In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan stayed in the cave, comprehending the mystery of the sky-repairing magic.

The sky-repairing magic is indeed the best magic in the world. Anything, any defect, can be repaired.

It can even give life to all things.

For example, a stone, after being enlightened by Zhuo Bufan's sky-repairing magic, actually came to life and even spoke, which simply refreshed Zhuo Bufan's cognition.

With this sky-repairing magic, Zhuo Bufan can even make Zhuoyue a real person.

"After leaving Jietian Mountain, I will give life to Zhuoyue. Nana too!"

Zhuo Bufan planned to make Zhuoyue and Nana real people.

If Nana became a human, Zhou Peng would be very happy.

Zhou Peng dreamed that Nana could become a real person.

Zhuo Bufan was grateful for Zhou Peng's help to him, so turning Nana into a human was also a reward for him.

"The matter of the Heaven Repairing Technique should have been approved by the Queen Wa!"

"Otherwise, the Saint Maiden Chan Yi would not dare to pass this technique to me casually."

Zhuo Bufan has planned to go to Mazu Mountain after the matter of Jieyingmen is over.

One is to thank the Queen Wa for her secret help all the time, and the other is to meet the woman who has been waiting for him for a million years.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't know that the woman who had been waiting for him for a million years was looking for the Lord of Time outside the dangerous sky for him.


On the other hand, Zhou Peng and his team have been tested by almost all the senior brothers and sisters in Jietian Mountain for the past month.

What is rare is that they all persisted.

And Zhou Peng has become the backbone of everyone without knowing it.

Under Zhou Peng's leadership, everyone has the determination to be braver and braver.

So, Zhou Peng is rarely favored by the vast majority of senior brothers and sisters.

Among the eighteen heroes of Jietian Mountain, many heroes have higher and higher evaluations of Zhou Peng.

Among them, the one who is most optimistic about Zhou Peng is undoubtedly Han Fei.

Han Fei, as the most outstanding puppeteer, after seeing Zhou Peng, the kind of mutual appreciation between puppeteers brought the two of them together.

Interestingly, Han Fei even asked Zhou Peng for advice on a lot of puppet knowledge.

The two often discussed puppet knowledge together, and they seemed to have become very good friends.

Even in many trials that Zhou Peng and his friends encountered later, Han Fei also helped from the side.

In short, Han Fei really wanted to keep Zhou Peng as a fellow apprentice.

Finally, the day of the end of the training came.

The twelve black-clothed disciples ushered in their final test, and even Zhuo Bufan joined this test.

In the square outside the Jietian Palace, Zhuo Bufan finally ushered in the moment of being apart from his friends again after half a month.

"Long time no see, how are you? I heard that your trial is very hard."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhou Peng, and he found that there was a beautiful girl standing next to Zhou Peng, and the other party was looking at Zhou Peng affectionately.

Zhou Peng smiled after hearing this.

"Fortunately, we are here without any danger. Through everyone's efforts, we finally stand here."

"Of course, I have always believed in your ability."

Zhuo Bufan patted Zhou Peng on the shoulder, and then he smiled.

"After we go down the mountain this time, I will give you a surprise."

Zhou Peng was stunned when he heard it.

"Surprise? What do you mean?"

"Since it is a surprise, it is meaningless to tell it now."

"You will know when the time comes."

Zhuo Bufan did not explain what the surprise was.

At this time, from the main hall of the Jietian Palace in front of them, seventeen heroes walked out at the same time and stood on the stairs.

The twelve black clothes felt great pressure facing the seventeen heroes.

This is the first time that the seventeen heroes have appeared together. In terms of momentum, they are like a mountain.

And the twelve black clothes, plus Zhuo Bufan, are at most just a small hill.

At this time, Zi Yang stood up.

As the eldest brother of Jietian Mountain, Zi Yang was dressed in purple and had a great momentum.

The moment he stood up, everyone present stood up straight and did not dare to slack off.

"Hello, Senior Brother."

Zhuo Bufan took the lead and bowed to Ziyang.

Ziyang smiled and said.

"Dear junior brothers and sisters, I am glad to see you again."

"Thank you for calling me Senior Brother. Today is the last day of your training. I will set the last test for you."

As soon as Ziyang finished speaking, everyone present showed anxiety.

No one expected that the test on the last day would be conducted by Ziyang himself.

You know, Ziyang is the supreme master of Daoyuan Realm and the strongest person in Jietian Mountain besides Panhuang.

