Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1192: Li Mei fights Qian Kun

It is said that Meng Chanyi had left Daluotian three years ago, and then began to search for the whereabouts of the Lord of Time in the chaotic void.

When Meng Chanyi learned that only the Lord of Time could make the former Luo Tian return, her heart was more excited than anyone else.

Meng Chanyi waited for a million years, and what she was waiting for was not Zhuo Bufan, but Luo Tian.

Zhuo Bufan was the reincarnation of the second reincarnation after all, and he didn't remember their past.

What Meng Chanyi wanted to find was the person who remembered her past and her beauty.

And Zhuo Bufan in this life has a wife and children, so it is obviously very difficult for him to accept herself.

Therefore, Meng Chanyi wants to find the Lord of Time and want him to revive Luo Tian.

Perhaps, this is out of Meng Chanyi's selfishness, but she needs to give an explanation for her million years of waiting.

Perhaps, her future mission is to find the Lord of Time.

She is not sure whether she can find him. But she doesn't know how to go back and face Zhuo Bufan.

Instead of doing this, it is better to continue wandering in this chaotic void.

During these three years, Meng Chanyi has been collecting the whereabouts of the Lord of Time. Recently, she got the clues she wanted from the mysterious residents on a purple star.

The Lord of Time is likely to be in the mysterious Time Twin Stars!

This Time Twin Stars is composed of a pure white star and a pure black star, which is extremely large.

A star is as large as a galaxy.

The white sand flowing out of the Time White Star is the famous Time White Sand.

And the black sand flowing out of the Time Black Star is the Time Black Sand.

Zhuo Bufan has come into contact with both the Time White Sand and the Time Black Sand.

Another important clue is that the legendary Time Twin Stars exist in the world of the highest dimension.

It is equivalent to saying that the Lord of Time is also in that world of the highest dimension.

In this chaotic void, the Lord of Time cannot be found. The only way is to find a way to go to that high-dimensional world.

And that world of the highest dimension is called the reincarnation world.

That is the mysterious world that Zhuo Bufan had been to. It is a mysterious world that only those chosen by the Lord of Time are qualified to enter.

And the long river of time is in the world of reincarnation.

Going upstream along the long river of time, you can find the source, the Twin Stars of Time.

The Lord of Time is waiting there.

This is all the information Meng Chanyi has obtained so far.

So it is useless to stay in this chaotic void. She needs to go to the world of reincarnation as soon as possible.

However, the world of reincarnation is the highest dimensional world, and it is not easy to go there.

If you are not the one selected by the Lord of Time, it is basically impossible to go to the world of reincarnation.

Meng Chanyi is not a selected person, so she doesn't know how to go to the world of reincarnation.

But not long ago, when she was reading the memory of the space-time nightmare dragon Xiaoyan, she found a way to the world of reincarnation, that is, the space-time crack.

The space-time crack is actually not a failed product of this chaotic void.

The space-time crack is the only mysterious passage that can cross the latitude.

There may be a passage to the world of reincarnation within the space-time crack.

Although Meng Chanyi has not yet obtained more information to prove her guess, she wants to give it a try.

So, she began to look for traces of space-time cracks in this chaotic void.

Recently, she discovered a space-time crack that has just grown.

Now she is rushing towards that space-time crack.

The wise Mo Chichi obviously made a mistake in one calculation, that is, the No. 2 life red dot, which is really the one she least wants to see Meng Chanyi.

Mo Chichi began to think that Meng Chanyi might be at the No. 1 life red dot.

After all, the No. 1 life red dot was the target that Zhuo Bufan chased at the beginning.

The accuracy rate of a person's first feeling is more than 60%. So Mo Chichi guessed that Meng Chanyi is very likely to be at the No. 1 life red dot.

However, Mo Chichi made a thousand calculations and miscalculated one thing.

That is, the target that Zhuo Bufan chose at the beginning was actually random. He did not rely on his intuition to find Meng Chanyi.

His plan was to go to the No. 1 life red dot first, and if it was not Meng Chanyi, he would turn around and chase the No. 2 life red dot.

That is to say, from the beginning, the probability that one of the two life red dots was Meng Chanyi was 50-50.

Of course, this does not mean that Mo Chichi miscalculated, but that this was an uncertain result from the beginning, but she was just unlucky.

As for the number one life red dot, Mo Chichi gave it to the Fallen Heaven Li Mei to chase.

Li Mei is the Fallen Heaven, the seventh incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, and the last incarnation so far.

She should have been the most powerful incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, but when the Heavenly Dao was splitting her, she was slashed by Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi's sword obviously severely damaged the Heavenly Dao, forcing the Fallen Heaven Li Mei to "give birth prematurely".

