Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1109 Heading to Jietian Mountain

The Three Supreme Emperors, a legend of the human race.

The three of them joined forces and could stand up to the heavens.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Three Emperors that the human race can become the second largest race in this world.

Second only to the high and mighty Xu Clan.

There are many legends about the Three Emperors. All three of them were born from the same mother, Mazu.

Among them, Fuhuang was Mazu's second child. On the day of his birth, he aroused the wrath of the Heavenly Dao and endured the 9981 heavenly tribulations of the Heavenly Dao, sealing all his power in his body.

Fuhuang was directly beaten down to become a mortal, enduring the birth, aging, illness and death of the human world.

In order to keep him alive, Mazu sent him to the mortal world and gave him to an old fishing couple for adoption.

Since childhood, Fuhuang thought he was just an ordinary child in the mortal world.

It was not until he took care of the old couple and saw them off that he learned from them that he was a child picked up from a wooden basin by the water.

From then on, Fuhuang embarked on the road to find his biological parents.

Along the way, he went through hardships and overcame all difficulties. At a critical moment of life and death, he broke through the first seal in his body and gained supreme divine power.

At this moment, he discovered that he had endless power hidden in his body.

He became a cultivator, worshipped a master, suffered hardships, and accepted his training in the world in an ordinary way.

After several life and death experiences, he continued to unlock the seals on his body one after another.

As the seals were unlocked, he became more and more terrifying.

When he unlocked the last seal, the memory of the moment of birth was awakened, and he finally knew his true identity, the second child of Mazu.

He became Fu Huang and possessed the power that could make Tiandao afraid.

He also met his brother and sister, and the three of them joined forces to finally seal the former Tiandao host, forcing Tiandao to admit defeat and surrender.

This is Fu Huang's ordinary but legendary life.

Among the three emperors, only Fu Huang's life was the most bumpy.

Therefore, he knows more about the human world than Panhuang and Wahuang, and pays more attention to the seven emotions and six desires of some people.

He would naturally feel uncomfortable if his apprentice Qitian died.

Of course, he also knew that what Qitian did was unforgivable.

So from the beginning, Fuhuang remained neutral in this matter.

He handed this matter over to his eldest apprentice Yuqiu to deal with, but he didn't expect that things would become more and more complicated in the end.

Yuqiu didn't know what Qitian did to Meng Wuqing at first, so he issued a hunting order for Ni Cangqiong.

Until later, when Yuqiu knew the reason, he revoked the hunting order.

But at that time, everyone thought that Ni Cangqiong was an unforgivable Nishen, and he had already become a rat that everyone wanted to beat.

It can be said that Ni Cangqiong's life can no longer go back.

Of course, he has no regrets.

So for Futian Mountain, they actually owe Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong has such a bad reputation, and most of the willingness comes from Futian Mountain.

Of course, Ni Cangqiong is now very satisfied with the world's evaluation of him.

He wants to be an unforgivable Ni God.


On Futian Mountain, Fu Huang did not show up, but his voice was enough to cause the whole nation to exclaim.

"Ni Cangqiong, Ni God, Futian Mountain owes you all these years."

As soon as Fu Huang finished speaking, a divine light fell from the sky and landed on Ni Cangqiong.

In an instant, Ni Cangqiong only felt that his lost cultivation was slowly restored.

From the previous Saint Yuan Realm Mahayana, he recovered to the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm.

"Boy, you went to that world and received the curse you deserved. This emperor can't help you with this matter, go back to your master!"

Fu Huang saw at a glance that Ni Cangqiong had been to the forbidden world, and also knew why Ni Cangqiong came.

After hearing this, Ni Cangqiong knelt in front of Fu Huang with a fist.

"Thank you, Emperor Fu. I will go back to Jietian Mountain now. Master should forgive me."

After being forgiven by Emperor Fu, Ni Cangqiong was finally able to return to Jietian Mountain and return to Panhuang's school.

However, just as Ni Cangqiong was about to leave, Meng Chanyi stopped him.

"Wait a minute, don't leave. Have you been to that world?"

Meng Chanyi asked Ni Cangqiong.

After hearing this, Ni Cangqiong seemed to understand something and nodded.

"It is true, it is true!"

"Master Fu, he is still alive, right? That person is still alive, right?"

Meng Chanyi asked Cangtian.

After hearing this, Emperor Fu did not answer.

After a long while, he sighed and said.

"He is still alive, what can you do?"

