Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1049 Ragnarok (Part 1)

When Yin Huang crossed the void and appeared above the sky of the Demon Sea, he saw Zhuo Bufan, a man who surprised him greatly.

"Who are you?"

Yin Huang looked at Zhuo Bufan unexpectedly and said.

He felt a powerful world power on Zhuo Bufan that was not weaker than his own.

"Did Yin Queen give you her power?"

Yin Huang was a little bit unbelievable.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and pointed at Yin Huang.

"Yin Huang, today, I am here to take back what belongs to me."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Yin Huang glared at him.

"Your things? Who are you?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled coldly and said.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is the world power in your body, which originally belonged to me."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly activated the world power of the underworld to suppress Yin Huang.

Yin Huang saw this and suddenly thought of something.

"Could it be, could it be that you are that man?"

The Yin Emperor suddenly realized that the man was the one who devoured the Yin Realm Tree of the Yin Realm.

But the Yin Realm Tree did not recognize him, and in the end half of the power of the Yin Realm Tree escaped from his body.

At that time, the Yin Emperor was just a little dragon god, and he accidentally obtained half of the escaped world power, and thus became the current Yin Emperor.

"Hahaha, it's you, that's why. No wonder that stupid woman Xuan Su gave you all her power."

"Boy, do you think you can defeat me?"

"I understand, you want to get another half of the divine power, so that you can achieve your evil purpose of unifying the underworld at once!"

"Boy, I can only say that you are too complacent. You came at the right time. Since you are looking for death, I can legitimately take back the other half of your power."

"Let the world know that I am the only world god in the underworld."

"After obtaining your other half of power, I will first wipe out the cultivation world, unify the virtual world, and finally invade the Yang world."

"My wish to unify the entire Yin and Yang world is just around the corner."

The Yin Emperor began to get excited. In his opinion, Zhuo Bufan was just a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Originally, he had the idea of ​​plundering Xuan Su's other half of the world power, but Xuan Su, as the southern world god, had many supporters.

In addition, he has been fighting with Emperor Xuan of Jingyuan, so Emperor Yin has never had the opportunity to implement his ambitions and plans.

But recently, Emperor Yin found that Jingyuan suddenly disappeared in the Yin Realm, and Emperor Xuan and his men also suddenly disappeared.

During this period, Emperor Yin has been looking for Emperor Xuan and his men.

But Emperor Xuan was not found, and unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan suddenly jumped out.

And this guy actually has the other half of the world power of the Yin Queen.

This is simply God's help for him to become the God of the World!

So, Emperor Yin suddenly attacked Zhuo Bufan.

Suddenly, a huge hand that covered the sky attacked Zhuo Bufan and drilled into Zhuo Bufan's chest, trying to take away the other half of the Yin Realm Tree power in Zhuo Bufan's body.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan took the same approach.

A black arm directly inserted into the body of Emperor Yin and began to absorb the power of the Yin Realm Tree in the body of Emperor Yin.

For a while, the two sides began to enter a crazy tug.

Zhuo Bufan pulled out the power of the Yin Realm Tree in Emperor Yin.

On the other side, Yin Huang pulled out the power of Yinjie Tree in Zhuo Bufan's body.

The two sides pulled each other, evenly matched, and fell into a stalemate.

Xuan Su was right, their strength was equal, and this was destined to be a tug-of-war with no winner.

What really affected the outcome of this battle was the supporting gods of both sides.

Sure enough, just when the tug-of-war between the two sides began.

Yin Huang seemed to have been prepared.

He stretched out his hand and waved it to the sky, and saw pieces of jade cards appeared in front of him.

On these jade cards, the names of some gods were written.

Yin Huang pointed at one of the jade cards and shouted.

"Where is the God of Fire?"

As soon as the voice fell, a ball of divine fire flew out of the jade card.

The next second, a god with a burning body appeared in the air.

He was covered with divine fire all over his body, and even his hair was burning fiercely.

Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, seven orifices are emitting fire, it is completely a fire man.

"Fire God, kill him for me."

Yin Huang shouted to the Fire God.

After hearing this, the Fire God looked at Zhuo Bufan who was opposite Yin Huang, and then said.

"Fire God obeys your order!"

Then, the Fire God raised his hands and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Raised his hands and clapped, a huge fire rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Are you the Fire God? Just in time!"

Zhuo Bufan promised the Lord of Qian Yu that he would kill the Fire God.

He also took out the Ten Thousand Gods Scroll, and the moment the scroll was opened.

The light shone everywhere, and the divine sound was turbulent.

On the scroll, the names of the gods began to flash bright divine light.

"Where is the Water God?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed at the name of the Water God.

To deal with the Fire God, you have to use the power of the Water God.

As soon as the voice fell, a goddess in a blue skirt flew out from the name of the Water God.

She was dressed in a misty blue dress, and the water color was all over her body, which was very fascinating.

The water god had written his name on this list, and Zhuo Bufan could use it at will.

When the fire god's sea of ​​fire rushed over, the raging waves of the water god rushed back.

For a moment, the raging fire and the raging water rushed together, and the powerful divine power shook the earth.

Seeing this scene, the Yin Emperor was stunned.

"Water God, you dare to betray me? Do you know what you are doing?"

The Yin Emperor did not expect that the Water God would actually stand on Zhuo Bufan's side.

He began to realize that Zhuo Bufan might have come prepared!

"Rebellion should die!"

"Earth God, Mountain God, Poison God, Night God, Star God..."

The Yin Emperor was angry, and he began to light up the jade cards in front of him one by one.

Every time a jade card was lit, a god appeared out of nowhere.

In just a moment, half of the sky where the Yin Emperor was was filled with hundreds of gods.

And Zhuo Bufan on the opposite side saw this and did not show weakness.

He fully unfolded the scroll in front of him, and then called out the name of each god on the scroll.

"Wood God, Flower God, Thunder God, Rain God, Sun God, Lord of Yin Beasts, Lord of Qianyu..."

Every time Zhuo Bufan called out a name, a god appeared behind him.

One powerful god after another, with a shocking aura, completely covered the entire sky.

Zhuo Bufan summoned thousands of gods in one breath.

This time, the power of the Yin Emperor and the gods summoned by Zhuo Bufan were completely comparable.

The Yin Emperor was stunned when he saw this scene.

"How could it be? How is it possible?"

"Why do you guys want to submit to him?"

"And you, when did you gather so many people?"

The Yin Emperor looked at the gods behind Zhuo Bufan, obviously a little bit unbelievable.

He didn't expect that there were so many gods supporting Zhuo Bufan.

And when did Zhuo Bufan gather so many supporters?

All of a sudden, almost all the gods in the Yin world were divided into two camps and began to confront each other.

A twilight of the gods is about to come!


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