Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1027 Bai Su's intention

The wedding banquet will take a whole month.

During this month, Meicheng will receive batches of guests who come here because of their reputation.

Some of them Zhuo Bufan doesn't even know, but they come with blessings, so Zhuo Bufan happily accepts them.

This is the grandest wedding in the history of the cultivation world.

This wedding will be recorded in the annals of history.

On the second day of the wedding, Zhuo Bufan finally mustered up the courage to confess his affair with Queen Yin to Bai Su under the witness of Emperor Xuan, Emperor Bai, and Emperor Qing.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't hide this matter.

On this day, Emperor Xuan, Emperor Bai, Emperor Qing, Zifan and Yaya were all called to the hall by Zhuo Bufan.

Then, he brought Bai Su to the hall and decided to confess.

"Madam, there is something I must tell you. Today, in front of Master, Master's Wife, Uncle Master and the two children, I must confess."

"Nian Nian, our daughter is in the hands of Queen Yin."

Zhuo Bufan now changed Bai Su to Madam, which also showed that the two of them only saw each other and there was no secret.

After hearing this, Bai Su frowned and said.

"Is the Queen of Yin that girl?"

Bai Su knew the Queen of Yin. Her father Emperor Xuan once said that the Queen of Yin was Feng Jun's confidant in the underworld.

"Madam, stretch out your hand, I will tell you everything."

Zhuo Bufan felt that it was difficult to express it orally, so he simply passed all the memories in his soul to Bai Su.

The two of them practiced the Yin-Yang Hedao Sutra, and the information of the soul could be shared.

When Zhuo Bufan's hand held Bai Su's hand, all the memories of Zhuo Bufan in the underworld were quickly transmitted to Bai Su's soul.

Everything that Zhuo Bufan experienced during this period, Bai Su also experienced.

Seeing the Queen of Yin, seeing the former Jingling Palace, and seeing everything that happened in the Jingling Palace.

Then read the files again and again, and start over again and again.

Afterwards, in order to find the whereabouts of Nian Nian, he had to marry the Queen of Yin, and after the marriage, he unexpectedly obtained the Queen of Wa's love seal.

After reloading the game again, Zhuo Bufan found that the Queen Wa's love seal had not disappeared. Zhuo Bufan was deeply entangled in emotions and fell into deep self-blame and regret.

Zhuo Bufan's experience, including emotions, were all integrated into Bai Su's soul.

After a long time, Zhuo Bufan slowly let go of his hand.

For a while, the atmosphere on the scene became tense.

Emperor Xuan and his friends knew about Zhuo Bufan's affairs. They came back this time to solve this matter.

Of course, before solving it, getting married first can show Zhuo Bufan's sincerity.

"Susu, now we are husband and wife. You are my wife, Zhuo Bufan, who is legitimate and married in a formal way. As long as you don't want to, I can never meet the Queen Yin."

Zhuo Bufan held Bai Su's hand tightly, constantly expressing his loyalty.

After hearing this, Bai Su held Zhuo Bufan's hand tightly and said.

"Husband, are you worried that I will object, so you do this?"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Sorry, I really don't know what to do. In fact, I haven't recovered my memories of my previous life, so I don't feel what Xuan Su means to me."

"But now, Nian Nian is in her hands, and it's impossible for her to hand over Nian Nian."

"And you've seen her conditions."

Zhuo Bufan shared his memories with Bai Su just to make her understand his difficulties.

Bai Su also read his memories, and she had no complaints about Zhuo Bufan's actions.

"Husband, agree to her! Xuan Su did nothing wrong. What she did for you even makes me feel ashamed."

"And now that you have the bond of the Queen Wa's love seal, it's impossible to ignore her."

Although Bai Su was unwilling, not everything in the world is as good as she wants.

What's more, she couldn't ignore her daughter's life or death.

If Bai Su really had to choose, she was willing to share a husband with Xuan Su.

She also had to give her daughter back.

"Sorry, I know you're helpless."

"In fact, you have it harder than me!"

Bai Su also knew that Zhuo Bufan's current situation was quite difficult.

He had to confess and let Bai Su help him choose his future.

And Bai Su's choice was to let Zhuo Bufan marry Yin Hou.

"Su Su, no matter what choice you make now, Father Emperor and Mother Emperor will support you."

"Don't worry, if this kid dares to betray you in the future, Father Emperor will tear him to pieces even if I go to the sky and the underworld."

The Xuan Emperor and Bai Emperor on the side also agreed with Bai Su's decision.

The important thing is that Bai Emperor and Xuan Emperor knew very well that if Zhuo Bufan married Yin Hou, they would no longer have to guard Jingyuan in the future.

And the real world would no longer be threatened by the Yin world.

It can be said that this marriage is not only to save Nian Nian, but more for the countless people in the two worlds.

No parent wants their daughter to be wronged.

But now they have to make a more rational choice.

"Boy, we agree that you can marry Queen Yin, but you must promise us that you will not bully Su Su in the future, understand?"

The Green Emperor also spoke for Bai Su at this time.

Zhuo Bufan naturally nodded without hesitation.

"Boy, I dare not. From now on, my wife has the final say at home."

"That's about right. Also, after marrying the Queen of Yin, Susu will be the boss and she will be the junior. When she sees Susu, she must be polite. Do you understand?"

The Green Emperor is now fighting for the greatest rights and interests for Bai Su.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan still nodded.

"I can guarantee this. Xuansu has also promised me that she can be a concubine."

After hearing this, the Green Emperor touched his chin and said.

"This woman is very sensible. It seems that she really loves you."

"In this case, I also agree to this marriage."

The Green Emperor is not an outsider. On the contrary, he is also half of Zhuo Bufan's master.

After all, the Chaos Bell was inherited from him.

"Okay, Donghuang, don't scare the child."

"Don't worry, child. I know what kind of person my Susu is. She won't embarrass your Xuansu."

"But for the time being, it's better for them not to meet. If possible, Xuansu should also stay in the underworld and can't be with you."

At this time, the White Emperor suddenly reminded.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"I understand what the mother empress means. Are you worried about the hostile law?"

Because of the existence of the hostile law, Bai Su and Xuan Su cannot live in harmony.

Once they meet, they will definitely fight.

By then, Zhuo Bufan's backyard will be on fire every day.

"That's right. Unless they come into contact with the hostile law, not only will they not be able to meet, but I'm afraid the wars in various worlds will never stop."

"Master, how can we remove the hostile law of Yin Yang Qian Kun?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Xuan Emperor on the side.

After hearing this, the Xuan Emperor frowned slightly.

"There is indeed a way, and you have been working hard for this purpose in your previous life."

"Is it the world tree that integrates the five worlds?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

The Xuan Emperor nodded.

"That's right, in your previous life, you successfully merged the world trees of the boundless, real and virtual worlds."

"However, when you merged the Yin Realm Tree, something went wrong, which also led to what happened between you and the Yin Queen later."

Zhuo Bufan was right. In his previous life, he had been doing a great thing, that is, becoming the world god of the entire Yin and Yang world.

Merging the world trees of the five major worlds and contacting the hostile laws of this world.

But later something went wrong, and the energy of the Yin Realm Tree exceeded his imagination, so that he failed to merge, and he almost died because of it.

If it weren't for Xuan Su, he would have died long ago.

"I understand."

Now, Zhuo Bufan finally understood his mission.

Complete the unfinished business in the previous life and become the world god of the Yin and Yang world.


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