The Sea Dynasty finally welcomed their emperor, Yunhuang Hai Xiaoyun.

Zhou Peng also completed the mission assigned by Zhuo Bufan, so he left the Sea Dynasty.

Before leaving, he took Zhuo Yue with him.

Originally, Zhuo Yue planned to wait for Zhuo Bufan's return in the Sea Dynasty, but no one knew when Zhuo Bufan would come back.

So at Zhou Peng's request, Zhuo Yue followed him and left the Sea Dynasty.

Before leaving, he left a message for Zhuo Bufan, and when Zhuo Bufan came back, he would naturally know where they were going.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was impacting the Saint Yuan Realm in Mazu Mountain.

For Zhuo Bufan, the Saint Yuan Realm was not as easy to break through as imagined.

The Saint Yuan Realm belongs to the transcendent realm, and it is also an important watershed of Daluotian.

After surpassing the Saint Yuan Realm, the cultivator will have the power to jump out of the Daluotian world wall, and thus reach the outer world outside Daluotian.

However, not everyone can impact the Saint Yuan Realm.

At present, there are less than 100 Saint Yuan Realm masters in Daluotian.

Among them, the Xu clan also occupies the majority, and the masters of the Saint Yuan Realm of the Xu clan are obviously superior to humans.

However, among humans, there are Dao Yuan Realm and the Three Emperors.

Therefore, although the people of the Xu clan have more Saint Yuan Realm, they do not have the power comparable to humans.

The breakthrough of the Saint Yuan Realm not only depends on the strength of one's own energy, but the most important thing is an opportunity.

Because the existence of the Saint Yuan Realm can already make one's small world full of complete rule power.

Zhuo Bufan needs to perfect all the rule power of his small world.

The "Earth" in his body will give birth to spiritual energy as his rules are constantly improved.

This small world will evolve into a higher world.

During the practice, Zhuo Bufan turned into an ordinary person and descended into his own small world.

This small world, as always, is full of vitality.

Moreover, the people in the small world also felt that there was something wrong with their world.

The appearance of spiritual energy made the people in this world feel that a wonderful energy was born in their bodies.

This wonderful energy gave them the potential for practice.

Zhang Jing is an ordinary high school student.

Very ordinary.

Ordinary appearance, ordinary grades, ordinary figure, ordinary family.

Such students are usually the kind that are bullied.

In school, bad boys like to bully students like Zhang Jing the most.

Because after bullying him, he dared not complain to the teacher or his parents.

He is what people commonly call a soft persimmon, allowing people to squeeze at will.

Until he met Zhuo Bufan, his life finally changed.

After school that day, Zhang Jing carried his schoolbag as usual and left the classroom as soon as possible.

Because he knew that if he was a step slower, he would be caught by the bad boys in the class.

And if he was caught today, he would be beaten badly.

Because just yesterday, Zhang Jing finally plucked up the courage to report to the teacher that these bad boys had bullied him on weekdays.

Those bad boys were punished for this and had been standing in the office for a whole day.

It is conceivable how much anger they had hidden in their hearts at this moment.

They wanted to skin Zhang Jing alive.

Zhang Jing didn't expect that after the teacher reported him, the teacher didn't do anything.

He just reprimanded those bad boys, but it didn't do any good for Zhang Jing.

Not only did it not do any good, but Zhang Jing also completely offended those bad boys. His good days were over.

Here, Zhang Jing hurriedly packed up his things and left the classroom.

He looked back every three steps, fearing that he would be followed.

However, it was impossible for him to hide.

Because those bad boys had already been waiting outside the school gate.

When Zhang Jing looked at the evil smiles of those bad boys outside the school gate, he was afraid and didn't dare to step through the iron gate.

So he fled back to school in fear.

He hid in the school toilet, and it was the girls' toilet.

Because he felt that those bad boys would never think that he would hide in the girls' toilet.

It was not surprising that this timid and cowardly boy could do such a thing.

Although it was a bit strange, Zhang Jing did hide in the women's restroom, and he didn't dare to make a sound.

Soon, night fell, and the bad guys entered the school and began to search for Zhang Jing's whereabouts.

They saw Zhang Jing enter the teaching building, so they blocked the two exits of the teaching building, and then began to search layer by layer.

