Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1153 The King Returns

Cuiwei City is one of the ten holy cities of the Hai Dynasty, and its status is on par with Lingbo City, the greatest city on the coast of the East China Sea.

Cuiwei City is the most important hub city and trade center in the East, and it is also the second stop of Hai Xiaoyun's lecture tour.

On the third day after the speech in Lingbo City, Hai Xiaoyun's team rushed to Cuiwei City.

There is a venue that Hong Curtain has arranged in advance.

The weather on this day was very good. Different from the slight drizzle that day in Lingbo City, on the day of Cuiwei City's speech, the wind was sunny and the spring scenery was bright.

This time, more people came to watch the speech than in Lingbo City that day.

After all, in Lingbo City, Hai Xiaoyun had just made a bold statement to liberate the slaves.

This incident caused a sensation across the country.

This sensation naturally made his second speech highly anticipated.

Before the lecture even started, the venue was already packed with people.

Many of them are already secretly on guard, some are planning to assassinate Hai Xiaoyun, and some are trying to protect his safety.

No matter what, everyone sees today's speech as very important.

Whether Hai Xiaoyun is really determined to rescue the slaves depends on whether his speech this time is still as firm as the first one.

Soon, Hai Xiaoyun walked into the venue surrounded by his subordinates.

The venue was buzzing with people. As soon as they entered the venue, many people started chanting Hai Xiaoyun's former title, Hou Ziyi.

"Ziyihou, Ziyihou, Ziyihou..."

The voices of these people were full of admiration for Ziyi Hou Hai Xiaoyun. It can be said that they are Hai Xiaoyun's loyal believers.

Perhaps, they were also moved by Hai Xiaoyun's declaration of freedom.

Anyway, Hai Xiaoyun is the center of attention.

After the focal point stepped onto the podium, he bowed to everyone present, then cleared his throat and said.

"Everyone, I'm glad you can come to my lecture again."

"In this world, there are always so many people who think that it is right to let others serve us unconditionally. There are always so many people who think that we can order others at will. There are always so many people who think that people are just one thing. kind of private property.”

"Everyone, I recently learned a word from a friend, which is called human rights."

"What are human rights? They refer to the rights that humans should have when they are born. This kind of rights does not distinguish between high and low, men and women, old and young. It is equal, and among these rights, there is another word called freedom."

"Yes, the theme of my speech today is still the Declaration of Freedom. It is still the liberation of the slaves."

When Hai Xiaoyun shouted that he wanted to liberate the slaves, everyone present was excited, and cheers echoed through the sky.

Hai Xiaoyun obviously followed Zhuo Bufan's suggestion, and all his subsequent speeches should be on the theme of liberating slaves.

He knew that he would offend a lot of people by doing this, but he had no choice.

He has decided to be a hero to the slaves.

Next, Hai Xiaoyun let go of his emotions and began to give an impassioned speech with great fanfare.

The people in the audience listened with rapt attention, and some even started to take notes, trying to record every word Hai Xiaoyun said.

This speech aroused the emotions of many people.

People who were originally skeptical about Hai Xiaoyun began to trust him.

However, in the middle of the speech, suddenly there was a slight chill in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a black cloud began to float in the sky above our heads.

That black cloud came out of nowhere, and everyone present felt a shudder.

While everyone was watching, a streak of golden light suddenly fell from the black cloud and shot toward Hai Xiaoyun on the podium.

call out!

The golden light made a terrifying scream, and then pierced through Hai Xiaoyun's shoulder with a pop.

"No, there's an assassin!"

Li Yun shouted at the side, and then the guards rushed onto the stage and surrounded Hai Xiaoyun.

The assassination happened so suddenly that no one reacted at all, not even Zhuo Zhuo who was following him in time.


As soon as Zhuo Zhuo finished speaking, he pulled out three broken swords from his back and was about to rush into the sky.

However, at this moment, a red figure suddenly stood in front of them.

"Xiao Yue, protect him and let me go have a look."

Zhuo Zhuo heard a familiar voice, turned around and said happily.

"Second brother, sister Nana, are you two?"

Zhuo Zhuo was ecstatic that the people who came to help turned out to be Zhou Peng and the others.

Zhou Peng arrived in time, and besides him, there were also Nana and Ling Shuang.

"Let's catch up on old times later, I'll go take a look."

