Zhuo Bufan followed the fat man in red and fled to a closed basement.

"Okay, it's safe here. Can you give Nana to me now?"

The fat man in red stretched out his hand to Zhuo Bufan and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan handed the seriously injured puppet Nana to the other party.

As a result, as soon as the fat man in red took the puppet, he suddenly stretched out his hand and gestured towards the iron door.

Then the door that came in suddenly appeared with golden chain curses.

"Golden Soup Curse?"

Zhuo Bufan had studied curses for a whole year in the Jieying Gate, and he knew tens of thousands of curses in the curse encyclopedia.

This Golden Soup Curse is named as solid as a golden soup.

Once the Golden Soup Curse is applied, even a piece of paper can become an extremely sharp sword.

A wooden door can also withstand thousands of troops.

"It's still a third-level Golden Soup Curse! Do you want to trap me here?"

Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at the guy who cast the Golden Soup Curse, that is, the fat man in red.

The other party obviously made a fourth choice, which was to trap Zhuo Bufan.

"We're afraid you'll run away, so you just stay here obediently."

The fat man in red said coldly.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but get furious when he heard it.

"Is it fun to do this? I, Zhuo Bufan, always keep my word. Are you worried that I'll run away?"

Zhuo Bufan knew why the other party wanted to trap him, simply because they were afraid he'd run away

The fat man in red snorted when he heard it.

"It's not worry, it's certainty! You'll definitely run away."

"You've provoked the god of rebellion, and you'll have to deal with it."

Seeing that the fat man in red was so cautious, Zhuo Bufan had no doubts.

"Okay, I'll wait here for you until that guy comes to pick me up."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he folded his hands, walked to a fur recliner on the side and lay down.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan was completely rude, the fat man in red narrowed his eyes, and then he held the female puppet Nana and entered the operating room on the side.

He was in the operating room, repairing the female puppet.

"So, this female puppet was invented by this fat guy?"

"It's interesting. He can actually invent a puppet with self-awareness. He seems to be a smart fat guy."

"In addition, this guy's cultivation is probably at the Tianyuan realm. I am not his opponent."

"Sure enough, with my current strength, it is still a bit difficult to deal with people in the Tianyuan realm."

After analyzing his current situation, Zhuo Bufan gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

Not to mention that he couldn't break the opponent's Jintang Curse, the fat guy's Tianyuan realm cultivation alone gave him a headache.

Now, Zhuo Bufan only hopes that Ni Cangqiong can find him quickly.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has placed his future, an important chip, on Ni Cangqiong.

He believes that Ni Cangqiong is the one who will change his future.


After Zhuo Bufan was tied up by the fat man in red, the discussion of his message in the Soul Yuan Realm slowly cooled down.

More and more people believe that the person who posted this message is just a scoundrel who is trying to get attention. It is not worth mentioning, let alone investigating.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan's voice is not loud enough to attract the attention of Ni Cangqiong.

"It would be great if I could enter the Soul Realm."

Zhuo Bufan plans to go on stage himself, but he doesn't know how to go to the Soul Realm.

Unlike the Yunmeng Realm, you can directly use your soul to enter.

The Soul Realm requires special devices to enter.

It's like you need a computer and a mobile phone to surf the Internet.

The reason why Nana can enter the Soul Realm is because the fat man in red implanted a device to enter the Soul Realm in her body.

In this way, these puppets can learn knowledge in the Soul Realm.

"He should have a device that can connect to the Soul Realm in this place."

Zhuo Bufan got up and walked around the room. He found that this fat man in red was really not simple.

There was a shelf full of crystal trophies representing honor.

What is the first prize of the national puppeteer, the third prize of the global puppeteer competition, the second prize of the global puppet beauty contest...

"Is he a puppeteer?"

Zhuo Bufan learned about it when he was in Jieyingmen.

In the way of practicing curse seals, there is a branch called puppeteer.

It is to use curse seals and mechanical techniques to invent some artificial puppets, and these inventors are puppeteers.

The fat man in red is obviously a puppeteer, and his puppet is the beautiful girl, Nana!

"Puppet masters combine curse seals with mechanical techniques. I wonder if I can also create my own puppet."

Zhuo Bufan is temporarily unable to practice, so he must find another way to practice.

Puppet master is undoubtedly an option.

While the fat man in red was repairing Nana, Zhuo Bufan began to look through the bookshelf, wanting to learn how to make puppets.