This is why Li Mei hated Meng Chanyi so much.

Li Mei and Meng Chanyi had fought nine times, and of course, she did not win once.

Meng Chanyi's strength was far beyond her imagination.

You must know that Li Mei is an existence that can make Fu Huang suffer, but in front of Meng Chanyi, she was beaten to lose her temper every time.

Of course, Li Mei is getting more courageous with every setback, and she is not discouraged by defeat.

She constantly draws strength from the Heavenly Dao, and now Li Mei’s strength has basically caught up with other Heavenly Dao incarnations.

She believed that she would be able to kill Meng Chanyi this time.

"Meng Chanyi, you bitch, I will definitely kill you."

At this moment, Li Mei was extremely excited. After all, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other. She is about to see Meng Chanyi again, so she is naturally ready for a bloody battle.

Li Mei is a girl with a very hot figure. She only wears an almost transparent white gauze dress, which makes people imagine her wildly.

After receiving Mo Chichi's "private message", she led her subordinates and drove a mysterious starship towards the red dot of life No. 1.

However, when Li Mei arrived at the target location, she found that what she was chasing was not the Meng Chanyi she had dreamed of.

In the cockpit, Meng Chanyi's right-hand man, Xu Zun Ling Ya, reported to Li Mei.

"Lord Tianzun, we are close to the target. However, a very strong and overbearing power is emitted from the target. It doesn't feel like Meng Chanyi."

After hearing this, Li Mei disappeared from the starship and flew towards the target location before Ling Ya finished speaking.

Above the dark and chaotic void, two invincible beings stood opposite each other.

When Li Mei saw the target person, she frowned.

"Aren't you that bitch?"

The person in front of me is not Meng Chanyi. But an unusually tall and domineering man.

The man's body was branded with horrific tattoos.

The left hand is a blue dragon and the right hand is a scorpion tiger. All around him, there were four strange beasts.

This man is none other than the leader of the Ronin clan, the most domineering star destroyer and plunderer in the starry sky - Qiankun!

"The domineering man who imprinted the power of the Chaos Beast on his body, are you the man Chaos was talking about?"

After Li Mei saw the other party, she immediately remembered the terrifying man that Greedy Sky Hunchuan had mentioned before in the "group" who had swept away Wang Ce's four major men.

After Qiankun saw Li Mei, he gritted his teeth and became furious.

"You scum of the void keep chasing me. How annoying!"

Qiankun has so far fought against the six great masters of the Void Clan.

He suffered more attacks than Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that he helped Zhuo Bufan carry half of his pursuers.

Facing the chasing troops again and again, Qiankun became angry and prepared to go on a killing spree.

After Li Mei saw the other party, she remembered the words of Greedy Sky Hunchuan, and immediately identified the enemy in front of her, and the battle was about to break out.

"Although you are not that bitch like Meng Chanyi, you are still our enemy. Today, Empress Limei, I will whip you!"


After Li Mei finished speaking, she raised her hand in the air, and a purple-gold divine whip faintly appeared in her hand.

The long whip flicked, whipping the galaxies, sweeping across the vastness, and drew a colorful streak in the chaotic void, shaking the sky.

"Boy, let's catch him without any effort!"

Li Mei was very unhappy because she didn't see Meng Chanyi. Now that they see that the other party is their virtual enemy, they will naturally fight to the death.

Without saying a word, the battle began.

The star-destroying whip in his hand can destroy stars and bombard the starry sky with one whip. It is an infinite artifact.

However, after this terrifying artifact hit Qiankun, it aroused a golden light on the opponent's body.

"Woman, you are seeking death!"

Anger burned in Qiankun's eyes, he grabbed the void with his left hand, and a terrifying blue dragon soared out of his hand.

The lower-level Chaos Beast Canglongzuo roared towards Li Mei.

Chaos beasts, the guardians of order in the void, possess the energy to destroy heaven and earth.

Soaring all the way, destroying everything, destroying souls, and instantly destroying the strange star ship behind Li Mei.

Half of the twelve Daxu on the starship were seriously injured.

Li Mei completely withstood this terrible blow, and her soul was immediately shaken, and her heart was ups and downs.

"It is indeed a Chaos Beast. You, the guy, refined the Chaos Beast into your own power. This kind of harm cannot be tolerated for longer."

After all, Li Mei was the incarnation of the way of heaven, and the lower-level chaos beasts would not cause much harm to her.

However, the opponent's strength showed the tip of the iceberg, and Li Mei did not dare to take it lightly.

