Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1177: Pursuit Force

After Zhuo Bufan established the Palace of Miracles, he left the Earth peacefully.

He handed over the immigration to his preachers.

He believed that these people could handle it. And he had more important things to do next.

The comet that Zhuo Bufan rode was flying aimlessly in the chaotic void.

Even Zhuo Bufan didn't know where the comet would fly to, so he believed that the pursuers sent by Daluotian should not be able to find him.

However, the one chasing Zhuo Bufan was Doubtful Heavenly King Ce.

Wang Ce was known as the smartest incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, and his other nickname was Wang Wu Doubtful Ce.

This Doubtful Heavenly King Ce and his subordinates parted ways with the main force early in the morning.

Standing in the void, the group fell into deep thought.

At this time, the old man holding the star cane took out a compass from somewhere.

A powerful man of the Void Clan wearing golden armor saw this and stepped forward to ask.

"My king, what is this? Can you find that kid?"

After hearing this, Doubtful Heavenly King Ce showed a smug smile.

"This is the Wheel of Life, which can detect all life within a radius of ten light years."

"In this chaotic void, there are very few living things. That kid is not far from us, and we can definitely find him with this thing."

After saying this, Doubtful Heavenly King Ce opened the Wheel of Life in his hand.

The next second, the Theory of Life began to rotate, and then, on the Wheel of Life, a huge star map emerged.

On the star path, more than 20 red dots were marked.

They were scattered in various directions of the star map.

The Dao Yuan Realm power on the side saw this and asked cautiously.

"King, are these red dots the location of the life?"

After hearing this, Doubtful Heavenly King Ce frowned slightly.

On the aging face, the facial features were twisted together.

Obviously, this result made him a little dissatisfied.

"Yes, these red dots are all the locations of life forms."

"Why are there so many? Is it a trick created by that kid?" asked from the side.

The Doubtful Heavenly King Ce shook his head slowly and said.

"These should be human cultivators who ran out from Daluotian to practice."

"My original body Daluotian said that in the past million years, nearly 30,000 human cultivators have left Daluotian."

"These people have reached the Saint Yuan realm and are looking for opportunities to break through outside Daluotian."

After Wang Ce finished speaking, the powerful man of the Void Clan next to him replied.

"So that's how it is. There are more than 30,000 people, which is quite a lot."

At this time, Wang Ce continued.

"Not only that, a million years ago, there were also all the races in the heavens who escaped from Daluotian."

"There are also many creatures who were once exiled."

"In short, outside this illusory Daluotian, in this vast and boundless chaotic void. There are many lives."

"So it's not surprising that such a situation has occurred."

The Doubtful Heavenly King Ce said, looking at the life wheel in his hand.

Because in this chaotic void, there is not only Zhuo Bufan.

So facing the twenty or so red dots of life in front of them, the subordinates beside him expressed their headaches.

"Although it looks like a lot, there are only six moving ones."

"That kid is being hunted by us now, and he will definitely try his best to escape. So one of these six moving red dots must be him."

"Now, you two form a group and chase these six red dots of life respectively."

"Take this thing, and once you find the target, crush it immediately. I will arrive as soon as possible."

After saying this, Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce took out six more wheels of life and six prismatic crystals from under his cloak.

Then he handed them to the six members present.

The wheels of life can make it easier for them to chase, and the crystals can let him know the direction of the Tao as soon as possible.

Under Wang Ce's command, there are a total of twelve strong men above the Saint Yuan Realm.

Among them, there are two Dao Yuan Realm masters.

So Wang Ce was not worried that he could not catch Zhuo Bufan. He wanted to catch Zhuo Bufan as soon as possible and then bring him back to ask for credit.

Although Wang Ce was the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao of Daluotian, he also had a time limit.

Once the time was up, he would perish.

Wang Ce hoped that by catching Zhuo Bufan this time, the Lord of Heaven would give him more time.

No existence wanted to die, including Wang Ce.

So no matter what, he had to catch Zhuo Bufan, and he had to catch him before others.

After Wang Ce's men took over the crystal, they identified the six moving red dots of life.

The next second, everyone came out in full force to catch Zhuo Bufan.


