Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1150 Election Conference

Zhuo Bufan took Hai Xiaoyun to the Royal Sacrifice Rooftop of Haomiao City.

When Emperor Haitu saw Hai Xiaoyun, he gnashed his teeth like a wild beast and wanted to eat Hai Xiaoyun alive.

"Hai Xiaoyun, you really dare to come! I have set many traps in the palace. You will never come back today."

Emperor Hai Tu took a step forward, looked at Hai Xiaoyun viciously, and issued constant threats towards Hai Xiaoyun.

At this moment, Hai Xiaoyun naturally couldn't give in, but looked at Haitu with a smile and said.

"What, are you afraid? Are you afraid that I will come to compete for your throne?"

Hai Xiaoyun mocked the emperor.

After the emperor heard this, his lips trembled with anger.

"Hai Xiaoyun, are you too arrogant? If it weren't for the people behind you, you would have been cut into pieces and quartered by five horses. Is it your turn to interrupt here, a person who relies on human power?"

The emperor was a little angry, and he was forced to compete with Hai Xiaoyun for the throne.

In his opinion, this was already a humiliation to him.

However, facing Ni Shen Ni Qiong, Haitu had no choice at all.

In the final analysis, this is the senior sister of a strong man. Ni Qiong is a rebel god, and rules cannot restrain him.

If he wants to destroy an empire, there will be no stopping him.

If he doesn't obey Ni Qiong's order, then the only thing waiting for him is death.

Therefore, the emperor knew very well that he had no choice but to accept this unequal treaty and hold an election for emperor with Hai Xiaoyun.

Today, many people came around the Temple of Heaven to witness this moment.

The declaration of war between the two was obviously full of excitement and aroused everyone's expectations.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qingqiong also came together. Their eyes met, sparks flying.

"Zhuo Bufan, I didn't realize that you still do these things. Why, did you come here specifically to declare war today? I advise you to stop dreaming. This emperor has won the hearts of the people now. In the eyes of the world, what kind of Zi Yihou did you choose? He is just a person who deceives the world and steals the country. What qualifications do he have to stand here? "

Ni Cangqiong had obviously done his homework. After all, it was about his bet with Zhuo Bufan, and he still had to take it seriously.

However, after hearing this, Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

"Ni Qiong, this selection is not for you and me, but for the people of the Hai Dynasty."

"I came here today not to argue with you, but to discuss the next election with you!"

After Ni Cangqiong heard this, he suddenly became interested and asked.

"What do you mean?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said.

"The so-called election means that every citizen of the country is qualified to choose the leader of his or her own mind."

"No matter men, women, old or young, no matter the religions, no matter beggars and prostitutes, they all have a vote in their hands and have the right to choose the emperor in their hearts."

After hearing this, Ni Cangqiong said: "Boy, do you know how many people there are in the Hai Dynasty? The entire Hai Dynasty has more than 1.87 billion people. Do you want everyone to participate in this so-called election? You also I don’t want to think about whether Haomiao City can pretend.”

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Of course, given that there are too many people in the Hai Dynasty, for this election, we only selected one hundred major cities in the Hai Dynasty for elections, which is nearly 200 million people."

"After selecting these one hundred cities, we will hold a three-month election conference. During the conference, the two candidates will draw votes among these one hundred cities. After three months, we will Conduct an open vote. Every citizen in these 100 cities has a vote. They vote for the emperor they want, and finally we hand it over to the coordinating office for counting. In this way, it will be fair, just and open. What do you think?"

Zhuo Bufan proposed the election method, and Ni Qiongqiong and everyone present found it very interesting.

Before this, the election of emperors was based on a hereditary system, but now Zhuo Bufan has proposed an electoral system, which seems to have won more support from the people.

The people have the right to choose the emperor in their hearts. In this way, not only will the people's wishes be met, but the best emperor can also be selected.

Regarding Zhuo Bufan's proposal, Ni Qingqiong hesitated for a moment and then answered.

