Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1060 Return to Hell (Long Chapter)

After integrating the Hell Tree, Zhuo Bufan was finally one step closer to his plan to unify the Yin and Yang world.

Now, he is the world god of the three worlds of the real world, the underworld, and the underworld.

Only the power of the Yang world and the virtual world has not been integrated.

And the power of the Yang world tree and the virtual world tree is now in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan is now closer to his goal in his previous life than ever before.

His previous life, Ji Xuanhao, had a lifelong wish to become the world god of the Yin and Yang world.

In order to achieve this wish, he even went through reincarnation in the end.

Now Zhuo Bufan is getting closer and closer to this goal.

Only the Yang world and the virtual world have not been integrated, so what Zhuo Bufan has to do next is to integrate the Yang world and the virtual world first.

When he came out of the Tianxuan Tower, the outside world had only spent three days.

When Zhuo Bufan returned to Meicheng again, he was surprised to find that Yaya had grown taller.

"Daddy, you're back."

As soon as he returned to Meicheng, Yaya rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that Yaya seemed to have grown taller.

"Yaya, have you grown up?"

Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that in just three days, Yaya seemed to have grown from two years old to five years old.

At this time, Bai Su and Xuan Su came out of the house and said.

"Since the Boundless Tree was taken away by her husband, Yaya has resumed her growth."

"She is one year older every day. I believe that it won't be long before she grows up to be a graceful young lady."

Bai Su was very happy. Yaya was bound by the Hell Tree, which prevented her from growing up.

Now that the Hell Tree has been taken out by Zhuo Bufan, Yaya will no longer be bound.

In the future, she can grow up like a normal person, and then grow up, marry as a wife, and live a happy life of her own.

Therefore, for Zhuo Bufan, taking out the Hell Tree in Yaya's body is definitely a two-birds-at-one-stone result.


Next, Zhuo Bufan stayed with his family for a while.

During this period, Zhuo Bufan tried to integrate the world power of the Void Tree and the Gate of Wonders every day.

However, what made Zhuo Bufan frown was that both the Gate of Wonders and the Void World Tree seemed to have paid attention to him.

Although Zhuo Bufan repeatedly emphasized that he could become the patron saint of the Yang World and the Void World.

But no one could resist him from the two world powers.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to force the fusion, but was rejected by the Gate of Wonders.

The Void World Tree directly attacked Zhuo Bufan and extracted the power of other worlds from Zhuo Bufan's soul.

This made Zhuo Bufan dare not easily merge the Void World Tree for a while.

The Void World Tree may have a trap left by its previous owner, the Mirror Master.

Zhuo Bufan decided to leave the Void World Tree until the end for absorption.

Now he just wants to merge with the Gate of Wonders, that is, the world power of the Yang World.

After all, he had obtained the inheritance of the Xuanzu of the Taixuan Sect. According to reason, he should be recognized by the Gate of Wonders and merge with it.

However, the Gate of Wonders ignored Zhuo Bufan. No matter how Zhuo Bufan communicated with it, the other party had no intention of merging.

This made Zhuo Bufan feel a little annoyed. He wondered if the Gate of Wonders was really the world power of the Yang World.

After months of research, Zhuo Bufan was helpless in the end.

Whether it was the Gate of Wonders or the Void World Tree, he was helpless, let alone merging with them.

In desperation, Zhuo Bufan decided to return to the Yang World to see if he could find any other way.

After all, the Gate of Wonders was the world power of the Yang World. Perhaps returning to its original world, it would recognize Zhuo Bufan more.

Moreover, his master was still in the Yang World.

Zhuo Bufan could learn about the Gate of Wonders from Emperor Xuan Jiang Taixuan.

So Zhuo Bufan had to go to the Yang World.

After dealing with the matter of the Crazy Sect, Zhuo Bufan decided that it was time to return to the Yang World.

This time when he returned to the Yang World, Zhuo Bufan planned to bring Bai Su and Yaya.

He handed over the affairs of the cultivation world to Zifan and Zi Nian.