After reading for a long time, Zhuo Bufan only learned some introductory knowledge.

"Puppets are divided into ordinary puppets and combat puppets."

"Combat puppets are also divided into strong and weak, and the levels are from level one to level nine, from weak to strong."

"Level nine puppets are also called ultimate puppets, which can be comparable to Daoyuan realm cultivators."

After reading the description of the combat puppets, Zhuo Bufan was greatly surprised.

"The ultimate puppet is actually comparable to Daoyuan realm cultivators, is it so powerful?"

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan began to continue reading. The more he understood, the more he felt that these puppets were not simple.

"The puppet core is made of the essence of the puppeteer's heart and blood. As long as the puppet core is not destroyed, the puppet will not die."

"The reason why the puppet obeys the puppeteer's orders is because of the existence of the puppet core."

"The puppet will never betray its master,"

"The more curses the puppet core fuses, the stronger the puppet will be."

"The puppet core can fuse almost all types of energy."

"The puppet level is divided according to the energy level of the puppet core."


Zhuo Bufan was fascinated by it, and gradually realized that puppets might really become his main way of cultivation at present.

"The strength of the puppet is not affected by the puppeteer's cultivation. Even the ultimate puppet can be controlled by a puppeteer with no cultivation."

"Legendary puppeteer Hu Ge, who controls the ultimate puppet, has no cultivation himself, but no one dares to underestimate it."

Zhuo Bufan learned that the strength of the puppet has nothing to do with the puppeteer's cultivation, but depends on the power of the curse imposed on the puppet core by the puppeteer.

"In the final analysis, a puppeteer is actually a seal master."

"It's just that there is a puppet as an external plug-in."

"Puppets are the essence of a puppeteer's lifelong study of seals."

"Fortunately, the year I spent at Jieyingmen was not in vain. I have been working hard to learn seals."

Zhuo Bufan felt a little happy.

He did not do nothing during the year at Jieyingmen.

In addition to creating his own skills, he spent more time learning seals.

Now Zhuo Bufan basically knows half of the recorded seals.

Of course, knowing the seals is one thing, but it is not easy to draw the seals.

After all, in order to draw the simplest star and moon seals, Zhuo Bufan spent one or two months to collect materials.

Therefore, learning seals is very expensive.

"At least, this is a way to practice. During this period when I can't practice, making puppets will be the best choice."

Zhuo Bufan has made a decision. He is ready to become a puppeteer.

It is obviously not that easy to become a puppeteer.

But Zhuo Bufan was lucky, because the fat man in red was a very powerful puppeteer.

Anyway, he was locked up by him now, so Zhuo Bufan planned to learn puppetry from this fat man.

Soon, the door of the operation room opened, and the fat man in red came out with a dark face.

"What are you doing?"

The fat man in red saw Zhuo Bufan standing in front of his bookshelf, so he immediately scolded him.

Zhuo Bufan answered when he heard it.

"Nothing, I just want to learn, how is she?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Nana with concern.

It would have been better if he didn't ask, but the fat man got even angrier when he asked.

"Humph, the cat cries over the mouse, who hurt Nana?"

"She was not good at fighting, and you were so cruel, it's really hateful."

The fat man in red scolded.

Zhuo Bufan just felt puzzled.

"I just wanted to protect myself, who would have thought that you would let a woman fight for you."

"Aren't you a Tianyuan realm cultivator yourself?"

Zhuo Bufan said sarcastically.

As a result, the fat man in red got even angrier.

"Stop talking nonsense. When the God of Rebellion comes, I will hand you over to him for disposal."

"When the time comes, whether you live or die has nothing to do with me."

The fat man in red didn't intend to get involved with Zhuo Bufan.

But Zhuo Bufan was going to rely on this guy.

"Hey, this fat man, how about discussing something with you?"

The fat man in red snorted when he heard it.

"I have nothing to say to you, and I don't want to have anything to do with you."

"Hey, hey, hey, I really want to discuss something with you. I want to learn puppetry!"

The fat man in red had a smug look on his face when he heard it.

"Oh? So you want to learn puppetry from me?"

Zhuo Bufan said without hesitation.

"That's right, can you teach me?"

"No, not everyone can learn puppetry. And I don't plan to teach you."

Zhuo Bufan obviously expected the fat man in red's answer.

