Looking at Meng Chanyi sleeping sweetly in his arms, Zhuo Bufan felt indescribably happy.

Meng Chanyi's appearance is the type that you never get tired of looking at.

As expected of being the most beautiful woman in Daluotian, her temperament makes Zhuo Bufan feel inferior.

But when he thought of Meng Chanyi's life, Zhuo Bufan felt a little uncomfortable.

This woman has waited for Luotian for a million years. How infatuated is this!

"Have a good sleep! This time, I won't let you wait any longer."

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan has forgotten what the Lord of Time is. He just wants to stay with Meng Chanyi quietly.

But good times are always short.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was quietly healing the wounds of this sleeping beauty.

Suddenly, from the soul, Xiaoyan's cry for help came.

"Little beast, what time is it still flirting with me, run for your life!"

Zhuo Bufan looked back and saw Xiaoyan flying towards him quickly.

Behind Xiaoyan, Lifang and other big virtuals were chasing after her.

"Not good!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much. When the space-time nightmare dragon flew towards him, he hugged the unconscious Meng Chanyi and jumped onto its back.

"Xiaoyan, go to the space-time rift."

Zhuo Bufan is definitely not Lifang's opponent now. Even the virtual master in his hand is a virtual master of Daoyuan realm!

Zhuo Bufan, a small Shengyuan realm, is definitely not their opponent.

The reason why Mo Chichi was able to seal was because all of Mo Chichi's power was consumed by Meng Chanyi.

And Mo Chichi was also seriously injured and dying.

Under that state, Zhuo Bufan barely sealed him.

But when he met a real master, Zhuo Bufan had to run away.

"Okay, I know where the space-time rift is, run for your life!"

Xiaoyan ran back specifically because he was worried about Zhuo Bufan's safety.

When the fighting here subsided, Xiaoyan rushed over as soon as possible and happened to meet Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi.

"What happened to this girl? Is she dead?"

Meng Chanyi had chased Xiaoyan to the point where she had no way to go up to the sky or down to the earth, so Xiaoyan had nothing nice to say.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but roll his eyes at him after hearing this.

"You are dead! She just fell asleep."

"Falling asleep? I can't feel any breath of life in her. Even her soul is very weak. She is dying!"

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't run faster, I will catch up with you soon."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to argue with Xiaoyan about this.

However, Meng Chanyi's condition was indeed not good. Fortunately, he had the Heaven Repairing Technique and had been helping her recover.

After all, Meng Chanyi was injured for him, so Zhuo Bufan actually felt guilty.


On this side, Li Fang, who was chasing Zhuo Bufan and the others, found that their Tianzun Mo Chichi was missing after returning to the battlefield.

"Where is the Heavenly Master?"

Li Fang paused after she finished speaking, then waved her hand and reproduced all the scenes that had happened in this starry sky.

When she saw Zhuo Bufan use the Heaven Seal to seal their Heavenly Master Mo Chichi, Li Fang, a loyal subordinate, was furious.

"This little beast actually kidnapped the Heavenly Master. We must kill him and chase him!"

Knowing that Zhuo Bufan had taken Mo Chichi away, Li Fang and other Daxu began to chase Zhuo Bufan at all costs.

For them, now is the best opportunity to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Because Meng Chanyi was severely injured by Mo Chichi and is now unconscious.

In this way, they can not only catch Zhuo Bufan, but also Meng Chanyi, which is killing two birds with one stone.

So Li Fang and the others sped up and began to approach Zhuo Bufan and Xiaoyan little by little.


"They are catching up, how long will Xiaoyan take?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon immediately answered.

"It's almost there. The dark void ahead is where the space-time crack is."

"But this space-time crack has just taken shape, and the energy inside is very chaotic. And the distance of travel is limited, so you have to be mentally prepared."

The space-time nightmare dragon can sense the existence of the space-time crack.

Because they were born from the space-time crack.

"With you here, it's okay."

Zhuo Bufan chose to believe Xiaoyan. After all, at this point, he had no other choice.

Seeing those virtual masters getting closer and closer, Zhuo Bufan was even ready for a fight.

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, two white rays suddenly flew from behind him.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and offered the Heaven Sealing Seal, ready to fight.

