Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1195 Mo Chichi fights Meng Chanyi

The battle between the Ronin Clan leader and the Fallen Sky Li Mei ended in a loss for both sides.

Although Qiankun finally suppressed Li Mei, Li Mei also severely injured him.

Moreover, Li Mei himself was not dead, but was trapped by the Dark Eye Seat in Qiankun's body.

From now on, they are considered two people in one, and Qiankun must always be on guard against Li Mei breaking through the seal and escaping to kill him.

No matter what, the result is still slightly better than Qiankun.

This devastating battle finally ended, returning this chaotic void to peace.


Of course, there is another unique battle on the other side of the starry sky.

Mo Chichi of Chitian, fighting against Meng Chanyi of Mazu Mountain.

This is a battle of equal strength. Neither Mo Chichi nor Meng Chanyi has the heart to kill and really start a war.

They just want to run, and the other wants to stay.

Mo Chichi wanted to run away because she didn't want to continue to tangle with Meng Chanyi. If she continued like this, the big fish she wanted to catch might run away.

And Meng Chanyi wanted to stay because she knew that the big fish Mo Chichi wanted to catch was Zhuo Bufan.

If Zhuo Bufan was found by Mo Chichi, then Zhuo Bufan would be in danger.

Mo Chichi looked at Meng Chanyi and took back all her incarnations.

At the same time, the clones that Meng Chanyi copied through the mirror law also disappeared.

The two did fight a big battle just now, but the battle was fleeting.

After all, neither of them wanted to really start a war.

Mo Chichi, who took back the clones, looked at Meng Chanyi on the opposite side and persuaded her.

"Saint Chan Yi, I advise you to leave quickly. If you continue to pester her, you may not be able to leave."

"I have informed the Fallen Heaven Li Mei, and she is heading in the direction where we are."

"Once Li Mei arrives, we will be two against one. Are you sure?"

Mo Chi Chi wanted to get rid of Meng Chan Yi as soon as possible, so she did not hesitate to deceive her.

Meng Chan Yi frowned slightly when she heard what Mo Chi Chi said.

Although she was not afraid of the Fallen Heaven Li Mei, once Li Mei found her, she would pester her all the time.

This was definitely not a good thing for Meng Chan Yi.

Meng Chan Yi still had to look for Zhuo Bufan and the Lord of Time. She didn't want to be pestered by anyone, let alone Li Mei.

"Let me tell you again! The person you are worried about is still fine now. I didn't do anything to him. We lost him."

Mo Chi Chi knew that she couldn't hide it from Meng Chan Yi, so she might as well tell the truth.

Meng Chanyi looked at Mo Chichi. She didn't doubt what Mo Chichi said.

Because she knew what kind of person Mo Chichi was.

Among the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, Mo Chichi was the only one who didn't disgust Meng Chanyi.

"Can I leave now?"

Mo Chichi said so much, just wanting to leave.

She finally looked at Meng Chanyi, but Meng Chanyi said with a cold brow.

"Sorry, Mo Tianzun, I still can't let you go."

"I want to protect him!"

Meng Chanyi confirmed from Mo Chichi that Zhuo Bufan had come to the Chaos Void.

And the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao were all chasing Zhuo Bufan.

Meng Chanyi naturally didn't allow such a thing to happen, so what she could do was to eliminate all enemies who could threaten Zhuo Bufan.

Among these enemies, naturally, was Mo Chichi.

Seeing that she couldn't escape, Mo Chichi looked at Meng Chanyi again, and the aura on her body surged again.

But at this moment, Mo Chichi suddenly received a message from Lifang on the Cangyue Star.

"Lord Tianzun, it appeared! That kid is rushing towards us."

The Cangyue Star warship has a powerful detection capability.

It is not just as simple as detecting life force, it can also detect information about all things within a radius of 100 million miles.

Just now, they detected a mysterious object moving towards them at high speed.

"Is it coming?"

Mo Chichi's eyes lit up, and the big fish she was waiting for finally came.

"How long will it take?" Mo Chichi asked.

"According to the opponent's speed, it will be here soon."

"Well, Lifang, take everyone to capture that kid, preferably alive."

Mo Chichi responded.

"Tianzun, what about you?" Lifang asked.

"Me? I want to stop Meng Chanyi, and I can't let Meng Chanyi know about this."

Mo Chichi couldn't leave at all because Meng Chanyi was entangled with her.

Once the opponent discovered that she had any anomalies, Meng Chanyi would definitely fight with all her strength.

However, Mo Chichi still underestimated Meng Chanyi's strength.

When Zhuo Bufan approached Meng Chanyi's domain, Meng Chanyi had already discovered him.

