Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing returned to the boundary wall of Jingyuan. Emperor Xuan looked displeased and turned around to look at Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, what's going on with you? You know clearly that the girl was captured by that woman, why didn't you just capture that woman?"

"Are you soft-hearted?"

Emperor Xuan, like Emperor Yin, also believed that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Master, Nian Nian was hidden in her little world by Xuan Su."

"Even if we catch her, she won't hand over Nian Nian."

Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing frowned after hearing this.

"Then what do you think we should do? What does this woman want? Is she unwilling to let the girl go no matter what?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

"No, she only has one condition, and the only condition. As long as I marry her, she will let go of Nian Nian."

"Marry her? This woman is simply delusional."

Emperor Xuan laughed angrily, feeling that Queen Yin was very childish.

"She also said that if I didn't agree, she would take the girl and disappear from me forever. Not only would I lose her, but I would also lose Nian Nian."

Zhuo Bufan was troubled.

Emperor Xuan looked at Zhuo Bufan's troubled look, sighed helplessly and said.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

The final decision-making power rests with Zhuo Bufan, and Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing will not make any decisions for him.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said with firm eyes.

"I will not betray Su Su."

"So, I plan to go back to the world of cultivation and discuss it with Susu."

"Is there really no other way?" Emperor Xuan asked.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"There is no other way! In fact, I owe her this."

"But boy, have you ever thought about it! Even if my daughter agrees to you taking a concubine, do you think the two of them will get along harmoniously?"

"The Yin Queen is from the underworld, and my daughter is from the real world. You should know the laws of hostility in this great world of yin and yang!"

"The two of them are destined not to get along."

Emperor Xuan's words reminded Zhuo Bufan.

It is true that Xuansu and Baisu are two people from hostile worlds, and they will be hostile to each other when they meet.

If these two people get married, it would be strange if Zhuo Bufan's backyard is not on fire.

"Let's consider this issue later! Now I just want to know Susu's attitude."

"As long as Xuan Su is not willing at all, I will not marry Xuan Su."

"Let's do this! Go to your wife first and ask her to give you an idea."

While Emperor Xuan was speaking, he brought Zhuo Bufan to Jingyuan's Heavenly Mansion!

Tianfu is where Emperor Xuan and the others live in Jingyuan.

There is a prosperous capital city here, in which hundreds of ancient tribes live.

From the beginning of ancient times, these ancient tribes began to follow Emperor Xuan, guarding Jingyuan and guarding the frontier.

Back in Tianfu, they met Bai Emperor.

Emperor Xuan told her what happened, and Emperor Bai frowned after hearing this.

There is nothing anyone can do about this kind of thing.

It is impossible for the Yin Queen to compromise, otherwise Zhuo Bufan would not have been able to read the file so many times.

Then the one who compromises can only be Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan only had two choices.

Either marry Xuansu or not have a daughter.

"It's all my fault for not taking good care of the girl. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let that woman from the Queen of Yin take advantage of her."

Emperor Xuan blamed himself.

But there's no point in blaming yourself now.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan could not blame Emperor Xuan. After all, Emperor Xuan was his master for two lifetimes.

"Son, I actually think this might be an opportunity."

At this time, Bai Di suddenly said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Opportunity? What opportunity?"

Qing Emperor and Xuan Emperor present asked one after another.

At this time, Bai Di said.

"Think about it, if Bufan can marry Queen Yin, then Queen Yin will naturally not fall into the same league with Emperor Yin in the future, and will definitely stand by Bufan in the future."

"Without the help of Queen Yin, Emperor Yin will no longer dare to invade the territory of my cultivation world in the future."

"We have been here for almost two hundred thousand years. One day, we will also die."

"If this matter cannot be resolved properly, the Yin Emperor and the Yin Queen may join hands even more in the future and invade the real world crazily. By then, the entire world of cultivation may suffer."

Emperor Bai's words reminded Emperor Xuan and the others.

Indeed, this matter is no longer solely a matter of Zhuo Bufan.

This is likely to be related to the fate of the entire world of cultivation.

Now the Yin Queen has not really joined forces with the Yin Emperor. Once they really join forces, they will probably be irresistible.

"Xiao Shu is right, boy, if you get along with Queen Yin, we won't have to guard this Jingyuan."

"The world of cultivation will also return to peace, and everyone will be happy!"

Qing Emperor agreed to Bai Emperor's proposal.

Indeed, if Zhuo Bufan can really marry Queen Yin.

Then from now on, Queen Yin will definitely spare no effort to help Zhuo Bufan.

In fact, Queen Yin is already helping Zhuo Bufan now, and she even does not hesitate to become the enemy of Emperor Yin.

Zhuo Bufan actually understood this truth.

He thought for a moment, then looked at the three great emperors in front of him and said.

"Master, Master Wife, Master Uncle. In fact, this disciple came here for a more important matter."

"Susu and I are getting married, and I specially come to invite you to attend my wedding with Susu."

"I just didn't expect that the matter between Nian Nian and Queen Yin would be delayed until now."

"Now that we've come to this point, I think I'll first invite you, master and master, to return to the real world to attend Susu and I's wedding."

"Wait until I get married to her, then I will explain Xuan Su to her."

"What do you think?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he knelt in front of the three great emperors.

When Emperor Bai and Emperor Xuan saw this, they were moved to tears.

Especially Bai Di, after waiting for so long, they were finally able to wait until their daughter married the one they loved.

"Okay, boy, you are getting married to Bai Su. I must go."

Qingdi was very happy.

When Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai saw this, they showed happy smiles.

"I haven't been back to the world of cultivation for a long time. I don't know what the situation is like in the world of cultivation now."

"People in the world must regard me as a sinner!"

The legend of Emperor Xuan sealing the sky can be said to be known to everyone in the world of cultivation.

Many people regard Emperor Xuan as a villain, believing that he sealed the world of cultivation, causing it to be without a trace of aura for tens of thousands of years.

"Master, all your disciples know what you have done for the world of cultivation."

"Don't worry, your disciple is now the world god in the world of cultivation. Your greatness will be known to everyone in the world."

When Emperor Xuan heard this, he was stunned.

"What did you just say? Are you the world god of the world of cultivation? Have you merged with the real tree?"

Zhuo Bufan responded with a smile.

"Thanks to the master, the disciple got the real tree from the inheritance left by the master."

"Recently, I have integrated with it and gained control of the true world."

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, very good, very good!"

"Sure enough, I saw you right. I didn't expect that you and I, master and disciple, are so destined."

"In fact, this real tree was left behind by your previous life. Don't you know it yet? In your previous life, you were also the world god of the real world!"

From Emperor Xuan's words, Zhuo Bufan learned that Fengjun in his previous life also fused with the true tree of the cultivation world and gained control of the true world.

Not only in the world of cultivation, Ji Xuanhao was also recognized by the virtual tree after the death of the mirror owner and became the world god of the virtual world.

Because according to legend, as long as the world tree of the five worlds of Yin-Yang, Qiankun and Kun is obtained, then as the world god of the big world, the law of hostility can be lifted.

In his previous life, Lord Feng kept fusing the World Trees of the major worlds in order to eliminate the laws of hostility.

He successively merged the real tree and the virtual tree.

But when he merged with the underworld tree, he suffered a backlash, which led to the current right and wrong.

"I see. It seems that I will continue the unfulfilled wishes of my previous life in this life."

"The World Tree that integrates the five worlds is my next most important career."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood why he created a file-loading gate in his previous life. It might be to make it easier for him after reincarnation to integrate the major world trees.

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