Zhou Peng didn't explain too much to Zhuo Zhuo, turned around and flew towards the black cloud in the sky.

After he flew up into the clouds, Zhuo Zhuo looked at Nana beside him and said hello.

"Sister Nana, you are finally here."

After hearing this, Nana smiled.

"After we received the communication from Xiao Fanfan, we rushed here immediately. By the way, Xiao Yue, where is your brother?"

Nana looked around, but there was no figure of Fan County Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Zhuo replied.

"Brother, he has returned to Emperor Wa's territory."

"Huang Wa's territory? Why did he go back there?"

Zhuo Zhuo shook his head and said: "Brother didn't say anything clearly, he just said that he wanted to resolve a personal grudge."

The personal grudge that Zhuo Bufan mentioned was, of course, the Jieying Gate.

Not long after he activated the Jieying array, the person in charge of the Jieying Gate flew over on a mechanical puppet.

Zhuo Bufan tidied up his clothes and waited for the person to land.

The person who came to receive the person came forward and showed a very friendly look after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

He smiled at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Welcome the ascenders from the lower world to Daluotian. I am Mengchangjun, a member of the Jieying Gate, who is responsible for receiving the ascenders who ascend from the lower world."

If Zhuo Bufan didn't know the tricks of the Jieying Gate, he would definitely be deceived by this guy called Mengchangjun.

But now Zhuo Bufan will not reveal his identity.

He pretended to be a rookie who had just ascended to heaven, and said to Mengchangjun with a smile.

"I am Zhuo Yifei, and I meet Mengchangjun."

Zhuo Bufan did not use his real name, but the strange name Zhuo Yi.

This is mainly because Zhuo Bufan's name has a certain degree of fame in the secular world.

After all, he is a Xuanyi disciple of Panhuang Territory.

Although Panhuang Territory and Wahuang Territory are separated by a million miles, his name may not be worth mentioning in Wahuang Territory.

But for the sake of safety, Zhuo Bufan still used a pseudonym.

After all, he needs to be cautious to enter the Jieying Gate as an undercover agent.

After hearing this, Mengchangjun nodded and said.

"Zhuo Yifei, then I meet Junior Brother Zhuo! Next, please follow me to the Jieying Gate!"

Zhuo Bufan asked after hearing this.

"I wonder what the Jieying Gate is that Mengchangjun is talking about?"

When Mengchangjun heard this, he hurriedly explained.

"This reception gate is the gathering place for the ascenders. After the ascenders ascend from the lower world, we will specially take them to a place for systematic training. Let them get familiar with this world as soon as possible."

"Our reception gate was jointly established by the three most supreme celestial masters in Daluotian."

"These three celestial masters are Panhuang, Fuhuang, and Wahuang! From now on, you will understand how high the status of the three celestial masters is in Daluotian."

"Now, please follow me to the reception gate in Wahuang's territory!"

After the other party explained it to Zhuo Bufan briefly, he asked Zhuo Bufan to follow him to the reception gate first.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan pretended not to doubt it, and honestly followed Mengchangjun to jump onto the mechanical puppet, and then followed him to fly towards the reception gate above Butian City.

Zhuo Bufan stood on the mechanical puppet, watching the familiar scenery under his feet begin to pass by one by one, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Jie Yin Men, I'm back."

No one knew that Zhuo Bufan came back this time to destroy Jie Yin Men.

Meng Changjun could not have imagined that he was not welcoming an ordinary ascender, but a great demon, a terrifying devil who could destroy Jie Yin Men.

Soon, they flew to the foot of a Tongtian Peak, and on top of this Tongtian Peak was the Jie Yin Men.

"Brother Zhuo, I want to give you a brief introduction before we go to Jieying Gate."

"Jieying Gate has nine companion peaks and one main peak. After entering Jieying Gate, you will enter other companion peaks under the arrangement of the peak master."

"After entering the companion peak, you will receive systematic training. When you reach the Tianyuan realm, you will naturally be able to see our Jieying Gate."

"Do you want to ask what the Tianyuan realm is? The Tianyuan realm is the third realm in this senior sister's cultivation system. When you arrive at Jieying Gate, someone will naturally explain the specific situation to you."

"Then now, follow me to Jieying Gate first!"

After Mengchangjun finished speaking, he took Zhuo Bufan to the clouds. When they jumped out of the clouds, they saw a huge cloud palace appeared in front of them.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the palace that was so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar, and a hint of coldness appeared on his face.