"The breath of the Heaven Repairing Technique is him, he is really here."

Practitioners of the Heaven Repairing Technique have a special telepathy with each other.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was able to sense Meng Chanyi's existence before, Meng Chanyi also sensed Zhuo Bufan.

"Not good, Mo Chichi's men!"

Meng Chanyi suddenly discovered that Mo Chichi's Cang Yue Star was actually heading towards the direction of Zhuo Bufan in the void.

Meng Chanyi took off a white-gold hairpin from her head without saying a word and attacked the spaceship where the Cang Yue Star was.

"Not good!"

When Mo Chichi saw the flying white-gold hairpin, he immediately split into a clone and blocked it in front of the hairpin.

However, the hairpin condensed Meng Chanyi's great power.

The violent energy actually penetrated Mo Chichi's clone in an instant.


Mo Chichi relied on the power of one of his clones to block it with all his strength, weakening most of the power on the hairpin.

However, she still did not block the hairpin after all.

Meng Wuqing's hairpin penetrated Mo Chichi's clone and flew towards Mo Chichi's Cang Yue Star.

At this moment, within Cang Yue Star, it felt like facing a formidable enemy.

"No, let's all work together to stop it!"

Seeing Meng Chanyi's hairpin flying towards him, on the Cang Yue Star, Dao Yuanxu respected Li Fang, leading all the Daxu to gather energy together, hoping to build an indestructible defense.

For a time, layers of energy barriers enveloped Cang Yue Star.

At this time, Meng Chanyi's hairpin had already flown.

The energy on the hairpin was brilliant. Even though 90% of the energy was removed by Mo Chichi, it was still as powerful as a rainbow.

That was a move that Meng Chanyi unleashed with all his strength. It is self-evident how powerful it is.

Twelve Daxu, two of them are in the Daoyuan realm and ten are in the Saint Yuan realm.

The energy barrier they condensed is naturally indestructible.

However, facing Meng Chanyi’s hairpin——

call out!



The voice was crisp and decisive, and the defensive barrier gathered by the twelve Daxu was like paper that shattered at a touch.

What was even more terrifying was that Meng Chanyi's hairpin directly penetrated the defensive barrier and then shattered the entire Cang Yue Star.


The Cang Yue Star disintegrated in an instant and disappeared into ashes.

Many virtual saints were exterminated on the spot, and even their souls were wiped out.

All kinds of wails, all kinds of roars, all kinds of regrets and hatreds were wiped out under the anger.

Meng Chanyi only used one move, and even more than 90% of the energy in her hairpin was wiped out by Mo Chichi.

With less than 10% of the energy left, it not only easily penetrated the defensive barriers of the twelve Daxu, but also destroyed their Cang Yue Star.

This ridiculously powerful woman is worthy of being the strongest human being among the three emperors.

"Li Fang, you are still alive! Run!"

Seeing Cang Yue Star destroyed, it was his own hard work.

For a moment, Mo Chichi couldn't help but feel angry.

"Tianzun, I'm okay. I'm going to chase that kid now. Tianzun, you must be careful."

After all, Li Fang was also a virtual master in the Daoyuan realm. Although she couldn't block Meng Chanyi's move that killed her instantly, she hesitated that the hairpin only had 10% of its energy left, so Li Fang didn't die on the spot.

She, another Dao Yuan Realm Xu Zun and two Saint Yuan Realm Xu Saints all managed to survive.

Of course, his life was saved, but he suffered a lot of damage.

"You go first, I'm here."

Mo Chichi breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that Li Fang and the others were still alive.

Then, she looked at the sturdy woman in front of her, and the flames of war finally ignited in her eyes.

"Meng Chanyi, I have been tolerant again and again because I don't want to cause trouble with you and both parties will suffer."

"Since you are pushing me so hard, don't blame me for being serious."

Mo Chichi looked at Meng Chanyi, and various energy crystals began to flow from her body.

Meng Chanyi, who was opposite her, had no time at all and Mo Chichi's attitude. She was even more worried about Zhuo Bufan's safety.

"No, we can't let them find him."

Meng Chanyi didn't know what Zhuo Bufan's strength was, but according to her speculation, Zhuo Bufan's current strength was at most an early Saint Yuan realm.

At this level, it is impossible to match those of Mo Chichi's subordinates.

Even if Li Fang and the others were injured by their flying hairpins, it would not be something Zhuo Bufan could handle.

Ever since, Meng Chanyi once again touched her hands, and there were two more flying hairpins on her palms.

She once again concentrated her energy on the flying hairpin, and in the next moment, she took it out.

