Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1203 Cunning Li Mei

On the warm jade bed in the Witch Temple, Meng Chanyi lay quietly like a sleeping beauty.

There is still the aura of Tian Mending Technique lingering around him.

It was precisely because of the energy of this Heaven-Mending Technique that her life was safe.

Beside Mengchanyi's bed, there was an old woman wearing a white cloak. She had kind eyes and a calm aura.

Above his eyebrows, there is a golden vertical eye.

She is the great witch master of the Witch Temple and the supreme high priest of the Ronin tribe, Li Po.

Li Po looked at Meng Chanyi quietly. When she recalled what the seventh elder had said when she handed her over to him, Li Po felt a little entangled in her heart.

This strange woman will most likely become the leader's woman, which Li Po will never allow.

Because Li Po always believed that Qiankun should be with Keira.

She also watched these two children grow up.

She has already treated Keira as her own granddaughter.

Therefore, she was obviously a little confused whether to save the woman in front of her or not.

If you save me, then I’ll be sorry for Keira. Once this woman wakes up, the leader will definitely marry her.

If she doesn't save him, this is the leader's order and she doesn't dare to disobey him.

This Li Po was obviously in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

Just when she didn't know what to do, Qiankun led the Seven Elders into the Shaman Temple.

"Po Li, Qiankun has come to say hello to you."

Qiankun did not dare to be rude in front of Li Po. After all, Li Po's status in the Ronin clan was equal to that of the Great Elder, second only to Qiankun.

In terms of reputation, they are far higher than themselves.

If he hadn't had the highest level of cultivation and was younger, he wouldn't have been able to take the position of leader.

When Li Po saw Qian Kun coming, she immediately stood up and prepared to kneel down and worship.

"Po Li has met the leader!"

Before Li Po knelt down, Qiankun reached out to support her.

"Po Po Li, no, I have already said that you don't need to bow when you see me."

Qiankun respects Po Li not only because of her identity and status, but more importantly, he is the child raised by Po Li.

In Qiankun's eyes, Po Li has always been like his grandmother.

After hearing this, Po Li nodded happily and then said.

"No matter what, you are also the leader of our Ronin clan. Some etiquette is expected."

"Child, come here, let me see, how long has it been since we last met?"

She has not seen Qiankun since her leader Qiankun left Ronin.

Qiankun did the math and sighed: "I haven't seen him for about a hundred years!"

"Worrying you."

Qiankun and Li Po chatted about common things, while the seventh elder stood aside honestly.

After chatting for a while, Qiankun finally mentioned Meng Chanyi.

"Po Li, how is the situation of the beauty I brought back now?"

Qiankun has not forgotten the purpose of his coming today.

When he was in the conference hall, he was already thinking about ending it quickly and meeting Meng Chanyi.

So as soon as the conference ended, he couldn't wait to rush over.

In his heart, he had already treated Meng Chanyi as his own woman.

Li Po saw this and was secretly anxious.

"No, leader, you can't see her now!"

When Qiankun heard this, he frowned and said, "Why?"

Li Po continued: "The girl was seriously injured. All the internal organs in her body were destroyed, and only a trace of her soul was left."

"In fact, according to the common definition, she is actually dead."

"However, there was an expert who used a powerful force to maintain her body and soul, which could collapse at any time. Under the maintenance of this power, she retained her last breath and last ray of soul."

"Now she can be said to be a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time."

Li Po actually told Qiankun about Meng Chanyi's situation in an exaggerated tone on purpose.

Qiankun frowned and couldn't believe it.

"so serious?"

"The old woman doesn't dare to deceive the leader. This girl's injuries are unclear. Even the old woman is not completely sure that she can be cured."

After Li Po finished speaking, Qiankun suddenly widened his eyes and stared at her.

"Impossible. You are the most powerful wizard in our Ronin clan, a being who can resurrect the dead. She is not dead yet, how can she not be saved?"

"Po Li, tell me the truth, can it be cured?"

After Qiankun finished speaking, his eyes widened.

His dark pupils seemed to be able to see through the souls of others.

At that moment, Li Po didn't dare to hide anything and answered quickly.

"Yes, you can. The old woman should try her best."

At this moment, Po Li did not dare to deceive Qiankun. After all, in the face of Qiankun's domineering power, if she deceived him in the slightest, she would probably be destroyed.