After receiving Emperor Fu's personal admission, Meng Chanyi suddenly had two lines of tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

The tears dripped on the ground, which made people feel distressed.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, because no one knew who Meng Chanyi was crying for.

Who is the person she was talking about?

"Is he back?"

Meng Chanyi asked again.

However, this time, Fu Huang never answered her again.

There are some things that Fu Huang could never say.

Meng Chanyi hadn't been able to get a response from Fu Huang for a long time, and she also understood Fu Huang's concerns.

She stopped crying, and a smile appeared on her face.

Then she stood up with the help of Xiao Lao Ba.

"Senior sister, are you okay?"

Meng Wuqing looked at Meng Chanyi and said.

Meng Chanyi shook her head and answered.

"Let's go, let's go back, I have something to ask Master."

Meng Chanyi is now eager to return to Mazu Mountain.

If Fu Huang doesn't tell her, then she will ask Wa Huang.

After hearing this, Meng Wuqing was stunned for a moment.


After she finished speaking, she looked at Ni Cangqiong on the side.

The two finally met, but they didn't expect to separate again now.

The two looked at each other, and this time, Ni Cangqiong saw a familiar look in Meng Wuqing's eyes.

At that moment, he seemed to see the silly and sweet girl he used to be, back again.

Meng Chanyi on the side seemed to have noticed the changes in the eyes of the junior sister, and finally she smiled faintly.

"Junior sister, I suddenly remembered that I borrowed a copy of "The Infinite Panlong Sutra" from Pan Huang in Jietian Mountain last time. Otherwise, you can help the senior sister return it to Pan Huang in person!"

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, she spread her palms, and a golden scripture appeared in her palms.

Seeing this, Meng Wuqing said in surprise.

"Can I? Senior sister!"

"Of course, thank Lord Panhuang for me."

Then Meng Chanyi looked at Ni Cangqiong and Ziyang on the side.

"Senior brother Ziyang, I'll leave Xiao Laoba to you. I hope you can take care of her."

"Chanyi has something important to do, so I'll go first."

After hearing this, Ziyang nodded repeatedly.

"Well, junior sister, don't worry, Junior sister Wuqing will definitely be a guest of honor when she arrives at my Jietian Mountain."

"Okay! Chanyi bids farewell."

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, she turned into a white light and disappeared into the air.

When Meng Chanyi disappeared, everyone in the Soul Yuan Realm felt very sorry.

Fuhuang disappeared, and the goddess in their hearts also disappeared.

Soon, Ni Cangqiong also left with Meng Wuqing and followed Ziyang.

On Futian Mountain, only the disciples of Futian Mountain were left.


With a click, even the screen on Cangqiong disappeared.

This apology initiated by Ni Cangqiong ended here.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Ni Cangqiong, I found you."

This trip to the Soul Realm was not without gain.

Although he failed to attract Ni Cangqiong's attention, he finally knew where Ni Cangqiong was going - Jietian Mountain.


Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng left the Soul Realm and returned to the real world.

Today, both of them were greatly shocked.

Ni Cangqiong, Meng Wuqing, Yu Qiu, Zi Yang, Meng Chan Yi, Fu Huang!

Today they met too many big figures, each of whom was enough to make them unforgettable for life.

Before this, in their minds, Ni Cangqiong was already a peerless god.

But after today, they knew that Ni Cangqiong could only be ranked in the third echelon in this world.

The Three Emperors and Tian Dao are the first echelon of Daluotian.

Meng Chan Yi, Yu Qiu, Zi Yang and other great gods in Dao Yuan Realm are the second echelon.

As for the arrogant Ni Cangqiong, he didn't even have the strength to raise his head in front of the big guys in the second echelon.

Today, people all over the world have learned a lot.

"Would you like to go out with me?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly said to Zhou Peng on the side.

Zhou Peng understood what Zhuo Bufan meant.

I thought he would refuse, but he nodded happily.

"This world is really big! We are too small."

"Nana, we should go out and see the scenery of the outside world."

Zhou Peng was inspired a lot today.

After seeing these legendary characters, he realized that his world was very wonderful.

Life is so short, why not live every day wonderfully?

"Where are you going?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Zhou Peng smiled and answered.

"Jie Tianshan!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing Zhou Peng's response.

Then, he laughed.

"I didn't expect that we were going the same way!"

Zhou Peng said, "Then let's go together!"

Zhou Peng knew that Zhuo Bufan was looking for Ni Cangqiong, so Zhuo Bufan must be going to Jie Tianshan.