Zhuo Bufan obviously didn't know that he was being targeted by a difficult old man.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was still sitting on the comet.

He was thinking about a question, that is, where would the Lord of Time be.

"According to the Three Emperors, the Lord of Time exists and is the source of time."

"But the source of time is too abstract!"

"Time is not like a big river, which has a source. You can search upstream along the river."

"Oh, right, the long river of time, maybe I can go to the long river of time!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought that maybe when he arrived at the long river of time, he could search upstream along the long river of time until he reached the source.

However, when Zhuo Bufan silently closed his eyes and felt the existence of the long river of time, he did frown slightly.

"No, since I came to Daluotian, I can't feel the existence of the long river of time."

Zhuo Bufan still remembered that before, as long as he drank the enlightenment wine, he could easily enter the long river of time.

He still remembered the boat on the long river of time and Zhou Lao on the boat.

Later, Zhou Lao followed Zhuo Bufan to Daluotian.

However, Zhuo Bufan never saw Zhou Lao in Daluotian again.

Strangely enough, Zhou Lao obviously entered Daluotian with him.

Logically, he should also be in the reception gate.

But Zhuo Bufan has never seen Zhou Lao's existence.

Obviously, Zhou Lao is not an ordinary person, and Zhuo Bufan may meet him again in the future.

Zhuo Bufan thought of Zhou Lao on the long river of time, who is also a reincarnation.

Reincarnation is not common, because they are lives allowed by the Lord of Time.

Only those who have obtained the consent of the Lord of Time are qualified to enter the reincarnation.

In Zhuo Bufan's first life, Luo Tian, ​​he had seen the Lord of Time and could be regarded as someone recognized by the Lord of Time.

"Perhaps, when I find other reincarnators, I can find the whereabouts of the Lord of Time."

Zhuo Bufan analyzed for a long time, and finally only had a little clue, that is, the reincarnation.

The Lord of Time must have contacted more than Luo Tian. According to Zhuo Bufan's guess, the Lord of Time may contact all reincarnations.

Because the reincarnations are all people selected by it, they are allowed to exist without being bound by time.

Although this information is not very useful, it can be regarded as a direction for Zhuo Bufan.

As long as there is a direction, he will not be like a headless fly, not knowing where to look.

And most importantly, Zhuo Bufan does not want to waste time anymore.

For him, every second of time lost now means that he is getting farther and farther away from the Lord of Time.

"The end of time is really a difficult question!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he found that a huge galaxy appeared not far in front of him.

It was as bright as the Milky Way, and in the void, it was like a brilliant gem.

"This comet has been captured by the gravity of this galaxy."

"I wonder if there are other lives in this universe."

After so many days in the void, he finally saw a universe.

Now Zhuo Bufan is looking forward to seeing if there are other lives in this galaxy.

Because according to Zhuo Bufan, he is not the only one in this void.

There are also many predecessors who come to the void to find ways to improve their cultivation.

If Zhuo Bufan can find these people, he may be able to find out about the Lord of Time.

"This galaxy is really big, but it's a pity that I don't have a life detector that can find life."

Zhuo Bufan now hopes that there is a life detector that can help him find other lives.

"Try the soul and see if you can sense the existence of other lives."

Zhuo Bufan released his soul power.

His soul can detect all information within a million miles, naturally including life.

A million miles in radius sounds like a huge range.

But in this boundless chaotic void, a million miles in radius is just a blink of an eye.

You know, Wang Ce's Wheel of Life can detect life within a radius of ten light years.

What is the concept of ten light years? If converted into kilometers, it is nearly one hundred trillion kilometers.

In other words, the range that Wang Ce's Wheel of Life can detect is 100 million times that of Zhuo Bufan.

The detection range covered is equivalent to half of the Milky Way that Zhuo Bufan knows.

Therefore, if Zhuo Bufan can obtain Wang Ce's Wheel of Life, then he can easily see whether there are other lives in the galaxy in front of him.

And with the range of one million miles that he can monitor now, it is obviously not easy for him to find life.

He can only survey the planets one by one.

There are at least a hundred planets in the galaxy in front of him. If Zhuo Bufan looks for them one by one, it will take a lot of time.

