Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1087 The Difficult Path of Cultivation

After Hongdieyi was warned by Master Yi, Hongdieyi finally stopped pestering Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan could still breathe a sigh of relief.

Hongdieyi, on the other hand, became angry with Zhuo Bufan and started to target him in everything.

During morning classes, Hong Dieyi would often mention some knowledge that Zhuo Bufan didn't know, making him embarrassed in public.

In normal training, she would ask Zhuo Bufan to do two or three times more training, which was called training him, because he was new and could not keep up with the courses.

As for training resources, she was extremely harsh on Zhuo Bufan, basically not giving him any training resources.

"Zhuo Bufan, this is the breathing method that the Peak Master asked me to give you."

Hongdieyi sent one of her male favorites to give Zhuo Bufan breathing techniques.

This male favorite is named Yuziji, and he comes from a world called the Shadow Realm.

He was the most powerful shadow god in that world, and he was reincarnated as a human after his ascension.

But he didn't expect that after arriving here, he discovered that the world was not so friendly.

In order to gain more training resources, he had to become Hongdieyi's male favorite.

To be honest, he refused in his heart.

After all, he is also the master of a realm, and he is inherently proud and proud.

However, here, he had to compromise for the sake of cultivation resources and could only succumb to the power of others.

All the pride and pride he once had were gone.

Zhuo Bufan took the breathing method from Yu Ziji's hand. He took a closer look and saw that it read - Ninth Grade, Xingyue Breathing Method!

Zhuo Bufan still knew what the ninth grade meant.

He had learned about the so-called breathing method in the past two days.

Breathing is the most important method to absorb vitality. Not only people, but any living body can breathe and can obtain spiritual energy from the air.

But ordinary breathing has a very weak absorption rate of vitality.

What ordinary people inhale with every breath is not only vitality, but also other air components.

After this breath enters the human body, it will be quickly transformed and then circulated out of the body.

Yuan Qi is different from oxygen. After oxygen enters the body, it can almost be converted into carbon dioxide and discharged. However, vitality is difficult to be absorbed by the body. After being inhaled into the human body, basically 99% of the vitality will be spit out again.

In order to retain more vitality in the body, the breathing method was born.

Breathing methods are also divided into levels. The lowest level is inhaling ten and spitting out nine. That is to say, for every breath of vitality that is taken into the body, 90% of it will be spit out, and the human body only absorbs 10%. This is the breathing method of sucking in ten and spitting out nine, which is also called the ninth level breathing method.

There is sucking ten and spitting out nine, then there is sucking ten and spitting out eight, sucking ten and spitting out seven, then spitting out six, spitting out five... all the way to the top level sucking ten without spitting out!

The corresponding grade divisions are ninth grade, eighth grade, seventh grade... first grade, god level!

Now one can imagine how weak the ninth grade breathing method is.

At Linzi Peak, students will generally be assigned appropriate breathing techniques based on their qualifications.

After all, if a breathing method that is too high-level is taught to students with lower qualifications, it will be difficult for the students to learn it and it will only be a waste of time.

Therefore, every student in the academy may learn different breathing techniques.

However, the vast majority of students' breathing methods are basically between the fourth and fifth grades. The most talented ones, there are even people who practice the third grade breathing method. But the lowest level is generally only the seventh-grade breathing method, and there are very few people who even practice the eighth-grade breathing method.

But now Hongdie Yi gave Zhuo Bufan the lowest level of ninth-grade breathing method. It can be said that it was too much to deceive others.

"The Peak Master asked me to give you another sentence. One must know how to advance and retreat. If you take a step forward, you will rise to great heights. If you take a step back, you will fall into an abyss. Are you advancing or retreating now?"

The words that Yu Zhiji brought were obviously to warn Zhuo Bufan.

Hongdie Yi is now using both soft and hard tactics, and has absolutely no intention of letting Zhuo Bufan go.

Zhuo Bufan has been unlucky for eight lifetimes and met such a woman.

However, Zhuo Bufan was not afraid of Hongdieyi's warning, but took the Xingyue Breathing Technique given by Yu Zhiji and turned around and left without hesitation.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's leaving figure, Yu Zhiji sighed helplessly.

Once upon a time, he was not as tough as Zhuo Bufan.

However, surviving in this world is definitely not as simple as imagined.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what Yu Ziji was thinking. He only knew that he couldn't succumb to Hongdie Yi.

He took the Ninth Grade Breathing Technique and returned to his Qinglian Residence.

