Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1215 Heading to Ronin Star

Zhuo Bufan decisively gave up the Heaven Sealing Seal!

It seemed impulsive, but in fact it was the result of Zhuo Bufan's careful consideration.

First of all, the mysterious ink in the Heaven Sealing Seal was specially made by Ji Xuanhao, and Zhuo Bufan could not copy it with his ability.

In other words, if the Heaven Sealing Seal continued to be in Zhuo Bufan's hands, it would soon become only a decoration.

So, instead of keeping this decoration in his hands, Zhuo Bufan might as well use the Heaven Sealing Seal to exchange for the Devouring Star Core.

After all, in comparison, the Devouring Star Core seems to be more important.

Secondly, Zhuo Bufan did not want to continue living under the shadow of his previous life.

Although Ji Xuanhao was himself, he was a person of two lives after all.

Zhuo Bufan did not like the fate that was arranged, even if it was arranged by himself.

If he continued to use the Heaven Sealing Seal, Zhuo Bufan would only become more and more dependent, and then stop striving for progress.

Of course, the most important thing was that Zhuo Bufan figured out one thing, that is, as long as he could make himself stronger now, it didn't matter if he gave up the Heaven Sealing Seal.

Compared to the Heaven Seal, the Devouring Star Core is obviously more helpful to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan has decided to leave the past behind and walk out a path of his own in this life.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan take out the Heaven Seal, the Void Merchant was obviously stunned.

"Are you really willing to exchange?"

"Why, you don't want to?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Void Merchant in front of him and smiled.

Zhuo Bufan knew that this Devouring Star Core was very precious. If it was based on value alone, the Heaven Seal could not compare to the Devouring Star Core.

But for the Void Merchant in front of him, the research value of this Heaven Seal was far higher than that of the Devouring Star Core.

There was nothing to study about the Devouring Star Core, it was just an energy source that could devour everything in the world.

However, the Heaven Seal was different.

This Heaven Seal was the crystallization of Ji Xuanhao's refining. It can be said that Ji Xuanhao's peak refining level was definitely worth studying.

Especially the mysterious seal ink that Ji Xuanhao made by himself. This value alone was enough to make up for the Devouring Star Core for the Void Merchant.

After all, it was useless for him to hold the Devouring Star Core, as he did not have a treasure that could fuse with it.

In response to Zhuo Bufan's question, the Void Merchant touched his chin, and it was unknown what expression he had under his mask.

He seemed to be hesitating, after all, the true value of the Heaven Seal was far less than that of this Devouring Star Core.

But as for the Heaven Seal, there was only one in the world.

Although the Devouring Star Core was the most difficult to obtain, it was not the only one in the world.

As a collector of artifacts, one should collect the only treasure in the world.

After thinking for a while, the Void Merchant raised the first hand on his left, and saw the gem flash in his hand, and the stone door in front of him slowly opened.

"This Devouring Star Core is of no use to me, deal!"

Sure enough, in the end, the Void Merchant decided to make a deal.

He used the Devouring Star Core to exchange for Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Seal.

"It's time to take this step."

Zhuo Bufan handed the Heaven Seal to the Void Merchant, and at the same time, he walked towards the obsidian gate.

Although the Heaven Sealing Seal can seal one's enemies, it also seals Zhuo Bufan's steps forward.

If Zhuo Bufan wants to surpass Ji Xuanhao, he must take this step.

After taking the Heaven Sealing Seal, the Void Merchant immediately put it into one of his storage rings.

Then he accompanied Zhuo Bufan and walked into the stone gate.

Entering the stone gate is a hexagonal hall.

In the center of the hall, there is a white crystal.

In the crystal, the black star core as big as an eyeball once again attracted Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Just by approaching him, Zhuo Bufan felt that his hair was attracted to the direction of the Devouring Star Core.

"Before I hand over this Devouring Star Core to you, there are still some things I need to tell you!"

"First of all, the pure white crystal outside the Devouring Star Core! This pure white crystal is the Void God Stone. This stone is a powerful space god stone, with a space inside, which can prevent the Devouring Star Core from destroying my Wanbao Pavilion."

"But once the Void God Stone is broken, the Devouring Star Core will go out of control and start to absorb everything around it crazily."

"So generally, the Devouring Star Core will be placed in this Void God Stone to suppress its violent devouring power."

"If you want to fuse this Devouring Star Core into your Eternal Wood, then you'd better find a weapon refining master to help."

"You must solve the balance problem between the Void God Stone and the Devouring Star Core."

"To let this Devouring Star Core open freely as you wish. Then this Void God Stone is the key."

After the Void Merchant finished his instructions, he gave it to Zhuo Bufan along with the entire Void God Stone.

Zhuo Bufan put the Devouring Star Core in his hand, and there was not much joy on his face.

After all, this thing is a hot potato.

If it is not handled properly, it will be like playing with fire and getting burned.

"This divine seal of yours must have come from the hands of the Artisan God Clan, so you should know the great man of the Artisan God Clan."

"You can find this great man of the Artisan God Clan and ask him to merge this Devouring Star Core with your Eternal Wood."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan took the Devouring Star Core backhandedly into his inner world.

Then he karate-speaks to the Void Merchant.