But now he has no choice but to look for them one by one.

At this time, an iron-red planet appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

The red planet had a very strong gravitational force, which attracted the comet under Zhuo Bufan's feet.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said, "Then let's start with you!"

Seeing the comet under his feet slowly entering the gravitational orbit of the planet, Zhuo Bufan perked up and prepared to land.


At the same time, millions of miles away, two powerful Void Clan members in the Saint Yuan Realm were holding the Wheel of Life given by Wang Ce and were approaching Zhuo Bufan's position quickly.

These two powerful Void Clan members, one named Lou Tie and the other named Song Yuan.

These two names were their names when they were human beings. After becoming Void Clan members, they kept these names.

However, they only kept their names, and they had lost their humanity.

Lou Tie was wearing a blue armor with chains connecting the armor.

Because the Void Clan has no body, it is just a wisp of black smoke, so these armors can only be fixed by binding them to the body.

Song Yuan wore a white robe, and of course he had no body, looking like a ball of black fog covered with a white sheet.

They received Wang Ce's order to hunt down one of the red dots of life.

They naturally didn't expect that the red dot of life they were chasing was exactly Zhuo Bufan they were looking for.

"Brother Lou, if we meet that kid later, what are you going to do?"

Song Yuan held the crystal that Wang Ce gave him in his hand. He was the captain of this team.

Because Song Yuan had a higher IQ, and Lou Tie was a completely reckless man, Wang Ce gave the crystal to Song Yuan.

Lou Tie, who was standing aside, snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Of course, notify the king as soon as possible! The crystal is with you, and you must crush it as soon as possible."

Lou Tie said.

Song Yuan smiled when he heard it.

"Brother Lou, you are too naive!"

"You tell me, we have come all the way here without any trouble. If we meet the person that God wants to find, will you just hand him over to the Lord of Doubt?"

"In the end, we won't have any credit. When God rewards us, do you think it will be our turn?"

Song Yuan obviously has ulterior motives. After all, he is not Wang Ce's real subordinate.

The more than 100 powerful people of the Void Clan followed the order of the Void Luo Tian and came to hunt down Zhuo Bufan.

That is to say, if they caught Zhuo Bufan on their own, God would definitely give them a gift.

But if they handed him over to Wang Ce directly, they would have made a wasted trip and would just be a runner-up.

Song Yuan's words made Lou Tie suddenly realize.

"You make sense. We are not subordinate to Lord Doubt. So, what does Brother Song mean?"

Song Yuan sneered when he heard it.

"Of course, we should just catch that guy and bring him back to God."

"Maybe if God is happy, we can inherit his power of Heaven and become his incarnation of Heaven!"

Song Yuan is very ambitious.

He is obviously unwilling to obey Wang Ce.

After all, the result of obedience is not good for him at all.

But if we fight hard and catch Zhuo Bufan and hand him over to God. Then the benefits it can get are huge.

After hearing this, Lou Tie was obviously moved.

It is indeed as Song Yuan said, if they find Zhuo Bufan and inform Wang Ce, then they may not get anything at that time.

"But, that kid is very powerful and can escape from the hands of Heaven. The two of us..."

Just when Lou Tie thought that they could not catch Zhuo Bufan with their strength.

Song Yuan laughed on the side.

"Hahahaha, Brother Lou, you call yourself the God of the Void Clan in vain. Are you scared now?"

"As far as I know, that kid has just reached the Saint Yuan Realm, and you and I have been immersed in the Saint Yuan Realm for thousands of years."

"Do you think that we can't take down that kid with our strength?"

Song Yuan didn't worry about this at all.

After hearing this, Lou Tie felt that it made sense.

"That's right, I was overthinking."

"Okay, let's do as you say. After we catch that kid, we will immediately return to Daluo Tianqingshang."

Lou Tie was obviously convinced by Song Yuan.

After listening, Song Yuan nodded.

"That's more like it!"

"However, whether we can meet that kid is still a question!"

"I hope we can meet him! If he is discovered by others, then no matter how many strategies we have, it will be useless."

Song Yuan is looking forward to meeting Zhuo Bufan at this moment.

And they don't know that the red life dot they are chasing is Zhuo.


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