Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1096: File Loading Crisis

When Zhuo Bufan woke up again, he found himself lying on a jade bed.

Not only was he naked, but he also had black crystal tubes inserted into his body.

"Baby, are you awake?"

The first person he saw when he woke up was the dead old woman, which turned Zhuo Bufan off.

Zhuo Bufan later discovered that these black crystal tubes were actually extracting the vitality from his body.

Not only the vitality, but also a power that is purer than the vitality.

Because of these crystal tubes, Zhuo Bufan now doesn't even have the strength to move, and is completely unable to move.

"Damn old woman, what do you want?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that he could not escape this time, and that he would definitely die.

Even if he was going to die, Zhuo Bufan planned to learn more secrets from this old woman.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan being so excited, the old woman quickly comforted him.

"Don't be anxious, little one. Don't let your anger break your body."

"You have to understand that now your body not only belongs to you, but also to His Majesty Yong Ye."

"Not long after, His Majesty Yong Ye will arrive here, and then you can offer your body to make a deal with His Majesty."

"His Majesty will make you incorporeal. Do you know how many people dream of this?"

From the old woman's words, Zhuo Bufan learned what kind of organization this Jieyinmen was.

They are all anti-human beings who want to become hollow bodies.

The vast majority of them are natives rather than Ascended.

They cannot choose their own birth, but in their hearts they envy the lives of the Xu clan.

So they joined this evil organization, and they dreamed of becoming a virtual tribe and becoming immortal beings.

They believe in the Xu clan and are willing to be their slaves.

This is what many people in this world really think.

Although in the Daluotian world, the human race is no weaker than the virtual race, for many people, humans are still too weak.

Human beings need a long time to practice before they can make a difference.

However, many people who want to take advantage of opportunities cannot wait that long.

There are many people who cannot cultivate the great path because their talents are not enough. So I want to be opportunistic.

To put it bluntly, these people are just anti-human cultists.

Zhuo Bufan knew what he would encounter next, so he seemed very calm.

At this time, the old woman began to reveal some secrets to him.

"Boy, mother-in-law, I don't mind telling you some secrets."

"Do you know what this black crystal is?"

The old woman pointed at the black crystal on Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan ignored her because he knew that the old woman would be unable to hold it in and tell him.

"Hey, hey, I might as well tell you, mother-in-law."

"This thing is called Chaos Crystal."

"Do you know what this Chaos Crystal does?"

Zhuo Bufan was silent, but the old woman was very conscious and continued.

"This chaos crystal is a carrier specially used to collect pure chaos energy."

"Don't you know what Chaos Pure Yuan is?"

"My mother-in-law will tell you again, the pure essence of chaos is the creation of the world. It is also the essence of vitality."

"The entire Daluotian was created by this pure element of chaos."

"The vitality of our world was born after Daluotian absorbed the pure energy of chaos from outside his world and then filtered it himself."

"All the vitality in this world is the product of the Great Luotian, so no matter how much humans practice, it is impossible to surpass this Great Luotian."

The old woman's words made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

It turned out that this old woman already knew the secret.

The vitality of this world is actually Daluotian. It absorbs the pure energy of chaos from the chaos outside the world and then transforms it into its own energy.

After the creatures in the world of Daluotian cultivate this kind of vitality, they will only be dominated by Daluotian in the end.

"Only those in the Saint Yuan realm can pass through the boundary wall of Daluotian and go outside the world to obtain the hard-won pure energy of chaos."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes showed surprise.

"So that's it. It turns out that there is such a thing as pure chaos energy in this world."

"If I can cultivate this, then I don't need to cultivate the vitality of this world."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly found his own way of cultivation.

When he was practicing before, he discovered that the vitality he cultivated was Da Luotian's vitality.

In this case, even if he cultivates his own world in the future, he will only be controlled by this heavenly way.

But Zhuo Bufan cannot be controlled by Daluo Tiantian Dao, he wants to transcend this world.

In this case, he would not be able to cultivate the vitality of this world.

