Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1217 Assassination of Meng Chanyi (Part 2)

Keira was instigated by Li Mei and wanted to kill Meng Chanyi.

She came to the Witch God Temple with the determination to get rid of Meng Chanyi.

Then she summoned a chaos beast, Xunshe.

Prepared to swallow Meng Chanyi in one bite.

Xunshe was a mid-level chaos beast and the most powerful one of Keira.

Those swallowed by Xunshe will be strangled by the wheel of time and space in their bodies.

Just when Xunshe was about to swallow Meng Chanyi in one bite -

"Girl, don't!"

At the critical moment, a green light came and pierced directly into the eyes of Xunshe.

"Xunshe's head was knocked off by this blow, and finally he couldn't bite it off."

Seeing this, Keira immediately looked in the direction of the green light.

I saw Li Po standing by the door with a snake-headed staff in her hand.

"Xunshe, swallow her!"

Seeing Li Po coming, Kaila did not stop immediately, but could not wait to let Xunshe attack again.


When Xunshe attacked for the second time, Li Po moved in front of Xunshe in an instant, and then blocked Xunshe and Meng Chanyi.

If Xunshe bites down, it will definitely swallow Li Po.


Seeing Li Po blocking in front of her, Kaila had no choice but to let Xunshe stop at the last moment.

"Why did you stop me? Do you also want this woman to marry Brother Qiankun?"

Kaira was heartbroken, but fortunately she did not go crazy and swallow Li Po.

Looking at Kaila's painful appearance, Li Po knew that Kaila made a mistake because she couldn't think straight for a while.

"Girl, you are confused!"

"Do you think killing her can really solve the problem?"

"I can't watch you make a mistake. This girl really can't be harmed."

Li Po watched Qiankun grow up, and naturally knew what kind of temper the leader Qiankun had.

It can be said that she is the one who knows Qiankun best.

If Qiankun finds out that Kaila killed Meng Chanyi, then Kaila will surely die.

"Why? You won't help me?"

"This woman, this woman will harm everyone."

"The elder said that she can't be allowed to marry Brother Qiankun. The bloodline of the Ronin must be continued by the Ronin."

Kaila was extremely sad and accidentally betrayed the elder Li Mei.

Li Po frowned slightly when she heard it.

"Is that what the elder said?"

Li Po obviously felt a little strange. The elder shouldn't say such a thing.

But Kaila didn't care at all. She thought the elder was right.

"Why, is what the elder said wrong?"

"Our Ronin have lived in this chaotic void for millions of years, and have always reproduced within the tribe. The blood of the Ronin can only be passed on by the descendants of the same tribe."

"If Brother Qiankun is allowed to marry this woman, the best blood of our Ronin will be polluted."

"I can't let this happen, absolutely not!"

"Grandma, please get out of the way, I want to kill her. I can't let Brother Qiankun continue to be deceived by this woman."

"She was sent by the enemy to destroy our tribe."

Kyla became more and more excited as she spoke, and it was obvious that she was already talking nonsense and was out of her mind.

This was because she drank the soul-destroying wine. Now she speaks and thinks without thinking.

After hearing this, Grandma Li was suddenly furious.

"You are confused! Are you doing this for the tribe?"

"I see you are doing this for yourself now. How did you become like this? Did you listen to the slander of the great elder?"

Li Po knew what kind of person Kaila was. Kaila was able to be the female leader of the Ronin tribe, so she must have her excellence.

In fact, she was a kind-hearted, selfless and fearless girl.

But now she behaved selfishly, which was completely unlike her original appearance.

So Li Po suspected that someone told Kaila something that shouldn't be said.

Kaira didn't care about Li Po's doubts at all, but complained aggrievedly.

"Whatever you think, this is who I am."

"I am not willing to accept it, I am not willing to accept it!"

"I have waited for him for so many years, why can't I be compared to a woman I just met?"

"And this woman is still unconscious, just lying here."

"He loves a strange woman who he doesn't know so deeply, why can't he give me a little bit of his love?"

"I have paid so much, why don't I get even a little bit of return?"

"Who wants to be his brother or sister, why does he let me be his sister with just one word?"

"I am not willing to accept it, I am not willing to accept it!"

Now Kayla is just like a grudge woman who only knows how to roar hysterically.

Of course, this is also related to her inner disappointment.

She is too disappointed because her efforts have not been rewarded.

Anyone else may not be able to bear it.

Just as Kayla said.

She has paid for thousands of years, but she can't match the side of a stranger.

The unfairness made her heart twisted.

Seeing Kayla's sad appearance, Li Po felt very uncomfortable.

"Fool! How could your mother-in-law not know about your feelings for the leader!"

"But feelings can't be forced."

"You know Qiankun better than I do. No one can change his decision."

"Girl, no matter what, this girl can't be killed."

