Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1190 The Way of Heaven Changes

In the dark and chaotic void, Zhuo Bufan was riding the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon Little Nightmare, rushing towards the nearest red dot of life to them.

The red dot of life was also moving at high speed, but the speed was slightly slower than Zhuo Bufan and the others.

At the same time, behind Zhuo Bufan and the others, Mo Chi Chi, who had already found their appearance, was also rushing towards their direction quickly.

Through reasoning, Mo Chichi determined Zhuo Bufan's life red dot among dozens of life red dots.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan was completely unaware. He didn't even know that he had been exposed.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan is also a cautious person.

Along the way, he would leave the eyes of his soul on his path from time to time to monitor whether any pursuers were catching up.

Finally, half a month later, Zhuo Bufan's soulful eyes discovered the little tail.

Zhuo Bufan didn't pay attention at first, because the Cang Yue Star that Mo Chichi and the others were riding on had the ability to become invisible.

It was obvious that Mo Chichi hid the Cang Yue Star to prevent Zhuo Bufan from prying eyes.

But even if the ship is hidden, the energy emitted by the Cang Yue Star cannot be hidden.

The Cang Yue Star burns the star core energy of the star, destroying everything it passes by.

The extraordinary eye of the soul will also be destroyed inexplicably.

Zhuo Bufan, who was alert, naturally sensed something was wrong immediately.

"So fast?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned and said!

He didn't expect that the pursuers would discover his whereabouts so quickly.

"How is that possible? Even if there was a Wheel of Life, they wouldn't have discovered me so quickly."

"After all, there are so many red dots of life on the wheel of life. How do they determine my position?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused. He thought that he was very careful and had tried his best to avoid the enemy's pursuit.

But now it seems that he has been exposed.

"That's not good! The other party is coming with force. Did that guy tip the scales before he died, or did he leave something on me?"

Zhuo Bufan suspected that King Ce of Suspicion might have done something to expose his whereabouts when he was swallowed by the rift in time and space.

However, when Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes and felt the abnormal power in his body, he found nothing.

"We must first test what the other party relies on to pursue me."

Zhuo Bufan silently closed his eyes, and then his whole body began to release billowing death energy.

The power of death began to spread, and then wrapped up Zhuo Bufan and the Space Nightmare Dragon.

"Boy, what are you doing? This weird power you have released is too scary. Put it away quickly."

After being enveloped by the aura of death, the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon began to howl.

Because it felt extremely uncomfortable.

The Time and Space Nightmare Dragon obviously doesn't know yet that they have been targeted by the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

"Sorry, please bear with me for a moment. We may be targeted by a group of guys."

When the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon heard this, he was slightly startled.

"What do you mean? Who is targeting us?"

Zhuo Bufan replied: "Remember those weird guys who hurt you before? Those are the guys."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's explanation, the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon said angrily.

"Grandma, these guys, grandpa didn't go to settle accounts with them, but they actually came to our door."

"Boy, are you afraid that you'll make a big fuss! Fuck them."

As soon as the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon heard that his enemies were chasing him, old and new hatreds poured into his soul one after another, wanting revenge.

However, Zhuo Bufan stopped him.

"Don't get excited. Those guys who hurt you last time were just soldiers. The enemies chasing you this time are very scary."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the last person who injured the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon was Xu Sheng.

You must know that the weakest of the chasing soldiers flying out from Daluo Tiandao is Xu Sheng, and Xu Sheng is indeed a small soldier.

Above Xusheng, there is Xuzun, and the supreme incarnation of heaven.

And Zhuo Bufan can be sure that the one chasing him this time must be the incarnation of the way of heaven. With the strength of him and the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon, they will definitely not be their opponents.

So running away is definitely the first choice.

"Soldiers? Boy, are you saying that I was beaten half to death by two soldiers?"

The Time and Space Nightmare Dragon felt that he had been humiliated. Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not mean to humiliate him, he just said.

"Don't underestimate them, they are really strong. I once saw with my own eyes that one of them, Wang Wang, destroyed a Chaos Beast with one punch."

In order to let the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon understand the situation, Zhuo Bufan gave an explanation.

When the little nightmare heard this, he was dumbfounded.

"Destroy the Chaos Beast with one punch? Are you kidding? It's so powerful?"