The two flying hairpins once again carried overwhelming divine power and headed towards Mo Chichi's men.

Of course, it was impossible for Mo Chichi to let Meng Chanyi succeed.

"Meng Chanyi, do you still want to ignore me?"

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, the energy crystals around him hit the two flying hairpins of Meng Chanyi.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Every collision will stir up the chaotic void and burn the battle circle for thousands of miles.

This time, Mo Chichi went all out and showed no mercy. She knew that if one of the hairpins escaped, Li Fang and the others would be in danger, and all her plans would be in vain.

So, facing the two flying hairpins released by Meng Chanyi this time, she tried her best to resist them.

A layer of energy crystals hit the flying hairpin crazily, constantly consuming the energy on the flying hairpin.

In the end, both of Meng Chanyi's flying hairpins were stopped by Mo Chichi.

"Don't be crazy, Xiu wants to stop me!"

Meng Chanyi was concerned about Zhuo Bufan's safety and had no time to fight with Mo Chichi.

But this time, when she wanted to leave, Mo Chichi obviously wouldn't agree.

Mo Chichi's expression suddenly changed. She was originally as beautiful and gentle as water.

There was a powerful heroic spirit in his eyebrows, and the flames of battle emerged in his eyes.

She stood proudly in the void, and the feathers around her body turned into colorful battle armor. She turned her hand and swung a spear.

"Did Wu Chi show up?"

Seeing Mo ChiChi's state, Meng Chanyi immediately understood that this was the third most powerful Wu Chi among Mo ChiChi's ten thousand clones.

Mo ChiChi, who was in Wu Chi state, could only see fighting.

In other words, it is impossible for Meng Chanyi to escape at this time.

Because Wu Chi Mo Chi Chi would not let her leave.

The two women looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with fire.

The next moment——


Two lights and shadows, one white and one blue, began to intertwine and collide in the dark and chaotic void.

Every impact will shake the surrounding space, causing the entire space to vibrate continuously like a heart.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The two sides are fighting, you come and I go, and there is no difference between them.

The constant crazy collisions caused the space to begin to disintegrate and shatter like glass.

Two rainbow lights intertwined into two gorgeous ribbons in the darkness, shining brightly for a long time.

This is a battle of equal strength, and neither Meng Chanyi nor Mo Chichi will give in.

On the other side, Li Fang and another Xu Zun Long Yue, with two injured Xu Sheng, headed in the direction of Zhuo Bufan to intercept and kill him.

These two arrogant people were actually deeply wounded and their souls were in turmoil.

They really underestimated Meng Chanyi's strength.

Worthy of being the number one among the three emperors, Meng Chanyi's flying hairpin almost killed all of them.

"It's too late to heal the other Void Saints. The four of us will rush together and we should be able to catch that kid."

"Remember, don't be obsessed with fighting. This is an opportunity that Tianzun finally gave us."

"Also, Tianzun has told me that it is best to capture him alive. If possible, try not to hurt his life. Maybe you can use him to coerce Meng Chanyi."

Without Mo ChiChi, Li Fang obviously became the talker among them.

Li Fang didn't want to disappoint Mo Chi Chi, so she didn't even want to waste the time she needed to heal her wounds, and led Long Yue and the others towards Zhuo Bufan.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan didn't feel at all that not only had he been exposed, but there were also four Daxu coming towards him.

After he learned that Meng Chanyi might be on the battlefield ahead, he did not hesitate to escape and chose to face the enemy in front of him.

"Boy, we are almost there. But you have also seen the battlefield ahead. It is too scary. Do we really want to go in?"

Little Nightmare looked at the earth-shattering battle that broke out deep in the starry sky, feeling a little bit frightened.

This does not blame it for being cowardly, it is just that the energy that bursts out in this battlefield is too powerful. They are not even qualified to watch the battle. Once they get close, they will definitely be affected by the flames of war, and the wine may be wiped out accidentally.

Xiaoxiang's words made Zhuo Bufan a little worried.

"That's true, but I can't just watch her fight alone. I want to help him."

"Boy, don't be ridiculous. Can you help in a battle like this?"

Little Nightmare struck Zhuo Bufan mercilessly.

At this moment, a powerful ray of sky light suddenly projected in front of Zhuo Bufan and the others.


Zhuo Bufan shouted, and the little nightmare at his feet obviously noticed it immediately and escaped the killing in the name of lightning at a speed as fast as lightning.

"No, those guys from the Xu clan are here to kill us."

Zhuo Bufan was immediately shocked.

"Boy, you ran away!"

Xiao Xiang didn't give Zhuo Bufan a chance to react at all, and turned around and ran away with Zhuo Bufan.

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