"Do you want to elect the emperor in a fair and just way? If that is the case, then we will accompany you."

Ni Qingqiong agreed to Zhuo Bufan's proposal, but Haitu on the side quickly pleaded.

"Lord Nishen, please think deeply. This is their conspiracy. There is no need for us to agree to their feeble request."

"Master Niishen, they came prepared. There must be something fishy here. Please think again, Master Niishen."

Haitu didn't want to agree to the election law Zhuo Bufan said, because to her, it was completely unnecessary.

But no one can change the decision Ni Qianqiong makes.

"Do I need you to teach me how to think?"

"If you can't even compare to the trash Zhuo Bufan chose, then you are worse than trash. If you are left to manage this empire, you are endangering the world."

"If you don't agree, you can get out now and I will find my own candidate."

Faced with the threat of Ni Qiong, the emperor finally had to compromise.

In this world, the one with the big fist has the final say.

"Hai Xiaoyun, don't think that you can snatch the throne from me with this forced method."

"Even if it's an election, I am what the people want and deserve the support and love of people all over the world."

"Just go ahead and dream about your spring and autumn dreams!"

The emperor finally had to agree to the electoral law.

After reaching the unification of electoral laws, the next step is to issue a decree and announce it to the world.

When the election law was promulgated, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire Dahai Dynasty.

In the streets and alleys, messages about this new law began to be conveyed.

"It's incredible, it's incredible, the emperor is going to be elected."

"Look, a new election law has come out. The emperor of the Dahai Dynasty will be elected through election."

Someone announced in the tavern with a notice, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What is the election law?" someone asked inexplicably.

The person who knew a little bit about it explained.

"This election law is to use ordinary people like us to elect the emperor in our minds. Do you understand this is the election law?"

"Hahaha, are you kidding me? Isn't the position of emperor always passed down from father to son? If you choose randomly, then I will choose myself."

Someone laughed.

"Are you a fool? How could you elect yourself? It is clearly written in the law that there are only two electors. I thought it was the current emperor Haitu, and the other one was the former purple-clad Hou Haixiaoyun. It is said to be an election, but in fact it is just an election. Choose one of them, got it?"

After the intellectuals explained it, the other drinkers nodded and understood.

"So, we ordinary people also have the right to vote?" The shopkeeper was a beautiful woman. After listening to the drunken remarks of the drinkers, she couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, according to the election law, this election law will cover the election of one hundred cities in the empire, including our Blue Sea City! In Blue Sea City, the big ones range from the city lords to the nobles, and the small ones range from the simpletons. Vendors, beggars and prostitutes all have one vote. Do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?" Everyone looked at the scholar and looked at him excitedly.

"Hehehe, this means that our vote determines who will be the emperor in the future. Maybe the vote in each of our hands is the vote that determines the outcome."

"Think about it, if the two electors get the same number of votes and I am the only one left to vote, it would be like saying that I decided the future emperor!"

"Who would have thought that one day, ordinary people like us would be able to decide the future of the empire!"

Everyone who heard this suddenly woke up and quickly passed on this important news.

Then everyone spreads it to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands.

Within three days, the news about the election law spread throughout the entire Dahai Dynasty.

Everyone felt an inexplicable sense of mission. Perhaps everyone thought that their vote was the decisive one, so everyone was in high spirits and very excited.

"This election law is simply great. In this way, we can also elect the emperor of our own choice."

"Although it's a choice between two, it still gives us ordinary people the right to choose. I want to choose Zi Yihou!"

"Hush, under the Emperor's feet, you still dare to choose Zi Yi Hou, be careful if His Majesty's people hear about it and kill you."

"Then, then I will still be Emperor Xuan! In fact, the emperor is not bad. Since he ascended the throne, everything has been smooth and the country is peaceful and the people are safe."

"Just choose the person you like and don't make any noise. I finally got the opportunity to become the master, so I can't waste this vote."

"That's right. I heard that in two days, the Emperor and the Marquis of Zi Yi will start a nationwide tour to attract votes. Have any of you ever seen the Emperor personally come down from the stage to canvass votes?"