After releasing the powerful Sealing Dragon Soul before, the Heaven Sealing Seal seemed to be exhausted. This time, not even a dragon soul flew out.

"Not good!"

Zhuo Bufan took out the Minsheng Sword as soon as possible, barely opened up a space crack, and avoided the two white rays.

But Zhuo Bufan also realized that the Heaven Sealing Seal was over-consumed and needed to be restored.

"Boy, hold on a little longer, we're almost there."

At this moment, Xiaoyan couldn't help Zhuo Bufan at all.

Zhuo Bufan could only use the chaotic energy in his body to build a series of energy barriers to resist the attacks of Lifang and the others.

However, Zhuo Bufan's opponent was Xu Zun.

How could his small barrier possibly stop the opponent's destructive power?

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Under heavy attacks, Zhuo Bufan's defense has begun to collapse.

At this time, the voice of the pursuer Li Fang came into Zhuo Bufan's mind.

"Little beast, quickly release our Tianzun, otherwise don't blame us for killing him."

The order received by Li Fang and the others was to try to capture Zhuo Bufan alive, but now the Tianzun who issued the order has been captured, and they can no longer care about so much.

However, Li Fang and the others' words reminded Zhuo Bufan.

"Stupid, listen to me. If you dare to chase me again, I will kill your Tianzun."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to threaten Li Fang with Mo Chichi, but Li Fang sneered after hearing it.

"With you, a little beast, if it weren't for Meng Chanyi who severely injured our Tianzun? Would you have a chance to take advantage of the opportunity?"

"Although Tianzun has ordered us not to hurt your life, but now, we have to take your life to save Tianzun."

After Li Fang finished speaking, she finally stopped holding back. The speed increased a bit, and they were already rushing towards Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"It's over!"

Seeing Li Fang and the others rushing towards him, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt something was wrong.

And at this moment, Xiao Yan suddenly shouted.

"Stinky boy, sit tight! There is a space-time crack ahead!"

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought he was finished this time, a huge space-time crack appeared in front of them.

"As long as we reach the outer layer, the devouring power of the space-time crack can speed me up, sit tight."

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was like a fish in water when he saw the space-time crack.


"No, there is a space-time crack ahead. They are going to use the space-time crack to escape."

Li Fang and other big voids also saw the huge gap in the darkness at this time.

There, time and space are completely annihilated.

The strong devouring power made them feel afraid.

"Lord Li Fang, they are looking for death, we can't chase them anymore."

The Void Saint behind them was timid. Once they entered this space-time crack, they would basically die.

However, the loyal Li Fang didn't care about her own life or death. She had to rescue Tianzun Mo Chichi no matter what.

"Knock him down! Don't let him escape."

"Give me your power."

After Li Fang finished speaking, she suddenly stretched out her hand and grasped it in the void.

A white divine bow appeared in her hand.

Then, Li Fang pulled the bowstring, and a stream of powerful energy gathered on the bowstring, forming a white divine arrow.

The other three great voids around began to transfer their own power into Li Fang's body.

They condensed this divine arrow that could kill time and space together, and shot it down before Zhuo Bufan and the others entered the time and space crack.

"Hahaha, kid, we will be able to escape soon."

At this moment, the time and space nightmare dragon was obviously very excited.

Because it is a time and space nightmare dragon, compared with other life forms, it is a time and space crack in the life forbidden zone. For it, it is the nest of life.

The little nightmare flew madly towards the crack of time and space, and it didn't notice at all that behind it, there was a cold light flying rapidly.

"Not good, little nightmare, be careful."

Zhuo Bufan reacted immediately and tried his best to mobilize all the chaotic energy in his body to offer a powerful defense barrier for the time and space nightmare dragon.

At the same time, he summoned the Minsheng Sword and then blocked the flying arrow.

The tip of the sword hit the tip of the arrow, and the terrifying energy instantly spread to Zhuo Bufan's body, making Zhuo Bufan heartbroken and in unbearable pain.

That was a fatal arrow from a Daoyuan realm strongman, and it also integrated all the energy of other great voids.

The terrifying power was released in an instant.

Even though most of it was swallowed by the crack of time and space, the power that shocked the world and made ghosts cry was still blooming.