After hearing Po Li's answer, Qiankun lost his domineering aura.

"That's fine. How long will it take to wake up?"

Qiankun couldn't wait to see Meng Chanyi resurrected.

Li Po closed her eyes silently, remained silent for a moment, and then said.

"If we return to the leader, it will probably take at least a year and a half. She is too seriously injured."

This time, Qiankun did not embarrass Li Po again.

Because he also felt that Meng Chanyi was seriously injured, and it could be said that he was really only surviving on a trace of the power of his soul.

In response, Qiankun sighed and said.

"I see!"

"Then Lao Li Po takes the trouble to save her at all costs."

"I have never been passionate about a woman in my whole life. Now I have finally found someone who makes my heart beat. I don't want to miss it."

Qiankun expressed his feelings for Meng Chanyi without any secret.

From the first moment he saw Meng Chanyi, he realized that he had fallen in love with this woman.

In response, Li Po nodded slowly.

"The old woman understands. Please rest assured, Chief. The old woman will do her best to treat this girl. She will be able to revive her within a year at the latest."

"Well, I will give you one year. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Qiankun finally gave Li Po an ultimatum.

A year later, he wanted to see Meng Chanyi come alive, and he wanted to complete his wedding with Meng Chanyi on the Ronin Planet.

"Seventh Elder, this is the mission assigned to you by the host. No one is allowed to enter the Witch Temple, do you understand?"

After Qiankun finished speaking, he looked at the Seventh Elder on the side, then waved his cloak and turned around to leave.

Seeing the leader leaving, the Seventh Elder and Po Li breathed a sigh of relief.


"Mother-in-law, what should I do?"

"This leader wants to marry this girl, what should Keira do?"

After Qiankun left, the seventh elder quickly looked at Po Li.

After hearing this, Po Li slowly shook her head. Why doesn't she want Qiankun and Keira to be together?

However, Qiankun is the leader and has supreme power in the Ronin clan.

He speaks the truth and no one can go against his will.

This is the leader. In the Ronin clan, he has the final say in everything. Even Po Li, who raised him since childhood, can only obey orders.

"Hey, I have been fighting for the girl for a year. I hope that during this time, she can move Qiankun's heart!"

It turns out that Po Li was able to wake up Meng Chanyi long ago.

Meng Chanyi's injury was not as serious as she said.

Because the shield around Meng Chanyi has always protected her body and soul.

And she is still recovering her vitality at a rapid pace.

At this rate, even if Po Li didn't take action, Meng Chanyi would be able to wake up in less than a month.

However, she couldn't let Meng Chanyi wake up so quickly.

So she controlled Mengchanyi's recovery speed and let her wake up after a year.

This is the only thing Li Po can do for Keira to help her buy enough time.

After hearing this, the seventh elder sighed and said.

"That's all we can do. If that doesn't work, I'll sneak the girl out when she's about to wake up."

"We can't let the leader be with her, it's too unfair to Keira."

The Seventh Elder, Li Po, and the rest were all willing to betray Qiankun for Keira.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Keira and Qiankun are completely impossible.

Maybe just killing Meng Chanyi would be the end of the matter, but in that case, it would probably bring unimaginable disaster to the Ronin tribe.

On the other side, not long after Qiankun left, an uninvited guest came outside the Shaman Temple.

However, he was stopped outside the hall by the seventh elder.

"Why did the Great Elder come to the Witch Temple instead of discussing preparations for the war with the Second Elder in his own palace?"

The person the seventh elder stopped was the great elder.

The great elder looked at the seventh elder with a smile, rolled his eyes, and then said.

"I'm here to pay a visit to Po Li, and I ask the Seventh Elder to be accommodating."

After hearing this, the seventh elder shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Great Elder. I was ordered by the leader to guard the Witch Temple. No one is allowed to enter this place except Li Po and the leader."

After the seventh elder finished speaking, the first elder frowned slightly.

"Oh? Even my great elder can't enter?"

"Sorry, this is the leader's order. I think so."

The seventh elder unceremoniously blocked the great elder from the gate of the Witch Temple.

"But since the Great Elder is here to pay a visit to Po Li, I can invite Po Li to come out and meet her."

Although the Seventh Elder must obey the leader's orders, he does not dare to offend the First Elder casually.

But after hearing this, the great elder shook his head.

"No, since Po Li is busy, I won't bother you."