"Thank you for your kind reminder, this is an unforgettable transaction. Please keep this seal of mine."

"If possible, I would like to redeem it from you in the future."

"Boss, you can rest assured. Next time I come, I will definitely bring you more interesting treasures."

To be honest, after handing over the Heaven Sealing Seal, Zhuo Bufan was still a little reluctant.

After all, the Heaven Sealing Seal was the treasure that helped him escape.

But Zhuo Bufan had to take this step. He could no longer rely on the Heaven Sealing Seal, let alone Ji Xuanhao.

So Zhuo Bufan actually planned to keep this thing here with the boss. Maybe one day, he will really come back to redeem this treasure.

After hearing this, the Void Merchant responded.

"Then it's settled. I like making friends very much. I like making friends with people like you even more."

After the Void Merchant finished speaking, he suddenly took out a small purple handle.

The small handle looked like a key. Zhuo Bufan didn't know what it was made of.

I only heard the Void Merchant explain.

"This is the key to the gate of Yixing. You only need to inject your vitality into it, then turn it three times to the left facing the void, and then turn it three times again, and you can directly open a space door to enter my Yixing."

"I have only given this key to five people, and you are the first friend who has known me for less than a day and got this key."

"By the way, I have always forgotten to introduce myself. I am Yi Tianxing, a small void merchant in the chaos."

From the time they met until now, the void merchant finally told Zhuo Bufan his name.

Zhuo Bufan was grateful when he heard it.

Because he could see that the void merchant really wanted to make friends with him.

Being able to hand over the key of his home to others is just a rare trust.

Zhuo Bufan no longer doubted and replied.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, a small void walker in the chaos!"

Void merchant Yi Tianxing, Zhuo Bufan finally knew the name of this boss, and at the same time, he also made a precious friendship with this boss.


The transaction went smoothly and the cooperation was pleasant.

Zhuo Bufan and Yi Tianxing became friends because of this transaction.

In the next two days, Zhuo Bufan, led by Yi Tianxing, visited his Wanbao Building.

Zhuo Bufan also opened his eyes and knew how powerful Yi Tianxing was.

If Yi Tianxing wanted to rob Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan would never escape from his Yixing.

Obviously, Yi Tianxing is a very principled person.

He has his own principles in doing things and doing business.

It is precisely because of this that Yi Tianxing can become a void merchant in this starry sky.

With him, transactions can be completed fairly and justly.

Two days later, Yi Tianxing's ronin friend finally returned.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up when he saw him.

He thought that the ronin might be strange aliens.

But the other person looked no different from a normal person.

It's just that he had many mysterious tattoos on his body and a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

Of course, the short gray hair is very eye-catching.

"Let me introduce you, this is my best friend, the sixth elder of the Ronin, Shun!"

Zhuo Bufan had just met Shun, and Yi Tianxing, as a mutual friend of the two, stepped forward to introduce him.

"Brother Shun, this is the buyer Brother Zhuo I told you about!"

"He is willing to provide you with 100,000 Purple Chaos Stones."

After hearing what Yi Tianxing said, the Ronin elder named Shun laughed excitedly.

"Brother Zhuo, I am so grateful to you!"

"Your Purple Chaos Stone came just in time."

The sixth elder Shun, under the order of the leader Qiankun, went out to collect Purple Chaos Stones as pre-war resources.

But this Purple Chaos Stone is hard to come by, and even the Void Merchants don't have much of it.

To be honest, 100,000 Chaos Stones is indeed a considerable number.

Unexpectedly, when he was desperate, Zhuo Bufan actually brought him hope.

So his gratitude to Zhuo Bufan was naturally overflowing with words.

"Brother Shun, you are too polite!"

"I think Brother Yi should have told you about my situation!"

"I can give you these 100,000 Purple Chaos Stones, but I need to go to Ronin Star with you."

Zhuo Bufan didn't give out these 100,000 Chaos Stones for nothing.

If it wasn't for Meng Chanyi, how could Zhuo Bufan willingly hand over so many Chaos Stones?

These Chaos Stones are considered as the guide fee.

After Shun heard this, he nodded and responded immediately.

"I understand. Even if Brother Zhuo didn't say it, I would still invite Brother Zhuo to visit Ronin Star."

"First, I will personally call this reward to Brother Zhuo."

"Second, I am grateful for Brother Zhuo's generosity."

"How about we go back to Ronin Star now without further ado?"

Shun was very anxious. After all, he had completed the task and he could go back to report.

And Ronin Star was about to fight a war, so he had to rush back to support as soon as possible.

Shun's words just happened to match Zhuo Bufan's thoughts.

Zhuo Bufan also wanted to go to Ronin Star immediately. He wanted to see Meng Chanyi as soon as possible, and he couldn't wait.

"Since both of you are busy on your way, I won't stay any longer."

"Both of you have the key to my Yixing. If you want to come, you are welcome at any time."

Yi Tianxing said.

Zhuo Bufan replied: "Thank you, Brother Yi, for taking care of me these two days. I will come back to bother you again in the future."

"Well, you two, see you later!"

"See you later!"

"See you later!"

Zhuo Bufan and Shun no longer want to stay any longer and set off immediately to the Ronin Star!

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