But now that he is in the Great Luotian, it is impossible for him not to cultivate the vitality of this world.

Just when he was feeling sad, he didn't expect that this old woman would give him hope of practicing cultivation.

Since you can't cultivate the vitality within Daluotian, then cultivate the vitality outside Daluotian.

Chaos Crystal, with this Chaos Crystal, he can cultivate extraterrestrial energy.

In this case, the world Zhuo Bufan cultivates in the future will no longer be under the control of Da Luo Tian.

"God is really helping me, hahahaha!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled very wildly.

His laughter made the old woman a little confused.

"Boy, are you laughing so hard? Do you know that you are going to die?"

The old woman looked at Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan was unmoved.

"Now we just need to wait for the so-called His Majesty to come and see if we can learn anything from him."

"I must self-destruct before he invades my soul. Otherwise, I won't be able to load the file."

Zhuo Bufan started to make calculations.

His soul was invaded by the Mirror Master and temporarily resided in his soul, which made him unable to die and unable to load files.

Zhuo Bufan, who had been fooled once, would naturally not be fooled a second time.

So this time, he must die decisively.

"Old woman, your Majesty Yongye hasn't reached the Daoyuan realm yet!"

"He uses our bodies to absorb the pure energy of chaos, and then absorbs the energy in our bodies."

"It seems like he doesn't dare to directly absorb the pure energy of chaos. This should be the biggest shortcoming of the virtual body!"

Just as Zhuo Bufan was speculating, the temperature in the cave suddenly began to drop.

Not long after, a black smoke slowly drifted in from outside the cave.

"You are very smart, and you are indeed my best furnace."

The black smoke floated in front of Zhuo Bufan, and then slowly transformed into a human form.

When the old woman saw this, she immediately knelt down towards him.

"Welcome Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, please see, this is the cauldron we captured for you! Are you satisfied?"

The old woman had no human dignity in front of the Emperor of Eternal Night.

She knelt on the ground, motionless, with only admiration in her eyes.

The black smoke ignored her and flew around the tablecloth Fu'an.

"It is indeed a very good furnace!"

"As my cauldron, what are your last words? I can satisfy you."

This Emperor Yong Ye is not famous among the Xu clan.

In other words, he is relatively invisible and rarely appears in the eyes of the world.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan grinned and said.

"I really want to know, is what I just said right? You incorporeal bodies are afraid of this pure chaos, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked himself the last question.

After hearing this, the black smoke was silent for a moment, and then said.

"Yes, I can tell you that our virtual body is originally a ball of vitality. But we belong to Daluotian. If we encounter the pure energy of chaos, we will be completely assimilated. This is a kind of fatal injury."

"Then why do you want to absorb these pure chaotic elements?" Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

"In order to achieve the Daoyuan realm, if the Xu clan wants to reach the Daoyuan realm, they must absorb the original pure energy of chaos."

"What else do you want?"

"Can you please remove these Chaos Crystals from me?"

Zhuo Bufan said.

"Even if you don't tell me, I will remove these things. Otherwise, how can I intervene in your body?"

After Emperor Yong Ye finished speaking, he immediately asked the old woman to pull out the chaos crystal from Zhuo Bufan.

At that moment the old woman pulled out the last chaos crystal.

Suddenly the vitality in Zhuo Bufan's body began to run rampant.

"No, he's going to blow himself up!"

Emperor Yongye reacted immediately, but his reaction was still a step slow.

Almost instantly, Zhuo Bufan's body exploded completely and was completely destroyed.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to the archive space that he had not seen for a long time.

"That's great, I can still load files as expected."

"The three file-loading doors created by Ji Xuanhao are very powerful."

Zhuo Bufan was very happy. Even after arriving in Daluotian, his three save doors could still be used.

According to Emperor Xuan, this door of rebirth was built by Ji Xuanhao using the sacred object of the river of time.

The River of Time is a creation artifact that is not affected by Da Luotian.

Therefore, the Gate of Rebirth is not affected by the passage of time.