Xiao Xiang didn't believe it, but Zhuo Bufan saw it with his own eyes.

The big snake Chaos Beast had just been rescued by Zhuo Bufan, but unexpectedly its back legs were destroyed by Wang Ce.

"I don't have to lie to you, that's what's scary about them."

"Do you think we can defeat him with our strength?"

The princes Bufan asked Xiao Xiang.

This time, Little Nightmare was silent.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Xiao Xiang accepted this fact. If among the guys chasing him, there really was someone who could instantly kill the Chaos Beast, then escaping would definitely be the wisest choice.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"It's simple, we find a way to get rid of them."

"We use this thing called the Wheel of Life to search for us in this chaotic void."

"As long as our red dot of life disappears from this star map, they will naturally be unable to trace it."

Zhuo Bufan opened the star map of the Wheel of Life. Looking at the red dots on the star map, Xiao Xi nodded.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan had experience in escaping before.

"The death energy I release can hide our life red dots on this star map. If you don't believe it, look at it."

Zhuo Bufan released his death energy with all his strength, and then completely enveloped him and the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon.

As the energy of death continues to settle, it can be clearly seen that the two red dots of life in the center of the star map begin to slowly fade.

Until finally, it completely disappeared from the star map.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly when he saw this scene.

The little nightmare was also very proud.

"Boy, you can do it! Does this mean they won't be able to chase us?"

Little Nightmare also watched the red dot of life disappear and realized that Zhuo Bufan had not deceived him.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Not sure yet!"

"Not sure yet? What do you mean? Our red dot of life has disappeared on this star map. They should be unable to pursue us!"

"Theoretically, that's the case. But what I'm not sure about is whether they are using the Wheel of Life to pursue us. If they are using another method to pursue us, then it makes no sense for us to do so."

"What I'm doing now is just to verify my guess. I hope it's correct."

Zhuo Bufan frowned as he looked at the Wheel of Life in his hand and the red dot of life that had completely disappeared on the star map.

Unfortunately, the group of pursuers chasing them cannot be seen on this star map. This is equivalent to the enemy being in the open and we are in the dark, which is actually very disadvantageous for Zhuo Bufan.

Just after Zhuo Bufan used the power of death to erase the red dot of his life from the star map.

The cockpit of Cang Yue Star, which had been pursuing it all the way, began to boil.

"What's going on? Why did the target suddenly disappear?"

"Is there something wrong with the life detector? Find it quickly and find the target."

Li Fang was in the cockpit, commanding several other Xu Sages, trying hard to find Zhuo Bufan's life red dots from the star map.

But no matter how hard they tried, Zhuo Bufan's red dot of life seemed to suddenly disappear and never appeared again.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Looking at the red dot of life that had completely disappeared on the star map, everyone in the cockpit looked at me and I looked at you, feeling a little hesitant and at a loss.

At this time, Xu Zun Li Fang slowly exhaled and then said.

"Keep the course and continue to the location where the target disappears. I will report to Lord Tianzun."

Li Fang lost track of her target and was obviously a little worried.

She came to Cang Yue Star's main hall extremely nervous.

As soon as she entered the main hall, Li Fang was shocked.

Because in the main hall, there are twelve figures of Mo Chi Chi, the Heaven of Chi Chi.

Some are playing chess, some are drawing, some are playing the piano, some are making tea, some are reading, some are taking a nap, some are practicing and even some are sweeping the floor...

Each of the twelve Mo Chi Chi is doing something different.

Xu Zun Li Fang entered the hall tremblingly, not knowing which Mo Chi Chi should report to, so she stood in the center and said respectfully.

"My subordinate Li Fang has something urgent to report."

At this time, Mo Chichi, who was playing chess on the side, said.

"Li Fang is here, no need to be formal!"

Before he finished speaking, Mo Chichi, who was taking a nap, said.

"Li Fang, you disturbed my rest."

Li Fang was frightened and uneasy when she heard this.

But then, Mo Chichi, who was reading a book on the left, said again.

"Don't be nervous, Li Fang. Since it's an urgent matter, you can interrupt."

"That's right. Would you like a cup of tea, Li Fang?"

Mo Chichi, who was making tea at the side, smiled and picked up a cup of tea and handed it to Li Fang.

"Give in, give in!"