Today's Qinglian Residence has been restricted by Master Ziyi, the master of the house. No one can enter this place except Zhuo Bufan.

The main purpose of doing this is to prevent red butterfly clothing.

After returning to Qinglianju, Zhuo Bufan spread out the Xingyue Breathing Technique he had just obtained.

After quickly scanning the breathing method, he frowned slightly.

"Can the Star and Moon Breathing Technique only be practiced at night?"

"Ninth level, inhale ten and exhale nine, which means that every time I take a breath, I can only absorb a part of the vitality."

"Compared to other people's breathing methods of inhaling ten and exhaling five, and inhaling ten and exhaling four, I am four or five times different from them."

"One day of cultivation for others is equivalent to four or five days of cultivation for me. In addition, this technique can only be practiced at night. It is equivalent to ten days of cultivation for others. This guy is really hateful."

Zhuo Bufan said, slamming his fist on the desk.

Obviously, Hongdieyi was deliberately trying to embarrass Zhuo Bufan.

She wanted Zhuo Bufan to beg for mercy from her and admit defeat.

The ninth-grade breathing method is the lowest breathing method. It can be said that no one will practice this breathing method because it is a waste of time for them.

However, the Nine-Rank Breathing Method is not completely useless.

Because the lower the level of the breathing method, the easier it is to practice and understand.

For people like Zhuo Bufan who have just entered Daluotian, this ninth-level breathing method is actually the most suitable for him to practice.

Although Zhuo Bufan was a little angry, he regained his composure after venting his anger.

"Even if it's the ninth-grade breathing method, I still want to practice it to the Tianyuan realm."

Zhuo Bufan now just wants to cultivate to the Tianyuan realm as soon as possible.

In this way, he can leave this ghost place and escape from the clutches of Hongdieyi.

Ever since, Zhuo Bufan regained his composure.

He picked up the Star and Moon Breathing Method in front of him again, and next he was going to study the secrets of this method.

"This Star and Moon Breathing Technique can only be practiced at night. It's getting dark. Try it later."

Zhuo Bufan took the Xingyue Breathing Technique and came to a bluestone platform beside the lotus pond.

Watching the sunset, Zhuo Bufan found that the scroll in his hand began to emit a faint light.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan began to pick up the scroll and read it carefully.

"To practice the Star and Moon Breathing Technique, you need to carve the Star and Moon Curse Seal between your eyebrows in order to absorb the energy under the stars and moon."

"Star and Moon Curse Seal?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at a pattern on the scroll.

The pattern is a ring in the middle, surrounded by six hexagonal symbols.

Obviously, this is the Star and Moon Curse Seal.

"Is it enough to draw the star and moon curse seal between the eyebrows?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"It shouldn't be that simple, otherwise anyone could practice."

Zhuo Bufan was suspicious, and then he saw a line of small words under the scroll.

The small print reads:

The Star and Moon Curse Seal ink is specially used to carve the Star and Moon Curse Seal.

Specific materials include: moon dew, star stone, badou ink, and Juyuan gold.

It turns out that if you want to carve the Star and Moon Curse Seal, you need special Star and Moon Curse Seal ink.

The Xingyue Curse Seal Ink requires special materials.

"There are books in the house. Let's check what the four materials are!"

Zhuo Bufan became interested and did not feel irritated by the tedious work.

On the contrary, the power of the curse seal suddenly made him think of another way, and he planned to find another way.

"Let's find out what the curse seal is first!"

Zhuo Bufan started to check the books, and soon he found the explanation of the curse seal.

Curse Seal: The totem power from the ancient human race. From the beginning of time immemorial, human beings believed in totems and used special pen and ink to depict the objects of faith into patterns. Over hundreds of millions of years, these patterns have received worship and belief from countless believers, gained divine power, and been recognized by heaven. Heaven has given these patterns power, which are curse seals.

"It turns out that the curse seal is a power recognized by heaven. It is very similar to the talisman in the world of cultivation."

The curse seal reminded Zhuo Bufan of the power of the spell.

Of course, the power of a spell is far from comparable to that of a curse seal.

After all, the power of the curse seal is a power recognized by Daluo Tiantian Dao.

"The complete collection of curse seals, you can take a good look at this!"

Zhuo Bufan saw a collection of curse seals on the bookshelf, which contained detailed records of 33,300 curse seal patterns and the specific materials needed to carve these curse seals.

To put it bluntly, curse seal is a power that everyone can master.

If you want to carve a curse seal, you only need three steps!