Coming to the loading space again, Zhuo Bufan looked at the three gates in front of him and fell into deep thought.

"It seems to be getting more dilapidated. I don't know how many more times it can be used."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the three gates in front of him and felt a little nervous.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was hesitating, a strange sound suddenly came from his ears.

"Found it, found you!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, he saw a huge black hand grabbing Zhuo Bufan from behind.

"What's this?"

Zhuo Bufan was startled, and almost without thinking, he rushed towards the first save door.

"I found you, I found you."

The black hand repeated those words, attacking Zhuo Bufan with a sense of great terror.

Zhuo Bufan was so scared that he ran away.


Zhuo Bufan ran as hard as he could, but his feet seemed to be stuck in the mud and he couldn't run.

Seeing that big black hand about to catch him.

At this critical moment, a golden holy sword fell from the sky.

It was a holy sword engraved with a golden dragon soul, and it actually traveled into Zhuo Bufan's archive space. Then he slashed decisively at the big black hand, nailing it directly to the ground.

"Let's go!"

The owner of the golden holy sword immediately shouted to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to think and ran towards the first save door.

He pushed open the door with all his strength, then got in with a whoosh, and got into the light.

Opening his eyes again, Zhuo Bufan found that the surrounding environment had completely changed.

In front of him was a familiar altar.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the altar and smiled.

"I'm back!"

The altar in front of him was the altar he had just ascended to.

This means that Zhuo Bufan has returned to the time when he first ascended to Daluotian.

Everything starts over, and Zhuo Bufan can no longer sit still and wait for death.

"What did the big black hand and the golden holy sword mean just now?"

"Is that big black hand the incorporeal Luotian?"

"Who is that golden holy sword?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little scared. He was almost caught by the scary big black hand. Fortunately, at the critical moment, a golden holy sword saved him.

"Ignore it for now, the first priority is to get out of here. The person in charge of the reception gate will be here soon."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and immediately chose to hide.

After his rebirth, it was naturally impossible for him to return to the reception gate again, so he ran to the back mountain as soon as possible before the other party arrived.

Run, run as fast as you can!

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that once he was captured, his fate could be imagined.

Soon, when the people who led the door arrived at the Ascension Altar, they did not find Zhuo Bufan on the altar.

"Hey, didn't the sect master say there is an ascendant? Why is there no one there?"

The person he was looking for had already fled.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know how long he ran, but he ran from day to night.

By the end he was lost in the dense forest.

Although the forest was full of dangers, Zhuo Bufan knew very well that he had escaped.

Next, Zhuo Bufan stopped escaping.

Now that we are safe, there is no need to run away.

He found a cave and hid it, preparing to retreat in the cave to raise his cultivation level to the peak of the Human Yuan Realm.

"You can't read files casually now!"

Zhuo Bufan hid in the cave and fell into deep thought.

After reading the file this time, Zhuo Bufan realized that his archive space was no longer absolutely safe.

In Da Luotian's world, it was easy for Xuexi Luotian to discover him.

"If I guessed correctly, that big black hand just now was the incorporeal Luo Tian. Now once I enter the archive space, I will definitely be discovered by that guy."

Zhuo Bufan was able to escape once, but that doesn't mean he can escape every time.

This time it was because of the help of the owner of the golden holy sword, but what about next time?

Therefore, for his own safety, Zhuo Bufan can no longer take risks.

"Start practicing!"

Zhuo Bufan did not continue to think too much, but decided to continue practicing.

At least he can now raise his cultivation level to the peak of the human element realm.

And he can continue to practice his breathing techniques.

Only by mastering Yuan Qi can he practice martial arts and have the power to protect himself in this crisis-ridden world.

Soon, three months passed!

When Zhuo Bufan walked out of the cave again, the aura on his body seemed to have undergone tremendous changes.

"Now, it's time to settle the score with those bastards!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he picked up an animal tooth spear and walked out of the cave.

He wants to pay back the debt from Jie Yinmen one by one!

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