For a moment, the energy that was enough to shatter a star exploded, and Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul was about to be blasted out of his body.

There was a powerful force tearing at his soul, pulling it out of his body.

"Not good!"

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan saw Meng Chanyi, who was in a coma, being pulled out of his arms.

Watching Meng Chanyi drift away and being swallowed by the crack in time and space, Zhuo Bufan rushed towards her without hesitation.

And the little nightmare under his feet was blown away by the terrible explosion energy.

Everything happened almost in a flash, Zhuo Bufan, Meng Chanyi and the time and space nightmare dragon.

The three were blown into the crack in time and space at the same time, and Zhuo Bufan's soul was torn off by most of it. He immediately fainted.

And Meng Chanyi was in a coma, and she had no reaction at all.

The only one who was still conscious was the little nightmare that Zhuo Bufan had protected with all his strength before.

Although it was also severely injured, it at least had a breath.

Now the three fell into the crack in time and space, and the powerful time and space power inside began to devour their bodies and souls.

Meng Chanyi and Zhuo Bufan were swallowed first, but compared to Meng Chanyi, Zhuo Bufan's power could not resist the destruction of the power of time and space.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan's body had begun to disintegrate, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon flew towards Zhuo Bufan without hesitation.

At the same time, the horns on the top of the head released a transparent energy shield, covering Zhuo Bufan.

This is the power of the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon, which can ensure that Zhuo Bufan will not be torn apart in this space-time crack.

After the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon protected Zhuo Bufan, it was too late to look back at Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi had been completely swallowed by the space-time crack and was floating to an unknown place.

"It's over!"

The little nightmare knew how important Meng Chanyi was to Zhuo Bufan, so it flew towards the place where Meng Chanyi was floating away.

But in this space-time crack, all time and space were in disorder, and no one knew where Meng Chanyi would be taken by space-time.

Fortunately, before Meng Chanyi floated away, Zhuo Bufan released a layer of life shield, Tianbu shield and Yuanli shield for her.

In addition, Meng Chanyi's own physique was strong, and Tianbu was used as a body protection magic.

In this newly formed space-time crack, Meng Chanyi was not in danger of life.


After an unknown amount of time, Zhuo Bufan woke up from his confusion.

After waking up, the first thing he called out was——

"Fairy Meng!"

Zhuo Bufan's memory still stayed at the scene where Meng Chanyi floated away after they were swallowed by the space-time crack.

He tried his best to catch Meng Chanyi, but his soul became weaker and weaker under the stripping of the space-time power.

Adding Li Fang's fatal arrow, Zhuo Bufan fainted directly.

He thought he was dead, and even prepared to reload the game.

But he didn't die, but woke up after a while.

When Zhuo Bufan woke up, he found that he was not in the violent space-time crack, but drifting in an extremely quiet void.

He didn't see the fairy Meng Wuqing, but saw the dying Xiaoyan.

"Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan!"

Zhuo Bufan found himself lying on Xiaoyan's head, but Xiaoyan couldn't feel any vitality at this time, only a trace of weak soul was left.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, tried to take a breath, and then urged the magic skill of the sky repairing technique to start treating Xiaoyan.

However, as soon as he started to practice, Zhuo Bufan found that his soul had not fully recovered.

But he still insisted on healing Xiaoyan.

Under the treatment of the Heaven-Repairing Technique, Xiaoyan slowly recovered a little vitality.

Finally, under Zhuo Bufan's best efforts to save him, Xiaoyan slowly came back to life.

"Boy, you are not dead yet!"

Xiaoyan, who came back to life, was very happy to find that Zhuo Bufan had woken up.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to be happy, but shouted.

"Xiaoyan, where is Chanyi? Where is she?"

When Zhuo Bufan asked Meng Chanyi, Xiaoyan closed his eyes silently, and his mood instantly became a little uncomfortable.

It drooped its head, and was a little afraid to answer Zhuo Bufan's words.

But it also knew that it could not hide it from Zhuo Bufan, and finally it replied with apology.

"Sorry, boy, I lost your woman."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan felt his soul tremble, and coupled with unstable blood and qi, lack of soul power, and dissipation of Yuanli, he fainted again.

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