The first step is to find the required materials for the curse seal.

It's like refining elixirs. Different elixirs require different alchemy ingredients.

The second step is to use a certain amount of energy.

Carving the curse seal requires energy. Stay away from the equivalent medium and activate the power of the curse seal.

The third step is to draw the corresponding pattern.

Each type of curse seal has a completely different pattern. Different curse seals require different patterns.

"It's a bit complicated! I need to find the materials first, and then have someone help me draw them. Right now, I don't have Yuan Power."

Zhuo Bufan is not far away now, so even if he finds all the materials, he cannot draw the Star and Moon Curse Seal.

"Looks like I need a helper."

Zhuo Bufan realized that he could no longer fight alone.

He needs to find someone to cooperate with and then embark on the path of cultivation as soon as possible.

In fact, as long as Zhuo Bufan goes to look for Hongdieyi, she will draw the star and moon curse seal for Zhuo Bufan, without even needing Zhuo Bufan to find the materials himself.

However, Hongdieyi has evil intentions against Zhuo Bufan, so Zhuo Bufan naturally cannot take the initiative to sneak into the tiger's mouth.

It can be said that Hongdieyi has set up many obstacles for Zhuo Bufan.

"First find all the materials you need. Once you have all the materials, you can then find someone to help."

Zhuo Bufan said and began to look up the four materials.

The first is to collect moon dew——

Moon dew is actually dew at three or four o'clock in the morning. They absorb the moonlight all night, so their power contains the essence of the moon.

Next is the star stone——

Star stone is a very common ore in Daluotian. This ore is characterized by a deep blue color and is filled with countless light points. These light points are a substance called star particles. They can absorb the power of stars. It is a natural energy substance. Many buildings are made of star stones.

Then there are the Badou Mo——

Badou ink is the ink produced by a fish called Badou, which belongs to the cuttlefish species. The characteristic of the eight betta fish is that each of its eight tentacles has the word "fight" in it.

Finally, Juyuanjin——

Juyuan gold is a relatively rare metal ore. This dark gold color can condense and absorb vitality.

Juyuan gold is also a necessary material for all seal masters.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the four materials written in the book and frowned slightly.

Although he understood these four materials, he didn't recognize them at all. How to find them?

"It seems that I can't do it alone. I need to find a partner."

Zhuo Bufan realized that it would be difficult for him to continue practicing alone, so he needed the help of a partner.

So the next thing Zhuo Bufan had to do was to find a partner.

It was obviously not that easy to find a partner.

Now the whole academy is basically avoiding him.

It's very simple to be willing, because the peak master Hong Dieyi has warned everyone.

Now no one is willing to help Zhuo Bufan, because doing so is likely to bring trouble to themselves.

No one will make things difficult for themselves, so they basically took a detour when they saw Zhuo Bufan these two days.

Even when doing morning classes, no one was willing to get close to him.

What made Zhuo Bufan speechless was that he didn't even have a teacher of his own. He was completely isolated.

Zhuo Bufan never expected that he would encounter so many obstacles when he came to Daluotian and the territory of Queen Wa with joy.

The indifference and threats from others made Zhuo Bufan's practice in this world difficult.

Zhuo Bufan felt the deep malice of this world. He could only collect the moon dew day and night.

Later, he found some star stones under the doorplate of Linzi Peak.

He had found two of the four materials for engraving the star and moon curse.

But he had no idea about the remaining two.

He was almost confined to Qinglianju.

Because now no matter where he went, everyone avoided him.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan was completely isolated.

"Hey, it's been almost half a month since I came to Linzi Peak. There has been no progress in my cultivation."

"Not only that, I can't even leave Linzi Peak now. That woman is trying to control me here."

Zhuo Bufan now regrets a little.

He regrets that he shouldn't have come to the Wahuang Territory, and shouldn't have come to this country where women's rights are supreme.

He respects women, but the premise is that women also respect him.

But now Zhuo Bufan doesn't feel the slightest respect.

He is now like a bird in a cage, without freedom and no future.

"It's so sad! I am the world god of the Yin and Yang world, but now I am locked up here. It's a great shame."

Zhuo Bufan now understands a little why Yu Ziji is willing to be Hong Dieyi's male favorite.

Because compromise can have a future.

Yu Ziji also came this way.

At the beginning, he also had his own pride, but after many years, he had to be defeated by reality.

In the end, he could only compromise and become Hong Dieyi's male favorite.

For Zhuo Bufan, the real hardship has just begun.

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