Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1045: Seeing the giant beast again (IG is awesome)

Zhuo Bufan accepted Xuan Su's suggestion and prepared to go to the Chaos Sea to find the origin soil of the underworld tree.

The Netherworld Tree once lived on the original soil of the Chaos Sea, but was found by Ji Xuanhao and swallowed in one gulp.

The underworld tree was swallowed, but the original soil remained in the sea of ​​chaos.

After the underworld tree left its original soil, it began to go berserk and began to resist crazily in Ji Xuanhao's body.

In the end, Ji Xuanhao was unable to suppress the power of the underworld tree and almost died.

As a last resort, Ji Xuanhao vomited out half of the power of the underworld tree.

As a result, half of the power was later obtained by the current Yin Emperor.

The other half of the power also began to run rampant in Ji Xuanhao's body, and Ji Xuanhao could not suppress it at all.

In the end, Xuan Su used his body to transfer the power of the underworld tree.

This also created the current Yin Queen.

So all of this actually stems from the fact that Ji Xuanhao underestimated the power of the underworld tree back then.

Only those recognized by the Netherworld Tree can obtain his power.

However, Ji Xuanhao was not recognized by the underworld tree, and this led to the current right and wrong.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan felt that Xuan Su's words made sense. Perhaps the original soil of the Chaos Sea could help him successfully conquer the Yin World Tree.

So he rushed to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The Chaos Sea, located in the center of the Demon Sea, is actually a huge whirlpool with a diameter of nearly ten miles.

In the whirlpool, there was chaos and darkness.

This was where the Netherworld trees grew.

Looking at the huge vortex below, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

This reminded him of the maelstrom in the world of cultivation.

It was the hell world they reached through that maelstrom.

"I hope there won't be too much trouble."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he flew down towards the chaotic vortex below.

He descended nearly a thousand meters, and it was still dark, with no light at all.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan descended more than a thousand meters.

As he descended, he began to feel a deep chill.

The cold air entered his body, and Zhuo Bufan felt vaguely cold.

You know, in his state, he shouldn't be able to feel this kind of coldness.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was confused, something suddenly hit his waist.


Zhuo Bufan immediately snapped his fingers, releasing a powerful light from his palms.

This light is borrowed from the sun and is equivalent to a small sun.

However, this little sun could not release its original light in this darkness and chaos.

It can only illuminate less than one cubic meter of light.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan also discovered that he could not change the rules here, which surprised him.

He could only use this faint light to feel the whirlpool of chaos.

"It's so weird, there's not even a sound."

Zhuo Bufan discovered that it was clearly a large whirlpool, and the water flow should roar like thunder.

But there was no sound at all.

As Zhuo Bufan continued to descend, he continued to feel strange.

"Not to the end yet?"

Zhuo Bufan said, suddenly speeding up his descent.

And at this moment, he suddenly felt thousands of dangerous auras around him, attacking towards him.

"Is it the ferocious beast Xuan Su mentioned?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, his mind moved.

"Wuliang, come out!"

Zhuo Bufan held the Infinite Sword in his hand, surrounding himself and slashing it down in the air.

Suddenly, a halo of light spread around.

For a moment, the sky was filled with blood mist, and Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that he had cut off thousands of poisonous tentacles.

Sure enough, there are other creatures in this chaotic sea.

Zhuo Bufan immediately used the power of the underworld to suppress the whirlpool of chaos.

An unparalleled energy began to suppress it from top to bottom.

Those creatures living in the chaotic sea were all frightened and did not dare to attack Zhuo Bufan again.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan flew towards the chaotic vortex again.

Finally, after descending nearly ten thousand meters, Zhuo Bufan followed the faint light and came to a suspended mountain suspended in the chaotic vortex.

The suspended mountain floats alone in the darkness, and the ground exudes a blue light.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Is this where the underworld tree lives?"

"Then this floating island should be the entire original land!"

Zhuo Bufan did feel the power of the origin of chaos on this floating island.

It was a kind of primitive power, as if it was born with it.

"keep it!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and prepared to take the floating island in front of him into his mysterious bone ring.

However, at this moment, a hurricane suddenly came from under the endless abyss.

Whirring whirring!

The storm continued to rise upwards, blowing Zhuo Bufan's clothes and whirring.

"Something's coming up!"

Zhuo Bufan twisted his eyebrows and felt powerful energy coming.

I don't know how much stronger it is than those chaotic creatures before.

Zhuo Bufan quickly put away the floating island in front of him.

Then he stood with his hands behind his back, fearless, waiting for the danger that was about to hit.


Zhuo Bufan grabbed the Wuliang Sword with his backhand, then summoned the Chaos Bell and made a fighting stance.

"What a familiar smell!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly.

The breath coming from below was very familiar, and Zhuo Bufan felt dangerous.

"Oh no, it's the giant beast in the Shanhai Mirror!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered that the familiar breath was the giant beast in the Shanhai Mirror.

As expected, before Zhuo Bufan could react.

Countless black tentacles were reaching towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan had seen these terrible tentacles before, and once touched, his body would be disintegrated.

"Wulian, kill him!"

Zhuo Bufan is no longer the same Zhuo Bufan as before.

His power is many times stronger.

The Wuliang Sword in his hand can burst out rare energy.

This sword cut off a piece of tentacle on the spot.

But this tentacle is like a weed, cut off a piece, and another piece comes.

"Old Zhong, swallow it for me!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly used the Chaos Bell, and then turned on the devouring power of the Chaos Bell.

For a moment, a huge chaotic black hole appeared in the air, swallowing up the tentacles that flew over.

"I want to see what kind of ghost you are!"

Then, Zhuo Bufan gathered the invincible power of life and death with his left and right hands.

Then he intertwined the power of life and death together and condensed it into a black and white mill wheel.

"Destroy it!"

Zhuo Bufan hit the life and death mill downward.

After a while, a scream was heard in the darkness.

The next second, the tentacles began to shrink back frantically.


Zhuo Bufan took advantage of the victory to pursue. He wanted to see what kind of ghost this mysterious beast was and what relationship it had with the mirror master.

However, after chasing for a long time, he found that the beast had disappeared.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan had to give up the pursuit.

But after this incident, Zhuo Bufan realized something.

"Mirror master, I'm afraid he will be resurrected."

The legendary god of the virtual world is about to be resurrected.


ai is awesome! After watching the live broadcast for the whole afternoon, the author had no intention of writing. He was very happy and went out for a drink.

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