Before Li Fang could react, Mo Chi Chi, who was sweeping the floor, walked next to her.

Xu Zun Li Fang looked at Mo Chi Chi in the room and was completely confused.

Of course, Li Fang was not afraid, because she knew very well that this was the magical power cultivated by Master Mo Chichi of Chizhitian, the way of heaven!

This Mo Chi Chi is the result of the crazy thoughts about the way of heaven. He has a kind of crazy thoughts about everything in the world.

A bookworm, a painter, a piano fan, a poetry fanatic, a sword fanatic, a kitchen fanatic...

Don't be crazy about everything in the world. You can be said to be the most crazy person in the world.

She once created 10,000 clones and entered various worlds to practice and practice various avenues.

In the end, each clone successfully ascended and returned, and finally merged with the main body.

Every clone of Tian Dao Wanhua possesses various powers.

Ten thousand Mo Chi Chi will definitely have extraordinary strength.

Therefore, Mo Chichi's strength is also the most incredible among the seven incarnations of heaven.

Li Fang has followed Mo Chi Chi for many years, and she is not surprised at all.

"Fortunately, Tianzun's demonic incarnation did not appear."

Li Fang secretly rejoiced that Mo Chi Chi's most powerful clone was Mo Chi Chi.

The incarnation of being obsessed with demons and evil.

Once it appears, it will be the most terrifying one among the seven incarnations of heaven.

"Returning to Master Tianzun, my subordinates did not do their job well and lost sight of their target."

After Li Fang finished speaking, she immediately knelt down.

When Mo Chichi heard this, all the clones present looked at Lifang in unison.

"Lost? What does that mean?"

All Mo Chichi spoke at the same time, as if they were judging Lifang.

Lifang couldn't help but feel her soul trembling and kowtowed to admit her mistake.

"I am incompetent. We followed the request of Lord Tianzun and chased the two overlapping red dots of life. But just now, the two red dots of life disappeared on the star map together. We lost our target. Please punish us, Lord Tianzun!"

Lifang quickly reported the incident to Mo Chichi.

Because he was afraid that Mo Chichi would be furious and release the terrible demon. At that time, she would probably be dead or disabled.

Fortunately, Mo Chichi's heart was kind.

After hearing Lifang's report, the twelve clones were silent for a moment at the same time.

Finally, all the clones suddenly disappeared, and then turned into streams of light, merging into the body of Mo Chichi who was sweeping the floor in the middle.

Mo Chichi, who was sweeping the floor, raised his hand and pulled Lifang up, then smiled at Lifang.

"It's not your fault, you don't have to blame yourself."

"Obviously, the other party has discovered us. But it's good to do this, at least it can prove that the other party is indeed a natural enemy."

Mo Chichi smiled with satisfaction.

Although she lost the target, she was more certain that the person they were chasing must be Zhuo Bufan.

"Bring me the star map of the past two years. If I'm not mistaken, this natural enemy should not be running away aimlessly."

"He found a companion, so it's obvious that he has a target."

"As long as we find the target he wants to find, we can naturally catch up with him again."

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, Lifang's eyes lit up.

Then, she hurried back to the cockpit, took all the star maps of the recent period, and handed them to Mo Chichi.

Mo Chichi once again scattered all the star maps into the air, and then began to quickly analyze Zhuo Bufan's movement trajectory during this period.

Finally, she raised her charming face slightly, curved her mouth, and smiled.

"Found it!"

"This natural enemy is looking for other lives."

"Look, from this red dot of life at the beginning. To this red dot of life later."

Mo Chichi pointed to the location of the red dot of life where the Tree of Creation and the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon were once located, and then said.

"It can be seen that the other party has the Wheel of Life in his hand. And he is using the Wheel of Life to find other lives."

"Looking at his recent escape trajectory, it is not difficult to see that he is chasing this red dot of life."

Mo Chichi finally pointed to a red dot of life in the starry sky and said.

And that red dot of life is indeed the target that Zhuo Bufan has been chasing for some time.

Because Zhuo Bufan thought that it would be Meng Chanyi.

After listening to Mo Chichi's analysis, Lifang showed a look of great admiration.

As expected of her most respected Tianzun, although Mo Chichi is the incarnation of the way of heaven, she has a rare personality charm.


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