"Zhang Jing, you soft egg, get out of here."

"Do you think I can't find you if you hide?"

"When I find you, I will beat you to death."

The leader of the bad guys is Feng Zhenxiang, a famous bully in the school.

He was unhappy because he was reported by Zhang Jing.

His younger brothers quickly searched the teaching building, but did not find Zhang Jing's whereabouts.

"Boss, that kid doesn't seem to be in this teaching building."

"Impossible, we saw him run in. And there are people guarding the front and back doors. He didn't leave the teaching building until dark."

"So, he must be in this teaching building."

Feng Zhengxiang said.

"But we have searched the teaching building thoroughly. All the classrooms have locked their doors, and the iron door on the rooftop has also been locked. The only place to hide is the toilet."

"But we have searched every toilet stall, and there is nothing."

Feng Zhengxiang naturally believed what his younger brother said, after all, his younger brother was reliable.

"Wait a minute, you just said that all the toilets were searched? What about the women's toilet?"

Feng Zhengxiang was very smart and thought of the women's toilet at the first time.

After hearing this, the younger brother showed a disgusted expression.

"No way, that guy ran to the women's toilet?"

"Haha, this is what a coward would do."

"Search all the women's toilets for me, don't let any one go."

"Since this guy wants to be a woman, then find him and cut him off."

After Feng Zhengxiang finished speaking, he personally joined the search team.

Not long after, the younger brothers on the second floor shouted.

"Boss, we found him. We found him."

Feng Zhengxiang's men dragged Zhang Jing out of the women's restroom on the second floor, stripped him naked, pressed him to the ground and beat him up.

"You bastard, you're really good at hiding! How did you come up with the idea of ​​hiding in the women's restroom?"

"Why are you still standing there? Laugh, hahaha!"

Following a burst of crazy laughter, Zhang Jing curled up naked on the ground and cried.

Humiliation, embarrassment, and pain.

Under this extreme humiliation, some kind of power in Zhang Jing's body was erupting.


With a series of roars and shouts, Zhang Jing felt a surge of energy in his lower abdomen rushing to his limbs.

"You bastards, bastards, bastards."

Zhang Jing stood up, and the energy in his body began to flow into his fists.

His fists were full of power at this moment, as if he could blow up a cow with one punch.

Seeing Zhang Jing stand up, Feng Zhengxiang and others began to laugh.

"Hahaha, did you see that? This loser actually wants to resist."

"Are you angry? Do you want to fight? Come on! Come and fight me."

Feng Zhengxiang said, waving his fist and making a boxing gesture.

Zhang Jing on the other side saw this, raised his fist, and hit Feng Zhengxiang at lightning speed.


At that moment, Zhang Jing's fist was like a cannonball, hitting Feng Zhengxiang's face.

The arrogant guy was knocked out with a punch on the spot. Then he hit the wall, dying.

This punch made everyone present stunned.

Even Zhang Jing himself looked at his hands in a daze.

He looked at his hands in disbelief, and the others present looked at each other.

"You, what did you do?"

Feng Zhengxiang's brothers looked at Zhang Jing one by one, their eyes full of fear.

And Zhang Jing was at a loss, he also wanted to know what happened.

At this moment, suddenly, an inexplicable voice came to his mind.

"Don't be afraid, hold your hands tightly and feel the power."

"Extract the power from your Dantian and condense it on your fist."

As the voice sounded, Zhang Jing closed his eyes silently.

Then, he really felt a warm current surging in his body again.

He condensed the warm current in his palms and clenched his fists again.

Soon, a wave of heat surged on his fists.

"What is this?"

Zhang Jing looked at his slightly hot fists with incredible eyes.

At this time, he remembered the voice again in his mind.

"This is aura, a kind of original power between heaven and earth."

"Young man, do you desire power?"

Facing the question of the mysterious voice, Zhang Jing immediately answered.

"Desire, I desire power. I don't want to be bullied anymore. Can you help me?"

Zhang Jing knew that the time to change his destiny had come. So he didn't hesitate, immediately seized the opportunity, and quickly pleaded with the mysterious man.

After hearing Zhang Jing's answer, the mysterious voice said again.

"Well, from now on, you are my preacher in this world. I have no other requirements for you. I just hope that after you master this power, you can carry it forward."