Then, Zhuo Bufan followed Mengchangjun to the main peak of Jieying Gate.

The person responsible for welcoming them was naturally the woman who was inconsistent in appearance and heart, Shangguan Ziyi.

Zhuo Bufan still remembers that when he first met Shangguan Ziyi, he was shocked by her heroic spirit.

But after seeing Shangguan Ziyi again, this woman suddenly revealed her brutal side.

She tore Yu Ziji to pieces in front of Zhuo Bufan.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan realized that the aura on Shangguan Ziyi was not heroic, but a hidden murderous aura.

This woman was very murderous. She must have killed people frequently, and she was also a cruel person.

There were so many people who died in her hands, so she still had that kind of awe-inspiring aura.

This time, when Zhuo Bufan saw Shangguan Ziyi again, he obviously didn't have the awe he had before.

Because Zhuo Bufan's realm was already above Shangguan Ziyi.

Shangguan Ziyi was in the Yuantai realm, while Zhuo Bufan's realm was the Yuanshen realm.

The two sides were a big realm apart, so it was impossible for the other party to feel Zhuo Bufan's deliberately hidden cultivation.

"Master, I have brought the person here."

After Mengchangjun brought Zhuo Bufan into the hall, he reported to the high-ranking Shangguan Ziyi.

After hearing this, Shangguan Ziyi nodded and replied.

"Well, that's right, you go down first, I will have a good chat with this ascender."

"Yes, Master."

After Mengchangjun finished speaking, he stood up and left the hall.

Zhuo Bufan and Shangguan Ziyi were left behind. After the two looked at each other for a while, Shangguan Ziyi suddenly raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a hint of intriguing smile, and said.

"Have we met before?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head slowly.

"Really? Then why do I see a look of meeting an old friend in your eyes?"

"Hehe, the master is overthinking. I am Zhuo Yifei, and I ascended from a small world. Before I figured out what this world is like, I was taken here by a man named Mengchangjun."

"What should I do next? Please tell me clearly."

After hearing this, the master Shangguan Ziyi looked at Zhuo Bufan seriously.

After feeling it for a while, she found that there was no fluctuation of Yuanli on Zhuo Bufan's body. It was obvious that Zhuo Bufan was not lying.

So Shangguan Ziyi believed Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Zhuo Yifei, I'm glad that you can successfully ascend to our Daluotian."

"Our Jieyingmen was established specifically to train you ascenders."

"Each of you ascenders is the most outstanding figure in each world. It is no exaggeration to say that you are geniuses among geniuses."

"However, Daluotian is different from your previous world. I think you have felt that after coming to this world, all the power you once had is lost."

"In other words, you are now an ordinary mortal, and everything has to start all over again."

"The outside world is very dangerous, so we will guide every ascender to our Jieyingmen for training. So, are you willing to practice in our Jieyingmen for the next period of time?"

Faced with Shangguan Ziyi's inquiry, Zhuo Bufan chose to agree without hesitation.

"Of course, it seems that Jieyingmen is really a good place. Then, Master, I'll leave it to you next."

Zhuo Bufan continued to pretend to be stupid and act like a novice.

Looking at Zhuo Bufan's innocent look, Shangguan Ziyi smiled.

Shangguan Ziyi cleared her throat and then uttered a sound.

"Where is the head of Linzi Peak? Come to the main hall!"

As soon as Shangguan Ziyi finished speaking, a red shadow floated into the hall.

After the red shadow landed in the hall, it knelt down in front of Shangguan Ziyi.

"Linzi Peak head Hong Dieyi, meet the master."

The red-clothed woman who suddenly appeared was Hong Dieyi, who was troubled by Zhuo Bufan when he was at Linzi Peak.

The appearance of Hong Dieyi reminded Zhuo Bufan of what she had done to him.

At first, Zhuo Bufan thought Hong Dieyi was a vicious and dissolute woman, but in the end, Zhuo Bufan realized that Hong Dieyi was actually the one who was helping him in secret.

"Dieyi, this is the student who just came here, Zhuo Yifei."

"From now on, she will be trained by you."

After hearing this, Hong Dieyi stood up and looked back at Yi Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Hong Dieyi and smiled.

Hong Dieyi smiled smugly.

"Little brother, you are so handsome. From now on, let sister Dieyi love you well!"


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