As for Xuan Su, it was impossible for her to go to the Yang World with Zhuo Bufan before the hostile law was lifted.

Moreover, Xuan Su needed to stay and guard the underworld for Zhuo Bufan and be her queen of the underworld.

Xuan Su had no complaints about this. Anyway, with the existence of the Queen Wa Love Seal, they would always be connected.

Even if they wanted to be at the ends of the earth, they could still feel each other's existence.

For Xuan Su, her life was enough.

Finally, it was time to decide to leave.

"Zifan, Zi Nian, the cultivation world is now handed over to you two brothers and sisters."

"You brothers and sisters must help each other and protect the cultivation world well."

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan also put Meicheng into his Xuan Gu Ring.

After he left, the cultivation world was completely handed over to Zifan and Zi Nian.

Although Bai Zifan is not the strongest existence in the cultivation world, he is a very majestic existence in the cultivation world.

Because his father is Zhuo Bufan, the world god of the cultivation world.

Whether it is the ancient clan or the major cultivation sects, they are very convinced of Bai Zifan.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has no worries.

Afterwards, he took Xuansu, Baisu and Yaya and left the world of cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan decided to go from the world of cultivation to the underworld, then to hell, and finally return to the world of the living.

After all, he didn't have the Shanhai Mirror in his hand, so he couldn't go back to the world of the living directly.

In addition, the true power of the Chaos Clock has not yet been fully activated, so Zhuo Bufan is still unable to use the power of the Chaos Clock to travel through various world planes.

When they arrived in the underworld, Zhuo Bufan did not stay long and chose to say goodbye to Xuan Su.

"Xuansu, I will leave the underworld to you. I will be back soon."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't leave with Xuan Su, so he had to stay in the underworld with Xuan Su.

Zhuo Bufan took Bai Su to hell.

The hell world is a divided world between the Yang Realm and the Yin Realm, and it is also the only way for Zhuo Bufan to return to the Yang Realm.

As the world god of the three worlds of the real world, the underworld, and hell, he can easily travel through the world walls of the three worlds.

After passing through the world walls of the underworld and hell, Zhuo Bufan finally returned to hell.

The hell world, this slave world that was once under the rule of the King of Hell, began to explode and be liberated after the death of the King of Hell.

However, with the emancipation of slaves, war swept the world.

Nowadays, the hell world is in a state of chaos, with wars raging everywhere.

When Zhuo Bufan came to hell, he found that hell had really become hell.

There were flames of war and corpses everywhere, and the air was even filled with the smell of corpses.

Bai Su was dressed in white and wore a veil, covering her stunning beauty.

She held Yaya's hand and followed Zhuo Bufan, walking on a desolate desert road.

There used to be an ancient city here, but now it had been burned down in the flames of war. Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

"I finally understand why the Hell Tree agreed to merge with me."

"It must feel the pain of hell, and it needs me to help hell escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that World Tree would not easily integrate with people.

The first time he merged with the World Tree was when he was in the world of cultivation.

At that time, the world of cultivation encountered the greatest crisis in history, that is, the attack of the demon Ni Qiong.

In order to save the world of cultivation from water and fire, the True World Tree took the initiative to merge with its host Zhuo Bufan, achieving Zhuo Bufan's status as a world god in the world of cultivation.

The second time the Yin Realm tree was fused, it was because the Yin Realm and the True Realm had been fighting for years and had been exhausted.

Coupled with the war between the gods triggered by the battle between Zhuo Bufan and the Yin Emperor, the entire Yin world was fragmented.

The underworld tree also felt the crisis in the underworld, so it agreed to merge with Zhuo Bufan.

As for the third Hell Tree, it was after feeling the pain of hell that it merged with Zhuo Bufan.

Only after Zhuo Bufan came to hell did he understand all this.

Hell has no owner, so it returns to the barbaric era.

Everyone is constantly trampling on this land for their own selfishness.

The most heartbreaking thing is this little world of hell.

The originally small world has begun to disintegrate under the dazzling power of all parties.