After the great elder finished speaking, he turned and left the Witch Temple.

"How strange!"

The seventh elder looked at the departing figure of the great elder in bewilderment and said suspiciously in his heart.

The great elder came to the Witch Temple, obviously a little confused.

After all, he had just accepted the mission from the leader and ended up at the Witch Temple in the blink of an eye.

And after being turned away, he left inexplicably, which was obviously a bit puzzling.

In fact, the reason why this great elder is so strange is because he is no longer the highly respected great elder of the Ronin tribe.

But it is the clone of Da Luotian, who fell into the heaven of Li Mei.

When the great elder peeked at Li Mei's soul before, his soul had actually been taken away by Li Mei.

Of course, only part of Li Mei's separated soul entered the great elder's body.

Most of her soul is still sealed by Qiankun.

But just this trace of soul, Li Mei was enough to seize the great elder from She.

It can only be said that the great elder's cultivation is very weak and he cannot resist Li Mei's powerful soul power.

After all, Li Mei is the incarnation of the way of heaven, and his own cultivation level has reached the sky.

Therefore, the great elder had almost no resistance and was controlled by Li Mei.

However, Li Mei could only barely control the soul and body of the great elder, and she could not exert her own power.

If you are not careful, your identity may be exposed.

So now she had to disguise herself and pretend to be the Great Elder.

The reason she came to the Wushen Temple was to take the opportunity to kill Meng Chanyi.

However, when she arrived at the Wushen Temple, she was turned away.

Qiankun sent the Seventh Elder to protect Meng Chanyi first, which left Li Mei no chance.

"This little beast, it seems that he really likes that bitch."

"The protection is so airtight, there is no chance to attack!"

Li Mei occupied the Great Elder's body, but she did not dare to act recklessly.

And she could not just run away, because her original body was still in Qiankun's hands.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Li Mei can now contact other Heavenly Dao clones.

There is a shared soul channel between Heavenly Dao clones.

As long as they are within range, they can communicate with each other.

"Where are Tyranny and Xu Kuang? I was caught, are they all dead?"

Li Mei carefully left a message with her remaining soul power.

Not long after, Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu was the first to respond.

"Li Mei? Have you met your target natural enemy?"

Ao Zhitian didn't want to pay attention to Li Mei's life or death. He was more concerned about whether Zhuo Bufan had been found.

Ao Zhitian was arrogant and arrogant, and it was impossible for him to go to find Zhuo Bufan in person.

After sending his subordinates out, he stayed alone in the base camp, waiting for news.

It can be said that he was the most leisurely one.

After hearing this, Li Mei scolded.

"Ba Tu, didn't you hear clearly? I was caught. Come and save me."

Li Mei wanted to call for help, but the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao were not necessarily of one mind.

At this time, Chen Zhitian Xu Kuang also came online.

"Ridiculous woman, so stupid. As the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, she was caught by humans. It's really embarrassing. You can fend for yourself!"

Xu Kuang Chen Zhitian obviously decided to watch from the sidelines, regardless of Li Mei's life or death.

"Xu Kuang, you bastard, I will grind you to dust after I escape from here."

The incarnations of Heaven are all arrogant.

Xu Kuang is unwilling to rescue Li Mei, and Li Mei will not beg shamelessly.

"Brother Hun Dun, my sister is in trouble, are you going to watch her die?"

Seeing that Ba Tu and Xu Kuang did not care about her life or death, Li Mei placed her hope on Hun Dun.

Hun Dun, the first incarnation of Heaven, is a failure like Li Mei.

Hun Dun is mentally weak, so he is easily manipulated.

As soon as Li Mei finished speaking, Hun Dun responded.

"Sister Li Mei, your soul power is too weak, I can't sense your location."

"Don't worry, I will save you."

Hearing Hun Dun say this, Li Mei said excitedly.

"Brother Hun Dun, my soul power has been weak recently. I will give you the coordinates when I recover."

"Please come to rescue me when the time comes. I will be very grateful."

After Li Mei finished speaking, she hurriedly logged off.

Her soul could not support her leaving messages for a long time.

But her goal had been achieved, at least she got a response from Hun Dun.

Although Hun Dun was weak in mind, its strength should not be underestimated. After all, it was the first incarnation of the Heavenly Dao and its strength was extremely powerful.

If Hun Dun came to save her, then Li Mei would definitely be able to escape


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