Even if Zhuo Bufan tried his best, he might not be able to defeat Ziyang in one move.

In short, this last level was tested by Ziyang. It can be said that everyone felt almost no hope in their hearts, including Zhuo Bufan.

However, Ziyang did not seem to intend to make things difficult for the Xuanyi disciples present, but said.

"Please rest assured, fellow disciples. As your senior disciple, I will definitely guarantee your safety. So you can fight for your lives in the next trial."

"Of course, the next trial is crucial, as it concerns the 19th disciple quota of our Jietian Mountain."

"As everyone knows, we at Jietian Mountain haven't accepted new disciples for nearly 10,000 years. It's not that we don't want to recruit disciples, but that there are no people who can meet our requirements."

"But we at Jietian Mountain have always preferred to have no disciples rather than unqualified ones. Even if we can't find disciples, we won't fill in the numbers with unqualified ones, and we won't lower the admission standards."

"You are all chosen by Tianzun, but you are only chosen ones. Whether you have the real ability to stay in Jietian Mountain depends on your own ability."

"So, don't expect that the senior brother will show mercy to you. Although my test won't take your life, it will definitely not be easy. For you, it can even be regarded as a purgatory-like practice."

"Are you ready?"

Zi Yang looked at everyone present with a smile.

His words made everyone's hair stand on end, and they felt it was difficult to breathe.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan took the initiative and said, "Big Brother, I think we should all be ready."

"So, please tell me your final test!"

Zhuo Bufan was not arrogant at all. On the contrary, he knew very well that the next test would be very difficult.

After all, it was a test set by Ziyang himself. Zhuo Bufan believed that Ziyang must understand his ability, so he would let him join this final test.

After hearing this, Ziyang looked at Zhuo Bufan and smiled calmly.

"It seems that Junior Brother Zhuo can't wait. Well, I will explain the final test now."

After Ziyang finished speaking, he raised his right hand and made a move in the air.

Immediately afterwards, twelve paper cranes appeared in the air.

Zhuo Bufan and others present were stunned after seeing the paper cranes.

"Paper crane?"

"Isn't this our first test?"

Catching paper cranes was a small test given by Senior Brother Jiang Tage, the seventeenth senior brother, after the twelve black-clothed disciples entered Jietian Mountain.

This was also their first test, which was to catch the paper crane with their names written on it.

This test was very easy, and all the disciples completed the task easily. It can be said that it was the easiest test after they entered Jietian Mountain.

Ziyang looked at the smug expressions on the faces of the twelve black-clothed disciples present, and also smiled.

"Very good, it seems that you are very confident. Just as you guessed, the test of the last level is also to catch paper cranes."

When Ziyang said the content of the last level test, everyone present was excited.

Catching paper cranes is not too easy for them.

However, Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan looked solemn.

If it was really as easy as catching paper cranes, Ziyang would not say so much nonsense.

Ziyang is the master of the last level. This level is to select candidates who are qualified to join Jietian Mountain. How can it be as simple as imagined!

At this time, Ziyang stretched out his hand and drew a circle in the air.

Then, a black hole appeared in the air.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the black hole, he immediately became alert.

At this time, Ziyang threw the twelve paper cranes into the black hole.

"Brothers and sisters, go! Find the paper cranes with your names on them. This is the test of your last level."

When Zi Yang finished speaking, everyone present was stunned.

Sure enough, catching the paper cranes in this last level was not as simple as everyone thought.

It was true that you could catch the paper cranes, but the place where you caught the paper cranes had changed.

It changed from Jietian Mountain to an unknown world.

For a moment, everyone present stopped and did not dare to enter the black hole.

People have a natural fear of the unknown world.

Looking at the chaos in the black hole, all the Xuanyi disciples present were hesitant.

At this time, it was still Zhuo Bufan who raised his legs and stepped forward without hesitation.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's figure sinking into the black hole, Zhou Peng followed without hesitation.

"Brother Zhou!"

At this time, Ling Shuang pulled Zhou Peng from behind.

Seeing this, Zhou Peng turned around and smiled and said.

"We have to take this step sooner or later, why should we shrink back? We have worked so hard all the way here, are we going to give up at this last step?"

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he said no more, but followed Zhuo Bufan into the black hole.

Ling Shuang behind him finally stopped hesitating and followed closely.

"Let's go in too! Senior Brother Zhou is right, we have come all the way and passed so many tests, there is no reason to give up at the last level."