"I guess you are afraid that I will learn puppetry and surpass you!"

"There is a saying that goes, teaching the apprentice will starve the master to death."

"Puppetry, even if you don't teach me, I can learn it."

Zhuo Bufan can see that this fat man in red is a very proud person.

Or, he is very proud and thinks that he is an unrivaled genius in puppetry.

And for such people, provocation is undoubtedly the most useful method.

Although, they will say on the surface-

"You don't need to provoke me, I will never be fooled. If you really have the ability, then learn it yourself!"

"I have all the puppetry books you want here, and I also learned it by myself."

"If you are awesome, then learn it yourself and show it to me."

"Well, I'll make a bet with you. I guarantee that as long as you can make a puppet core, I will teach you unconditionally."

Sure enough, geniuses are geniuses, and they like to show their talents.

"Well, you said it, I'll bet with you."

"As long as I make the puppet core, you must teach me puppetry unconditionally."

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

The fat man in red didn't answer Zhuo Bufan, but just folded his hands and returned to his operation room.

Zhuo Bufan's words reminded him, and he decided to upgrade Nana.

Although Nana can switch to combat mode freely now, she is only a second-level puppet, and can't even beat Zhuo Bufan, a small human realm.

He never thought of turning Nana into a combat puppet, he just wanted to keep her as a companion.

But after what happened to Zhuo Bufan, he had to upgrade Nana, and the most important thing was to make Nana stronger and give her the ability to protect herself.

So the fat man in red left again, but he had authorized Zhuo Bufan to browse the books here at will.

In fact, this was just a little idea of ​​the fat man in red.

Because in this way, Zhuo Bufan can stay here honestly and wait for the arrival of the anti-god.

Of course, he didn't believe that Zhuo Bufan could make a puppet core, after all, a puppet core is not something you can make just by wanting to make it.

In order to make a puppet core, he went through life and death several times and spent three years to make a crudely made puppet core.

The reason why he made that bet with Zhuo Bufan was naturally because he didn't believe that Zhuo Bufan could do it.

Even if Zhuo Bufan had that talent, I'm afraid that before he could make it, the Nishen would have arrived.

So the fat man in red did this, but it was just a delaying tactic to let Zhuo Bufan stay here honestly.

Of course, regardless of whether this was a delaying tactic of the fat man in red, Zhuo Bufan must make his puppet core.

Seeing the fat man in red walk into the operation room, Zhuo Bufan returned to the bookshelf and began to study puppetry seriously.

At the same time, in the distant Panhuang territory, there was an endless purple sea.

The color of this sea is purple, and at night, countless stars will be emitted from the sea, just like the Milky Way in the sky.

This is the famous Ziji Shenhai in the Panhuang territory.

The reason why this sea area glows with purple light is because there lives a great god of Daoyuan Realm above this sea area-Zi Yang!

Zi Yang, the great god of Daoyuan Realm, is the leader of the eighteen heroes of Panhuang, and is also the eldest brother of the Nishen Ni Cangqiong.

On Ziji Island in the middle of the sea, Zi Yang was playing chess with Ni Cang Qiong.

The chess they were playing was the Yin-Yang chess from the Yin-Yang world.

"Junior brother, every time you get into trouble outside, you hide here with me, senior brother. You don't really think your second senior brother doesn't know!"

"Senior brother, hide for one day at a time!"

"You kid, you swallowed the Haoyue that your second senior brother has been refining for three thousand years. Do you know that the Haoyue is the moon he uses to illuminate his Xuansang world?"

"Who told him not to teach me to refine the moon? My dark world has been dark for 100,000 years, without a single ray of light. Master taught you to refine the sun, taught the second senior brother to refine the moon, and taught other senior brothers and sisters to refine billions of stars, but I don't teach anything, only one eternal night."

"Junior brother, I am helpless, so I have to borrow the moon from the second senior brother."

"Haha, then are you going to borrow the sun from me this time?" Zi Yang looked at Ni Cang Qiong with a smile.

Ni Cang Qiong shook his head when he heard it.

"Junior brother, I don't dare."

"You don't dare? What else do you dare not do? You secretly ran to the forbidden world. Do you think Master doesn't know?"

When Zi Yang mentioned the forbidden world, Ni Cang Qiong was stunned.

The so-called forbidden world refers to all the yin and yang worlds of Zhuo Bufan.


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