Someone needs to create hell, someone needs to save it, and someone needs to save the world from suffering.

So, Zhuo Bufan is here, and he returns with the power of the entire hell world.

"Husband, where are we going now?"

Bai Su looked at the devastated land in front of him, and then asked Zhuo Bufan who was standing aside.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan stood with his two fingers together, slightly bent, and then nodded between his eyebrows, as if in meditation.

Soon, he remembered someone in his mind.

"Dawn, Chu Fan!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Bai Su's hand and said.

"let's go."

The next second, Zhuo Bufan, Bai Su and Yaya disappeared from the spot.

When they appeared again, they came to a cottage hidden in the mountains and old forests.

Zhuo Bufan's sudden appearance shocked the guards in the village.


The guards discovered Zhuo Bufan who suddenly appeared in the courtyard, and quickly surrounded them.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

"This is the Dawn Organization, right? It was founded by the legendary Valkyrie Yi Meng. The current leader should be Chu Fan, right?"

Zhuo Bufan spoke, not knowing who he was talking to.

However, everyone present frowned when they heard what Zhuo Bufan said about Yi Meng and Chu Fan.

"Who are you? How do you know the name of our leader?"

"You are not a spy sent by King Thunder, are you? Brothers, prepare to fight."

Each of these guards held long knives in their hands and surrounded Zhuo Bufan's family.

One of them, Zhuo Bufan, was a spy sent by the enemy.

Just when the two sides were at war with each other, a woman walked out of a wooden building in the village.

The woman was wearing a blue dress and looked somewhat heroic.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, she was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

"You, are you the master of the door?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled when he saw this.

"The girl is..."

When the woman heard this, she said excitedly.

"I'm A Li! Sister Meng, Sister Meng's little sister A Li."

"It was you who saved us all back in Luoli Bay, don't you remember?"

As soon as the other party mentioned Sister Meng, Zhuo Bufan immediately thought of Yi Meng.

When Zhuo Bufan first came to the world of hell, he did save some little girls.

The leader among them is Yi Meng, who is now Chu Mubai's wife.

Later, Zhuo Bufan took Yimeng and the others to establish a new mad gate in hell.

Yi Meng is still in the Crazy Gate, and has set up a women's team.

Zhuo Bufan vaguely remembers that Yi Meng does have a few little sisters, one of whom is called Ali.

"I remember, there seems to be a little girl named Ali, how come you are here?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ali and said.

Ali quickly replied after hearing this.

"To answer the Sect Master, after Sister Yi Meng sent me to the Dawn Organization, I stayed here later, specifically responsible for transmitting intelligence information between the Crazy Gate and the Dawn Organization."

"After you left this world, I stayed in the Dawn completely, and followed Lord Chu Fan to fight for tomorrow."

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this and said.

"Very good, in that case, Chu Fan will be in here!"

Zhuo Bufan said while looking at the wooden building in front of him.

"Yes, Sect Master, you are back just in time, come and see Lord Chu Fan, he has been cursed by the Thunder God of Thunder, and he is in danger."

After Ali finished speaking, he quickly took Zhuo Bufan into the wooden building.

When they entered the wooden building, they saw many witch doctors in long robes dancing exorcism dances.

They held bells in their hands, which kept ringing.

They were mumbling some spells.

One of the witches hurried forward to stop them after seeing Ali bringing Zhuo Bufan in.

"Who did you bring in? Get out, get out!"

"It's time for rituals now, no one can be brought in."

The witch stopped Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Ali saw this and hurried forward to say.

"Grandma Sun, this is the leader of our Kuangmen. He can save Lord Chu Fan. Believe me."

Ali believed in Zhuo Bufan, because in her mind, the leader of Kuangmen, Zhuo Bufan, was omnipotent.

When the witch heard this, she looked at Zhuo Bufan with a suspicious look, and then said in a daze.

"Impossible, no one can save the Thunder King's Thunder God Curse. Unless we find the Thunder King to remove the curse."