"Hahaha, it will be interesting then."

Everyone is talking about who should be chosen and are looking forward to the nationwide tour in a few days.

On this side, Hai Xiaoyun followed Zhuo Bufan and returned to the coast of the East China Sea immediately.

They also have to start preparing for the upcoming lecture tour.

"Remember, you must go out in person to attract votes. You must know that every vote may be the key to determining your success. Only if you put down your noble posture and sincerely plead for the vote of every civilian, will they be able to vote for you. My precious vote goes to you.”

"I have paved the way for you. Whether you can succeed or not is up to you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished what he needed to say, he looked at Hai Xiaoyun.

Hai Xiaoyun nodded solemnly and said.

"Brother Zhuo, please rest assured that I will do my best to win every vote, even if it makes me kneel down."

"My lord!"

As soon as they heard about kneeling down, the subordinates on the side were shocked.

You must know that Hai Xiaoyun may become the emperor in the future. How humiliating it is for the emperor to kneel down and ask for votes from the people of the world.

However, Hai Xiaoyun shook his head and said: "Water can carry a boat or capsize it. The emperor should treat the virtuous and corporal equally. Put down his noble figure and let the people know that I will always stand on the same line as them. This is not only It’s for today’s votes and for the future development of the empire. I want to be an emperor worthy of praise from the world.”

Hai Xiaoyun had a high level of consciousness at this moment.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled calmly and said, "In fact, there is no need to kneel down and kowtow. Your presence at the scene has already shown your attitude. Next, you need to prepare more speeches and try your best to express your views on the future of the empire. As an emperor, what kind of peaceful and prosperous world do you want to create for your people? Remember, as long as you completely impress your people, they will vote for you willingly."

"After all, your opponents will not hand over these votes so easily. If I guess correctly, the emperor will use all his financial resources and power to set obstacles for you. In this regard, I will not help you. After all, I have promised Ni Cangqiong that I will not intervene next."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Hai Xiaoyun nodded solemnly.

"Understood, then I will go down to prepare now."

After Hai Xiaoyun finished speaking, he left Zhuo Bufan's hotel with his think tank.

After returning to their base, Hai Xiaoyun immediately began to meet everyone in the organization and began to issue orders and characters.

"Honglian, from now on, you will be responsible for contacting the bureaucrats, nobles and other aristocratic forces in these 100 cities, seeking their help and helping to organize my tour venue."

"Yes, my lord! This matter will be handed over to Honglian, and Honglian will definitely live up to your command."

Then, Hai Xiaoyun looked at another man in white clothes and white hair and said.

"Li Yun, you are the world's number one salt merchant in our Dahai Dynasty. Financial support depends on you. You should contact more wealthy businessmen. If you can get their support, then we should not lose too much in terms of financial resources."

The man in white, Li Yun, responded after hearing this.

"My lord, rest assured, I will do my best to help you ascend the throne."

Hai Xiaoyun nodded with satisfaction, and finally, he looked at another man with a sword in his arms and a hat on his head, and then said.

"Xulong, during the election, my safety is in your hands. Although Brother Zhuo will protect my safety, we still need to make more preparations just in case."

"As for the others, help me write. Use your abilities and talents to write the most perfect speech. I will personally attend every speech from now on."

"Everyone, I'll leave it to you whether this can be accomplished."

After Hai Xiaoyun finished speaking, he bowed deeply to everyone present.

His subordinates saw this and said in panic.

"Lord, we will definitely go through fire and water without hesitation."

"That's right, we believe that Lord will definitely be recognized by the people of the world."

"Master Zhuo's election method not only avoids a war, but also allows the people of the world to witness the Lord's ascension. In this way, the Lord will be recognized by the people of the world and will be able to ascend to the palace with a legitimate reason!"

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun nodded.

"Yes, Master Zhuo is really a strange man!"

"So this time, I can't let him down. I must win this election!"


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