"And didn't Senior Brother say that? It won't hurt our lives, let us fight desperately."

Afterwards, more and more black-clothed disciples rushed into the black hole.

Watching the black-clothed disciples rushing into the black hole one by one, the other senior brothers and sisters present laughed.

"Big Brother, how many disciples do you think will be able to pass your Ziyang Realm test this year?"

"I guess, there may not be any. Big Brother's Ziyang Realm is a terrible and wild world!"

"That's impossible. Can't Junior Brother Zhuo do it? Everyone can see Junior Brother Zhuo's strength, and now he has the Minsheng Sword."

"Hahaha, didn't you notice that one of us is missing?"

"Hey, now that you mention it, it seems to be true. Where did Junior Brother go?"

"Hahaha, how could Big Brother let Junior Brother Zhuo go so easily! His opponent is Junior Brother!"

As soon as this was said, everyone present looked at Zi Yang with an expression of watching a big show.

"Big Brother, are you really going to arrange Junior Brother as the opponent of Junior Brother Zhuo?"

"This is too much! Junior Brother Zhuo said that he would not fight Junior Brother for the time being."

Zi Yang just sighed helplessly.

"Hey, Junior Brother, that guy is a headache!"

Zi Yang had a headache when he mentioned Ni Cang Qiong.

It turned out that Ni Cang Qiong came out of confinement ten days ago.

After coming out, Ni Cang Qiong couldn't bear it and wanted to duel with Zhuo Bufan several times.

But Zhuo Bufan happened to be in seclusion in the cave at this time.

Ni Cang Qiong was helpless and suddenly learned that the last test of the black-clothed disciples was arranged by Zi Yang.

So Ni Cang Qiong found Zi Yang and began to use both soft and hard tactics, insisting that Zi Yang arrange a fight between him and Zhuo Bufan.

At first, Zi Yang refused, but who could resist the madness of Ni Cang Qiong? This guy took away the moon created by the second junior brother.

And what Ni Cang Qiong said also made sense to Zi Yang.

Ni Cang Qiong told Zi Yang that it would be unfair to test Zhuo Bufan the same as ordinary Xuanyi disciples.

After all, Zhuo Bufan already had the strength comparable to the Saint Yuan Realm, and even most of the heroes in Jie Tianshan were not his opponents.

And if Zi Yang were to do it himself, it would be too difficult for Zhuo Bufan.

After all, if Zi Yang did it, Zhuo Bufan would have no power to fight back.

After thinking about it, the most suitable opponent for Zhuo Bufan in the entire Jie Tianshan was Ni Cang Qiong.

In addition, Ni Cang Qiong really wanted to fight with Zhuo Bufan.

So, in order to satisfy the wish of the junior brother, to keep his ears quiet for a few days, and to test Zhuo Bufan.

Ziyang finally agreed to Ni Cangqiong and let him be the last test for Zhuo Bufan.

However, Ziyang said a premise, that is, stop at a certain point.

So this battle was under Ziyang's surveillance, and it was fought in Ziyang's world.

It can be said that this battle would not make Ni Cangqiong happy.

This is also the fundamental reason why Ziyang agreed to Ni Cangqiong.

In Ziyang world, he has the final say.

On the other side, after Zhuo Bufan and his team entered the black hole, everyone stared at the world in front of them in amazement.

What a terrible world this is!

All you can see is boiling magma, and there are erupting volcanoes and falling meteorites everywhere.

Above the sky, nine purple suns are arranged in a circle, reflecting the entire sky into a purple color.

What's more terrible is that there are some wild creatures in this world that they have never seen before.

Everyone stared blankly at this dangerous world.

They just want to find the paper crane with their names written on it here.

"Zhuo Bufan, don't look for it. Your paper crane is in my hand. Let's fight in the sky! Wahahahahahaha..."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was looking for his paper crane, a voice that he hated very much suddenly came from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but sigh after hearing it.

"Oh, it's really annoying!"

Then, he turned around and looked at Zhou Peng and the others, and then said.

"Everyone, I wish you good luck. There is a nasty guy in the sky waiting for me to cut it. I'll go first!"

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, stretched out his hand, and the Minsheng Sword appeared out of nowhere.

The moment he held the Minsheng Sword, he was like a god of war, and extremely terrifying power burst out of his body.


The next second, Zhuo Bufan flew into the sky with a bang like a rocket.


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