"The previous Fire King died from the Thunder King's Thunder God Curse. This Thunder God Curse is extremely harmful and specifically hurts the soul. We are powerless to save him. There is no medicine to cure him."

Grandma Sun sighed. She didn't believe that anyone in this world could save Chu Fan.

"Grandma Sun, just believe me. Let me take the leader in to see!"

A Li kept begging the witch.

This witch has a high status in the Dawn Organization, second only to the leader Chu Fan.

Just as Ali was begging, suddenly a little witch ran out from the inner door and shouted.

"Leader, passed away!"

When the witch shouted that the leader passed away, everyone present was stunned.

Passing away means death.

Chu Fan died just now.

"Sir, sir, sir!"

Ali obviously had a special feeling for Chu Fan. When she heard that Chu Fan had passed away, she rushed in like crazy.

The old witch also quickly led others into the inner room.

"Let's go and take a look!"

Zhuo Bufan said, and took Bai Su into the cabinet.

In the inner room, Chu Fan was pale and lying on the ground with a cold body.

A circle of witches knelt around him, silently praying for him.

Ali fell on Chu Fan's body with tears soaking her clothes.

"Sir, if you leave, Ali will not live alone."

After Ali finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out a dagger from his waist, and then slashed towards his neck with lightning speed.

"Not good, stop her quickly."

Seeing this, Grandma Sun immediately dealt with it.

However, she had no time to stop it, because Ali's knife had already landed on her neck.

At the critical moment, Ali froze in place, unable to move.

"Don't seek death all the time, let me see!"

At this time, Zhuo Bufan slowly walked into the house and took the dagger from Ali's hand.

"Master, let me go! I am already the master's person. I am his person in life and his ghost in death. I can't live alone."

Ali said infatuatedly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan squeezed hard, and the dagger in his hand turned into dust.

"If you die, I will revive him. What if he sees you dead and also seeks death?"

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Ali's beautiful eyes widened.

"Master, what did you just say? Can you save Master Chu Fan?"

Ali asked incredulously.

The old witch behind him snorted.

"Impossible, the dead cannot be resurrected, you can't desecrate the body of our leader."

Zhuo Bufan looked back at the witch and smiled when he heard it.


"Sorry, it's not his time to die yet."

"Resurrect in my name!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he mobilized the world power of hell and just waved his sleeves over Chu Fan.

The next second, the dead Chu Fan suddenly opened his eyes. He was alive!

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

"Alive, alive?"

"The leader is alive, the leader is alive."

The little witch who was responsible for the announcement ran out happily and announced the news of the leader's resurrection again.

The members of the Dawn Organization who had already knelt outside the door rushed into the wooden building excitedly after hearing this.

Chu Fan was resurrected. In front of everyone, he was completely resurrected.

A Li was stunned, and the witch was even more dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? Resurrection from the dead, really resurrection from the dead!"

The witch couldn't believe it, she was completely dumbfounded looking at Zhuo Bufan.

She had underestimated Zhuo Bufan before, but she didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to be so powerful, he was simply a god.

"I, what happened to me?"

The resurrected Chu Fan looked at himself, and was also a little incredible.

"I remember I seemed to be dead."

He knew that he was dying in pain. Even though there were too many unwillingness, he couldn't resist the invasion of death.

"Is it you, the leader of the Crazy Sect?"

Chu Fan looked at Zhuo Bufan on the side, showing an unbelievable look.

He didn't expect that he would be able to see Zhuo Bufan one day.

"Haha, Brother Chu, how are you!"

Zhuo Bufan saw Chu Fan wake up, raised his hand, clasped his fist and said.

Once upon a time, they fought side by side.

Unexpectedly, time has passed, and the world has changed.

When he saw Chu Fan again, he almost died.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan arrived in time and resurrected him.

Zhuo Bufan's purpose of resurrecting Chu Fan was also very simple. Next, he wanted to change the world, and the world needed a brand new leader.

And Chu Fan was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate in Zhuo Bufan's mind.

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