"It doesn't matter whether I live or die, but have you ever thought about your seventh mother-in-law?"

"She was ordered to protect the safety of this girl. If something happens to this girl, your seventh mother-in-law may not be safe."

"I am responsible for one person's work and one person's responsibility. At worst, I have to trade one life for another. I can't let brother Qiankun continue to fall in love with this woman."

Keila's murderous intention towards Meng Chanyi is not diminished, which makes Po Li very distressed.

"Do you think that if you take the responsibility, the leader won't blame your seventh mother-in-law?"

"Silly girl, put away your murderous intention. My mother-in-law will help you."

After all, Po Li couldn't bear to see her little granddaughter go astray.

After hearing this, Kayla frowned slightly.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to kill her on my behalf? No, mother-in-law, this can only be done by me."

Kayla thought Po Li was going to take over what she had done last night and killed Meng Chanyi.

But Li Po is obviously relatively rational.

"Don't worry, I won't kill her. In that case, your seventh mother-in-law will suffer."

"When the time comes, I will secretly send this girl away."

"Keep her away from Ronin. That way, even if the leader finds out, he won't do anything to me."

"After all, this girl is innocent, and we can't harm her, right?"

Li Po was kind-hearted and did not want to harm Meng Chanyi's life.

After hearing this, Keira's eyes sparkled slightly.

"Let her go?"

"Yes, as soon as this girl wakes up, I will send her away quietly."

After Li Po finished speaking, Keira frowned.

"But she won't wake up for more than half a year. The longer my brother stays with her, the more he will be unable to leave her."

"It's been a long time, I'm afraid something might happen! Mother-in-law."

Keira couldn't wait a moment now.

After hearing this, Po Li said.

"Don't worry, girl, this girl can actually wake up a long time ago, but her mother-in-law has been delaying her recovery time."

"As long as my mother-in-law is willing, she can wake up in a month."

After hearing Po Li's words, Keira's eyes filled with tears and she burst into tears of gratitude.

"Mother-in-law, are you really willing to help me?"

Keira was touched that someone finally supported her.

Li Po reached out and stroked Keira's head, then smiled.

"Silly girl, you are my mother-in-law and I have watched you grow up. No one wants you to be happy more than me."

"Actually, I have discussed the plan to send this girl away with your seventh mother-in-law from the beginning."

"It's just that now, there is still one chance left."

Li Po said.

Keira frowned after hearing this.

"Opportunity? What opportunity?"

Li Po said: "An opportunity for the leader to leave Ronin."

"The leader's soul covers the entire Ronin planet. If we send this girl away, he will definitely find out."

"So we must let the leader leave Ronin first."

Keira frowned, looked at Po Li, then shook her head.

"How can we get Brother Qiankun to leave Ronin Planet?"

"Brother Qiankun can't wait to move to this witch temple to sleep with this woman."

"He is guarding this woman every step of the way and wants her to leave Ronin. How is that possible?"

Keira really couldn't think of a way to get Qiankun to leave Ronin.

Finally it was Li Po who said.

"No, actually there is a way, and that is to attack the east and attack the west."

"Do you still remember the sealed Void tribe that the leader brought back?"

"The leader has sealed it in Tiandang Mountain recently!"

"I heard from the leader that the Void tribe is very powerful, and the leader only narrowly defeated her."

"If you can break her seal, release her."

"In order to protect Ronin, the leader will definitely lure her into the void for a fight."

"When the leader fights with her, we will send this girl away secretly."

This Li woman was so scheming that even Keira was surprised by this plan.

"If we let that Xu clan go, will anything happen?"

Keira was obviously hesitant.

But Li Po shook her head and said: "Don't worry, the leader's strength is superior to that of the Void Clan, so it won't be a problem to seal her again. It just takes a little time."

"And we just need a little time."

"This is the only way I can think of to distract the leader. It's also the only way to take advantage of the chaos and send this girl away."

After listening to Li Po's words, Keira thought carefully and then nodded.

"I understand, please don't worry, mother-in-law, leave the task of releasing that incorporeal body to me."

"When the time comes, please ask my mother-in-law to send this woman away."

Keira can let go of the sealed body, but in return, Meng Chanyi must be allowed to leave the Ronin planet.

Li Po agreed: "Don't worry, my mother-in-law has promised you something. How has she ever failed to say anything?"

"Give my mother-in-law another month, and I will speed up her recovery."

"During this period, you can go to Tiandang Mountain to learn more about the seal."

"The leader's seal is not that easy to break. Fortunately, you have your magic scissors. It must not be difficult to break the seal."

"When the time comes, I will tell you the specific plan."

Li Po obviously had to betray their leader for the sake of her precious granddaughter.

"Mother-in-law, thank you!" Keira was so moved that she rushed towards Po Li and hugged her tightly.

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