I have never failed any of my clan members. No matter it was the previous catastrophe of the Chaos Beast or the subsequent catastrophe of the time and space rift."

"We, Qiankun, will always be the first to charge into battle. We have been before, we are now, and we will be in the future."

"Now, although I am stepping down as the clan leader, I will still assist the new leader. I will make Ling Xiao become a leader that surpasses me and become your new hero."

"So everyone, there is no need to kneel down for me anymore. I am no longer the leader, so kneeling down to me has no meaning."

Qiankun finally solved this crisis by stepping down as the clan leader.

Although everyone was crying and shouting for him to come back.

But Qiankun has made up his mind and he will no longer be manipulated by others.

Qiankun did this not only to pursue his own happiness, but also to escape from this cage.

For Qiankun, perhaps becoming the clan leader only restricted his freedom.

"Ling Xiao, from now on, my clan will be left to you."

Qiankun patted Ling Xiao on the shoulder one last time, then ignored everyone's attempts to stay and turned to leave.

"Hey, confused, so confused!"

The great elder obviously didn't want to see this result.

This scene of forcing her into the palace was obviously arranged by him. The purpose of his doing this was not to make Qiankun abdicate. What he wanted to do was to make Qiankun cancel the wedding.

But things went against his expectations. He did not expect that Qiankun would eventually choose to use this method to break the restrictions on him.

In this way, no one can restrain Qian Kun from now on.

This result was not only unexpected by the Great Elder, but also by the entire Ronin Clan.

It is unknown whether the Ronin Clan will be destroyed in the future without Qiankun's leadership.

Qiankun can abandon the Ronin Clan, but the Ronin Clan must not abandon him.

Seeing their idol and hero leave the stage in despair, the people in the square were heartbroken and regretful.

They now understand that they are not respecting their hero, but forcing him to do what he is most unwilling to do.

It can only be said that there is no regret medicine in the world.

Qiankun has passed the blood power to Lingxiao, and he no longer has the ability to protect the Ronin Clan.

"What? You said that Brother Qiankun has resigned as the patriarch?"

In the Wushen Temple, Kaila almost went crazy after hearing the news that Qiankun had resigned as the patriarch.

"Is he crazy?"

"Let's not talk about whether Ling Xiao is qualified to take over his position. Doesn't he know how important he is to the entire tribe?"

Qian Kun's resignation is definitely what Kaila doesn't want to see the most.

"No, I can't let him do this. I want to go find him."

Kaira was about to rush out of the Witch God Temple, but was stopped by the Seventh Elder in time.

"Wait a minute, Kaila, it's useless for you to go now."

"The leader has passed his blood power and the seal of the tribe leader to Ling Xiao. It can be seen that he has made up his mind."

The Seventh Elder was the first to get the news. After hearing the news, she was also very regretful.

Kaira was furious after hearing it.

"Why? Why? Just for that woman, he even abandoned our entire tribe? When did he become so selfish?"

"Grandma, say something! Grandma!"

Kaira looked at Li Po on the side. She really didn't understand Qian Kun's decision.

But after hearing it, Li Po shook her head silently and said.

"Hey, aren't we the ones who forced us to do all this?"

Obviously, Li Po was the first person to wake up. From the moment she sent Meng Chanyi away, she regretted it.

Qian Kun is the chief of the clan and the hero of the Ronin.

Are they really worthy of being a hero for what they are doing now?

Kayla seemed a little angry after hearing what Li Po said.

"Who forced him? He forced us!"

"Why did he marry that foreign woman?"

"Has he forgotten that he is the leader of the Ronin tribe? As the leader, how can he act on his own? He..."

"Enough, Kaila! Don't you understand why Qiankun did this?"

"It's because we put too much pressure on him as the leader."

"He is the supreme leader."

"But all of us stepped on him and trampled on him at will."

"When did it come to our decision to do something for the leader?"

"So this time, we really did something wrong."

Po Li spoke the truth. She only realized now that she, as a subordinate of the leader, had already done something beyond her means.

She regretted it when Qiankun stepped down.

She could say that everything was for Kaila, but when did she ever think about whether doing so would hurt Qiankun.

In short, Qiankun's abdication was forced by them.

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