After reading files again and again, Zhuo Bufan finally found the best solution.

In the end, he married Bai Su and Xuan Su at the same time.

Because Xuan Su is from the underworld, Zhuo Bufan's wedding was not as celebrated as when he married Bai Su.

The three of them just worshiped heaven and earth in front of the statue of Emperor Wa.

The scene of three people worshiping heaven and earth is a bit strange.

But unexpectedly, the three of them were recognized by Emperor Wa.

Not only Zhuo Bufan and Xuansu, but also Bai Su also received a love seal from Emperor Wa.

The power of Emperor Wa is higher than the power of the laws of this world.

Therefore, because of the existence of Emperor Wa's love seal, Bai Su and Xuan Su actually broke the influence of the law of hostility.

There was no hostility between the two sides, and the two women became more and more pleased with each other.

Soon, the two girls started calling each other "older sister" and "younger sister shorter".

They have a good understanding or harmony.

Bai Su made the big one, and Xuan Su made the small one.

One is the wife and the other is the concubine.

That night, the wedding room was decorated with flowers and candles.

Zhuo Bufan sits alone in the center

Bai Su is on the left and Xuan Su is on the right.

Look at the two brides wearing red hijabs.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was as happy as a fool.

"It's worth it, it's worth it!"

Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

"What's it worth, husband?"

Unexpectedly, the children asked in tacit agreement at the same time.

"I mean, it's worth dying so many times!"

"I would be willing to die a hundred times more to marry you."

Zhuo Bufan felt very happy.

"Don't talk nonsense. Don't seek death casually anymore! Your door to rebirth has begun to break."

Bai Su knew very well that Zhuo Bufan's door to rebirth was showing signs of destruction.

"The barrier is right. We can no longer seek death casually. Every moment we are together cannot be erased."

Xuan Su's words gave Zhuo Bufan a reminder.

Indeed, now he can't read files casually, because reading files means that all the good memories between them will be wiped out.

The only one who remembers these memories is Zhuo Bufan.

And the most important thing is that the file loading door is already mottled. If you die one day and find that you can't load the file, you are really dead.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan cannot seek death casually unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Okay, I understand! I promise you that I will never seek death casually again in the future."

"Hey, hey, tell me, whose red hijab should my husband take off first?"

With two brides, Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to choose for a while.

Xuan Su and Bai Su were so nervous that they remained silent.

"Then let's go together!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he untied the red hijabs of the two women at the same time.

For a moment, the three of them looked at me and I looked at you, and the scene was a little awkward.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to go to bed."

It was Zhuo Bufan who grabbed Xuan Su and Bai Su's hands at the same time and fell on the bed.

The moonlight is like water and the stars are like dust.

Tonight's night sky is particularly gorgeous.

The scene of two women serving one husband together was finally no longer Zhuo Bufan's dream.

Just tonight, Zhuo Bufan finally became a winner in life.

Happy, Zhuo Bufan woke up from his happy dream.

Later, he discovered that Xuan Su and Bai Su were no longer around.

The second daughter had obviously woken up early and was preparing his first breakfast after getting married.

But at this moment, Zhuo Bufan was suddenly startled.

He suddenly discovered that there was an extremely huge power deep in his soul.

That power contains endless power of rules, which is more powerful than the power of the cultivation world he possesses.

"The power of the underworld?"

Zhuo Bufan exclaimed that that power was the world power of the underworld.

"Xuansu, Xuansu!"

Zhuo Bufan called out.

"Here comes my husband."

At this time, Bai Su and Xuan Su entered the room early carrying what they had made with their own hands.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan frowned and stared at Xuan Su.

"Xuansu, did you give me the power of the world in you?"

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Xuan Su at this moment had no cultivation and was no different from an ordinary woman.

Last night, she gave Zhuo Bufan all the power of half of the underworld in her body.

This woman is really willing to do anything for herself.

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's inquiry, Xuan Su did not explain, but just nodded.

"It doesn't matter, husband, that power belongs to you. Besides, don't you want to inherit the legacy of your previous life? Sooner or later, you have to integrate the power of the underworld tree."

"What's the difference between fusion now and fusion in the future?"

Xuansu knew that what Zhuo Bufan would do next was to integrate the power of the World Tree from all worlds.

Then complete the great unification of the entire Yin-Yang universe.

By that time, the hostile laws of this world will completely disappear.

And Xuan Su will become an extraordinary woman.

Zhuo Bufan learned about Xuan Su's good intentions and felt very warm in his heart.

"But if this happens, you will no longer be the queen of the underworld."

Xuansu returned the power of the world to Zhuo Bufan, and from now on, Queen Yin will no longer exist.

After hearing this, Xuan Su smiled sweetly.

"I don't need to be a queen in the underworld. From now on, I will just be your Xuansu."

Xuan Su truly loves Zhuo Bufan. For Zhuo Bufan, she is willing to give up everything.

This scene moved even Bai Su who was standing by.

"Sister, don't worry. I will protect you from now on."

Xuan Su has no power. She is just an ordinary person who can't even protect herself.

"What a silly girl, come here!"

Zhuo Bufan stood up and called Xuan Su over.

Then she gathered a powerful force at her fingertips and injected it into Xuan Su's brow.

For a moment, a divine power altar appeared in Xuan Su's soul.

"I will pass on my faith in the way of cultivating gods to you. Your believers in the underworld will make you stronger."

How could Zhuo Bufan allow Xuan Su to have no ability to protect herself.

He passed on his faith in the way of cultivating gods to Xuan Su.

Although Xuan Su is no longer the queen of the underworld.

But her faith in the underworld has not disappeared.

Hundreds of billions of creatures in the underworld still worship him as a god.

When the altar was formed.

Xuan Su suddenly felt a vast ocean of divine power flowing into his body.

In this way, even without the world power, Xuan Su still has a powerful strength that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

"Su Su, come here too."

Zhuo Bufan will naturally not favor one over the other.

He pulled Bai Su over, and then planted a force towards Bai Su's eyebrows.

"This is the management right of the cultivation world, and I will give it to you now."

"Except that you cannot change the rules of the cultivation world, you can use any rules."

After giving Xuan Su the belief in the way of cultivation, Zhuo Bufan turned around and directly conferred Bai Su as the god of the mother of the earth.

He gave the management right of the cultivation world to Bai Su. As long as he was in the cultivation world, Bai Su could change the world in a thought.


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