"Can you do it?"

Zhang Jing answered immediately after hearing it.

"Yes, I will definitely be able to carry this power forward."

"Well, now you use this power to defeat these minions in front of you."

"Remember, you will only be stronger in the future. From now on, you will embark on an unstoppable path of cultivation."

After hearing this, Zhang Jing raised his fists and rushed towards the other people present.

Bang bang bang bang!

Next, there was a ruthless beating.

Every punch burst out with terrifying power.

The dozen or so bad boys present were finally dealt with by Zhang Jing alone.

So far, Zhang Jing became the first person on "Earth" to master spiritual energy.

The owner of the voice deep in Zhang Jing's mind was Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan chose Zhang Jing to be his spokesperson, or preacher, on 'Earth'.

Now, with the continuous improvement of the rules, 'Earth' has given birth to spiritual energy.

Now that spiritual energy is born, there will be new opportunities for 'Earth' in the future.

That's why Zhuo Bufan wanted to choose a preacher to pass on the method of cultivating spiritual energy to the whole world.

Next, Zhuo Bufan completely handed over the method of spiritual energy cultivation to Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing was not good at studying, but his talent in cultivation was good.

He has a high level of understanding in cultivation and quickly mastered the method of spiritual energy cultivation.

Zhang Jing also became a disciple of Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan never showed up from beginning to end.

He is like the grandfather in the protagonist's ring in those novels, helping Zhang Jing quickly become a spiritual master.

Of course, Zhang Jing alone is obviously not enough.

So Zhuo Bufan then found a few more evangelists around the world.

In this way, I believe that there will be a cultivation craze on the earth soon.

As the number of cultivators on the earth increases, the rules of Zhuo Bufan's world become more and more perfect.

And the 'earth' also began to undergo earth-shaking changes under the nourishment of spiritual energy.

Not only did the territory expand, but life species also began to become more diverse.

Finally, after a year——


Along with the sky of Mazu Mountain, there was a burst of thunder.

Then a ray of light fell from the sky and landed on the tower where Zhuo Bufan was retreating.

In an instant, the whole world was filled with brilliant light.

The entire Mazu Mountain becomes extremely dazzling under this brilliance.

The saints of Mazu Mountain descended on the edge of the tower one after another.

Not long after, the tower door opened and a man in white walked out.

"He broke through."

Meng Xiyue and Meng Chuixue watched Zhuo Bufan walk out of the tower and clearly felt that the aura on Zhuo Bufan's body was completely different from before.

So all the saints came forward one after another.

"Congratulations, you successfully broke through to the Saint Yuan realm."

Meng Xiyue looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan also responded to Meng Xiyue with a smile.

"Thanks to everyone, Mazu Mountain is truly a blessed place. I am really lucky to be able to make a breakthrough here."

Zhuo Bufan finally reached the Saint Yuan realm.

Now Zhuo Bufan is able to escape from the constraints of heaven and jump out of the sky.

"According to Emperor Wa's requirements, as long as you reach the Saint Yuan realm, you can leave Mazu Mountain at any time. Where do you plan to go next?"

With Emperor Wa and Meng Chanyi away, Meng Xiyue naturally became the head of Mazu Mountain.

It was she who had the final say whether Zhuo Bufan stayed or left.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Meng Xiyue and replied.

"Next, I want to go see the outer world."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked up at the sky.

He doesn't want to stay in Daluotian anymore. As long as he stays in Daluotian for one day, he will never get ahead.

Meng Xiyue seemed to guess that Zhuo Bufan would answer this way, so she took out a pearl and handed it to Zhuo Bufan.

It was a blue pearl, and there was an eye in the pearl.

"This is the Dust Bead. Emperor Wa asked me to give it to you. With it, you can successfully pass through the world wall without being discovered by Da Luotian."

"Go and see the outside world! When you get outside, you will understand everything."

Meng Xiyue said with a smile.

There was something in her words and she didn't finish them.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

Then he took the Mengchen Bead from Meng Xiyue and finally said.

"Thank you Emperor Wa for me."

"If you want to thank me, thank you in person after you leave this world!"

After Meng Xiyue finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

Thank you in person, what does that mean? Could it be that Emperor Wa and the others are outside the sky?

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