"Ling Ya, take them out of here, I'm going to kill them."

Li Mei called Ling Ya and asked Ling Ya to take her injured subordinates to escape quickly.

Because the next war will definitely be of a devastating level.

"Tianzun, let Ling Ya fight alongside you."

Ling Ya didn't want to be a deserter, but Li Mei shouted angrily at her.

"Don't let me get carried away. How can you help me? Why don't you get out of here!"

After Li Mei finished speaking, he whipped his backhand and whipped the Twelve Great Xus away light years away.

Then, she looked back at Qiankun, who had not taken advantage of anyone's danger just now.

"You brat, I have eliminated the trouble. Now let the war begin!"

When Qiankun heard this, he smiled coldly.

"As a leader, you are indeed competent. You were worried about the safety of your men and stayed alone to deal with me."

"But you are a stupid woman and made a stupid decision. If you want to fight with me, you will die today!"

After Qiankun finished speaking, he raised his right hand and chaos exploded.

A terrifying chaotic beast, Lacerta, roared out.

Standing side by side with the two heroes in the Azure Dragon constellation, they bared their teeth and claws, issuing a soul-shattering pressure.

"It's such a small trick, it's a shame!"

Li Mei's soul was slightly turbulent, and the next second was the whip of the sky, like a divine dragon winding and circling, carrying the mighty power, like the gods descending, whipping towards the Azure Dragon Seat in Qiankun's hand.


The power of a whip can cause stars to disintegrate.

Thunder shook from all directions, cutting through the chaotic void.

The surrounding space shattered in response, and then aroused thousands of rays of light, falling like thunder, like a mad shark in the sea.

The God's Whip was entangled with the Azure Dragon Beast Seat, sweeping across the wasteland and thundering across the wasteland.

There is also a scorpion-tiger beast seat in that universe. This beast is as scary as a scorpion or a tiger.

The poisonous tail is like a long whip, which can pierce space and destroy the void.

The two chaotic beasts, Tiger and Canglong, fought together to surround and fight Li Mei with the Whip of God in his hand.

For a moment, the Whip of the God of Cultivation was like a trapped beast fighting. Under the mighty power of the beast, the power of the God of Whip collapsed.

This Qiankun actually stood on the front line and had the upper hand.

Of course, his opponent is the incarnation of Daluo Tiantian Dao, fallen Tianli Mei.

Although Li Mei was the weakest among the seven heavenly incarnations.

But no matter what, she is still the incarnation of heaven. How could the incarnation of heaven fail so easily.

"You're not a bad boy, take my sword of corruption!"

Li Mei raised his long whip and immediately retracted the divine whip in his hand.

The whip body turned into a sharp sword, suspended at Li Mei's fingertips.

Canglongzuo and Scorpio-Tiger fled away when they saw the divine whip falling, roaring down like lightning, but the fallen sword in Limei's hand seized the momentum and came out.

Wherever the sword goes, it goes forward.

Azure Dragon Constellation and Tiger Constellation joined forces, but they did not block the sword of corruption.

The sword of corruption penetrated through the void bodies of the two chaos beasts. Penetrate through the endless sea of ​​energy and reach directly to the center of the universe.

"go to hell!"

The Fallen Sword is one of Li Mei's killing moves. The energy brought by the Life Sword is combined with the power of heaven.

The way of heaven is arrogant and unstoppable.

This sword penetrates directly between the eyebrows. Once it hits, there is no way to save it.

Seeing the tip of the sword close in front of his eyes, it was only one step away from his eyebrows.

Qiankun glared angrily, his eyes widening by half an inch.

The next moment, a flying sword was also born between the eyebrows, and it hit the tip of the fallen sword.

"Sword God Seat, destroy!"

But what flew out from Qiankun's eyebrows was not just a sword, but a demon god holding a divine sword.

The pale blue body stretches across the void. The divine sword in his hand can forcefully defeat the fallen divine sword of Li Mei.

Li Mei was stunned after seeing this scene.

At the same time, Azure Dragon and Tiger were already thundering towards her.

Li Mei escaped thousands of miles away, with a strange and charming figure that could not be captured.

After chasing the wind and shadow to no avail, Qiankun took back the blue dragon in his left hand and the scorpion tiger in his right hand.

Only the sword body is left between the eyebrows, standing proudly in the void, like an independent and majestic figure left behind in the world, like the divine posture of the great emperor holding the sky.

Li Mei reappeared in the illusion and reappeared in the world. Looking at the blue body standing tall and majestic, he was filled with panic in his mind.

"A middle-level Chaos Beast?"

"How did this guy do it?"

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