And Zhou Peng didn't know where to go for a while, so he decided to go to Jie Tianshan.

In this way, the two can go together again.

He can also stay with Zhuoyue for a while.

Zhuoyue is his most outstanding work, and he wants to see how far his masterpiece can go.

"Well, you pack up and we will go to Jie Tianshan."

Zhuo Bufan was very happy to know that Zhou Peng was going to go with him.

Zhou Peng is an amazing genius puppeteer.

Zhuo Bufan also wants to ask him for more puppet knowledge.

And most importantly, Zhuoyue has just been born and needs to be constantly upgraded. Zhuo Bufan is obviously not as good as Zhou Peng in this regard.

So, he hopes Zhou Peng can help him upgrade Zhuoyue.

The fourth energy level is obviously not enough. Zhuo Bufan's goal is to upgrade Zhuoyue, who has a sacred heart, to the ninth energy level.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Zhou Peng nodded.

Then he began to pack his luggage and prepared to set off with Zhuo Bufan to Jietian Mountain.


On the other side, Meng Chanyi returned to Mazu Mountain.

Mazu Mountain is located in a hidden space.

There is a vast ocean in the space, and in the middle of the ocean there is a huge mountain range.

The mountain range is like a beautiful woman lying on her side on the sea.

This is the most famous holy place in Daluotian, Mazu Mountain.

Mazu Mountain is an independent world that Mazu transformed into after her death.

And this world is also the only small world that is not included in Daluotian.

It is a world of the same level as Daluotian.

And Zhuo Bufan's ultimate goal is to refine such an independent world like Mazu Mountain.

Meng Chanyi rushed back to Mazu Mountain impatiently, flying over several small islands along the way, and a junior sister flew up to greet her.

"Big sister, why didn't Junior Sister Wuqing come back with you?"

"Yes, senior sister, didn't you say you were going to bring Xiao Lao Ba back?"

Seeing a group of cute junior sisters surrounding her, Meng Chanyi smiled.

"I asked Xiao Lao Ba to go to Jietian Mountain."

"Ah? Senior sister, how could you let Junior Sister Wuqing go to Jietian Mountain?"

"Senior sister, do you want Junior Sister to fall in love with that unfaithful man again?"

"Senior sister, the Supreme Forgetting Love Record that Junior Sister is practicing cannot be emotional."

A group of junior sisters expressed their confusion about Meng Chanyi's behavior.

Meng Chanyi shook her head.

"No love, but love! Do you know what the last sentence of Tai Shang Wang Qing means? It means that the world has love!"

"Little Eight has refined her ruthlessness to the extreme. Now her realm is like a self-sealed iceberg for thousands of years. However, she only needs a little spring water and stars to melt the iceberg and return the world to spring. Break through her original shackles."

"If you guys don't work harder, I'm afraid you will never catch up with Little Eight."

The reason why Meng Chanyi asked Meng Wuqing to regain her former love is because she saw that this was an opportunity for Meng Wuqing to break through.

As a senior sister, she naturally wanted to see her junior sister better.

"Okay, my silly sisters, go back to practice! I'm going to see the master."

After Meng Wuqing finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and flew into an ancient temple in Mazu Mountain.

In the temple, there is a stone sculpture.

The statue is a woman in a long dress. This statue is very famous in the world because she is the statue of the Queen Wa.

Meng Wuqing came to the statue of Queen Wa and knelt on a cushion.

Then, she worshiped the statue eagerly.

"Master, tell me, is he back?"

"I can feel that he is back, right? He is really back."

Meng Chanyi bowed three times and kowtowed nine times to the statue, waiting for Queen Wa's response.

"Junior Brother Ni from Jietian Mountain has been to that world. I felt his breath on Junior Brother Ni."

"I also asked Emperor Fu. Although Emperor Fu did not admit it, his tone told me that he was back."

"He is still alive, I know he must be alive."

Two lines of tears fell from Meng Chanyi's eyes again.

If her junior sisters saw her like this, they would be shocked.

Because the eldest sister, who is extremely powerful and strong on weekdays, actually shed tears today.

You know, they have never seen Meng Chanyi cry.

Today, Meng Chanyi is obviously a little different from usual and has become a little uncalm.

At this moment, the statue of Wahuang suddenly appeared, and a beam of light hit Meng Chanyi's forehead.

"Chi'er, after so many years, you still can't forget him?"

Meng Chanyi smiled after hearing this.

Facing Wahuang's scolding, she smiled.

"Three lives and three worlds, never forget each other!"


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